Senate Bill 0798

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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 798

    By Senator Silver

    38-521-98                                               See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to sexual offenses against

  3         children; amending s. 415.504, F.S., relating

  4         to mandatory reports of child abuse or neglect;

  5         requiring the Department of Children and Family

  6         Services to report within a specified period

  7         each alleged juvenile offense involving a child

  8         victim under 16 years of age to the appropriate

  9         law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over

10         the offense; reenacting s. 415.503, F.S.,

11         relating to penalties relating to abuse

12         reporting, to incorporate said amendment in a

13         reference; amending s. 794.05, F.S., relating

14         to unlawful sexual activity with certain

15         minors; prohibiting any person at least 21

16         years of age from engaging in sexual activity

17         with a person 16 or 17 years of age; redefining

18         "sexual activity" to include certain

19         penetration by an object; providing an

20         exception for acts between married persons;

21         providing for nonapplicability of specified

22         provisions to certain persons who have had the

23         disabilities of nonage removed; prohibiting

24         certain acts against a child under 16 years of

25         age, or forcing or enticing a child to commit

26         any such act, involving handling, fondling, or

27         assaulting a child in a lewd, lascivious, or

28         indecent manner, actual or simulated sexual

29         intercourse, deviate intercourse, sexual

30         bestiality, masturbation, sadomasochistic

31         abuse, actual lewd exhibition of genitals, or


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  1         conduct which simulates sexual battery;

  2         prohibiting specified acts of sexual activity

  3         upon a child under 16 years of age, or lewd or

  4         lascivious acts in the presence of the child;

  5         providing penalties; providing that the

  6         victim's lack of chastity, prior sexual

  7         conduct, or consent is not a defense; providing

  8         an exception for maternal breastfeeding;

  9         requiring establishment of paternity and

10         providing offender's child support liability,

11         under specified circumstances; repealing s.

12         800.04, F.S., relating to lewd, lascivious, or

13         indecent assault or act upon or in the presence

14         of a child; amending s. 27.365, F.S., relating

15         to Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association,

16         s. 90.4025, F.S., relating to admissibility of

17         paternity determination, s. 382.356, F.S.,

18         relating to protocol for sharing certain birth

19         control information, s. 409.2355, F.S.,

20         relating to programs for prosecution of males

21         over age 21 who commit certain offenses

22         involving girls under age 16, s. 411.243, F.S.,

23         relating to Teen Pregnancy Community

24         Initiative, s. 775.082, F.S., relating to

25         penalties, s. 775.084, F.S., relating to

26         violent career criminals, habitual felony

27         offenders, and habitual violent felony

28         offenders, s. 775.0877, F.S., relating to

29         criminal transmission of HIV, s. 775.15, F.S.,

30         relating to time limitations, s. 775.21, F.S.,

31         relating to sexual predators, s. 787.01, F.S.,


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  1         relating to kidnapping, s. 787.02, F.S.,

  2         relating to false imprisonment, s. 787.025,

  3         F.S., relating to luring or enticing a child,

  4         s. 827.04, F.S., relating to contributing to

  5         the delinquency or dependency of a minor, s.

  6         914.16, F.S., relating to limits on interviews

  7         of certain child abuse and sexual abuse

  8         victims, s. 921.0022, F.S., relating to the

  9         Criminal Punishment Code offense severity

10         ranking chart, s. 943.0435, F.S., relating to

11         reporting requirements for sex offenders, s.

12         943.0585, F.S., relating to court-ordered

13         expunction of criminal history records, s.

14         943.059, F.S., relating to court-ordered

15         sealing of criminal history records, s.

16         944.606, F.S., relating to notification upon

17         release of sexual offenders, s. 944.607, F.S.,

18         relating to certain notification of information

19         on sex offenders, s. 947.1405, F.S., relating

20         to conditional release program, s. 948.03,

21         F.S., relating to terms and conditions of

22         probation or community control, s. 948.06,

23         F.S., relating to violation of probation or

24         community control, and s. 985.03, F.S.,

25         relating to definitions with respect to ch.

26         985, F.S., relating to delinquency, to conform

27         references to said repeal of s. 800.04, F.S.;

28         amending s. 827.01, F.S.; redefining

29         "caregiver" with respect to ch. 827, F.S.,

30         relating to abuse of children; amending s.

31         827.03, F.S., relating to abuse, aggravated


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  1         abuse, and neglect of a child; redefining

  2         "child abuse"; prohibiting failure by a

  3         caregiver to report known or suspected child

  4         abuse within a specified time period to the

  5         appropriate law enforcement agency having

  6         jurisdiction over the offense; providing

  7         penalties; reenacting s. 415.5018(4)(b), F.S.,

  8         relating to family services response system,

  9         and s. 787.04(5), F.S., relating to certain

10         offenses of removing minors from state or

11         concealing minors, to incorporate said

12         amendment in references; amending s. 827.071,

13         F.S., relating to sexual performance by a

14         child; prohibiting possession, with intent to

15         promote, of a videotape, video laser disc,

16         audiotape, compact disc, computer diskette, or

17         computer hard drive which in whole or in part

18         includes any sexual conduct by a child, and

19         providing that possession of three or more

20         copies of same is prima facie evidence of

21         intent to promote; providing penalties;

22         reenacting s. 772.102(1)(a), F.S., relating to

23         definition of "criminal activity", s.

24         794.024(1), F.S., relating to unlawful

25         disclosure of identifying information, s.

26         895.02(1)(a), F.S., relating to definition of

27         "racketeering activity," and s. 934.07, F.S.,

28         relating to authorized interception of wire,

29         oral, or electronic communications, to

30         incorporate said amendments in references;

31         providing an effective date.


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  2         WHEREAS, as the criminal justice system of this state

  3  endeavors to meet the responsibility to investigate and

  4  prosecute sexual assaults committed against children, its

  5  resources cannot be activated without a timely and accurate

  6  notification process, and

  7         WHEREAS, it is necessary to compel caregivers to notify

  8  law enforcement in cases of child sexual assault, to prevent

  9  the child from remaining at risk from the offender, and

10         WHEREAS, current technology exists that will enhance

11  the criminal justice system in the identification,

12  investigation, and prosecution of these offenses and further

13  ensure that all child sexual assault victims receive the full

14  benefit and protection of the system, NOW, THEREFORE,


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Present paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of

19  section 415.504, Florida Statutes, is redesignated as

20  paragraph (f) and a new paragraph (e) is added to said

21  subsection to read:

22         415.504  Mandatory reports of child abuse or neglect;

23  mandatory reports of death; central abuse hotline.--

24         (2)

25         (e)  The department must report each alleged juvenile

26  sex offense involving a child victim under 16 years of age to

27  the appropriate law enforcement agency having jurisdiction

28  over the offense within 24 hours after receipt of the initial

29  abuse report.

30         Section 2.  For the purpose of incorporating the

31  amendment to section 415.504, Florida Statutes, in a reference


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  1  thereto, section 415.513, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to

  2  read:

  3         415.513  Penalties relating to abuse reporting.--

  4         (1)  A person who is required by s. 415.504 to report

  5  known or suspected child abuse or neglect and who knowingly

  6  and willfully fails to do so, or who knowingly and willfully

  7  prevents another person from doing so, is guilty of a

  8  misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.

  9  775.082 or s. 775.083.

10         (2)  A person who knowingly and willfully makes public

11  or discloses any confidential information contained in the

12  central abuse registry and tracking system or in the records

13  of any child abuse or neglect case, except as provided in ss.

14  415.502-415.514, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second

15  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

16         (3)  The department shall establish procedures for

17  determining whether a false report of child abuse or neglect

18  has been made and for submitting all identifying information

19  relating to such a report to the appropriate law enforcement

20  agency and the state attorney for prosecution.

21         (4)  A person who knowingly and willfully makes a false

22  report of child abuse or neglect, or who advises another to

23  make a false report, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the second

24  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

25  Anyone making a report who is acting in good faith is immune

26  from any liability under this subsection.

27         (5)  Each state attorney shall establish procedures to

28  facilitate the prosecution of persons under this section.

29         Section 3.  Section 794.05, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:

31         794.05  Unlawful sexual activity with certain minors.--


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  1         (1)(a)  A person 21 24 years of age or older who

  2  engages in sexual activity with a person 16 or 17 years of age

  3  commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided

  4  in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. As used in this

  5  section, "sexual activity" means oral, anal, or vaginal

  6  penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or

  7  the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other

  8  object.; However, "sexual activity" does not include an act

  9  done for a bona fide medical purpose or an act between persons

10  who are legally married.

11         (b)(2)  The provisions of this subsection section do

12  not apply to a person 16 or 17 years of age who has had the

13  disabilities of nonage removed under chapter 743.

14         (2)  A person who:

15         (a)  Handles, fondles, or assaults any child under the

16  age of 16 years in a lewd, lascivious, or indecent manner;

17         (b)  Commits upon any child under the age of 16 years

18  actual or simulated sexual intercourse, deviate sexual

19  intercourse, sexual bestiality, masturbation, sadomasochistic

20  abuse, actual lewd exhibition of the genitals, or any act or

21  conduct which simulates that sexual battery is being or will

22  be committed, or forces or entices the child to commit any

23  such act;

24         (c)  Commits an act defined as sexual activity upon any

25  child under the age of 16 years; or

26         (d)  Knowingly commits any lewd or lascivious act in

27  the presence of any child under the age of 16 years,


29  without committing the crime of sexual battery, commits a

30  felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.

31  775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.


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  1         (3)  The victim's lack of chastity, prior sexual

  2  conduct, or consent is not a defense to the crimes proscribed

  3  in this section. The victim's prior sexual conduct is not a

  4  relevant issue in a prosecution under this section.

  5         (4)  A mother's breastfeeding of her baby does not

  6  under any circumstance violate this section.

  7         (3)  The victim's prior sexual conduct is not a

  8  relevant issue in a prosecution under this section.

  9         (5)(4)  If an offense under this section directly

10  results in the victim giving birth to a child, paternity of

11  that child shall be established as described in chapter 742.

12  If it is determined that the offender is the father of the

13  child, the offender must pay child support pursuant to the

14  child support guidelines described in chapter 61.

15         Section 4.  Section 800.04, Florida Statutes, is

16  repealed.

17         Section 5.  Section 27.365, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         27.365  Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association;

20  annual report regarding prosecutions.--By February 1st of each

21  year beginning in 1997, the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys

22  Association shall report to the President and Minority Leader

23  of the Senate, the Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of

24  Representatives, and to the appropriate substantive committees

25  of each chamber regarding prosecutions for offenses during the

26  previous calendar year under ss. 794.011, 794.05, former

27  800.04, and 827.04(4) when the victim of the offense was less

28  than 18 years of age. This report must include, by judicial

29  circuit, the following information in summary format for each

30  offense: the initial charge in each case; the age of the

31  victim and the age of the offender; the charge ultimately


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  1  prosecuted, if any; whether the case went to trial or was

  2  resolved by plea agreement; and either the sentence imposed in

  3  each case, or the status of each case on December 31st of the

  4  previous year. The names of sexual offense victims shall not

  5  be included in the report.

  6         Section 6.  Section 90.4025, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         90.4025  Admissibility of paternity determination in

  9  certain criminal prosecutions.--If a person less than 18 years

10  of age gives birth to a child and the paternity of that child

11  is established under chapter 742, such evidence of paternity

12  is admissible in a criminal prosecution under ss. 794.011,

13  794.05, former 800.04, and 827.04(4).

14         Section 7.  Section 382.356, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         382.356  Protocol for sharing certain birth certificate

17  information.--In order to facilitate the prosecution of

18  offenses under s. 794.011, s. 794.05, s. 800.04, or s.

19  827.04(4), the Department of Health, the Department of

20  Revenue, and the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys Association

21  shall develop a protocol for sharing birth certificate

22  information for all children born to unmarried mothers who are

23  less than 17 years of age at the time of the child's birth.

24         Section 8.  Section 409.2355, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         409.2355  Programs for prosecution of males over age 21

27  who commit certain offenses involving girls under age

28  16.--Subject to specific appropriated funds, the Department of

29  Children and Family Services is directed to establish a

30  program by which local communities, through the state

31  attorney's office of each judicial circuit, may apply for


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  1  grants to fund innovative programs for the prosecution of

  2  males over the age of 21 who victimize girls under the age of

  3  16 in violation of s. 794.011, s. 794.05, s. 800.04, or s.

  4  827.04(4).

  5         Section 9.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section

  6  411.243, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         411.243  Teen Pregnancy Prevention Community

  8  Initiative.--Subject to the availability of funds, the

  9  Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services shall create

10  a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Community Initiative.  The purpose

11  of this initiative is to create collaborative community

12  partnerships to reduce teen pregnancy.  Participating

13  communities shall examine their needs and resources relative

14  to teen pregnancy prevention and develop plans which provide

15  for a collaborative approach to how existing, enhanced, and

16  new initiatives together will reduce teen pregnancy in a

17  community.  Community incentive grants shall provide funds for

18  communities to implement plans which provide for a

19  collaborative, comprehensive, outcome-focused approach to

20  reducing teen pregnancy.

21         (1)  The requirements of the community incentive grants

22  are as follows:

23         (e)  Plans must be developed for how a community will

24  reduce the incidence of teen pregnancy in a specified

25  geographic area or region.  These plans must include:

26         1.  Provision for collaboration between existing and

27  new initiatives for a comprehensive, well-planned,

28  outcome-focused approach.  All organizations involved in teen

29  pregnancy prevention in the community must be involved in the

30  planning and implementation of the community incentive grant

31  initiative.


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  1         2.  Provision in the targeted area or region for all of

  2  the components identified below. These components may be

  3  addressed through a collaboration of existing initiatives,

  4  enhancements, or new initiatives. Community incentive grant

  5  funds must address current gaps in the comprehensive teen

  6  pregnancy prevention plan for communities.

  7         a.  Primary prevention components are:

  8         (I)  Prevention strategies targeting males.

  9         (II)  Role modeling and monitoring.

10         (III)  Intervention strategies targeting abused or

11  neglected children.

12         (IV)  Human sexuality education.

13         (V)  Sexual advances protection education.

14         (VI)  Reproductive health care.

15         (VII)  Intervention strategies targeting younger

16  siblings of teen mothers.

17         (VIII)  Community and public awareness.

18         (IX)  Innovative programs to facilitate prosecutions

19  under s. 794.011 or, s. 794.05, or s. 800.04.

20         b.  Secondary prevention components are:

21         (I)  Home visiting.

22         (II)  Parent education, skill building, and supports.

23         (III)  Care coordination and case management.

24         (IV)  Career development.

25         (V)  Goal setting and achievement.


27  Community plans must provide for initiatives which are

28  culturally competent and relevant to the families' values.

29         Section 10.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (8) of section

30  775.082, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         775.082  Penalties; mandatory minimum sentences for

  2  certain reoffenders previously released from prison.--

  3         (8)(a)1.  "Prison releasee reoffender" means any

  4  defendant who commits, or attempts to commit:

  5         a.  Treason;

  6         b.  Murder;

  7         c.  Manslaughter;

  8         d.  Sexual battery;

  9         e.  Carjacking;

10         f.  Home-invasion robbery;

11         g.  Robbery;

12         h.  Arson;

13         i.  Kidnapping;

14         j.  Aggravated assault;

15         k.  Aggravated battery;

16         l.  Aggravated stalking;

17         m.  Aircraft piracy;

18         n.  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

19  destructive device or bomb;

20         o.  Any felony that involves the use or threat of

21  physical force or violence against an individual;

22         p.  Armed burglary;

23         q.  Burglary of an occupied structure or dwelling; or

24         r.  Any felony violation of s. 790.07, s. 794.05(2) s.

25  800.04, s. 827.03, or s. 827.071;


27  within 3 years of being released from a state correctional

28  facility operated by the Department of Corrections or a

29  private vendor.

30         2.  If the state attorney determines that a defendant

31  is a prison releasee reoffender as defined in subparagraph 1.,


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  1  the state attorney may seek to have the court sentence the

  2  defendant as a prison releasee reoffender. Upon proof from the

  3  state attorney that establishes by a preponderance of the

  4  evidence that a defendant is a prison releasee reoffender as

  5  defined in this section, such defendant is not eligible for

  6  sentencing under the sentencing guidelines and must be

  7  sentenced as follows:

  8         a.  For a felony punishable by life, by a term of

  9  imprisonment for life;

10         b.  For a felony of the first degree, by a term of

11  imprisonment of 30 years;

12         c.  For a felony of the second degree, by a term of

13  imprisonment of 15 years; and

14         d.  For a felony of the third degree, by a term of

15  imprisonment of 5 years.

16         Section 11.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section

17  775.084, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         775.084  Violent career criminals; habitual felony

19  offenders and habitual violent felony offenders; definitions;

20  procedure; enhanced penalties.--

21         (1)  As used in this act:

22         (c)  "Violent career criminal" means a defendant for

23  whom the court must impose imprisonment pursuant to paragraph

24  (4)(c), if it finds that:

25         1.  The defendant has previously been convicted as an

26  adult three or more times for an offense in this state or

27  other qualified offense that is:

28         a.  Any forcible felony, as described in s. 776.08;

29         b.  Aggravated stalking, as described in s. 784.048(3)

30  and (4);



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  1         c.  Aggravated child abuse, as described in s.

  2  827.03(2);

  3         d.  Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled

  4  adult, as described in s. 825.102(2);

  5         e.  Lewd, lascivious, or indecent conduct, as described

  6  in s. 794.05(2) or former s. 800.04;

  7         f.  Escape, as described in s. 944.40; or

  8         g.  A felony violation of chapter 790 involving the use

  9  or possession of a firearm.

10         2.  The defendant has been incarcerated in a state

11  prison or a federal prison.

12         3.  The primary felony offense for which the defendant

13  is to be sentenced is a felony enumerated in subparagraph 1.

14  and was committed on or after October 1, 1995, and:

15         a.  While the defendant was serving a prison sentence

16  or other commitment imposed as a result of a prior conviction

17  for an enumerated felony; or

18         b.  Within 5 years after the conviction of the last

19  prior enumerated felony, or within 5 years after the

20  defendant's release from a prison sentence or other commitment

21  imposed as a result of a prior conviction for an enumerated

22  felony, whichever is later.

23         4.  The defendant has not received a pardon for any

24  felony or other qualified offense that is necessary for the

25  operation of this paragraph.

26         5.  A conviction of a felony or other qualified offense

27  necessary to the operation of this paragraph has not been set

28  aside in any postconviction proceeding.

29         Section 12.  Subsection (1) of section 775.0877,

30  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         775.0877  Criminal transmission of HIV; procedures;

  2  penalties.--

  3         (1)  In any case in which a person has been convicted

  4  of or has pled nolo contendere or guilty to, regardless of

  5  whether adjudication is withheld, any of the following

  6  offenses, or the attempt thereof, which offense or attempted

  7  offense involves the transmission of body fluids from one

  8  person to another:

  9         (a)  Section 794.011, relating to sexual battery,

10         (b)  Section 826.04, relating to incest,

11         (c)  Section 794.05(2) or former s. 800.04(1), (2), and

12  (3), relating to lewd, lascivious, or indecent assault or act

13  upon any person less than 16 years of age,

14         (d)  Sections 784.011, 784.07(2)(a), and 784.08(2)(d),

15  relating to assault,

16         (e)  Sections 784.021, 784.07(2)(c), and 784.08(2)(b),

17  relating to aggravated assault,

18         (f)  Sections 784.03, 784.07(2)(b), and 784.08(2)(c),

19  relating to battery,

20         (g)  Sections 784.045, 784.07(2)(d), and 784.08(2)(a),

21  relating to aggravated battery,

22         (h)  Section 827.03(1), relating to child abuse,

23         (i)  Section 827.03(2), relating to aggravated child

24  abuse,

25         (j)  Section 825.102(1), relating to abuse of an

26  elderly person or disabled adult,

27         (k)  Section 825.102(2), relating to aggravated abuse

28  of an elderly person or disabled adult,

29         (l)  Section 827.071, relating to sexual performance by

30  person less than 18 years of age,



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  1         (m)  Sections 796.03, 796.07, and 796.08, relating to

  2  prostitution, or

  3         (n)  Section 381.0041(11)(b), relating to donation of

  4  blood, plasma, organs, skin, or other human tissue,


  6  the court shall order the offender to undergo HIV testing, to

  7  be performed under the direction of the Department of Health

  8  and Rehabilitative Services in accordance with s. 381.004,

  9  unless the offender has undergone HIV testing voluntarily or

10  pursuant to procedures established in s. 381.004(3)(i)6. or s.

11  951.27, or any other applicable law or rule providing for HIV

12  testing of criminal offenders or inmates, subsequent to her or

13  his arrest for an offense enumerated in paragraphs (a)-(n) for

14  which she or he was convicted or to which she or he pled nolo

15  contendere or guilty.  The results of an HIV test performed on

16  an offender pursuant to this subsection are not admissible in

17  any criminal proceeding arising out of the alleged offense.

18         Section 13.  Subsection (7) of section 775.15, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         775.15  Time limitations.--

21         (7)  If the victim of a violation of s. 794.011, former

22  s. 794.05, Florida Statutes 1995, former s. 800.04, or s.

23  826.04 is under the age of 16, the applicable period of

24  limitation, if any, does not begin to run until the victim has

25  reached the age of 16 or the violation is reported to a law

26  enforcement agency or other governmental agency, whichever

27  occurs earlier. Such law enforcement agency or other

28  governmental agency shall promptly report such allegation to

29  the state attorney for the judicial circuit in which the

30  alleged violation occurred. If the offense is a first or

31  second degree felony violation of s. 794.011, and the crime is


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  1  reported within 72 hours after its commission, paragraph

  2  (1)(b) applies. This subsection applies to any such offense

  3  except an offense the prosecution of which would have been

  4  barred by subsection (2) on or before December 31, 1984.

  5         Section 14.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) and

  6  paragraph (b) of subsection (9) of section 775.21, Florida

  7  Statutes, are amended to read:

  8         775.21  The Florida Sexual Predators Act; definitions;

  9  legislative findings, purpose, and intent; criteria;

10  designation; registration; community and public notification;

11  immunity; penalties.--


13         (c)  For a current offense committed on or after

14  October 1, 1996, upon conviction, an offender shall be

15  designated as a "sexual predator" under subsection (5), and

16  subject to registration under subsection (6) and community and

17  public notification under subsection (7) if:

18         1.  The felony meets the criteria of former ss.

19  775.22(2) and 775.23(2), specifically, the felony is:

20         a.  A capital, life, or first degree felony violation

21  of chapter 794 or s. 847.0145, or of a similar law of another

22  jurisdiction; or

23         b.  Any second degree or greater felony violation of

24  chapter 794, former s. 800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145, or

25  of a similar law of another jurisdiction, and the offender has

26  previously been convicted of or found to have committed, or

27  has pled nolo contendere or guilty to, regardless of

28  adjudication, any violation of s. 794.011(2), (3), (4), (5),

29  or (8), s. 794.023, s. 794.05(2), former s. 800.04, s.

30  827.071, s. 847.0133, or s. 847.0145, or of a similar law of

31  another jurisdiction;


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  1         2.  The offender has not received a pardon for any

  2  felony or similar law of another jurisdiction that is

  3  necessary for the operation of this paragraph; and

  4         3.  A conviction of a felony or similar law of another

  5  jurisdiction necessary to the operation of this paragraph has

  6  not been set aside in any postconviction proceeding.

  7         (9)  PENALTIES.--

  8         (b)  A sexual predator who has been convicted of or

  9  found to have committed, or has pled nolo contendere or guilty

10  to, regardless of adjudication, any violation of s.

11  794.011(2), (3), (4), (5), or (8), s. 794.023, s. 794.05(2) or

12  former s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.0133, or s. 847.0145, or

13  of a similar law of another jurisdiction, when the victim of

14  the offense was a minor, and who works, whether for

15  compensation or as a volunteer, at any business, school, day

16  care center, park, playground, or other place where children

17  regularly congregate, commits a felony of the third degree,

18  punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.

19  775.084.

20         Section 15.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

21  787.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

22         787.01  Kidnapping; kidnapping of child under age 13,

23  aggravating circumstances.--

24         (3)(a)  A person who commits the offense of kidnapping

25  upon a child under the age of 13 and who, in the course of

26  committing the offense, commits one or more of the following:

27         1.  Aggravated child abuse, as defined in s. 827.03;

28         2.  Sexual battery, as defined in chapter 794, against

29  the child;




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  1         3.  A lewd, lascivious, or indecent assault or act upon

  2  or in the presence of the child, in violation of s. 794.05(2)

  3  s. 800.04;

  4         4.  A violation of s. 796.03 or s. 796.04, relating to

  5  prostitution, upon the child; or

  6         5.  Exploitation of the child or allowing the child to

  7  be exploited, in violation of s. 450.151,


  9  commits a life felony, punishable as provided in s. 775.082,

10  s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

11         Section 16.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

12  787.02, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

13         787.02  False imprisonment; false imprisonment of child

14  under age 13, aggravating circumstances.--

15         (3)(a)  A person who commits the offense of false

16  imprisonment upon a child under the age of 13 and who, in the

17  course of committing the offense, commits any offense

18  enumerated in subparagraphs 1.-5., commits a felony of the

19  first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years

20  not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083,

21  or s. 775.084.

22         1.  Aggravated child abuse, as defined in s. 827.03;

23         2.  Sexual battery, as defined in chapter 794, against

24  the child;

25         3.  A lewd, lascivious, or indecent assault or act upon

26  or in the presence of the child, in violation of s. 794.05(2)

27  s. 800.04;

28         4.  A violation of s. 796.03 or s. 796.04, relating to

29  prostitution, upon the child; or

30         5.  Exploitation of the child or allowing the child to

31  be exploited, in violation of s. 450.151.


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  1         Section 17.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

  2  787.025, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         787.025  Luring or enticing a child.--

  4         (2)(a)  A person over the age of 18 who, having been

  5  previously convicted of a violation of chapter 794 or former

  6  s. 800.04, or a violation of a similar law of another

  7  jurisdiction, intentionally lures or entices, or attempts to

  8  lure or entice, a child under the age of 12 into a structure,

  9  dwelling, or conveyance for other than a lawful purpose

10  commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided

11  in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

12         Section 18.  Subsection (3) of section 827.04, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         827.04  Contributing to the delinquency or dependency

15  of a child; penalty.--

16         (3)  A person 21 years of age or older who impregnates

17  a child under 16 years of age commits an act of child abuse

18  which constitutes a felony of the third degree, punishable as

19  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. A person

20  who impregnates a child in violation of this subsection

21  commits an offense under this subsection regardless of whether

22  the person is found to have committed, or has been charged

23  with or prosecuted for, any other offense committed during the

24  course of the same criminal transaction or episode, including,

25  but not limited to, an offense proscribed under s. 794.05(2)

26  or former s. 800.04, relating to lewd, lascivious, or indecent

27  assault or act upon any person under 16 years of age. Neither

28  the victim's lack of chastity nor the victim's consent is a

29  defense to the crime proscribed under this subsection.

30         Section 19.  Section 914.16, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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  1         914.16  Child abuse and sexual abuse of victims under

  2  age 16 or persons with mental retardation; limits on

  3  interviews.--The chief judge of each judicial circuit, after

  4  consultation with the state attorney and the public defender

  5  for the judicial circuit, the appropriate chief law

  6  enforcement officer, and any other person deemed appropriate

  7  by the chief judge, shall provide by order reasonable limits

  8  on the number of interviews that a victim of a violation of s.

  9  794.011, s. 794.05(2) or former s. 800.04, or s. 827.03 who is

10  under 16 years of age or a victim of a violation of s.

11  794.011, s. 800.02, s. 800.03, or s. 825.102 who is a person

12  with mental retardation as defined in s. 393.063(41) must

13  submit to for law enforcement or discovery purposes.  The

14  order shall, to the extent possible, protect the victim from

15  the psychological damage of repeated interrogations while

16  preserving the rights of the public, the victim, and the

17  person charged with the violation.

18         Section 20.  Paragraph (g) of subsection (3) of section

19  921.0022, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         921.0022  Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity

21  ranking chart.--



24  Florida           Felony

25  Statute           Degree             Description


27                              (e)  LEVEL 5

28  316.027(1)(a)      3rd      Accidents involving personal

29                              injuries, failure to stop;

30                              leaving scene.

31  316.1935(3)        3rd      Aggravated fleeing or eluding.


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  1  322.34(3)          3rd      Careless operation of motor

  2                              vehicle with suspended license,

  3                              resulting in death or serious

  4                              bodily injury.

  5  327.30(5)          3rd      Vessel accidents involving

  6                              personal injury; leaving scene.

  7  381.0041(11)(b)    3rd      Donate blood, plasma, or organs

  8                              knowing HIV positive.

  9  790.01(2)          3rd      Carrying a concealed firearm.

10  790.162            2nd      Threat to throw or discharge

11                              destructive device.

12  790.163            2nd      False report of deadly explosive.

13  790.165(2)         3rd      Manufacture, sell, possess, or

14                              deliver hoax bomb.

15  790.221(1)         2nd      Possession of short-barreled

16                              shotgun or machine gun.

17  790.23             2nd      Felons in possession of firearms

18                              or electronic weapons or devices.

19  806.111(1)         3rd      Possess, manufacture, or dispense

20                              fire bomb with intent to damage

21                              any structure or property.

22  812.019(1)         2nd      Stolen property; dealing in or

23                              trafficking in.

24  812.16(2)          3rd      Owning, operating, or conducting

25                              a chop shop.

26  817.034(4)(a)2.    2nd      Communications fraud, value

27                              $20,000 to $50,000.

28  825.1025(4)        3rd      Lewd or lascivious exhibition in

29                              the presence of an elderly person

30                              or disabled adult.



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  1  827.071(4)         2nd      Possess with intent to promote

  2                              any photographic material, motion

  3                              picture, etc., which includes

  4                              sexual conduct by a child.

  5  843.01             3rd      Resist officer with violence to

  6                              person; resist arrest with

  7                              violence.

  8  874.05(2)          2nd      Encouraging or recruiting another

  9                              to join a criminal street gang;

10                              second or subsequent offense.

11  893.13(1)(a)1.     2nd      Sell, manufacture, or deliver

12                              cocaine (or other s.

13                              893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d),

14                              (2)(a), or (2)(b) drugs).

15  893.13(1)(c)2.     2nd      Sell, manufacture, or deliver

16                              cannabis (or other s.

17                              893.03(1)(c), (2)(c), (3), or (4)

18                              drugs) within 1,000 feet of a

19                              school.

20  893.13(1)(d)1.     1st      Sell, manufacture, or deliver

21                              cocaine (or other s.

22                              893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d),

23                              (2)(a), or (2)(b) drugs) within

24                              200 feet of university, public

25                              housing facility, or public park.

26  893.13(4)(b)       2nd      Deliver to minor cannabis (or

27                              other s. 893.03(1)(c), (2)(c),

28                              (3), or (4) drugs).

29                              (f)  LEVEL 6

30  316.027(1)(b)      2nd      Accident involving death, failure

31                              to stop; leaving scene.


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  1  316.193(2)(b)      3rd      Felony DUI, 4th or subsequent

  2                              conviction.

  3  775.0875(1)        3rd      Taking firearm from law

  4                              enforcement officer.

  5  784.021(1)(a)      3rd      Aggravated assault; deadly weapon

  6                              without intent to kill.

  7  784.021(1)(b)      3rd      Aggravated assault; intent to

  8                              commit felony.

  9  784.048(3)         3rd      Aggravated stalking; credible

10                              threat.

11  784.07(2)(c)       2nd      Aggravated assault on law

12                              enforcement officer.

13  784.08(2)(b)       2nd      Aggravated assault on a person 65

14                              years of age or older.

15  784.081(2)         2nd      Aggravated assault on specified

16                              official or employee.

17  784.082(2)         2nd      Aggravated assault by detained

18                              person on visitor or other

19                              detainee.

20  787.02(2)          3rd      False imprisonment; restraining

21                              with purpose other than those in

22                              s. 787.01.

23  790.115(2)(d)      2nd      Discharging firearm or weapon on

24                              school property.

25  790.161(2)         2nd      Make, possess, or throw

26                              destructive device with intent to

27                              do bodily harm or damage

28                              property.

29  790.164(1)         2nd      False report of deadly explosive

30                              or act of arson or violence to

31                              state property.


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  1  790.19             2nd      Shooting or throwing deadly

  2                              missiles into dwellings, vessels,

  3                              or vehicles.

  4  794.011(8)(a)      3rd      Solicitation of minor to

  5                              participate in sexual activity by

  6                              custodial adult.

  7  794.05(1)          2nd      Unlawful sexual activity with

  8                              specified minor.

  9  806.031(2)         2nd      Arson resulting in great bodily

10                              harm to firefighter or any other

11                              person.

12  810.02(3)(c)       2nd      Burglary of occupied structure;

13                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

14  812.014(2)(b)      2nd      Property stolen $20,000 or more,

15                              but less than $100,000, grand

16                              theft in 2nd degree.

17  812.13(2)(c)       2nd      Robbery, no firearm or other

18                              weapon (strong-arm robbery).

19  817.034(4)(a)1.    1st      Communications fraud, value

20                              greater than $50,000.

21  817.4821(5)        2nd      Possess cloning paraphernalia

22                              with intent to create cloned

23                              cellular telephones.

24  825.102(1)         3rd      Abuse of an elderly person or

25                              disabled adult.

26  825.102(3)(c)      3rd      Neglect of an elderly person or

27                              disabled adult.

28  825.1025(3)        3rd      Lewd or lascivious molestation of

29                              an elderly person or disabled

30                              adult.



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  1  825.103(2)(c)      3rd      Exploiting an elderly person or

  2                              disabled adult and property is

  3                              valued at $100 or more, but less

  4                              than $20,000.

  5  827.03(1)          3rd      Abuse of a child.

  6  827.03(3)(c)       3rd      Neglect of a child.

  7  827.071(2)&(3)     2nd      Use or induce a child in a sexual

  8                              performance, or promote or direct

  9                              such performance.

10  836.05             2nd      Threats; extortion.

11  836.10             2nd      Written threats to kill or do

12                              bodily injury.

13  843.12             3rd      Aids or assists person to escape.

14  914.23             2nd      Retaliation against a witness,

15                              victim, or informant, with bodily

16                              injury.

17  944.35(3)(a)2.     3rd      Committing malicious battery upon

18                              or inflicting cruel or inhuman

19                              treatment on an inmate or

20                              offender on community

21                              supervision, resulting in great

22                              bodily harm.

23  944.40             2nd      Escapes.

24  944.46             3rd      Harboring, concealing, aiding

25                              escaped prisoners.

26  944.47(1)(a)5.     2nd      Introduction of contraband

27                              (firearm, weapon, or explosive)

28                              into correctional facility.

29  951.22(1)          3rd      Intoxicating drug, firearm, or

30                              weapon introduced into county

31                              facility.


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  1                              (g)  LEVEL 7

  2  316.193(3)(c)2.    3rd      DUI resulting in serious bodily

  3                              injury.

  4  327.35(3)(c)2.     3rd      Vessel BUI resulting in serious

  5                              bodily injury.

  6  409.920(2)         3rd      Medicaid provider fraud.

  7  494.0018(2)        1st      Conviction of any violation of

  8                              ss. 494.001-494.0077 in which the

  9                              total money and property

10                              unlawfully obtained exceeded

11                              $50,000 and there were five or

12                              more victims.

13  782.07(1)          2nd      Killing of a human being by the

14                              act, procurement, or culpable

15                              negligence of another

16                              (manslaughter).

17  782.071            3rd      Killing of human being by the

18                              operation of a motor vehicle in a

19                              reckless manner (vehicular

20                              homicide).

21  782.072            3rd      Killing of a human being by the

22                              operation of a vessel in a

23                              reckless manner (vessel

24                              homicide).

25  784.045(1)(a)1.    2nd      Aggravated battery; intentionally

26                              causing great bodily harm or

27                              disfigurement.

28  784.045(1)(a)2.    2nd      Aggravated battery; using deadly

29                              weapon.

30  784.045(1)(b)      2nd      Aggravated battery; perpetrator

31                              aware victim pregnant.


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  1  784.048(4)         3rd      Aggravated stalking; violation of

  2                              injunction or court order.

  3  784.07(2)(d)       1st      Aggravated battery on law

  4                              enforcement officer.

  5  784.08(2)(a)       1st      Aggravated battery on a person 65

  6                              years of age or older.

  7  784.081(1)         1st      Aggravated battery on specified

  8                              official or employee.

  9  784.082(1)         1st      Aggravated battery by detained

10                              person on visitor or other

11                              detainee.

12  790.07(4)          1st      Specified weapons violation

13                              subsequent to previous conviction

14                              of s. 790.07(1) or (2).

15  790.16(1)          1st      Discharge of a machine gun under

16                              specified circumstances.

17  794.05(2)(a)       2nd      Handle, fondle, or assault child

18                              under 16 years in lewd,

19                              lascivious, or indecent manner.

20  796.03             2nd      Procuring any person under 16

21                              years for prostitution.

22  800.04             2nd      Handle, fondle, or assault child

23                              under 16 years in lewd,

24                              lascivious, or indecent manner.

25  806.01(2)          2nd      Maliciously damage structure by

26                              fire or explosive.

27  810.02(3)(a)       2nd      Burglary of occupied dwelling;

28                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

29  810.02(3)(b)       2nd      Burglary of unoccupied dwelling;

30                              unarmed; no assault or battery.



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  1  810.02(3)(d)       2nd      Burglary of occupied conveyance;

  2                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

  3  812.014(2)(a)      1st      Property stolen, valued at

  4                              $100,000 or more; property stolen

  5                              while causing other property

  6                              damage; 1st degree grand theft.

  7  812.019(2)         1st      Stolen property; initiates,

  8                              organizes, plans, etc., the theft

  9                              of property and traffics in

10                              stolen property.

11  812.133(2)(b)      1st      Carjacking; no firearm, deadly

12                              weapon, or other weapon.

13  825.102(3)(b)      2nd      Neglecting an elderly person or

14                              disabled adult causing great

15                              bodily harm, disability, or

16                              disfigurement.

17  825.1025(2)        2nd      Lewd or lascivious battery upon

18                              an elderly person or disabled

19                              adult.

20  825.103(2)(b)      2nd      Exploiting an elderly person or

21                              disabled adult and property is

22                              valued at $20,000 or more, but

23                              less than $100,000.

24  827.03(3)(b)       2nd      Neglect of a child causing great

25                              bodily harm, disability, or

26                              disfigurement.

27  827.04(4)          3rd      Impregnation of a child under 16

28                              years of age by person 21 years

29                              of age or older.

30  872.06             2nd      Abuse of a dead human body.



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  1  893.13(1)(c)1.     1st      Sell, manufacture, or deliver

  2                              cocaine (or other s.

  3                              893.03(1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(d),

  4                              (2)(a), or (2)(b) drugs) within

  5                              1,000 feet of a school.

  6  893.13(4)(a)       1st      Deliver to minor cocaine (or

  7                              other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b),

  8                              (1)(d), (2)(a), or (2)(b) drugs).

  9  893.135(1)(a)1.    1st      Trafficking in cannabis, more

10                              than 50 lbs., less than 2,000

11                              lbs.

12  893.135

13   (1)(b)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in cocaine, more than

14                              28 grams, less than 200 grams.

15  893.135

16   (1)(c)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in illegal drugs,

17                              more than 4 grams, less than 14

18                              grams.

19  893.135

20   (1)(d)1.          1st      Trafficking in phencyclidine,

21                              more than 28 grams, less than 200

22                              grams.

23  893.135(1)(e)1.    1st      Trafficking in methaqualone, more

24                              than 200 grams, less than 5

25                              kilograms.

26  893.135(1)(f)1.    1st      Trafficking in amphetamine, more

27                              than 14 grams, less than 28

28                              grams.

29         Section 21.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

30  943.0435, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         943.0435  Sex offenders required to report to the

  2  department; penalty.--

  3         (1)  As used in this section, the term:

  4         (a)  "Sex offender" means a person who has been:

  5         1.  Convicted of committing, or attempting, soliciting,

  6  or conspiring to commit, any of the criminal offenses

  7  proscribed in the following statutes in this state or

  8  analogous offenses in another jurisdiction:  s. 787.025,

  9  chapter 794, s. 796.03, former s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s.

10  847.0133, s. 847.0135, s. 847.0145, or any similar offense

11  committed in this state which has been redesignated from a

12  former statute number to one of those listed in this

13  subparagraph.

14         2.  Released on or after October 1, 1997, from the

15  sanction imposed for any conviction of an offense described in

16  subparagraph 1. For purposes of subparagraph 1., a sanction

17  imposed in this state or in any other jurisdiction includes,

18  but is not limited to, a fine, probation, community control,

19  parole, conditional release, control release, or incarceration

20  in a state prison, federal prison, private correctional

21  facility, or local detention facility.

22         Section 22.  Section 943.0585, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         943.0585  Court-ordered expunction of criminal history

25  records.--The courts of this state have jurisdiction over

26  their own procedures, including the maintenance, expunction,

27  and correction of judicial records containing criminal history

28  information to the extent such procedures are not inconsistent

29  with the conditions, responsibilities, and duties established

30  by this section.  Any court of competent jurisdiction may

31  order a criminal justice agency to expunge the criminal


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  1  history record of a minor or an adult who complies with the

  2  requirements of this section.  The court shall not order a

  3  criminal justice agency to expunge a criminal history record

  4  until the person seeking to expunge a criminal history record

  5  has applied for and received a certificate of eligibility for

  6  expunction pursuant to subsection (2).  A criminal history

  7  record that relates to a violation of chapter 794, former s.

  8  800.04, s. 817.034, s. 827.071, chapter 839, s. 893.135, or a

  9  violation enumerated in s. 907.041 may not be expunged,

10  without regard to whether adjudication was withheld, if the

11  defendant was found guilty of or pled guilty or nolo

12  contendere to the offense, or if the defendant, as a minor,

13  was found to have committed, or pled guilty or nolo contendere

14  to committing, the offense as a delinquent act. The court may

15  only order expunction of a criminal history record pertaining

16  to one arrest or one incident of alleged criminal activity,

17  except as provided in this section. The court may, at its sole

18  discretion, order the expunction of a criminal history record

19  pertaining to more than one arrest if the additional arrests

20  directly relate to the original arrest. If the court intends

21  to order the expunction of records pertaining to such

22  additional arrests, such intent must be specified in the

23  order. A criminal justice agency may not expunge any record

24  pertaining to such additional arrests if the order to expunge

25  does not articulate the intention of the court to expunge a

26  record pertaining to more than one arrest. This section does

27  not prevent the court from ordering the expunction of only a

28  portion of a criminal history record pertaining to one arrest

29  or one incident of alleged criminal activity.  Notwithstanding

30  any law to the contrary, a criminal justice agency may comply

31  with laws, court orders, and official requests of other


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  1  jurisdictions relating to expunction, correction, or

  2  confidential handling of criminal history records or

  3  information derived therefrom.  This section does not confer

  4  any right to the expunction of any criminal history record,

  5  and any request for expunction of a criminal history record

  6  may be denied at the sole discretion of the court.


  8  RECORD.--Each petition to a court to expunge a criminal

  9  history record is complete only when accompanied by:

10         (a)  A certificate of eligibility for expunction issued

11  by the department pursuant to subsection (2).

12         (b)  The petitioner's sworn statement attesting that

13  the petitioner:

14         1.  Has never previously been adjudicated guilty of a

15  criminal offense or comparable ordinance violation or

16  adjudicated delinquent for committing a felony or a

17  misdemeanor specified in s. 943.051(3)(b).

18         2.  Has not been adjudicated guilty of, or adjudicated

19  delinquent for committing, any of the acts stemming from the

20  arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition

21  pertains.

22         3.  Has never secured a prior sealing or expunction of

23  a criminal history record under this section, former s.

24  893.14, former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058, or from any

25  jurisdiction outside the state.

26         4.  Is eligible for such an expunction to the best of

27  his or her knowledge or belief and does not have any other

28  petition to expunge or any petition to seal pending before any

29  court.




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  1  Any person who knowingly provides false information on such

  2  sworn statement to the court commits a felony of the third

  3  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or

  4  s. 775.084.


  6  to petitioning the court to expunge a criminal history record,

  7  a person seeking to expunge a criminal history record shall

  8  apply to the department for a certificate of eligibility for

  9  expunction. The department shall, by rule adopted pursuant to

10  chapter 120, establish procedures pertaining to the

11  application for and issuance of certificates of eligibility

12  for expunction. The department shall issue a certificate of

13  eligibility for expunction to a person who is the subject of a

14  criminal history record if that person:

15         (a)  Has obtained, and submitted to the department, a

16  written, certified statement from the appropriate state

17  attorney or statewide prosecutor which indicates:

18         1.  That an indictment, information, or other charging

19  document was not filed or issued in the case.

20         2.  That an indictment, information, or other charging

21  document, if filed or issued in the case, was dismissed or

22  nolle prosequi by the state attorney or statewide prosecutor,

23  or was dismissed by a court of competent jurisdiction.

24         3.  That the criminal history record does not relate to

25  a violation of chapter 794, former s. 800.04, s. 817.034, s.

26  827.071, chapter 839, s. 893.135, or a violation enumerated in

27  s. 907.041, where the defendant was found guilty of, or pled

28  guilty or nolo contendere to any such offense, or that the

29  defendant, as a minor, was found to have committed, or pled

30  guilty or nolo contendere to committing, such an offense as a



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  1  delinquent act, without regard to whether adjudication was

  2  withheld.

  3         (b)  Remits a $75 processing fee to the department for

  4  placement in the Department of Law Enforcement Operating Trust

  5  Fund, unless such fee is waived by the executive director.

  6         (c)  Has submitted to the department a certified copy

  7  of the disposition of the charge to which the petition to

  8  expunge pertains.

  9         (d)  Has never previously been adjudicated guilty of a

10  criminal offense or comparable ordinance violation or

11  adjudicated delinquent for committing a felony or a

12  misdemeanor specified in s. 943.051(3)(b).

13         (e)  Has not been adjudicated guilty of, or adjudicated

14  delinquent for committing, any of the acts stemming from the

15  arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition to

16  expunge pertains.

17         (f)  Has never secured a prior sealing or expunction of

18  a criminal history record under this section, former s.

19  893.14, former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058.

20         (g)  Is no longer under court supervision applicable to

21  the disposition of the arrest or alleged criminal activity to

22  which the petition to expunge pertains.

23         (h)  Is not required to wait a minimum of 10 years

24  prior to being eligible for an expunction of such records

25  because all charges related to the arrest or criminal activity

26  to which the petition to expunge pertains were dismissed prior

27  to trial, adjudication, or the withholding of adjudication.

28  Otherwise, such criminal history record must be sealed under

29  this section, former s. 893.14, former s. 901.33, or former s.

30  943.058 for at least 10 years before such record is eligible

31  for expunction.


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  2         (a)  In judicial proceedings under this section, a copy

  3  of the completed petition to expunge shall be served upon the

  4  appropriate state attorney or the statewide prosecutor and

  5  upon the arresting agency; however, it is not necessary to

  6  make any agency other than the state a party. The appropriate

  7  state attorney or the statewide prosecutor and the arresting

  8  agency may respond to the court regarding the completed

  9  petition to expunge.

10         (b)  If relief is granted by the court, the clerk of

11  the court shall certify copies of the order to the appropriate

12  state attorney or the statewide prosecutor and the arresting

13  agency. The arresting agency is responsible for forwarding the

14  order to any other agency to which the arresting agency

15  disseminated the criminal history record information to which

16  the order pertains. The department shall forward the order to

17  expunge to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The clerk of

18  the court shall certify a copy of the order to any other

19  agency which the records of the court reflect has received the

20  criminal history record from the court.

21         (c)  For an order to expunge entered by a court prior

22  to July 1, 1992, the department shall notify the appropriate

23  state attorney or statewide prosecutor of an order to expunge

24  which is contrary to law because the person who is the subject

25  of the record has previously been convicted of a crime or

26  comparable ordinance violation or has had a prior criminal

27  history record sealed or expunged. Upon receipt of such

28  notice, the appropriate state attorney or statewide prosecutor

29  shall take action, within 60 days, to correct the record and

30  petition the court to void the order to expunge. The



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  1  department shall seal the record until such time as the order

  2  is voided by the court.

  3         (d)  On or after July 1, 1992, the department or any

  4  other criminal justice agency is not required to act on an

  5  order to expunge entered by a court when such order does not

  6  comply with the requirements of this section. Upon receipt of

  7  such an order, the department must notify the issuing court,

  8  the appropriate state attorney or statewide prosecutor, the

  9  petitioner or the petitioner's attorney, and the arresting

10  agency of the reason for noncompliance. The appropriate state

11  attorney or statewide prosecutor shall take action within 60

12  days to correct the record and petition the court to void the

13  order.  No cause of action, including contempt of court, shall

14  arise against any criminal justice agency for failure to

15  comply with an order to expunge when the petitioner for such

16  order failed to obtain the certificate of eligibility as

17  required by this section or such order does not otherwise

18  comply with the requirements of this section.


20  criminal history record of a minor or an adult which is

21  ordered expunged by a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant

22  to this section must be physically destroyed or obliterated by

23  any criminal justice agency having custody of such record;

24  except that any criminal history record in the custody of the

25  department must be retained in all cases. A criminal history

26  record ordered expunged that is retained by the department is

27  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1)

28  and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and not

29  available to any person or entity except upon order of a court

30  of competent jurisdiction. A criminal justice agency may



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  1  retain a notation indicating compliance with an order to

  2  expunge.

  3         (a)  The person who is the subject of a criminal

  4  history record that is expunged under this section or under

  5  other provisions of law, including former s. 893.14, former s.

  6  901.33, and former s. 943.058, may lawfully deny or fail to

  7  acknowledge the arrests covered by the expunged record, except

  8  when the subject of the record:

  9         1.  Is a candidate for employment with a criminal

10  justice agency;

11         2.  Is a defendant in a criminal prosecution;

12         3.  Concurrently or subsequently petitions for relief

13  under this section or s. 943.059;

14         4.  Is a candidate for admission to The Florida Bar;

15         5.  Is seeking to be employed or licensed by or to

16  contract with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative

17  Services or to be employed or used by such contractor or

18  licensee in a sensitive position having direct contact with

19  children, the developmentally disabled, the aged, or the

20  elderly as provided in  s. 39.076, s. 110.1127(3), s.

21  393.063(14), s. 394.4572(1), s. 397.451, s. 402.302(8), s.

22  402.313(3), s. 409.175(2)(i), s. 415.102(4), s. 415.1075(4),

23  or chapter 400; or

24         6.  Is seeking to be employed or licensed by the Office

25  of Teacher Education, Certification, Staff Development, and

26  Professional Practices of the Department of Education, any

27  district school board, or any local governmental entity that

28  licenses child care facilities.

29         (b)  Subject to the exceptions in paragraph (a), a

30  person who has been granted an expunction under this section,

31  former s. 893.14, former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058 may


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  1  not be held under any provision of law of this state to commit

  2  perjury or to be otherwise liable for giving a false statement

  3  by reason of such person's failure to recite or acknowledge an

  4  expunged criminal history record.

  5         (c)  Information relating to the existence of an

  6  expunged criminal history record which is provided in

  7  accordance with paragraph (a) is confidential and exempt from

  8  the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the

  9  State Constitution, except that the department shall disclose

10  the existence of a criminal history record ordered expunged to

11  the entities set forth in subparagraphs (a)1., 4., 5., and 6.

12  for their respective licensing and employment purposes, and to

13  criminal justice agencies for their respective criminal

14  justice purposes.  It is unlawful for any employee of an

15  entity set forth in subparagraph (a)1., subparagraph (a)4.,

16  subparagraph (a)5., or subparagraph (a)6. to disclose

17  information relating to the existence of an expunged criminal

18  history record of a person seeking employment or licensure

19  with such entity or contractor, except to the person to whom

20  the criminal history record relates or to persons having

21  direct responsibility for employment or licensure decisions.

22  Any person who violates this paragraph commits a misdemeanor

23  of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or

24  s. 775.083.

25         Section 23.  Section 943.059, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         943.059  Court-ordered sealing of criminal history

28  records.--The courts of this state shall continue to have

29  jurisdiction over their own procedures, including the

30  maintenance, sealing, and correction of judicial records

31  containing criminal history information to the extent such


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  1  procedures are not inconsistent with the conditions,

  2  responsibilities, and duties established by this section.  Any

  3  court of competent jurisdiction may order a criminal justice

  4  agency to seal the criminal history record of a minor or an

  5  adult who complies with the requirements of this section.  The

  6  court shall not order a criminal justice agency to seal a

  7  criminal history record until the person seeking to seal a

  8  criminal history record has applied for and received a

  9  certificate of eligibility for sealing pursuant to subsection

10  (2).  A criminal history record that relates to a violation of

11  chapter 794, former s. 800.04, s. 817.034, s. 827.071, chapter

12  839, s. 893.135, or a violation enumerated in s. 907.041 may

13  not be sealed, without regard to whether adjudication was

14  withheld, if the defendant was found guilty of or pled guilty

15  or nolo contendere to the offense, or if the defendant, as a

16  minor, was found to have committed or pled guilty or nolo

17  contendere to committing the offense as a delinquent act.  The

18  court may only order sealing of a criminal history record

19  pertaining to one arrest or one incident of alleged criminal

20  activity, except as provided in this section. The court may,

21  at its sole discretion, order the sealing of a criminal

22  history record pertaining to more than one arrest if the

23  additional arrests directly relate to the original arrest.  If

24  the court intends to order the sealing of records pertaining

25  to such additional arrests, such intent must be specified in

26  the order.  A criminal justice agency may not seal any record

27  pertaining to such additional arrests if the order to seal

28  does not articulate the intention of the court to seal records

29  pertaining to more than one arrest.  This section does not

30  prevent the court from ordering the sealing of only a portion

31  of a criminal history record pertaining to one arrest or one


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  1  incident of alleged criminal activity. Notwithstanding any law

  2  to the contrary, a criminal justice agency may comply with

  3  laws, court orders, and official requests of other

  4  jurisdictions relating to sealing, correction, or confidential

  5  handling of criminal history records or information derived

  6  therefrom.  This section does not confer any right to the

  7  sealing of any criminal history record, and any request for

  8  sealing a criminal history record may be denied at the sole

  9  discretion of the court.


11  petition to a court to seal a criminal history record is

12  complete only when accompanied by:

13         (a)  A certificate of eligibility for sealing issued by

14  the department pursuant to subsection (2).

15         (b)  The petitioner's sworn statement attesting that

16  the petitioner:

17         1.  Has never previously been adjudicated guilty of a

18  criminal offense or comparable ordinance violation or

19  adjudicated delinquent for committing a felony or a

20  misdemeanor specified in s. 943.051(3)(b).

21         2.  Has not been adjudicated guilty of or adjudicated

22  delinquent for committing any of the acts stemming from the

23  arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition to

24  seal pertains.

25         3.  Has never secured a prior sealing or expunction of

26  a criminal history record under this section, former s.

27  893.14, former s. 901.33, former s. 943.058, or from any

28  jurisdiction outside the state.

29         4.  Is eligible for such a sealing to the best of his

30  or her knowledge or belief and does not have any other



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  1  petition to seal or any petition to expunge pending before any

  2  court.


  4  Any person who knowingly provides false information on such

  5  sworn statement to the court commits a felony of the third

  6  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or

  7  s. 775.084.


  9  petitioning the court to seal a criminal history record, a

10  person seeking to seal a criminal history record shall apply

11  to the department for a certificate of eligibility for

12  sealing.  The department shall, by rule adopted pursuant to

13  chapter 120, establish procedures pertaining to the

14  application for and issuance of certificates of eligibility

15  for sealing.  The department shall issue a certificate of

16  eligibility for sealing to a person who is the subject of a

17  criminal history record provided that such person:

18         (a)  Has submitted to the department a certified copy

19  of the disposition of the charge to which the petition to seal

20  pertains.

21         (b)  Remits a $75 processing fee to the department for

22  placement in the Department of Law Enforcement Operating Trust

23  Fund, unless such fee is waived by the executive director.

24         (c)  Has never previously been adjudicated guilty of a

25  criminal offense or comparable ordinance violation or

26  adjudicated delinquent for committing a felony or a

27  misdemeanor specified in s. 943.051(3)(b).

28         (d)  Has not been adjudicated guilty of or adjudicated

29  delinquent for committing any of the acts stemming from the

30  arrest or alleged criminal activity to which the petition to

31  seal pertains.


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  1         (e)  Has never secured a prior sealing or expunction of

  2  a criminal history record under this section, former s.

  3  893.14, former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058.

  4         (f)  Is no longer under court supervision applicable to

  5  the disposition of the arrest or alleged criminal activity to

  6  which the petition to seal pertains.


  8         (a)  In judicial proceedings under this section, a copy

  9  of the completed petition to seal shall be served upon the

10  appropriate state attorney or the statewide prosecutor and

11  upon the arresting agency; however, it is not necessary to

12  make any agency other than the state a party.  The appropriate

13  state attorney or the statewide prosecutor and the arresting

14  agency may respond to the court regarding the completed

15  petition to seal.

16         (b)  If relief is granted by the court, the clerk of

17  the court shall certify copies of the order to the appropriate

18  state attorney or the statewide prosecutor and to the

19  arresting agency. The arresting agency is responsible for

20  forwarding the order to any other agency to which the

21  arresting agency disseminated the criminal history record

22  information to which the order pertains. The department shall

23  forward the order to seal to the Federal Bureau of

24  Investigation. The clerk of the court shall certify a copy of

25  the order to any other agency which the records of the court

26  reflect has received the criminal history record from the

27  court.

28         (c)  For an order to seal entered by a court prior to

29  July 1, 1992, the department shall notify the appropriate

30  state attorney or statewide prosecutor of any order to seal

31  which is contrary to law because the person who is the subject


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  1  of the record has previously been convicted of a crime or

  2  comparable ordinance violation or has had a prior criminal

  3  history record sealed or expunged.  Upon receipt of such

  4  notice, the appropriate state attorney or statewide prosecutor

  5  shall take action, within 60 days, to correct the record and

  6  petition the court to void the order to seal.  The department

  7  shall seal the record until such time as the order is voided

  8  by the court.

  9         (d)  On or after July 1, 1992, the department or any

10  other criminal justice agency is not required to act on an

11  order to seal entered by a court when such order does not

12  comply with the requirements of this section.  Upon receipt of

13  such an order, the department must notify the issuing court,

14  the appropriate state attorney or statewide prosecutor, the

15  petitioner or the petitioner's attorney, and the arresting

16  agency of the reason for noncompliance. The appropriate state

17  attorney or statewide prosecutor shall take action within 60

18  days to correct the record and petition the court to void the

19  order.  No cause of action, including contempt of court, shall

20  arise against any criminal justice agency for failure to

21  comply with an order to seal when the petitioner for such

22  order failed to obtain the certificate of eligibility as

23  required by this section or when such order does not comply

24  with the requirements of this section.

25         (e)  An order sealing a criminal history record

26  pursuant to this section does not require that such record be

27  surrendered to the court, and such record shall continue to be

28  maintained by the department and other criminal justice

29  agencies.


31  criminal history record of a minor or an adult which is


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  1  ordered sealed by a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant

  2  to this section is confidential and exempt from the provisions

  3  of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution

  4  and is available only to the person who is the subject of the

  5  record, to the subject's attorney, to criminal justice

  6  agencies for their respective criminal justice purposes, or to

  7  those entities set forth in subparagraphs (a)1., 4., 5., and

  8  6. for their respective licensing and employment purposes.

  9         (a)  The subject of a criminal history record sealed

10  under this section or under other provisions of law, including

11  former s. 893.14, former s. 901.33, and former s. 943.058, may

12  lawfully deny or fail to acknowledge the arrests covered by

13  the sealed record, except when the subject of the record:

14         1.  Is a candidate for employment with a criminal

15  justice agency;

16         2.  Is a defendant in a criminal prosecution;

17         3.  Concurrently or subsequently petitions for relief

18  under this section or s. 943.0585;

19         4.  Is a candidate for admission to The Florida Bar;

20         5.  Is seeking to be employed or licensed by or to

21  contract with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative

22  Services or the Department of Juvenile Justice or to be

23  employed or used by such contractor or licensee in a sensitive

24  position having direct contact with children, the

25  developmentally disabled, the aged, or the elderly as provided

26  in s. 39.076, s. 110.1127(3), s. 393.063(14), s. 394.4572(1),

27  s. 397.451, s. 402.302(8), s. 402.313(3), s. 409.175(2)(i), s.

28  415.102(4), s. 415.103, or chapter 400; or

29         6.  Is seeking to be employed or licensed by the Office

30  of Teacher Education, Certification, Staff Development, and

31  Professional Practices of the Department of Education, any


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  1  district school board, or any local governmental entity which

  2  licenses child care facilities.

  3         (b)  Subject to the exceptions in paragraph (a), a

  4  person who has been granted a sealing under this section,

  5  former s. 893.14, former s. 901.33, or former s. 943.058 may

  6  not be held under any provision of law of this state to commit

  7  perjury or to be otherwise liable for giving a false statement

  8  by reason of such person's failure to recite or acknowledge a

  9  sealed criminal history record.

10         (c)  Information relating to the existence of a sealed

11  criminal record provided in accordance with the provisions of

12  paragraph (a) is confidential and exempt from the provisions

13  of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State

14  Constitution, except that the department shall disclose the

15  sealed criminal history record to the entities set forth in

16  subparagraphs (a)1., 4., 5., and 6. for their respective

17  licensing and employment purposes. It is unlawful for any

18  employee of an entity set forth in subparagraph (a)1.,

19  subparagraph (a)4., subparagraph (a)5., or subparagraph (a)6.

20  to disclose information relating to the existence of a sealed

21  criminal history record of a person seeking employment or

22  licensure with such entity or contractor, except to the person

23  to whom the criminal history record relates or to persons

24  having direct responsibility for employment or licensure

25  decisions.  Any person who violates the provisions of this

26  paragraph commits a misdemeanor of the first degree,

27  punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

28         Section 24.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section

29  944.606, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

30         944.606  Sexual offenders; notification upon release.--

31         (1)  As used in this section:


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  1         (b)  "Sexual offender" means a person who has been

  2  convicted of a felony violation of chapter 794, former s.

  3  800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145, or a violation of a

  4  similar law of another jurisdiction, when the department has

  5  received verified information regarding such conviction; an

  6  offender's computerized criminal history record is not, in and

  7  of itself, verified information.

  8         Section 25.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

  9  944.607, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         944.607  Notification to Department of Law Enforcement

11  of information on sex offenders.--

12         (1)  As used in this section, the term:

13         (a)  "Sex offender" means a person who is in the

14  custody or control of, or under the supervision of, the

15  department or is in the custody of a private correctional

16  facility on or after October 1, 1997, as a result of a

17  conviction for committing, or attempting, soliciting, or

18  conspiring to commit, any of the criminal offenses proscribed

19  in the following statutes in this state or analogous offenses

20  in another jurisdiction:  s. 787.025, chapter 794, s. 796.03,

21  former s. 800.04, s. 827.071, s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135, s.

22  847.0145, or any similar offense committed in this state which

23  has been redesignated from a former statute number to one of

24  those listed in this paragraph.

25         Section 26.  Subsection (7) of section 947.1405,

26  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         947.1405  Conditional release program.--

28         (7)(a)  Any inmate who is convicted of a crime

29  committed on or after October 1, 1995, or who has been

30  previously convicted of a crime committed on or after October

31  1, 1995, in violation of chapter 794, former s. 800.04, s.


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  1  827.071, or s. 847.0145, and is subject to conditional release

  2  supervision, shall have, in addition to any other conditions

  3  imposed, the following special conditions imposed by the

  4  commission:

  5         1.  A mandatory curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The court

  6  may designate another 8-hour period if the offender's

  7  employment precludes the above specified time, and such

  8  alternative is recommended by the Department of Corrections.

  9  If the court determines that imposing a curfew would endanger

10  the victim, the court may consider alternative sanctions.

11         2.  If the victim was under the age of 18, a

12  prohibition on living within 1,000 feet of a school, day care

13  center, park, playground, or other place where children

14  regularly congregate.

15         3.  Active participation in and successful completion

16  of a sex offender treatment program with therapists

17  specifically trained to treat sex offenders, at the releasee's

18  own expense. If a specially trained therapist is not available

19  within a 50-mile radius of the releasee's residence, the

20  offender shall participate in other appropriate therapy.

21         4.  A prohibition on any contact with the victim,

22  directly or indirectly, including through a third person,

23  unless approved by the victim, the offender's therapist, and

24  the sentencing court.

25         5.  If the victim was under the age of 18, a

26  prohibition, until successful completion of a sex offender

27  treatment program, on unsupervised contact with a child under

28  the age of 18, unless authorized by the commission without

29  another adult present who is responsible for the child's

30  welfare, has been advised of the crime, and is approved by the

31  commission.


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  1         6.  If the victim was under age 18, a prohibition on

  2  working for pay or as a volunteer at any school, day care

  3  center, park, playground, or other place where children

  4  regularly congregate, as prescribed by the commission.

  5         7.  Unless otherwise indicated in the treatment plan

  6  provided by the sexual offender treatment program, a

  7  prohibition on viewing, owning, or possessing any obscene,

  8  pornographic, or sexually stimulating visual or auditory

  9  material, including telephone, electronic media, computer

10  programs, or computer services that are relevant to the

11  offender's deviant behavior pattern.

12         8.  A requirement that the releasee must submit two

13  specimens of blood to the Florida Department of Law

14  Enforcement to be registered with the DNA database.

15         9.  A requirement that the releasee make restitution to

16  the victim, as determined by the sentencing court or the

17  commission, for all necessary medical and related professional

18  services relating to physical, psychiatric, and psychological

19  care.

20         10.  Submission to a warrantless search by the

21  community control or probation officer of the probationer's or

22  community controllee's person, residence, or vehicle.

23         (b)  For a releasee whose crime was committed on or

24  after October 1, 1997, in violation of chapter 794, former s.

25  800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145, and who is subject to

26  conditional release supervision, in addition to any other

27  provision of this subsection, the commission shall impose the

28  following additional conditions of conditional release

29  supervision:

30         1.  As part of a treatment program, participation in a

31  minimum of one annual polygraph examination to obtain


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  1  information necessary for risk management and treatment and to

  2  reduce the sex offender's denial mechanisms. The polygraph

  3  examination must be conducted by a polygrapher trained

  4  specifically in the use of the polygraph for the monitoring of

  5  sex offenders, where available, and at the expense of the sex

  6  offender. The results of the polygraph examination shall not

  7  be used as evidence in a hearing to prove that a violation of

  8  supervision has occurred.

  9         2.  Maintenance of a driving log and a prohibition

10  against driving a motor vehicle alone without the prior

11  approval of the supervising officer.

12         3.  A prohibition against obtaining or using a post

13  office box without the prior approval of the supervising

14  officer.

15         4.  If there was sexual contact, a submission to, at

16  the probationer's or community controllee's expense, an HIV

17  test with the results to be released to the victim or the

18  victim's parent or guardian.

19         5.  Electronic monitoring when deemed necessary by the

20  community control or probation officer and his or her

21  supervisor, and ordered by the court at the recommendation of

22  the Department of Corrections.

23         Section 27.  Subsections (5) and (6) of section 948.03,

24  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

25         948.03  Terms and conditions of probation or community

26  control.--

27         (4)  The court shall require a diagnosis and evaluation

28  to determine the need of a probationer or offender in

29  community control for treatment.  If the court determines that

30  a need therefor is established by such diagnosis and

31  evaluation process, the court shall require outpatient


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  1  counseling as a term or condition of probation or community

  2  control for any person who was found guilty of any of the

  3  following, or whose plea of guilty or nolo contendere to any

  4  of the following was accepted by the court:

  5         (a)  A lewd, lascivious, or indecent assault or act

  6  upon, or in the presence of, a child.

  7         (b)  Sexual battery, as defined in chapter 794, against

  8  a child.

  9         (c)  Exploitation of a child as provided in s. 450.151,

10  or for prostitution.


12  Such counseling shall be required to be obtained from a

13  community mental health center, a recognized social service

14  agency providing mental health services, or a private mental

15  health professional or through other professional counseling.

16  The plan for counseling for the individual shall be provided

17  to the court for review.

18         (5)(a)  Effective for probationers or community

19  controllees whose crime was committed on or after October 1,

20  1995, and who are placed under supervision for violation of

21  chapter 794 or former s. 800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145,

22  the court must impose the following conditions in addition to

23  all other standard and special conditions imposed:

24         1.  A mandatory curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The court

25  may designate another 8-hour period if the offender's

26  employment precludes the above specified time, and such

27  alternative is recommended by the Department of Corrections.

28  If the court determines that imposing a curfew would endanger

29  the victim, the court may consider alternative sanctions.

30         2.  If the victim was under the age of 18, a

31  prohibition on living within 1,000 feet of a school, day care


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  1  center, park, playground, or other place where children

  2  regularly congregate, as prescribed by the court.

  3         3.  Active participation in and successful completion

  4  of a sex offender treatment program with therapists

  5  specifically trained to treat sex offenders, at the

  6  probationer's or community controllee's own expense. If a

  7  specially trained therapist is not available within a 50-mile

  8  radius of the probationer's or community controllee's

  9  residence, the offender shall participate in other appropriate

10  therapy.

11         4.  A prohibition on any contact with the victim,

12  directly or indirectly, including through a third person,

13  unless approved by the victim, the offender's therapist, and

14  the sentencing court.

15         5.  If the victim was under the age of 18, a

16  prohibition, until successful completion of a sex offender

17  treatment program, on unsupervised contact with a child under

18  the age of 18, unless authorized by the sentencing court

19  without another adult present who is responsible for the

20  child's welfare, has been advised of the crime, and is

21  approved by the sentencing court.

22         6.  If the victim was under age 18, a prohibition on

23  working for pay or as a volunteer at any school, day care

24  center, park, playground, or other place where children

25  regularly congregate.

26         7.  Unless otherwise indicated in the treatment plan

27  provided by the sexual offender treatment program, a

28  prohibition on viewing, owning, or possessing any obscene,

29  pornographic, or sexually stimulating visual or auditory

30  material, including telephone, electronic media, computer



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  1  programs, or computer services that are relevant to the

  2  offender's deviant behavior pattern.

  3         8.  A requirement that the probationer or community

  4  controllee must submit two specimens of blood to the Florida

  5  Department of Law Enforcement to be registered with the DNA

  6  data bank.

  7         9.  A requirement that the probationer or community

  8  controllee make restitution to the victim, as ordered by the

  9  court under s. 775.089, for all necessary medical and related

10  professional services relating to physical, psychiatric, and

11  psychological care.

12         10.  Submission to a warrantless search by the

13  community control or probation officer of the probationer's or

14  community controllee's person, residence, or vehicle.

15         (b)  Effective for a probationer or community

16  controllee whose crime was committed on or after October 1,

17  1997, and who is placed on sex offender probation for a

18  violation of chapter 794, former s. 800.04, s. 827.071, or s.

19  847.0145, in addition to any other provision of this

20  subsection, the court must impose the following conditions of

21  probation or community control:

22         1.  As part of a treatment program, participation at

23  least annually in polygraph examinations to obtain information

24  necessary for risk management and treatment and to reduce the

25  sex offender's denial mechanisms. A polygraph examination must

26  be conducted by a polygrapher trained specifically in the use

27  of the polygraph for the monitoring of sex offenders, where

28  available, and shall be paid by the sex offender. The results

29  of the polygraph examination shall not be used as evidence in

30  court to prove that a violation of community supervision has

31  occurred.


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  1         2.  Maintenance of a driving log and a prohibition

  2  against driving a motor vehicle alone without the prior

  3  approval of the supervising officer.

  4         3.  A prohibition against obtaining or using a post

  5  office box without the prior approval of the supervising

  6  officer.

  7         4.  If there was sexual contact, a submission to, at

  8  the probationer's or community controllee's expense, an HIV

  9  test with the results to be released to the victim and/or the

10  victim's parent or guardian.

11         5.  Electronic monitoring when deemed necessary by the

12  community control or probation officer and his or her

13  supervisor, and ordered by the court at the recommendation of

14  the Department of Corrections.

15         (6)  The enumeration of specific kinds of terms and

16  conditions shall not prevent the court from adding thereto

17  such other or others as it considers proper. However, the

18  sentencing court may only impose a condition of supervision

19  allowing an offender convicted of s. 794.011, s. 794.05(2) or

20  former s. 800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145, to reside in

21  another state, if the order stipulates that it is contingent

22  upon the approval of the receiving state interstate compact

23  authority. The court may rescind or modify at any time the

24  terms and conditions theretofore imposed by it upon the

25  probationer or offender in community control.  However, if the

26  court withholds adjudication of guilt or imposes a period of

27  incarceration as a condition of probation or community

28  control, the period shall not exceed 364 days, and

29  incarceration shall be restricted to either a county facility,

30  a probation and restitution center under the jurisdiction of

31  the Department of Corrections, a probation program drug


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  1  punishment phase I secure residential treatment institution,

  2  or a community residential facility owned or operated by any

  3  entity providing such services.

  4         Section 28.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

  5  948.06, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  6         948.06  Violation of probation or community control;

  7  revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay

  8  restitution or cost of supervision.--

  9         (2)(a)  When any state or local law enforcement agency

10  investigates or arrests a person for committing, or

11  attempting, soliciting, or conspiring to commit, a violation

12  of  s. 787.025, chapter 794, s. 796.03, s. 800.04, s. 827.071,

13  s. 847.0133, s. 847.0135, or s. 847.0145, the law enforcement

14  agency shall contact the Department of Corrections to verify

15  whether the person under investigation or under arrest is on

16  probation, community control, parole, conditional release, or

17  control release.

18         Section 29.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (33) of

19  section 985.03, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         985.03  Definitions.--When used in this chapter, the

21  term:

22         (7)  "Child eligible for an intensive residential

23  treatment program for offenders less than 13 years of age"

24  means a child who has been found to have committed a

25  delinquent act or a violation of law in the case currently

26  before the court and who meets at least one of the following

27  criteria:

28         (a)  The child is less than 13 years of age at the time

29  of the disposition for the current offense and has been

30  adjudicated on the current offense for:

31         1.  Arson;


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  1         2.  Sexual battery;

  2         3.  Robbery;

  3         4.  Kidnapping;

  4         5.  Aggravated child abuse;

  5         6.  Aggravated assault;

  6         7.  Aggravated stalking;

  7         8.  Murder;

  8         9.  Manslaughter;

  9         10.  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

10  destructive device or bomb;

11         11.  Armed burglary;

12         12.  Aggravated battery;

13         13.  Lewd or lascivious assault or act in the presence

14  of a child; or

15         14.  Carrying, displaying, using, threatening, or

16  attempting to use a weapon or firearm during the commission of

17  a felony.

18         (33)  "Juvenile sexual offender" means:

19         (a)  A juvenile who has been found by the court

20  pursuant to s. 985.228 to have committed a violation of

21  chapter 794, chapter 796, chapter 800, former s. 800.04, s.

22  827.071, or s. 847.0133;


24  Juvenile sexual offender behavior ranges from noncontact

25  sexual behavior such as making obscene phone calls,

26  exhibitionism, voyeurism, and the showing or taking of lewd

27  photographs to varying degrees of direct sexual contact, such

28  as frottage, fondling, digital penetration, rape, fellatio,

29  sodomy, and various other sexually aggressive acts.

30         (47)  "Serious or habitual juvenile offender," for

31  purposes of commitment to a residential facility and for


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  1  purposes of records retention, means a child who has been

  2  found to have committed a delinquent act or a violation of

  3  law, in the case currently before the court, and who meets at

  4  least one of the following criteria:

  5         (a)  The youth is at least 13 years of age at the time

  6  of the disposition for the current offense and has been

  7  adjudicated on the current offense for:

  8         1.  Arson;

  9         2.  Sexual battery;

10         3.  Robbery;

11         4.  Kidnapping;

12         5.  Aggravated child abuse;

13         6.  Aggravated assault;

14         7.  Aggravated stalking;

15         8.  Murder;

16         9.  Manslaughter;

17         10.  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

18  destructive device or bomb;

19         11.  Armed burglary;

20         12.  Aggravated battery;

21         13.  Lewd or lascivious assault or act in the presence

22  of a child; or

23         14.  Carrying, displaying, using, threatening, or

24  attempting to use a weapon or firearm during the commission of

25  a felony.

26         Section 30.  Subsection (1) of section 827.01, Florida

27  Statutes, is amended to read:

28         827.01  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

29         (1)  "Caregiver" means a child's parent, adult

30  household member, legal guardian, legal custodian, adult next

31  of kin, or foster parent; an employee of a public or private


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  1  school; an employee of a public or private day care center; an

  2  employee of a residential home, institution, or facility; a

  3  protective investigator of the Department of Children and

  4  Family Services; the child's guardian ad litem; or any other

  5  person responsible for the a child's welfare, supervision, or

  6  custody.

  7         Section 31.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (1)

  8  of section 827.03, Florida Statutes, to read:

  9         827.03  Abuse, aggravated abuse, and neglect of a

10  child; penalties.--

11         (1)  "Child abuse" means:

12         (a)  Intentional infliction of physical or mental

13  injury upon a child;

14         (b)  An intentional act that could reasonably be

15  expected to result in physical or mental injury to a child; or

16         (c)  Active encouragement of any person to commit an

17  act that results or could reasonably be expected to result in

18  physical or mental injury to a child; or.

19         (d)  A caregiver's failure to report any known or

20  suspected child abuse as defined in paragraph (a), paragraph

21  (b), or paragraph (c) within 24 hours of knowing or being made

22  aware of the abuse, or having reasonable cause to know of or

23  suspect the abuse, to the appropriate law enforcement agency

24  having jurisdiction over the offense.


26  A person who knowingly or willfully abuses a child without

27  causing great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent

28  disfigurement to the child commits a felony of the third

29  degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or

30  s. 775.084.



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  1         Section 32.  For the purpose of incorporating the

  2  amendment to section 827.03, Florida Statutes, in references

  3  thereto, paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section 415.5018,

  4  Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

  5         415.5018  District authority and responsibilities.--


  7         (b)  The following statutory mandates may not be

  8  subject to change or modification as part of a family services

  9  response system:

10         1.  All reports of child abuse, neglect, or abandonment

11  must continue to be received at the central abuse registry and

12  tracking system.

13         2.  All initial responses must continue to be completed

14  as currently mandated in order to ensure face-to-face contact

15  with the child victim.

16         3.  The department retains responsibility for notifying

17  the state attorney and law enforcement agency, as required by

18  s. 415.505, immediately upon receipt of a report alleging, or

19  immediately upon learning in the course of providing services,

20  that:

21         a.  A child died as a result of abuse or neglect;

22         b.  A child is a victim of aggravated child abuse as

23  defined in s. 827.03;

24         c.  A child is a victim of sexual battery or of sexual

25  abuse as defined in s. 415.503; or

26         d.  A child is a victim of institutional abuse as

27  defined in s. 415.503.

28         Section 33.  For the purpose of incorporating the

29  amendment to section 827.03, Florida Statutes, in references

30  thereto, subsection (5) of section 787.04, Florida Statutes,

31  is reenacted to read:


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  1         787.04  Removing minors from state or concealing minors

  2  contrary to state agency order or court order.--

  3         (5)  It is a defense under this section that a person

  4  who leads, takes, entices, or removes a minor beyond the

  5  limits of the state reasonably believes that his or her action

  6  was necessary to protect the minor from child abuse as defined

  7  in s. 827.03.

  8         Section 34.  Subsections (4) and (5) of section

  9  827.071, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

10         827.071  Sexual performance by a child; penalties.--

11         (4)  It is unlawful for any person to possess with the

12  intent to promote any photograph, motion picture, videotape,

13  video laser disk, exhibition, show, representation, audiotape,

14  compact disk, computer diskette or computer hard drive, or

15  other presentation which, in whole or in part, includes any

16  sexual conduct by a child.  The possession of three or more

17  copies of such photograph, motion picture, videotape, video

18  laser disk, exhibition, show, representation, audiotape,

19  compact disk, computer diskette or computer hard drive, or

20  presentation is prima facie evidence of an intent to promote.

21  A person who Whoever violates this subsection commits is

22  guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as

23  provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

24         (5)  It is unlawful for any person to knowingly possess

25  a photograph, motion picture, videotape, video laser disk,

26  exhibition, show, representation, audiotape, compact disk,

27  computer diskette or computer hard drive, or other

28  presentation which, in whole or in part, he or she knows to

29  include any sexual conduct by a child.  The possession of each

30  such photograph, motion picture, videotape, video laser disk,

31  exhibition, show, representation, audiotape, compact disk,


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  1  computer diskette or computer hard drive, or presentation is a

  2  separate offense. A person who Whoever violates this

  3  subsection commits is guilty of a felony of the third degree,

  4  punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.

  5  775.084.

  6         Section 35.  For the purpose of incorporating the

  7  amendment to s. 827.071, Florida Statutes, in references

  8  thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 772.102,

  9  Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

10         772.102  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the

11  term:

12         (1)  "Criminal activity" means to commit, to attempt to

13  commit, to conspire to commit, or to solicit, coerce, or

14  intimidate another person to commit:

15         (a)  Any crime which is chargeable by indictment or

16  information under the following provisions:

17         1.  Section 210.18, relating to evasion of payment of

18  cigarette taxes.

19         2.  Section 414.39, relating to public assistance

20  fraud.

21         3.  Section 440.105 or s. 440.106, relating to workers'

22  compensation.

23         4.  Part IV of chapter 501, relating to telemarketing.

24         5.  Chapter 517, relating to securities transactions.

25         6.  Section 550.235, s. 550.3551, or s. 550.3605,

26  relating to dogracing and horseracing.

27         7.  Chapter 550, relating to jai alai frontons.

28         8.  Chapter 552, relating to the manufacture,

29  distribution, and use of explosives.

30         9.  Chapter 562, relating to beverage law enforcement.



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  1         10.  Section 624.401, relating to transacting insurance

  2  without a certificate of authority, s. 624.437(4)(c)1.,

  3  relating to operating an unauthorized multiple-employer

  4  welfare arrangement, or s. 626.902(1)(b), relating to

  5  representing or aiding an unauthorized insurer.

  6         11.  Chapter 687, relating to interest and usurious

  7  practices.

  8         12.  Section 721.08, s. 721.09, or s. 721.13, relating

  9  to real estate timeshare plans.

10         13.  Chapter 782, relating to homicide.

11         14.  Chapter 784, relating to assault and battery.

12         15.  Chapter 787, relating to kidnapping.

13         16.  Chapter 790, relating to weapons and firearms.

14         17.  Section 796.01, s. 796.03, s. 796.04, s. 796.05,

15  or s. 796.07, relating to prostitution.

16         18.  Chapter 806, relating to arson.

17         19.  Section 810.02(2)(c), relating to specified

18  burglary of a dwelling or structure.

19         20.  Chapter 812, relating to theft, robbery, and

20  related crimes.

21         21.  Chapter 815, relating to computer-related crimes.

22         22.  Chapter 817, relating to fraudulent practices,

23  false pretenses, fraud generally, and credit card crimes.

24         23.  Section 827.071, relating to commercial sexual

25  exploitation of children.

26         24.  Chapter 831, relating to forgery and

27  counterfeiting.

28         25.  Chapter 832, relating to issuance of worthless

29  checks and drafts.

30         26.  Section 836.05, relating to extortion.

31         27.  Chapter 837, relating to perjury.


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  1         28.  Chapter 838, relating to bribery and misuse of

  2  public office.

  3         29.  Chapter 843, relating to obstruction of justice.

  4         30.  Section 847.011, s. 847.012, s. 847.013, s.

  5  847.06, or s. 847.07, relating to obscene literature and

  6  profanity.

  7         31.  Section 849.09, s. 849.14, s. 849.15, s. 849.23,

  8  or s. 849.25, relating to gambling.

  9         32.  Chapter 893, relating to drug abuse prevention and

10  control.

11         33.  Section 914.22 or s. 914.23, relating to

12  witnesses, victims, or informants.

13         34.  Section 918.12 or s. 918.13, relating to tampering

14  with jurors and evidence.

15         Section 36.  For the purpose of incorporating the

16  amendment to section 827.071, Florida Statutes, in references

17  thereto, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section 895.02,

18  Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

19         895.02  Definitions.--As used in ss. 895.01-895.08, the

20  term:

21         (1)  "Racketeering activity" means to commit, to

22  attempt to commit, to conspire to commit, or to solicit,

23  coerce, or intimidate another person to commit:

24         (a)  Any crime which is chargeable by indictment or

25  information under the following provisions of the Florida

26  Statutes:

27         1.  Section 210.18, relating to evasion of payment of

28  cigarette taxes.

29         2.  Section 403.727(3)(b), relating to environmental

30  control.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 798
    38-521-98                                               See HB

  1         3.  Section 414.39, relating to public assistance

  2  fraud.

  3         4.  Section 409.920, relating to Medicaid provider

  4  fraud.

  5         5.  Section 440.105 or s. 440.106, relating to workers'

  6  compensation.

  7         6.  Part IV of chapter 501, relating to telemarketing.

  8         7.  Chapter 517, relating to sale of securities and

  9  investor protection.

10         8.  Section 550.235, s. 550.3551, or s. 550.3605,

11  relating to dogracing and horseracing.

12         9.  Chapter 550, relating to jai alai frontons.

13         10.  Chapter 552, relating to the manufacture,

14  distribution, and use of explosives.

15         11.  Chapter 562, relating to beverage law enforcement.

16         12.  Section 624.401, relating to transacting insurance

17  without a certificate of authority, s. 624.437(4)(c)1.,

18  relating to operating an unauthorized multiple-employer

19  welfare arrangement, or s. 626.902(1)(b), relating to

20  representing or aiding an unauthorized insurer.

21         13.  Section 655.50, relating to reports of currency

22  transactions, when such violation is punishable as a felony.

23         14.  Chapter 687, relating to interest and usurious

24  practices.

25         15.  Section 721.08, s. 721.09, or s. 721.13, relating

26  to real estate timeshare plans.

27         16.  Chapter 782, relating to homicide.

28         17.  Chapter 784, relating to assault and battery.

29         18.  Chapter 787, relating to kidnapping.

30         19.  Chapter 790, relating to weapons and firearms.



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  1         20.  Section 796.03, s. 796.04, s.  796.05, or s.

  2  796.07, relating to prostitution.

  3         21.  Chapter 806, relating to arson.

  4         22.  Section 810.02(2)(c), relating to specified

  5  burglary of a dwelling or structure.

  6         23.  Chapter 812, relating to theft, robbery, and

  7  related crimes.

  8         24.  Chapter 815, relating to computer-related crimes.

  9         25.  Chapter 817, relating to fraudulent practices,

10  false pretenses, fraud generally, and credit card crimes.

11         26.  Chapter 825, relating to abuse, neglect, or

12  exploitation of an elderly person or disabled adult.

13         27.  Section 827.071, relating to commercial sexual

14  exploitation of children.

15         28.  Chapter 831, relating to forgery and

16  counterfeiting.

17         29.  Chapter 832, relating to issuance of worthless

18  checks and drafts.

19         30.  Section 836.05, relating to extortion.

20         31.  Chapter 837, relating to perjury.

21         32.  Chapter 838, relating to bribery and misuse of

22  public office.

23         33.  Chapter 843, relating to obstruction of justice.

24         34.  Section 847.011, s. 847.012, s. 847.013, s.

25  847.06, or s. 847.07, relating to obscene literature and

26  profanity.

27         35.  Section 849.09, s. 849.14, s. 849.15, s. 849.23,

28  or s. 849.25, relating to gambling.

29         36.  Chapter 874, relating to criminal street gangs.

30         37.  Chapter 893, relating to drug abuse prevention and

31  control.


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  1         38.  Chapter 896, relating to offenses related to

  2  financial transactions.

  3         39.  Sections 914.22 and 914.23, relating to tampering

  4  with a witness, victim, or informant, and retaliation against

  5  a witness, victim, or informant.

  6         40.  Sections 918.12 and 918.13, relating to tampering

  7  with jurors and evidence.

  8         Section 37.  For the purpose of incorporating the

  9  amendment to section 827.071, Florida Statutes, in references

10  thereto, section 934.07, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to

11  read:

12         934.07  Authorization for interception of wire, oral,

13  or electronic communications.--The Governor, the Attorney

14  General, the statewide prosecutor, or any state attorney may

15  authorize an application to a judge of competent jurisdiction

16  for, and such judge may grant in conformity with ss.

17  934.03-934.09, an order authorizing or approving the

18  interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications by

19  the Department of Law Enforcement or any law enforcement

20  agency as defined in s. 934.02 having responsibility for the

21  investigation of the offense as to which the application is

22  made when such interception may provide or has provided

23  evidence of the commission of the offense of murder,

24  kidnapping, arson, gambling, robbery, burglary, theft, dealing

25  in stolen property, prostitution, criminal usury, bribery, or

26  extortion; any violation of chapter 893; any violation of the

27  provisions of the Florida Anti-Fencing Act; any violation of

28  chapter 895; any violation of chapter 896; any violation of

29  chapter 815; any violation of chapter 847; any violation of s.

30  827.071; any violation of s. 944.40; or any conspiracy to



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

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    38-521-98                                               See HB

  1  commit any violation of the laws of this state relating to the

  2  crimes specifically enumerated above.

  3         Section 38.  For the purpose of incorporating the

  4  amendments to sections 827.03 and 827.071, Florida Statutes,

  5  in references thereto, subsection (1) of section 794.024,

  6  Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:

  7         794.024  Unlawful to disclose identifying

  8  information.--

  9         (1)  A public employee or officer who has access to the

10  photograph, name, or address of a person who is alleged to be

11  the victim of an offense described in this chapter, chapter

12  800, s. 827.03, s. 827.04, or s. 827.071 may not willfully and

13  knowingly disclose it to a person who is not assisting in the

14  investigation or prosecution of the alleged offense or to any

15  person other than the defendant, the defendant's attorney, or

16  a person specified in an order entered by the court having

17  jurisdiction of the alleged offense, or to organizations

18  authorized to receive such information pursuant to s.

19  119.07(3)(h).

20         Section 39.  This act shall take effect October 1 of

21  the year in which enacted.












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    38-521-98                                               See HB

  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Consolidates and revises various provisions related to
  4    sexual offenses against children. Expands certain
      notification requirements. Provides for identification,
  5    investigation, and prosecution of sexual offenders
      against children. Requires the Department of Children and
  6    Family Services to report within a specified period each
      alleged juvenile offense involving a child victim under
  7    16 years of age to the appropriate law enforcement agency
      having jurisdiction over the offense. Prohibits any
  8    person at least 21 years of age from engaging in "sexual
      activity," as redefined, with a person 16 or 17 years of
  9    age. Prohibits certain acts against children under 16
      years of age, or forcing or enticing the child to commit
10    such acts. Requires establishment of paternity and
      imposes liability of offender for child support under
11    specified circumstances. Redefines "caregiver" with
      respect to ch. 827, F.S., relating to abuse of children,
12    and redefines "child abuse." Prohibits failure by a
      caregiver to report certain known or suspected abuse to
13    the appropriate law enforcement agency having
      jurisdiction over the offense. Prohibits possession, with
14    intent to promote, of a videotape, video laser disk,
      audiotape, compact disk, computer diskette, or computer
15    hard drive which in whole or in part includes any sexual
      conduct by a child. Provides penalties.















