CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
hbd-08 Bill No. CS for SB 666
Amendment No. (for drafter's use only)
Senate House
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11 Representative(s) Lacasa offered the following:
13 Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 10, lines 9 & 10,
15 remove from the bill: all of said lines
17 and insert in lieu thereof:
18 Section 11. Section 414.155, Florida Statutes, is
19 created to read:
20 414.155 Relocation assistance program.--
21 (1) The Legislature recognizes that the need for
22 public assistance may arise because a family is located in an
23 area with limited employment opportunities, because of
24 geographic isolation, because of formidable transportation
25 barriers, because of isolation from their extended family, or
26 because domestic violence interferes with the ability of a
27 parent to maintain self-sufficiency. Accordingly there is
28 established a program to assist families in relocating to
29 communities with greater opportunities for self-sufficiency.
30 (2) The relocation assistance program shall involve
31 five steps by the Department of Children and Family Services
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hbd-08 Bill No. CS for SB 666
Amendment No. (for drafter's use only)
1 or the Department of Labor and Employment Security:
2 (a) A determination that the family is a WAGES Program
3 participant or that all requirements of eligibility for the
4 WAGES Program would likely be met.
5 (b) A determination that there is a basis for
6 believing that relocation will contribute to the ability of
7 the applicant to achieve self-sufficiency. For example, the
8 applicant:
9 1. Is unlikely to achieve independence at the current
10 community of residence;
11 2. Has secured a job that requires relocation to
12 another community;
13 3. Has a family support network in another community;
14 or
15 4. Is determined, pursuant to criteria or procedures
16 established by the WAGES Program State Board of Directors, to
17 be a victim of domestic violence who would experience reduced
18 probability of further incidents through relocation.
19 (c) Establishment of a voluntary relocation plan,
20 including a budget and such requirements as are necessary to
21 prevent abuse of the benefit and to provide an assurance that
22 the applicant will relocate. The plan may require that
23 expenditures be made on behalf of the recipient. However, the
24 plan must include provisions to protect the safety of victims
25 of domestic violence and avoid provisions that place them in
26 anticipated danger. The payment to defray relocation expenses
27 shall be limited to an amount not to exceed 4 months'
28 temporary cash assistance, based on family size.
29 (d) A determination, pursuant to criteria adopted by
30 the WAGES Program State Board of Directors, that a Florida
31 community receiving a relocated family has the capacity to
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hbd-08 Bill No. CS for SB 666
Amendment No. (for drafter's use only)
1 provide needed services and employment opportunities.
2 (e) Monitoring the relocation.
3 (3) A family receiving relocation assistance for
4 reasons other than domestic violence must sign an agreement
5 restricting the family from applying for temporary cash
6 assistance for 6 months, unless an emergency is demonstrated
7 to the department. If a demonstrated emergency forces the
8 family to reapply for temporary cash assistance within 6
9 months after receiving a relocation assistance payment,
10 repayment must be made on a prorated basis over an 8-month
11 period and subtracted from any regular payment of temporary
12 cash assistance for which the applicant may be eligible.
13 (4) The Department of Labor and Employment Security
14 shall have authority to adopt rules pursuant to the
15 Administrative Procedure Act to determine that a community has
16 the capacity to provide services and employment opportunities
17 for a relocated family.
18 (5) The Department of Children and Family Services
19 shall have authority to adopt rules pursuant to the
20 Administrative Procedure Act to develop and implement
21 relocation plans and to draft an agreement restricting a
22 family from apply for temporary cash assistance with 6 months
23 after receiving a relocation assistance payment.
24 Section 12. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
25 law.
28 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
29 And the title is amended as follows:
30 On page 1, line 31,
31 remove from the title of the bill: all of said line
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hbd-08 Bill No. CS for SB 666
Amendment No. (for drafter's use only)
1 and insert in lieu thereof:
2 transportation; creating s. 414.155, F.S.;
3 providing a relocation assistance program for
4 families receiving or eligible to receive WAGES
5 Program assistance; providing responsibilities
6 of the Department of Children and Family
7 Services and the Department of Labor and
8 Employment Security; providing for a relocation
9 plan and for monitoring of the relocation;
10 requiring agreements restricting application
11 for temporary cash assistance for a specified
12 period; providing exceptions; requiring
13 repayment of temporary cash assistance provided
14 under certain circumstances, and reduced
15 eligibility for future assistance; providing
16 authority for rules; providing an effective
17 date.
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