House Bill 0793er

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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed


  2         An act relating to mutual insurance holding

  3         companies; creating a new part III of chapter

  4         628, F.S.; providing definitions; prohibiting

  5         certain stock transfers; providing application;

  6         providing for formation of mutual insurance

  7         holding companies; specifying requirements for

  8         a plan of reorganization; providing for a

  9         public hearing; prohibiting payment of

10         dividends; providing for mergers and

11         acquisitions of mutual insurance holding

12         companies; providing for filing and amending

13         articles of incorporation; providing for

14         bylaws; providing for directors; requiring

15         notice of a change in director; providing for

16         membership; providing for distribution of a

17         member's share upon liquidation; providing for

18         applicability; providing for conversion of a

19         mutual insurance holding company to a stock

20         holding company; providing an effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Parts III and IV of chapter 628, Florida

25  Statutes, are redesignated as parts IV and V, respectively,

26  and a new part III, consisting of sections 628.701, 628.703,

27  628.705, 628.707, 628.709, 628.711, 628.713, 628.715, 628.717,

28  628.719, 628.721, 628.723, 628.725, 628.727, 628.729, 628.731,

29  and 628.733, Florida Statutes, is created to read:

30                             PART III



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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         628.701  Scope.--This part applies only to domestic

  2  mutual insurance holding companies.

  3         628.703  For purposes of this part:

  4         (1)  "Mutual insurance holding company" means an

  5  incorporated entity without permanent capital stock that is

  6  organized under this part and whose members are determined in

  7  accordance with this part.

  8         (2)  "Subsidiary insurance company" means stock

  9  insurance company, the majority of the voting shares of the

10  capital stock of which are at all times owned by a mutual

11  insurance holding company. For purposes of this part,

12  "majority of the voting shares of the capital stock" means

13  shares of the capital stock of such company which carry the

14  right to cast a majority of the votes entitled to be cast by

15  all of the outstanding shares of the capital stock for the

16  election of directors. The ownership of a majority of the

17  voting shares of the capital stock of a former mutual

18  reorganized insurance company which are required by this part

19  to be at all times owned by a mutual insurance holding company

20  includes indirect ownership through one or more intermediate

21  holding companies. However, indirect ownership through one or

22  more intermediate holding companies shall not result in a

23  mutual insurance holding company owning less than the

24  equivalent of a majority of the voting shares of the capital

25  stock of the former mutual reorganized insurance company.

26         (3)  "Intermediate holding company" means a holding

27  company which is a subsidiary of a mutual insurance holding

28  company, and which directly or through a subsidiary

29  intermediate holding company owns a majority of the voting

30  shares of the capital stock of one or more subsidiary

31  insurance companies.


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         628.705  Prohibition of stock transfers.--

  2         (1)  The voting shares of the capital stock of a

  3  subsidiary insurance company, which are required by this part

  4  in order to maintain a majority of the voting shares, are to

  5  be at all times owned by a mutual insurance holding company or

  6  one or more intermediate holding companies and the voting

  7  shares of the capital stock of any intermediate holding

  8  company, which are necessary to satisfy such ownership

  9  requirement through indirect ownership, shall not be conveyed,

10  transferred, assigned, pledged, subjected to a security

11  interest or lien, encumbered, or otherwise hypothecated or

12  alienated by the mutual insurance holding company or any

13  intermediate holding company. Any conveyance, transfer,

14  assignment, pledge, security interest, lien, encumbrance, or

15  hypothecation or alienation of, in, or on such voting shares

16  of capital stock is in violation of this section and shall be

17  void in inverse chronological order of the date of such

18  conveyance, transfer, assignment, pledge, security interest,

19  lien, encumbrance, or hypothecation or alienation, as to such

20  shares of capital stock. The shares of the capital stock of

21  the surviving or new company resulting from a merger or

22  consolidation of two or more subsidiary insurance companies or

23  two or more intermediate holding companies which were

24  subsidiaries of the same mutual insurance holding company are

25  subject to the same requirements, restrictions, and

26  limitations as provided in this section to which the shares of

27  the merging or consolidating former mutual reorganized

28  insurance companies or intermediate holding companies were

29  subject by this section prior to the merger or consolidation.

30         (2)  Voting shares of the capital stock of a subsidiary

31  insurance company or the intermediate holding company may not


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1  be acquired by any affiliated member of the holding company

  2  system except where the affiliated member of the mutual

  3  holding company system is the majority shareholder.  A number

  4  of shares equal to 5 percent of the outstanding voting shares

  5  of the capital stock of one corporate member of the Mutual

  6  Insurance Holding Company System selected by the mutual

  7  insurance holding company may be issued or sold to directors

  8  and officers as part of plan of compensation and such shares

  9  shall not be considered part of the majority shares to be

10  owned by the mutual insurance company under subsection (1).  A

11  number of shares equal to an additional 5 percent of the

12  outstanding voting shares of the capital stock of one

13  corporate member of the Mutual Insurance Holding Company

14  System selected by the mutual insurance holding company may be

15  issued or sold to employees, which may not include any officer

16  or director, as part of an employee stock dividend or benefit

17  plan and such shares shall not be considered part of the

18  majority shares to be owned by the mutual insurance company

19  under subsection (1).  Prior to issuance of shares in excess

20  of the authorized 5 percent to either officers and directors

21  or employees, pursuant to this section, a fairness opinion

22  shall be rendered by an independent authority acceptable to

23  the department to assure that the long term interests of the

24  shareholders and policyholders are adequately protected.  The

25  department shall approve or disapprove the transaction within

26  30 days after receipt of the fairness opinion.  Nothing in

27  this section prohibits any officer or director from purchasing

28  shares of stock at market value which are not part of a plan

29  of compensation, in accordance with the requirements of s.

30  628.461, and, if such stock is not regularly traded on a

31  national stock exchange, the officer or director purchasing


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1  the shares of stock is responsible for establishing its market

  2  value.

  3         628.707  Applicability of general corporation

  4  statutes.--The applicable statutes of this state relating to

  5  the powers and procedures of domestic private corporations

  6  formed for profit shall apply to domestic mutual insurance

  7  holding companies, except:

  8         (1)  A mutual insurance holding company shall be

  9  organized exclusively under this act and shall be a mutual

10  company without capital stock.

11         (2)  The articles of incorporation of the mutual

12  insurance holding company, and any amendment to such articles

13  or restatement of such articles shall be subject to the

14  approval of the department for compliance with the provisions

15  of this act prior to filing with the Department of State, and

16  shall contain the name of the mutual insurance holding

17  company, which shall include the word "Mutual."

18         (3)  The provisions of chapter 617 shall be deemed to

19  be incorporated into this part to govern a mutual insurance

20  holding company to the extent that this act and the insurance

21  code are silent with respect to the articles of incorporation,

22  bylaws, organization, members, directors, or other matters

23  relating to a mutual insurance holding company.

24         (4)  Nothing in this part shall be construed to require

25  that a mutual insurance holding company be governed by part II

26  of chapter 625.

27         (5)  In the case of the reorganization of any mutual

28  insurance company organized as a nonprofit corporation under

29  chapter 617, a mutual insurance holding company organized

30  under this part shall be deemed to be a nonprofit corporation.



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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         628.709  Formation of a mutual insurance holding

  2  company.--

  3         (1)  A domestic mutual insurance company, other than a

  4  mutual insurer that issued assessable policies as a mutual

  5  insurer and which held a certificate of authority in this

  6  state on July 1, 1997, may, pursuant to a plan of

  7  reorganization, reorganize as a mutual insurance holding

  8  company system that must consist of a mutual insurance holding

  9  company and one or more controlled subsidiaries and which may

10  consist of one or more intermediate stock holding companies

11  and other subsidiaries. The reorganization may be effected by

12  the organization of one or more companies, amendment or

13  restatement of the articles of incorporation and bylaws of one

14  or more companies, transfer of assets and liabilities among

15  two or more companies, issuance, acquisition or transfer of

16  capital stock of one or more companies, or merger or

17  consolidation of two or more companies. On and after the

18  effective date of a plan of reorganization, the mutual

19  insurance holding company shall at all times have the power,

20  directly or indirectly, to cast at least a majority of the

21  votes for the election of the board of directors of each

22  controlled subsidiary and any intermediate stock holding

23  company.

24         (2)  All of the initial shares of the capital stock of

25  the insurance company which reorganized as a subsidiary

26  insurance company shall be issued either to the mutual

27  insurance holding company, or to an intermediate holding

28  company which is wholly owned by the mutual insurance holding

29  company. This restriction does not preclude the subsequent

30  issuance of additional shares of stock by the subsidiary

31  insurance company so long as the mutual insurance holding


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1  company at all times owns directly or through one or more

  2  intermediate holding companies, a majority of the voting

  3  shares of the capital stock of the subsidiary insurance

  4  company. The membership interests of the policyholders of the

  5  subsidiary insurance company shall become membership interests

  6  in the mutual insurance holding company. Policyholders of the

  7  subsidiary insurance company which was formerly the mutual

  8  insurer shall be members of the mutual insurance holding

  9  company in accordance with the articles of incorporation and

10  bylaws of the mutual insurance holding company. Policyholders

11  of any other subsidiary insurance company of the  mutual

12  insurance holding company shall not be members of the mutual

13  insurance holding company unless they are policyholders of a

14  subsidiary which was a mutual insurer which merged with the

15  holding company pursuant to s. 628.715.

16         628.711  Plan of reorganization.--

17         (1)  A plan of reorganization shall include the

18  following provisions:

19         (a)  A description of the structure of the mutual

20  insurance holding company system consistent with the

21  requirements therefor set forth in this act.

22         (b)  A description of the qualifications for membership

23  in and the rights of members of the mutual insurance holding

24  company consistent with the requirements therefor set forth in

25  this act.

26         (c)  A description of the transactions, and parties to

27  such transactions, that will effect the reorganization,

28  including, but not limited to, transfer and assumption of

29  policies, contracts, assets, and liabilities.

30         (d)  A description of corporate restructuring and other

31  corporate transactions that will effect the reorganization,


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1  including, but not limited to, organization of companies,

  2  amendment or restatement of articles of incorporation or

  3  bylaws, and mergers and consolidations.

  4         (e)  A description of those persons who shall serve as

  5  directors and officers of the mutual insurance holding

  6  company, its intermediate stock holding companies, if any, its

  7  controlled subsidiaries, and other subsidiaries as of the

  8  effective date of the reorganization. The initial directory

  9  shall be the directors of the mutual insurance company who

10  shall have terms concurrent with the terms as directors of the

11  reorganized mutual insurance company unless otherwise

12  specified in the plan.

13         (f)  A representation that, following the

14  reorganization, the material terms and conditions of

15  indemnification or coverage of policyholders of the mutual

16  insurance company shall remain in full force and effect under

17  policies transferred to and assumed by one or more

18  subsidiaries of the mutual insurance holding company or

19  retained by a mutual insurance company that has reorganized

20  either as a mutual insurance holding company that elects to

21  write insurance or a stock subsidiary.

22         (g)  A representation that, following the

23  reorganization, the material terms and conditions of

24  subordinated surplus notes and other contractual obligations,

25  other than those arising under policies described in paragraph

26  (f), of the mutual insurance company shall, subject to the

27  rights of the mutual insurance company under applicable law,

28  and to the extent such obligations are not otherwise satisfied

29  or terminated in accordance with their terms or retained by a

30  mutual insurance holding company or controlled subsidiary,

31  remain in full force and effect upon the transfer of such


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1  obligations to, and assumption of such obligations by, one or

  2  more subsidiaries of the mutual insurance holding company.

  3         (2)  A plan of reorganization must be adopted by the

  4  board of directors of the mutual insurance company or, in the

  5  case of the formation of any intermediate stock insurance

  6  holding company that is not concurrent with the formation of

  7  the mutual insurance holding company, by the board of

  8  directors of the mutual insurance holding company.

  9         (3)  Following the adoption of a plan of

10  reorganization, and prior to the meeting of the mutual

11  insurance company members to approve the plan, the mutual

12  insurance company shall submit to the department the

13  following:

14         (a)  The plan of reorganization, as adopted.

15         (b)  The form of notice to be sent to the mutual

16  insurance company members, informing them of their right to

17  vote on the plan of reorganization.

18         (c)  The form of proxy statement to be sent to the

19  mutual  insurance company members, informing them of their

20  right to vote by proxy on the plan of reorganization, and

21  describing the plan.

22         (d)  The form of proxy to be sent to the mutual

23  insurance company members to solicit their vote on the plan of

24  reorganization.

25         (e)  Proposed articles of incorporation, merger, or

26  consolidation, restatements of or amendments to articles of

27  incorporation or bylaws, and plans of merger or consolidation,

28  with respect to each entity to be organized, reorganized or

29  otherwise subject to such action under the plan of

30  reorganization.



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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         (f)  A proposed business plan for the 3 years following

  2  the date of the reorganization.

  3         (g)  An audited financial statement prepared on a

  4  statutory basis consistent with the Florida Insurance Code,

  5  including an actuarial opinion for the most recent calendar

  6  year ended, or a copy thereof, if the statement was previously

  7  filed with the department.

  8         (4)  The department may hold a public hearing to allow

  9  public comment on the plan of reorganization. Any hearing must

10  be held within 30 days after receipt by the department of a

11  completed plan of reorganization. The department may not

12  approve a plan of reorganization unless it finds that it is

13  fair and equitable to the members of the mutual insurance

14  company. Ninety days after filing, the plan of reorganization

15  shall be deemed approved unless it has previously been

16  approved or disapproved by the department. The department

17  shall inform the mutual insurer of the specific reasons for

18  the disapproval of any plan of reorganization.

19         (5)(a)  A plan of reorganization adopted by the board

20  of directors of the applicant may be:

21         1.  Amended by the board of directors of the applicant

22  in response to the comments or recommendations of the

23  department, or any other state or federal agency or

24  governmental entity, before any solicitation of proxies from

25  members of the mutual insurance company to vote on the plan of

26  reorganization, or at any time with the consent of the

27  department, except that any material amendment after the

28  members' approval shall require the members' approval; or

29         2.  Terminated  by the board of directors of the

30  applicant at any time before members of the mutual insurance



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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1  company vote on the plan of reorganization and, otherwise, at

  2  any time with the consent of the department.

  3         (b)  The plan of reorganization is approved upon the

  4  affirmative vote of at least a majority of the votes cast by

  5  members of the mutual insurance company, notwithstanding

  6  quorum or voting action requirements otherwise applicable to

  7  the mutual insurance company to the contrary.

  8         (c)  Within 30 days after members have approved the

  9  plan of reorganization, the applicant must file with the

10  department the minutes of the meeting at which the plan of

11  reorganization was approved.

12         628.713  Dividends.--A mutual insurance holding company

13  shall not be authorized to pay dividends or make distributions

14  to mutual insurance holding company members except as may be

15  expressly approved by the department. Neither the adoption nor

16  the implementation of a plan of reorganization shall be deemed

17  to give rise to any obligation by or on behalf of a mutual

18  insurance company to make any distribution or payment to any

19  member or policyholder, or to any other person, fund, or

20  entity of any nature whatsoever, in connection with the

21  ownership, control, benefits, policies, purpose, or nature of

22  the mutual insurance company or otherwise, including, but not

23  limited to, requirements imposed by the conversion and bulk

24  reinsurance provisions of ss. 628.441 and 628.491.

25         628.715  Merger and acquisitions.--Subject to

26  applicable requirements of chapter 628, a mutual insurance

27  holding company may:

28         (1)(a)  Merge or consolidate with, or acquire the

29  assets of, a mutual insurance holding company licensed

30  pursuant to this act or any similar entity organization

31  pursuant to laws of any other state;


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         (b)  Either alone or together with one or more

  2  intermediate stock holding companies, or other subsidiaries,

  3  directly or indirectly acquire the stock of a stock insurance

  4  company or a mutual insurance company that reorganizes under

  5  this act or the law of its state of organization;

  6         (c)  Together with one or more of its stock insurance

  7  company subsidiaries, acquire the assets of a stock insurance

  8  company or a mutual insurance company;

  9         (d)  Acquire a stock insurance company through the

10  merger of such stock insurance subsidiary with a stock

11  insurance company or interim stock insurance company

12  subsidiary of the mutual insurance holding company; or

13         (e)  Acquire the stock or assets of any other person to

14  the same extent as would be permitted for any not-for-profit

15  corporation under chapter 617 or, if the mutual insurance

16  holding company writes insurance, a mutual insurance company.

17         (2)  A reorganization pursuant to this section is

18  subject to the applicable procedures prescribed by the laws of

19  this state applying to corporations formed for profit, except

20  as otherwise provided in this subsection.

21         (a)  The plan and agreement for merger shall be

22  submitted to and approved by a majority of the members of each

23  domestic mutual insurance holding company involved in the

24  merger who vote either in person or by proxy thereon at

25  meetings called for the purposes pursuant to such reasonable

26  notice and procedure as has been approved by the department.

27         (b)  No such merger shall be effectuated unless in

28  advance thereof, the plan and agreement therefor have been

29  filed with the department and approved by it. The department

30  shall give such approval unless it finds such plan or

31  agreement:


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         1.  Is inequitable to the policyholders of any domestic

  2  insurer involved in the merger or the members of any domestic

  3  mutual insurance holding company involved in the merger; or

  4         2.  Would substantially reduce the security of and

  5  service to be rendered to policyholders of a domestic insurer

  6  in this state.

  7         (c)  All of the initial shares of the capital stock of

  8  the reorganized subsidiary insurance company shall be issued

  9  either to the mutual insurance holding company, or to an

10  intermediate holding company which is wholly owned by the

11  mutual insurance holding company. The membership interests of

12  the policyholders of the reorganized insurance company shall

13  become membership interests in the mutual insurance holding

14  company. Policyholders of the reorganized insurance company

15  shall be members of the mutual insurance holding company in

16  accordance with the articles of incorporation and bylaws of

17  the mutual insurance holding company. The mutual insurance

18  holding company shall at all times own a majority of the

19  voting shares of the capital stock of the reorganized

20  subsidiary insurance company.

21         628.717  Filing of articles of incorporation.--

22         (1)  No mutual insurance holding company shall be

23  formed unless its articles of incorporation are approved by

24  the department prior to filing the same with and approval by

25  the Department of State as provided by law.

26         (2)  The department shall promptly examine the articles

27  of incorporation; and, if it finds that the articles of

28  incorporation comply with law, the department shall endorse

29  its approval upon each of the originals, place one on file in

30  its office, and return the remaining sets to the

31  incorporators. The incorporators shall promptly file such


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1  endorsed articles of incorporation with the Department of

  2  State. The articles of incorporation shall be effective when

  3  filed with and approved by the Department of State.

  4         628.719  Amendment of articles of incorporation.--

  5         (1)  A domestic mutual insurance holding company may

  6  amend its articles of incorporation by vote of a majority of

  7  those members present or represented by proxy at a lawful

  8  meeting of its members, if the notice given members included

  9  due notice of the proposal to amend.

10         (2)(a)  Upon adoption of an amendment, the mutual

11  insurance holding company shall make under its corporate seal

12  a certificate thereof, setting forth the amendment and the

13  date and manner of the adoption thereof, which certificate

14  shall be executed by the mutual insurance holding company's

15  president or vice president and secretary or assistant

16  secretary and acknowledged before an officer authorized to

17  take acknowledgments. The mutual insurance holding company

18  shall deliver the originals of the certificate to the

19  department.

20         (b)  The department shall promptly examine the

21  certificate of amendment, and, if the department finds that

22  the certificate and the amendment comply with law, the

23  department shall endorse its approval upon each of the

24  originals, place one on file in its office, and return the

25  remaining sets to the mutual insurance holding company. The

26  mutual insurance holding company shall promptly file such

27  endorsed certificates of amendment with the Department of

28  State. The amendment shall be effective when filed with and

29  approved by the Department of State.

30         628.721  Bylaws.--



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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         (1)  The initial board of directors of a mutual

  2  insurance holding company shall adopt original bylaws, subject

  3  to the approval of the company's members at the next

  4  succeeding meeting.

  5         (2)  The bylaws shall provide:

  6         (a)  That each member is entitled to one vote upon each

  7  matter coming to a vote at meetings of members, or to more

  8  votes in accordance with a reasonable classification of

  9  members as set forth in the bylaws and based upon the amount

10  of insurance in force with the mutual insurance holding

11  company's subsidiaries, or upon the amount of the premiums

12  paid to the mutual insurance holding company's subsidiaries by

13  such member, or upon other reasonable factors. If a person's

14  membership is based upon that person holding an insurance

15  policy from a life insurer, the right to vote may be limited

16  to those members whose policies are other than term and group

17  policies and have been in effect for more than 1 year. A

18  member has the right to vote in person or by his written

19  proxy. No such proxy shall be made irrevocable or for longer

20  than a reasonable period of time.

21         (b)  For the election of directors by the members and

22  the number, qualifications, terms of office, and powers of the

23  directors.

24         (c)  The time, notice, quorum, and conduct of annual

25  and special meetings of members and voting thereat. The bylaws

26  may provide that the annual meeting shall be held at a place,

27  date, and time to be set forth in the policy and without

28  giving other notice of such meeting.

29         (d)  The number, designation, election, terms, and

30  powers and duties of the respective corporate officers.



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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         (e)  For deposit, custody, and disbursement of and

  2  accounting for corporate funds.

  3         (f)  That a quorum at all annual and special meetings

  4  of members will consist of all members present and voting in

  5  person or by proxy, after due notice of such meeting.

  6         (g)  For any other reasonable provisions customary,

  7  necessary, or convenient for the management or regulation of

  8  the company's corporate affairs, not inconsistent with law.

  9         (3)  The mutual insurance holding company shall file

10  within 30 days with the department a copy, certified by the

11  mutual insurance holding company's secretary, of its bylaws

12  and of every modification thereof or addition thereto. The

13  department shall promptly disapprove any bylaw provision

14  deemed by it to be unlawful, unreasonable, inadequate, unfair,

15  or detrimental to the proper interests or protection of the

16  mutual insurance holding company's members or any class

17  thereof. The insurer shall not, after receiving written notice

18  of such disapproval and during the existence thereof,

19  effectuate and bylaw provision disapproved.

20         628.723  Directors; number; election.--

21         (1)  The affairs of every mutual insurance holding

22  company shall be managed by not less than five directors.

23         (2)  Directors must be elected by the members of the

24  mutual insurance holding company at the annual meeting of

25  members. Directors may be elected for terms of not more than 5

26  years each and until their successors are elected and have

27  qualified, and, if to be elected for terms of more than 1

28  year, the mutual insurance holding company's bylaws shall

29  provide for a staggered-terms system under which the terms of

30  a proportionate part of the members of the board of directors

31  will expire on the date of each annual meeting of members.


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    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         (3)  A majority of the directors must be citizens of

  2  the United States.

  3         (4)  If so provided in a mutual insurance holding

  4  company's bylaws, a director of such mutual insurance holding

  5  company must be a policyholder thereof.

  6         628.725  Notice of change of director or officer.--A

  7  mutual insurance holding company shall give the department

  8  written notice of any change of personnel among the directors

  9  or principal officers of the mutual insurance holding company

10  within 45 days after such change. The written notice shall

11  include all information necessary to allow the department to

12  determine that the mutual insurance holding company's

13  subsidiary stock insurers will be in compliance with s.

14  624.404(3) and, at a minimum, shall contain information

15  similar to the information required by s. 628.051(2)(b), (c),

16  and (d) for directors of insurance companies.

17         628.727  Membership.--

18         (1)  Membership in a mutual insurance holding company

19  shall be determined in accordance with the mutual insurance

20  holding company's articles of incorporation and bylaws and

21  shall be based upon each member holding a policy of insurance

22  with a subsidiary insurance company or subsidiary health

23  service corporation. Group certificateholders may also be

24  members of the mutual insurance holding company if specified

25  in the bylaws.

26         (2)  Any person, public or private corporation, board,

27  association, firm, estate, trustee, or fiduciary may be a

28  member of a mutual insurance holding company. However, the

29  state or any county or municipality may not participate as a

30  member in the profits of any mutual insurance holding company.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         (3)  No member of a mutual insurance holding company

  2  may transfer membership or any right arising therefrom.

  3         (4)  A member of a mutual insurance holding company is

  4  not, as such, personally liable for the acts, debts,

  5  liabilities, or obligations of the company and may not be

  6  assessed by the directors of such company.

  7         (5)  A membership interest in a mutual insurance

  8  holding company shall not constitute a security as defined by

  9  s. 517.021.

10         628.729  Member's share of assets on voluntary

11  dissolution.--

12         (1)  Upon any voluntary dissolution of a domestic

13  mutual insurance holding company, its assets remaining after

14  discharge of its indebtedness, if any, and expenses of

15  administration, shall be distributed to existing persons who

16  were its members at any time within the 3-year period

17  preceding the date such liquidation was authorized or ordered,

18  or date of last termination of the insurer's certificate of

19  authority, whichever date is earlier; except, if the

20  department has reason to believe that those in charge of the

21  management of the mutual insurance holding company have caused

22  or encouraged the reduction of the number of members of the

23  insurer in anticipation of liquidation and for the purpose of

24  reducing thereby the number of persons who may be entitled to

25  share in distribution of the insurer's assets, the department

26  may enlarge the 5-year qualification period by such additional

27  time as the department may deem to be reasonable.

28         (2)  The distributive share of each such member shall

29  be determined by a formula based upon such reasonable

30  classifications of members as the department may approve.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         628.731  Application of holding company statutes and

  2  regulations.--Each reorganized subsidiary insurance company

  3  shall be subject to the applicable laws and rules of this

  4  state relating to insurance holding company systems. A mutual

  5  insurance holding company shall not be subject to provisions

  6  of chapter 628 or rules adopted thereunder with respect to the

  7  writing of insurance or required capital or surplus. A mutual

  8  insurance holding company system shall be considered an

  9  insurance holding company system but shall not require

10  separate approval under chapter 628 for an acquisition of

11  controlling stock, ownership interest, assets, or control, or

12  for a merger or consolidation, share exchange, organization,

13  or reorganization of insurance companies, or other transaction

14  with respect to any action approved pursuant to the provisions

15  of this part.

16         628.733  Converting mutual insurance holding company.--

17         (1)  A mutual insurance holding company may become a

18  stock holding company under such plan and procedure as may be

19  approved by the department.

20         (2)  The department shall not approve any such plan and

21  procedure unless:

22         (a)  The plan and procedure is subject to approval by

23  vote of not less than a majority of the company's current

24  members voting thereon in person, by proxy, or by mail at a

25  meeting of members called for the purpose pursuant to such

26  reasonable notice and procedure as may be approved by the

27  department.

28         (b)  The corporate equity of each member is

29  determinable under a fair formula approved by the department,

30  which equity shall be based upon not more than the company's

31  net assets.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


    1997 Legislature                      HB 793, Second Engrossed

  1         (c)  The persons entitled to participate in the

  2  distribution of stock shall include all current members and

  3  all existing persons who had been members within 3 years prior

  4  to the date such plan was submitted to the department.

  5         (d)  The plan calls for the distribution to each person

  6  as specified in paragraph (c) of capital stock or other

  7  property of the stock holding company, using each person's

  8  equity as determined under paragraph (b).

  9         (e)  The plan gives to each member as specified in

10  paragraph (c) a preemptive right to acquire his or her

11  proportionate part of all of the proposed capital stock of the

12  new stock holding company, within a designated reasonable

13  period, and to apply upon the purchase thereof the amount of

14  his equity as determined under paragraph (b).

15         (f)  Shares are so offered to policyholders at a price

16  not greater than to be thereafter offered to others.

17         (g)  The plan provides for payment of cash to each

18  member not electing to apply his or her equity towards the

19  purchase price of stock to which he or she is preemptively

20  entitled. The amount so paid shall be not less than 50 percent

21  of the amount of his or her equity not so used for the

22  purchase of stock. Such cash payment together with stock so

23  purchased, if any, shall constitute full payment and discharge

24  of the member's corporate equity in such mutual insurance

25  holding company.

26         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1997.





