Senate Bill 0792c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 792

    By the Committee on Banking and Insurance and Senators
    Latvala, Myers, Gutman, Bronson, Casas and Campbell


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to dental insurance coverage;

  3         creating ss. 627.4295, 627.65755, F.S., and

  4         amending ss. 627.6515 and 641.31, F.S.;

  5         requiring health insurance policies and health

  6         maintenance organization contracts to provide

  7         coverage for general anesthesia and

  8         hospitalization for certain persons under

  9         certain circumstances; providing application;

10         providing exceptions; providing a declaration

11         of important state interest; providing

12         application; providing an effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Section 627.4295, Florida Statutes, is

17  created to read:

18         627.4295  Dental procedures; anesthesia and

19  hospitalization coverage.--For purposes of this section,

20  dental treatment or surgery shall be considered necessary when

21  the dental condition is likely to result in a medical

22  condition if left untreated. Any individual health insurance

23  policy issued or issued for delivery in this state which

24  provides coverage for general anesthesia and hospitalization

25  services to a covered person shall not preclude such coverage

26  in assuring the safe delivery of necessary dental care

27  provided to a covered person who:

28         (1)  Is under 8 years of age and is determined by a

29  licensed dentist, in consultation with the child's physician

30  licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, to require

31  necessary dental treatment in a hospital or ambulatory


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 792

  1  surgical center due to a significantly complex dental

  2  condition or a developmental disability in which patient

  3  management in the dental office has proved to be ineffective;

  4  or

  5         (2)  Has one or more medical conditions that would

  6  create significant or undue medical risk for the individual in

  7  the course of delivery of any necessary dental treatment or

  8  surgery if not rendered in a hospital or ambulatory surgical

  9  center.


11  As provided in this section, all terms and conditions of the

12  covered person's health insurance policy shall apply to such

13  services and this section does not require coverage for the

14  diagnosis or treatment of dental disease. An insurer may

15  require prior authorization for general anesthesia and

16  hospital services required under this section in the same

17  manner the insurer requires prior authorization for

18  hospitalization for other covered services. This section does

19  not apply to Medicare supplement, long-term-care, disability,

20  limited benefit, or specified disease policies.

21         Section 2.  Subsection (8) is added to section

22  627.6515, Florida Statutes, to read:

23         627.6515  Out-of-state groups.--

24         (8)  For purposes of this subsection, dental treatment

25  or surgery shall be considered necessary when the dental

26  condition is likely to result in a medical condition if left

27  untreated. Any group, franchise, or blanket health insurance

28  policy issued or delivered outside this state, under which

29  policy a resident of this state is provided coverage for

30  general anesthesia and hospitalization services to a covered

31  person, shall not preclude such coverage in assuring the safe


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 792

  1  delivery of necessary dental care provided to a covered person

  2  who:

  3         (a)  Is under 8 years of age and is determined by a

  4  licensed dentist, in consultation with the child's physician

  5  licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, to require

  6  necessary dental treatment in a hospital or ambulatory

  7  surgical center due to a significantly complex dental

  8  condition or a developmental disability in which patient

  9  management in the dental office has proved to be ineffective;

10  or

11         (b)  Has one or more medical conditions that would

12  create significant or undue medical risk for the individual in

13  the course of delivery of any necessary dental treatment or

14  surgery if not rendered in a hospital or ambulatory surgical

15  center.


17  As provided in this section, all terms and conditions of the

18  covered person's health insurance policy shall apply to such

19  services and this section does not require coverage for the

20  diagnosis or treatment of dental disease. An insurer may

21  require prior authorization for general anesthesia and

22  hospital services required under this section in the same

23  manner the insurer requires prior authorization for

24  hospitalization for other covered services. This section does

25  not apply to Medicare supplement, long-term-care, disability,

26  limited benefit, or specified disease policies.

27         Section 3.  Section 627.65755, Florida Statutes, is

28  created to read:

29         627.65755  Dental procedures; anesthesia and

30  hospitalization coverage.--For purposes of this section,

31  dental treatment or surgery shall be considered necessary when


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 792

  1  the dental condition is likely to result in a medical

  2  condition if left untreated. Any group, blanket, or franchise

  3  health insurance policy issued or issued for delivery in this

  4  state which provides coverage for general anesthesia and

  5  hospitalization services to a covered person shall not

  6  preclude such coverage in assuring the safe delivery of

  7  necessary dental care provided to a covered person who:

  8         (1)  Is under 8 years of age and is determined by a

  9  licensed dentist, in consultation with the child's physician

10  licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, to require

11  necessary dental treatment in a hospital or ambulatory

12  surgical center due to a significantly complex dental

13  condition or a developmental disability in which patient

14  management in the dental office has proved to be ineffective;

15  or

16         (2)  Has one or more medical conditions that would

17  create significant or undue medical risk for the individual in

18  the course of delivery of any necessary dental treatment or

19  surgery if not rendered in a hospital or ambulatory surgical

20  center.


22  As provided in this section, all terms and conditions of the

23  covered person's health insurance policy shall apply to such

24  services and this section does not require coverage for the

25  diagnosis or treatment of dental disease. An insurer may

26  require prior authorization for general anesthesia and

27  hospital services required under this section in the same

28  manner the insurer requires prior authorization for

29  hospitalization for other covered services. This section does

30  not apply to Medicare supplement, long-term-care, disability,

31  limited benefit, or specified disease policies.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 792

  1         Section 4.  Subsection (34) is added to section 641.31,

  2  Florida Statutes, to read:

  3         641.31  Health maintenance contracts.--

  4         (34)  For purposes of this subsection, dental treatment

  5  or surgery shall be considered necessary when the dental

  6  condition is likely to result in a medical condition if left

  7  untreated. Any health maintenance organization contract which

  8  provides coverage for general anesthesia and hospitalization

  9  services to a covered person shall not preclude such coverage

10  in assuring the safe delivery of necessary dental care

11  provided to a covered person who:

12         (a)  Is under 8 years of age and is determined by a

13  licensed dentist, in consultation with the child's physician

14  licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, to require

15  necessary dental treatment in a hospital or ambulatory

16  surgical center due to a significantly complex dental

17  condition or a developmental disability in which patient

18  management in the dental office has proved to be ineffective;

19  or

20         (b)  Has one or more medical conditions that would

21  create significant or undue medical risk for the individual in

22  the course of delivery of any necessary dental treatment or

23  surgery if not rendered in a hospital or ambulatory surgical

24  center.


26  As provided in this section, all terms and conditions of the

27  covered person's health maintenance organization contract

28  shall apply to such services and this section does not require

29  coverage for the diagnosis or treatment of dental disease. A

30  health maintenance organization may require prior

31  authorization for general anesthesia and hospital services


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 792

  1  required under this section in the same manner the

  2  organization requires prior authorization for hospitalization

  3  for other covered services. This section does not apply to

  4  Medicare supplement, long-term-care, disability, limited

  5  benefit, or specified disease policies.

  6         Section 5.  The provisions of this act fulfill an

  7  important state interest in that they promote the relief,

  8  alleviation, and prevention of health, dental, or medical

  9  problems associated with inadequate dental care.

10         Section 6.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1998,

11  and shall apply to any policy issued, written, or renewed, or

12  contract entered into, on or after that date.





















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                            CS for SB 792

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                         Senate Bill 792


  4  The bill requires each individual health insurance policy,
    group health insurance policy, and health maintenance
  5  organization contract to provide coverage for charges for
    general anesthesia or hospitalization for dental care provided
  6  to a covered person who:

  7  1.   Is 8 years of age or less and is determined by a licensed
         dentist, in consultation with the child's physician
  8       licensed under chapter 458 or 459, F.S., to require
         necessary dental treatment in a hospital or ambulatory
  9       surgical center due to a significantly complex dental
         condition or a developmental disability in which patient
10       management in the dental office has proved to be
         ineffective; or
     2.  Has one or more medical conditions that would create
12       significant undue medical risk for the individual in the
         course of delivery of any necessary dental treatment or
13       surgery if not rendered in a hospital or ambulatory
         surgical center.
    All terms and conditions of the covered person's health
15  insurance policy or contract would apply to such services and
    the provisions of the bill would not require coverage for the
16  diagnosis or treatment of dental disease.

17  The provisions of the bill would not apply to Medicare
    supplement, long-term care, disability, limited benefit, or
18  specified disease policies.

19  The bill provides that the provisions of this act fulfill an
    important state interest in that they promote the relief,
20  alleviation, and prevention of health, dental, or medical
    problems associated with inadequate dental care.










