CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0681

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 By Representative Futch 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to campaign financing; 3 repealing ss. 106.30-106.36, F.S., the "Florida 4 Election Campaign Financing Act"; amending ss. 5 99.092, 99.103, and 105.031, F.S.; eliminating 6 the transfer of a portion of filing fees to the 7 trust fund and reducing filing fees 8 accordingly, to conform; amending s. 99.093, 9 F.S.; eliminating the transfer of a portion of 10 municipal election assessments to the trust 11 fund and reducing the municipal election 12 assessment accordingly, to conform; amending s. 13 102.112, F.S.; providing for deposit of fines 14 assessed for late county election returns into 15 general revenue rather than the trust fund, to 16 conform; amending ss. 106.04 and 106.07, F.S.; 17 providing for deposit of fines assessed for 18 late campaign financing reports into general 19 revenue rather than the trust fund, to conform; 20 eliminating the separate reporting dates for 21 candidates receiving contributions from the 22 trust fund, to conform; amending s. 106.141, 23 F.S.; eliminating deposit of surplus campaign 24 funds into the trust fund, to conform; amending 25 s. 106.22, F.S.; eliminating the required 26 audits of campaign accounts of candidates 27 receiving contributions from the trust fund, to 28 conform; amending s. 106.265, F.S.; providing 29 for deposit of civil penalties into general 30 revenue instead of the trust fund, to conform; 31 repealing ss. 199.052(14) and 320.02(13), F.S., 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 and amending ss. 322.08, 327.25, and 607.1622, 2 F.S., to eliminate provisions that authorize 3 voluntary contributions to the trust fund, to 4 conform; amending ss. 370.12, 732.9215, and 5 732.9216, F.S.; correcting cross references, to 6 conform; providing an effective date. 7 8 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 9 10 Section 1. Sections 106.30, 106.31, 106.32, 106.33, 11 106.35, 106.353, and 106.355, Florida Statutes, and sections 12 106.34 and 106.36, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapter 13 95-147, Laws of Florida, are hereby repealed. 14 Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 99.092, Florida 15 Statutes, is amended to read: 16 99.092 Qualifying fee of candidate; notification of 17 Department of State.-- 18 (1) Each person seeking to qualify for nomination or 19 election to any office, except a person seeking to qualify 20 pursuant to s. 99.095 and except a person seeking to qualify 21 as a write-in candidate, shall pay a qualifying fee, which 22 shall consist of a filing fee and election assessment, to the 23 officer with whom the person qualifies, and any party 24 assessment levied, and shall attach the original or signed 25 duplicate of the receipt for his or her party assessment or 26 pay the same, in accordance with the provisions of s. 103.121, 27 at the time of filing his or her other qualifying papers. The 28 amount of the filing fee is 3 4.5 percent of the annual salary 29 of the office. The amount of the filing fee equal to 1.5 30 percent of the annual salary of the office shall be 31 transferred to the Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund. 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 The remainder shall be distributed pursuant to s. 99.103. The 2 amount of the election assessment is 1 percent of the annual 3 salary of the office sought. The election assessment shall be 4 deposited into the Elections Commission Trust Fund. The 5 amount of the party assessment is 2 percent of the annual 6 salary. The annual salary of the office for purposes of 7 computing the filing fee, election assessment, and party 8 assessment shall be computed by multiplying 12 times the 9 monthly salary, excluding any special qualification pay, 10 authorized for such office as of July 1 immediately preceding 11 the first day of qualifying. No qualifying fee shall be 12 returned to the candidate unless the candidate withdraws his 13 or her candidacy before the last date to qualify. If a 14 candidate dies prior to an election and has not withdrawn his 15 or her candidacy before the last date to qualify, the 16 candidate's qualifying fee shall be returned to his or her 17 designated beneficiary, and, if the filing fee or any portion 18 thereof has been transferred to the political party of the 19 candidate, the Secretary of State shall direct the party to 20 return that portion to the designated beneficiary of the 21 candidate. 22 Section 3. Subsection (1) of section 99.093, Florida 23 Statutes, is amended to read: 24 99.093 Municipal candidates; election assessment.-- 25 (1) Each person seeking to qualify for nomination or 26 election to a municipal office shall pay, at the time of 27 qualifying for office, an election assessment. The election 28 assessment shall be an amount equal to 1 1.5 percent of the 29 annual salary of the office sought. Within 30 days after the 30 close of qualifying, the qualifying officer shall forward all 31 amounts two-thirds of the amount collected pursuant to this 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 section to the Department of State for deposit in the 2 Elections Commission Trust Fund and one-third of the amount 3 collected pursuant to this section shall be transferred to the 4 Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund. 5 Section 4. Section 99.103, Florida Statutes, is 6 amended to read: 7 99.103 Department of State to remit part of filing 8 fees and party assessments of candidates to state executive 9 committee.-- 10 (1) If more than three-fourths of the full authorized 11 membership of the state executive committee of any party was 12 elected at the last previous election for such members and if 13 such party is declared by the Department of State to have 14 recorded on the registration books of the counties, as of the 15 first Tuesday after the first Monday in January prior to the 16 first primary in general election years, 5 percent of the 17 total registration of such counties when added together, such 18 committee shall receive, for the purpose of meeting its 19 expenses, all filing fees collected by the Department of State 20 from its candidates less the amount transferred to the 21 Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund pursuant to s. 99.092 22 and an amount equal to 15 percent of the filing fees after 23 such transfer, which amount the Department of State shall 24 deposit in the General Revenue Fund of the state. 25 (2) Not later than 20 days after the close of 26 qualifying in even-numbered years, the Department of State 27 shall remit 95 percent of all filing fees, less the amount 28 transferred to the Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund 29 pursuant to s. 99.092 and the amount deposited in the General 30 Revenue Fund pursuant to subsection (1), or party assessments 31 that may have been collected by the department to the 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 respective state executive committees of the parties complying 2 with subsection (1). Party assessments collected by the 3 Department of State shall be remitted to the appropriate state 4 executive committee, irrespective of other requirements of 5 this section, provided such committee is duly organized under 6 the provisions of chapter 103. The remainder of filing fees 7 or party assessments collected by the Department of State 8 shall be remitted to the appropriate state executive 9 committees not later than the date of the first primary. 10 Section 5. Subsection (2) of section 102.112, Florida 11 Statutes, is amended to read: 12 102.112 Deadline for submission of county returns to 13 the Department of State; penalties.-- 14 (2) The department shall fine each board member $200 15 for each day such returns are late, the fine to be paid only 16 from the board member's personal funds. Such fines shall be 17 deposited into the General Revenue Fund Election Campaign 18 Financing Trust Fund, created by s. 106.32. 19 Section 6. Subsection (3) of section 105.031, Florida 20 Statutes, is amended to read: 21 105.031 Qualification; filing fee; candidate's oath; 22 items required to be filed.-- 23 (3) QUALIFYING FEE.--Each candidate qualifying for 24 election to judicial office, except write-in judicial 25 candidates, shall, during the time for qualifying, pay to the 26 officer with whom he or she qualifies a qualifying fee, which 27 shall consist of a filing fee and an election assessment, or 28 qualify by the alternative method. The amount of the filing 29 fee is 3 4.5 percent of the annual salary of the office 30 sought. The amount of the election assessment is 1 percent of 31 the annual salary of the office sought. The qualifying 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 officer shall forward all filing fees to the Department of 2 Revenue for deposit in the General Revenue Fund. One-third of 3 all filing fees deposited into the General Revenue Fund shall 4 be subsequently transferred to the Election Campaign Financing 5 Trust Fund. The election assessment shall be deposited into 6 the Elections Commission Trust Fund. The annual salary of the 7 office for purposes of computing the qualifying fee shall be 8 computed by multiplying 12 times the monthly salary authorized 9 for such office as of July 1 immediately preceding the first 10 day of qualifying. This subsection shall not apply to 11 candidates qualifying for retention to judicial office. 12 Section 7. Paragraph (a) of subsection (8) of section 13 106.04, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 14 106.04 Committees of continuous existence.-- 15 (8)(a) Any committee of continuous existence failing 16 to file a report on the designated due date shall be subject 17 to a fine. The fine shall be $50 per day for each late day, 18 not to exceed 25 percent of the total receipts or 19 expenditures, whichever is greater, for the period covered by 20 the late report. The fine shall be assessed by the filing 21 officer, and the moneys collected shall be deposited in the 22 General Revenue Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund. No 23 separate fine shall be assessed for failure to file a copy of 24 any report required by this section. 25 Section 8. Subsection (1) and paragraph (a) of 26 subsection (8) of section 106.07, Florida Statutes, are 27 amended to read: 28 106.07 Reports; certification and filing.-- 29 (1) Each campaign treasurer designated by a candidate 30 or political committee pursuant to s. 106.021 shall file 31 regular reports of all contributions received, and all 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 expenditures made, by or on behalf of such candidate or 2 political committee. Reports shall be filed on the 10th day 3 following the end of each calendar quarter from the time the 4 campaign treasurer is appointed, except that, if the 10th day 5 following the end of a calendar quarter occurs on a Saturday, 6 Sunday, or legal holiday, the report shall be filed on the 7 next following day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal 8 holiday. Quarterly reports shall include all contributions 9 received and expenditures made during the calendar quarter 10 which have not otherwise been reported pursuant to this 11 section. 12 (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), Following the 13 last day of qualifying for office, the reports shall be filed 14 on the 32nd, 18th, and 4th days immediately preceding the 15 first primary and on the 18th and 4th days immediately 16 preceding the second primary and general election, for a 17 candidate who is opposed in seeking nomination or election to 18 any office, for a political committee, or for a committee of 19 continuous existence. 20 (b) Following the last day of qualifying for office, 21 any statewide candidate who has requested to receive 22 contributions from the Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund 23 or any statewide candidate in a race with a candidate who has 24 requested to receive contributions from the trust fund shall 25 file reports on the 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, and 32nd days prior 26 to the first primary and general elections, and on the 4th, 27 11th, 18th, and 25th days prior to the second primary. 28 (b)(c) Following the last day of qualifying for 29 office, any unopposed candidate need only file a report within 30 90 days after the date such candidate became unopposed. Such 31 report shall contain all previously unreported contributions 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 and expenditures as required by this section and shall reflect 2 disposition of funds as required by s. 106.141. 3 (c)(d)1. When a special election is called to fill a 4 vacancy in office, all political committees and committees of 5 continuous existence making contributions or expenditures to 6 influence the results of such special election shall file 7 campaign treasurers' reports with the filing officer on the 8 dates set by the Department of State pursuant to s. 100.111. 9 2. When an election is called for an issue to appear 10 on the ballot at a time when no candidates are scheduled to 11 appear on the ballot, all political committees making 12 contributions or expenditures in support of or in opposition 13 to such issue shall file reports on the 18th and 4th days 14 prior to such election. 15 (d)(e) The filing officer shall provide each candidate 16 with a schedule designating the beginning and end of reporting 17 periods as well as the corresponding designated due dates. 18 (8)(a) Any candidate or political committee failing to 19 file a report on the designated due date shall be subject to a 20 fine as provided in paragraph (b) for each late day, and, in 21 the case of a candidate, such fine shall be paid only from 22 personal funds of the candidate. The fine shall be assessed 23 by the filing officer and the moneys collected shall be 24 deposited: 25 1. In the General Revenue Election Campaign Financing 26 Trust Fund, in the case of a candidate for state office or a 27 political committee that registers with the Division of 28 Elections; or 29 2. In the general revenue fund of the political 30 subdivision, in the case of a candidate for an office of a 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 political subdivision or a political committee that registers 2 with an officer of a political subdivision. 3 4 No separate fine shall be assessed for failure to file a copy 5 of any report required by this section. 6 Section 9. Subsection (4) of section 106.141, Florida 7 Statutes, is amended to read: 8 106.141 Disposition of surplus funds by candidates.-- 9 (4)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), Any 10 candidate required to dispose of funds pursuant to this 11 section shall, at the option of the candidate, dispose of such 12 funds by any of the following means, or any combination 13 thereof: 14 (a)1. Return pro rata to each contributor the funds 15 which have not been spent, or have not been obligated to be 16 spent, with respect to a campaign which has been conducted. 17 (b)2. Donate the funds which have not been spent or 18 have not been obligated to be spent to a charity organization 19 or organizations which meet the qualifications of s. 501(c)(3) 20 of the Internal Revenue Code, with respect to a campaign which 21 has been conducted. 22 (c)3. Give the funds which have not been spent or have 23 not been obligated to be spent to the political party of which 24 such candidate is a registered member. 25 (d)4. Give the funds which have not been spent, or 26 have not been obligated to be spent, with respect to a 27 campaign which has been conducted: 28 1.a. In the case of a candidate for state office, to 29 the state, to be deposited in either the Election Campaign 30 Financing Trust Fund or the General Revenue Fund, as 31 designated by the candidate; or 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 2.b. In the case of a candidate for an office of a 2 political subdivision, to such political subdivision, to be 3 deposited in the general revenue fund of the political 4 subdivision thereof. 5 (b) Any candidate required to dispose of funds 6 pursuant to this section who has received contributions from 7 the Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund shall return all 8 surplus campaign funds to the Election Campaign Financing 9 Trust Fund. 10 Section 10. Subsection (6) of section 106.22, Florida 11 Statutes, is amended to read: 12 106.22 Duties of the Division of Elections.--It is the 13 duty of the Division of Elections to: 14 (6) Make, from time to time, audits and field 15 investigations with respect to reports and statements filed 16 under the provisions of this chapter and with respect to 17 alleged failures to file any report or statement required 18 under the provisions of this chapter. The division shall 19 conduct a postelection audit of the campaign accounts of all 20 candidates receiving contributions from the Election Campaign 21 Financing Trust Fund. 22 Section 11. Subsections (3) and (4) of section 23 106.265, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 24 106.265 Civil penalties.-- 25 (3) Any civil penalty collected pursuant to the 26 provisions of this section shall be deposited into the General 27 Revenue Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund. 28 (4) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this 29 chapter, any fine assessed pursuant to the provisions of this 30 chapter, which fine is designated to be deposited or which 31 would otherwise be deposited into the General Revenue Fund of 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 the state, shall be deposited into the Election Campaign 2 Financing Trust Fund. 3 Section 12. Subsection (14) of section 199.052, 4 Florida Statutes, is hereby repealed. 5 Section 13. Subsection (13) of section 320.02, Florida 6 Statutes, is hereby repealed. 7 Section 14. Subsection (7) of section 322.08, Florida 8 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 9 322.08 Application for license.-- 10 (7) The application form for a driver's license or 11 duplicate thereof shall include language permitting the 12 following: 13 (a) A voluntary contribution of $5 per applicant, 14 which contribution shall be transferred into the Election 15 Campaign Financing Trust Fund. 16 (a)(b) A voluntary contribution of $1 per applicant, 17 which contribution shall be deposited into the Florida Organ 18 and Tissue Donor Education and Procurement Trust Fund for 19 organ and tissue donor education. 20 (b)(c) A voluntary contribution of $1 per applicant, 21 which contribution shall be distributed to the Florida Council 22 of the Blind. 23 24 A statement providing an explanation of the purpose of the 25 trust funds shall also be included. 26 Section 15. Subsection (1) of section 732.9215, 27 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 28 732.9215 Education program relating to anatomical 29 gifts.--The Agency for Health Care Administration, subject to 30 the concurrence of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 31 Vehicles, shall develop a continuing program to educate and 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 inform medical professionals, law enforcement agencies and 2 officers, high school children, state and local government 3 employees, and the public regarding the laws of this state 4 relating to anatomical gifts and the need for anatomical 5 gifts. 6 (1) The program is to be implemented with the 7 assistance of the organ and tissue donor education panel as 8 provided in s. 732.9216 and with the funds collected under ss. 9 320.08047 and 322.08(7)(a)(b). Existing community resources, 10 when available, must be used to support the program, and 11 volunteers may assist the program to the maximum extent 12 possible. The Agency for Health Care Administration may 13 contract for the provision of all or any portion of the 14 program. When awarding such contract, the agency shall give 15 priority to existing nonprofit groups that are located within 16 the community, including within the minority communities 17 specified in subsection (2). The program aimed at educating 18 medical professionals may be implemented by contract with one 19 or more medical schools located in the state. 20 Section 16. Subsection (1) of section 732.9216, 21 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 22 732.9216 Organ and tissue donor education panel.-- 23 (1) The Legislature recognizes that there exists in 24 the state a shortage of organ and tissue donors to provide the 25 organs and tissue that could save lives or enhance the quality 26 of life for many Floridians. The Legislature further 27 recognizes the need to encourage the various minority 28 populations of Florida to donate organs and tissue. It is the 29 intent of the Legislature that the funds collected pursuant to 30 s. 322.08(7)(a)(b) be used exclusively for educational 31 purposes aimed at increasing the number of organ and tissue 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 donors, thus affording more Floridians who are awaiting organ 2 or tissue transplants the opportunity for a full and 3 productive life. 4 Section 17. Subsection (11) of section 327.25, Florida 5 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 6 327.25 Classification; registration; fees and charges; 7 surcharge; disposition of fees; fines; marine turtle 8 stickers.-- 9 (11) VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS.--The application form 10 for boat registration shall include a provision to allow each 11 applicant to indicate a desire to pay an additional voluntary 12 contribution to the Save the Manatee Trust Fund for manatee 13 and marine mammal research, protection, recovery, rescue, 14 rehabilitation, and release. This contribution shall be in 15 addition to all other fees and charges. The amount of the 16 request for a voluntary contribution solicited shall be $1 per 17 registrant. Beginning with boat registration in fiscal year 18 1992-1993, the request for a voluntary contribution solicited 19 shall be $2 or $5 per registrant. A registrant who provides a 20 voluntary contribution of $5 or more shall be given a sticker 21 or emblem by the tax collector to display, which signifies 22 support for the Save the Manatee Trust Fund. All voluntary 23 contributions shall be deposited in the Save the Manatee Trust 24 Fund for use according to this subsection. The first $2 of 25 voluntary contribution by a vessel registrant shall be 26 available for the manatee protection and recovery effort 27 pursuant to s. 370.12(5)(a). Any additional amount of 28 voluntary contribution by a vessel registrant shall also be 29 for the purpose of the manatee protection and recovery effort, 30 except that any voluntary contribution in excess of the first 31 $2 voluntary contribution by a vessel registrant but not 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 exceeding $2 shall be available for manatee rehabilitation by 2 those facilities approved to rescue, rehabilitate, and release 3 manatees pursuant to s. 370.12(5)(b). The form shall also 4 include language permitting a voluntary contribution of $5 per 5 applicant, which contribution shall be transferred into the 6 Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund. A statement providing 7 an explanation of the purpose of the trust fund shall also be 8 included. 9 Section 18. Paragraph (b) of subsection (5) of section 10 370.12, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 11 370.12 Marine animals; regulation.-- 12 (5) ANNUAL FUNDING OF PROGRAMS FOR MARINE ANIMALS.-- 13 (b) Each fiscal year moneys in the Save the Manatee 14 Trust Fund shall also be used, pursuant to s. 327.28(1)(b), to 15 reimburse the cost of activities related to manatee 16 rehabilitation by facilities that rescue, rehabilitate, and 17 release manatees as authorized pursuant to the Fish and 18 Wildlife Service of the United States Department of the 19 Interior. Such facilities must be involved in the actual 20 rescue and full-time acute care veterinarian-based 21 rehabilitation of manatees. The cost of activities includes, 22 but is not limited to, costs associated with expansion, 23 capital outlay, repair, maintenance, and operations related to 24 the rescue, treatment, stabilization, maintenance, release, 25 and monitoring of manatees. Moneys distributed through 26 contractual agreement to each facility for manatee 27 rehabilitation shall be proportionate to the number of 28 manatees under acute care rehabilitation and those released 29 during the previous fiscal year. However, the reimbursement 30 may not exceed the total amount available pursuant to ss. 31 327.25(11)(7) and 327.28(1)(b) for the purposes provided in 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 this paragraph. Prior to receiving reimbursement for the 2 expenses of rescue, rehabilitation, and release, a facility 3 that qualifies under state and federal regulations shall 4 submit a plan to the Department of Environmental Protection 5 for assisting the department and the Department of Highway 6 Safety and Motor Vehicles in marketing the manatee specialty 7 license plates. At a minimum, the plan shall include 8 provisions for graphics, dissemination of brochures, recorded 9 oral and visual presentation, and maintenance of a marketing 10 exhibit. The plan shall be updated annually and the 11 Department of Environmental Protection shall inspect each 12 marketing exhibit at least once each year to ensure the 13 quality of the exhibit and promotional material. Each 14 facility that receives funds for manatee rehabilitation shall 15 annually provide the department a written report, within 30 16 days after the close of the state fiscal year, documenting the 17 efforts and effectiveness of the facility's promotional 18 activities. 19 Section 19. Subsection (1) of section 607.1622, 20 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 21 607.1622 Annual report for Department of State.-- 22 (1) Each domestic corporation and each foreign 23 corporation authorized to transact business in this state 24 shall deliver to the Department of State for filing a sworn 25 annual report on such forms as the Department of State 26 prescribes that sets forth: 27 (a) The name of the corporation and the state or 28 country under the law of which it is incorporated; 29 (b) The date of incorporation or, if a foreign 30 corporation, the date on which it was admitted to do business 31 in this state; 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 (c) The address of its principal office and the 2 mailing address of the corporation; 3 (d) The corporation's federal employer identification 4 number, if any, or, if none, whether one has been applied for; 5 (e) The names and business street addresses of its 6 directors and principal officers; 7 (f) The street address of its registered office and 8 the name of its registered agent at that office in this state; 9 (g) Whether the corporation has liability for 10 intangible taxes under s. 199.032. The Department of State 11 shall annually prepare a list of those corporations that have 12 indicated no intangible tax liability, and provide such list 13 to the Department of Revenue; and 14 (h) Language permitting a voluntary contribution of $5 15 per taxpayer, which contribution shall be transferred into the 16 Election Campaign Financing Trust Fund. A statement providing 17 an explanation of the purpose of the trust fund shall also be 18 included; and 19 (h)(i) Such additional information as may be necessary 20 or appropriate to enable the Department of State to carry out 21 the provisions of this act. 22 Section 20. This act shall take effect January 1, 23 1998. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 681 531-145-97 1 ***************************************** 2 HOUSE SUMMARY 3 Repeals the "Florida Election Campaign Financing Act." 4 Eliminates the transfer of a portion of filing fees to the trust fund and reduces filing fees accordingly, to 5 conform. Eliminates the transfer of a portion of municipal election assessments to the trust fund and 6 reduces the municipal election assessment accordingly, to conform. Provides for deposit of fines assessed for late 7 county election returns into general revenue rather than the trust fund, to conform. Provides for deposit of 8 fines assessed for late campaign financing reports into general revenue rather than the trust fund, to conform. 9 Eliminates the separate reporting dates for candidates receiving contributions from the trust fund, to conform. 10 Eliminates deposit of surplus campaign funds into the trust fund, to conform. Eliminates the required audits 11 of campaign accounts of candidates receiving contributions from the trust fund, to conform. Provides 12 for deposit of civil penalties into general revenue instead of the trust fund, to conform. Eliminates 13 provisions that authorize voluntary contributions to the trust fund, to conform. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 17