Senate Bill 0066er

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1998 Legislature                          SB 66, 1st Engrossed


  2         An act for the relief of Penny Tilley, as widow

  3         of Jack W. Tilley and beneficiary of his

  4         estate; providing an appropriation for the

  5         purpose of paying Penny Tilley the retirement

  6         benefits to which she would have been entitled

  7         as surviving spouse of Jack W. Tilley had Jack

  8         W. Tilley survived to the date on which he

  9         would have vested in the Florida System;

10         providing a contingent effective date.


12         WHEREAS, Jack W. Tilley was employed by the State of

13  Florida, Department of Corrections as a Correctional Officer

14  at the Cross City Correctional Institute, and

15         WHEREAS, as an employee of the State of Florida,

16  Department of Corrections, Jack W. Tilley was a member of the

17  Florida Retirement System and had retirement contributions

18  paid into the Florida Retirement System on his behalf, and

19         WHEREAS, Jack W. Tilley began his employment with the

20  State of Florida, Department of Corrections in August 1987,

21  and

22         WHEREAS, Jack W. Tilley died on June 26, 1997, and

23         WHEREAS, at the time of his death, Jack W. Tilley was

24  one month short of completing the required 10 years of

25  creditable service required to vest for retirement benefits

26  under the Florida Retirement System, having accumulated 9.92

27  years of creditable service, and

28         WHEREAS, as a consequence of his death, there are no

29  survivor benefits available under the Florida Retirement

30  System for his surviving spouse, Penny Tilley, and



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1998 Legislature                          SB 66, 1st Engrossed

  1         WHEREAS, had Jack W. Tilley lived into the month of

  2  July 1997, Penny Tilley, as surviving spouse of Jack W.

  3  Tilley, would have received a monthly benefit amount of

  4  $331.14, effective August 1, 1997, and

  5         WHEREAS, under the provisions of law governing the

  6  Florida Retirement System, any accrued leave at the time of

  7  death cannot be used by the employer to continue his

  8  employment beyond that date, nor are there provisions which

  9  would allow for the purchase of additional service credit, and

10         WHEREAS, upon his death, Jack W. Tilley had sufficient

11  unused leave which, if credited toward his service, would have

12  vested Jack W. Tilley in the Florida Retirement System, NOW,



15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  The facts stated in the preamble to this

18  act are found and declared to be true.

19         Section 2.  The Executive Office of the Governor is

20  directed to transfer existing spending authority or establish

21  spending authority from the General Revenue Fund in the State

22  Treasury in an amount equal to a monthly retirement benefit of

23  $331.14, plus an annual cost of living allowance, which would

24  have been due Penny Tilley, as surviving spouse of Jack W.

25  Tilley, had Jack W. Tilley survived to the date on which he

26  would have vested in the Florida Retirement System to a new

27  category titled "Relief - Penny Tilley."

28         Section 3.  The Comptroller is directed to draw his

29  warrant in favor of Penny Tilley in the amount of $3,973.68,

30  and, thereafter, in an amount equal to the retirement benefit

31  which would have been due Penny Tilley, as surviving spouse of


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1998 Legislature                          SB 66, 1st Engrossed

  1  Jack W. Tilley, had Jack W. Tilley survived to the date on

  2  which he would have vested in the Florida Retirement System.

  3         Section 4.  This act shall take effect on July 1 of the

  4  year in which enacted, except that this act shall not take

  5  effect if an amendment adding subparagraph (f)1. to subsection

  6  (7) of section 121.091, Florida Statutes, becomes a law, which

  7  authorizes the use of a deceased member's accumulated leave in

  8  the Florida Retirement System to purchase additional

  9  creditable service.






















