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House Bill 0741

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 741 By Representative Smith 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to water resources; amending s. 3 373.326, F.S.; providing an exemption from 4 water well provisions with respect to certain 5 small businesses and owners of duplex, triplex, 6 and quadruplex housing units; providing an 7 effective date. 8 9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 10 11 Section 1. Subsection (3) is added to section 373.326, 12 Florida Statutes, to read: 13 373.326 Exemptions.-- 14 (3) Nothing in this part shall prevent any small 15 business supplying bottled water and employing less than 25 16 people or any owner of a duplex, triplex, or quadruplex 17 housing unit who has not obtained a license pursuant to s. 18 373.323 from constructing a well that is 2 inches or under in 19 diameter on the owned or leased property of the business or 20 owner, provided that the business or owner complies with all 21 local and state rules and regulations relating to the 22 construction of water wells. 23 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a 24 law. 25 26 ***************************************** 27 HOUSE SUMMARY 28 Provides an exemption from state statutes relating to 29 water wells for small businesses supplying bottled water and employing fewer than 25 employees and owners of 30 duplex, triplex, and quadruplex housing units. 31 1