Senate Bill 0754

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 754

    By Senator Williams

    4-835-98                                                See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public employee retirement

  3         systems; creating the Public Employees Portable

  4         Retirement Option Act; providing legislative

  5         purpose; providing definitions; providing for

  6         administration of the plan; providing for

  7         eligibility; providing for readmission;

  8         providing for management; providing reporting

  9         requirements; providing an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Short title; legislative purpose;

14  definitions; creation of public employees' portable retirement

15  option; administration; eligibility; readmission; management;

16  reporting requirements.--

17         (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the

18  "Public Employees Portable Retirement Option Act."

19         (2)  PURPOSE.--

20         (a)  This section shall be liberally construed to

21  authorize alternative retirement plans for state and local

22  public agency employees. The purpose of this section is to

23  authorize state and local public agencies to provide portable

24  retirement options that are fully funded on a current basis

25  from employee or employer contributions, or both.

26         (b)  In no event may the state or any local public

27  agency fail to continue to offer membership in any retirement

28  system in existence at the time of the enactment of this

29  section, to current employees, new employees, or retirees.

30         (c)  Portable retirement options as authorized by this

31  section shall be established and administered in accordance


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 754
    4-835-98                                                See HB

  1  with the requirements for qualified retirement or eligible

  2  deferred compensation plans respectively under the Internal

  3  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

  4         (3)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, unless the

  5  context clearly requires a different meaning:

  6         (a)  "Retirement" means a member's withdrawal from the

  7  active employment of an employer and completion of all

  8  conditions precedent to retirement.

  9         (b)  "Portable retirement option or plan" means the

10  portable retirement option authorized by this section as those

11  plans may be established by the state or individual local

12  public agencies.

13         (c)  "Existing retirement system" means any state or

14  local public retirement system.

15         (d)  "Existing employer" means any public employer or a

16  member of the existing retirement system.

17         (e)  "Member" or "employee" means any person employed

18  by the state or any local public agency that elects to be

19  included in the plan.

20         (f)  "Employer" means the state or local public agency,

21  including, but not limited to, any school district, that

22  employs a member.

23         (g)  "Compensation" means the remuneration paid by the

24  employer in payment for the employee's services during normal

25  working hours, but does not include the monetary value of any

26  other advantages furnished to the employee.

27         (h)  "Member contribution" means an amount deducted

28  from the employee's regular pay, and deposited into the

29  member's individual account within a defined contribution

30  plan.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 754
    4-835-98                                                See HB

  1         (i)  "Employer contribution" means an amount deposited

  2  into the member's individual account on a periodic basis

  3  coinciding with the employee's regular pay period by an

  4  employer from its own funds.

  5         (j)  "Individual account" or "account" means an account

  6  in a portable retirement option established for each member to

  7  record the deposit of member and employer contributions and

  8  earnings thereon on behalf of the member.

  9         (k)  "Fund" means the Public Employees' Portable

10  Retirement Option Fund.

11         (l)  "Administrator" means an employee of an employer

12  who has been designated by the employer as plan administrator

13  of the plan, or the service provider hired by the employer to

14  provide plan administration services to the plan.

15         (m)  "Accrued service benefit" means the amount,

16  determined by the actuary of the existing retirement system,

17  that represents the present value of an employee's accrued

18  retirement benefit earned through the date on which a payment

19  is made to a portable retirement option by an existing

20  retirement system for the benefit of an individual account. In

21  order to determine the present value of the accrued benefit,

22  the discount rate for investment earnings and the assumptions

23  for current final average compensation shall be approved by

24  the employer. At the employer's written election, the accrued

25  services benefit shall also include an employee's pro rata

26  share of any actuarially determined excess of plan assets

27  compared to accrued liabilities in the existing retirement

28  system on the reporting date prior to the employer's election

29  to make a portable retirement option available to a specific

30  group of employees.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 754
    4-835-98                                                See HB

  1         (4)  CREATION.--Each state and local public agency is

  2  hereby authorized to create a framework for the creation of

  3  retirement plans for their respective employees that are

  4  tailored to each employer's individual needs and that provide

  5  the opportunity for retirement savings and for the orderly

  6  administration of the plans.

  7         (5)  ADMINISTRATION.--The employer is hereby authorized

  8  to exercise all powers necessary to effectuate the provisions

  9  of this section. The employer shall determine and charge

10  reasonable costs of administering the system. The employer may

11  contract with existing public retirement systems or may

12  contract with a private pension, insurance, annuity, mutual

13  fund, bank, savings association, or other qualified company or

14  companies, or any combination of these entities, to administer

15  the day-to-day operations of the plan. Administrative costs

16  and payments shall be make from the Public Employees' Portable

17  Retirement Option Trust Fund, if created by law, otherwise

18  from the General Revenue Fund upon warrants drawn by the

19  Comptroller upon demands made by the employer in accordance

20  with this section and all applicable state laws.

21         (6)  ELIGIBILITY FOR THE PLAN.--Any state or other

22  public agency employee who is a member of any existing

23  retirement system on the effective date specified in an

24  agreement between the employee and the employer may, in lieu

25  of continued or exclusive participation in an existing

26  retirement system and upon written election, voluntarily elect

27  membership in a portable retirement option offered by the

28  employer. The administrator of the portable retirement option

29  shall notify the existing retirement system of the employee's

30  election and the employee's service record and compensation

31  history within 45 days of that election, and the existing


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 754
    4-835-98                                                See HB

  1  retirement system, within 45 days, shall transfer to the plan

  2  administrator a payment equal to the actuarial present value

  3  of the employee's accrued service benefit on the date of

  4  transfer. The amount so transferred shall be credited to the

  5  employee's individual account.

  6         (7)  READMISSION TO THE PLAN.--

  7         (a)  Any employee whose employment terminates and is

  8  later reemployed by an employer shall be eligible for

  9  membership in either the existing retirement system or the

10  portable retirement option.

11         (b)  An employee whose employment with a former

12  employer or an existing employer is suspended as a result of

13  an approved leave of absence, approved maternity or paternity

14  break in service, or any other approved break in service

15  authorized by an employer, is eligible for readmission to the

16  plan in which he or she was a member at the time the break in

17  service began.

18         (c)  In all cases where a question exists as to the

19  readmission to membership in a plan, the employer shall decide

20  the question.

21         (8)  MANAGEMENT OF THE PLAN.--The employer, or the

22  entity or entities with which it has contracted, in

23  conjunction with this plan, may purchase group annuity

24  contracts, individual retirement annuities, disability

25  insurance investment contracts, securities, mutual funds,

26  interest in trusts, and other financial instruments, health

27  care benefit plans, and group insurance as necessary or

28  appropriate for the plan to provide retirement and related

29  benefits comparable to those provided under an existing

30  retirement system. Selections of plan administrators,

31  annuities, and insurance products shall be conducted through a


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 754
    4-835-98                                                See HB

  1  competitive selection process. If requested by a participating

  2  employer, an existing retirement system shall provide an

  3  actuarially determined optional disability benefit option and

  4  employer contribution rate for employees who elect to

  5  participate in a portable retirement option.

  6         (9)  REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.--The plan administrator

  7  shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, at least quarterly, a

  8  statement for each member's individual account. The statement

  9  shall include the current market value of the account,

10  including self-directed investment options, an itemization of

11  changes in the account, the amount vested, and other

12  information as may be required by the plan administrator or

13  the employer. The plan administrator or employer shall arrange

14  for an independent audit of the plan's assets unless the audit

15  is provided for by a third-party organization.

16         Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1 of the

17  year following the year in which enacted.


19            *****************************************

20                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Public Employees' Portable Retirement Option
22    Act to authorize state and local public sector employers
      to provide optional portable retirement plans for state
23    and local public sector employees. Provides that such
      plans are to be administered by employers or by service
24    providers and would allow employees to participate in the
      optional plan in lieu of continued membership in their
25    existing retirement system. Provides that the existing
      retirement system would be required to transfer the
26    actuarial present value, as defined in the act to the
      plan administrator. See bill for details.




