CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0827

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 By Representatives Culp, Trovillion and Effman 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to information resources 3 management; amending s. 120.52, F.S.; providing 4 an additional exclusion to the definition of 5 "rule"; creating s. 216.0446, F.S.; authorizing 6 a mechanism for the review of agency 7 legislative budget requests for information 8 technology resources; amending s. 282.003, 9 F.S.; revising the short title of ch. 282, 10 F.S.; creating s. 282.005, F.S.; providing 11 legislative intent with respect to information 12 resources management; amending s. 282.303, 13 F.S.; revising definitions; creating s. 14 282.3031, F.S.; providing for assignment of 15 information resources management 16 responsibilities; creating s. 282.3041, F.S.; 17 providing for information resources management 18 responsibilities within state agencies; 19 creating s. 282.3055, F.S.; creating the 20 position of Chief Information Officer; 21 providing duties; creating s. 282.3063, F.S.; 22 requiring an Agency Annual Information 23 Resources Management Report; creating s. 24 282.3091, F.S.; creating the position of State 25 Chief Technology Officer; creating s. 282.3093, 26 F.S.; providing legislative intent with respect 27 to the State Chief Technology Officer; 28 providing powers and duties; creating s. 29 282.3095, F.S.; creating the Office of the 30 State Chief Technology Officer; creating s. 31 282.310, F.S.; requiring an annual report on 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 information resources management; creating s. 2 282.315, F.S.; creating the Chief Information 3 Officers Council; providing legislative intent; 4 providing purposes and membership of the 5 council; amending s. 282.1021, F.S.; revising 6 requirements of the State Implementation Plan 7 for Communications Services; amending s. 8 282.20, F.S., relating to the Technology 9 Resource Center; removing references to the 10 Information Resource Commission; amending s. 11 282.313, F.S.; revising provisions relating to 12 data processing policy boards; amending s. 13 282,318, F.S.; revising security requirements 14 for data and information technology resources; 15 amending s. 282.322, F.S., relating to special 16 monitoring for designated information resources 17 management projects; providing for the 18 assumption of specified responsibilities by the 19 technology budget review group; amending s. 20 282.404, F.S., relating to the Geographic 21 Information Board; requiring the board to 22 approve a strategic plan; removing references 23 to the Information Resource Commission; 24 revising the membership of the Geographic 25 Information Advisory Council; repealing s. 26 282.004, F.S., relating to legislative intent 27 with respect to information resources 28 management and paperwork reduction; repealing 29 s. 282.304, F.S., which provides for the 30 creation of the Information Resource 31 Commission; repealing s. 282.307, F.S., which 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 requires each department to submit a strategic 2 plan for information resources management; 3 repealing s. 282.308, F.S., which requires each 4 state university to prepare a strategic plan 5 for information resources management; repealing 6 s. 282.312, F.S., which requires the submission 7 of annual performance reports to the 8 Information Resource Commission; repealing s. 9 287.0735, F.S., which requires the review of 10 contracts relating to the acquisition of 11 information technology resources by the 12 Information Resource Commission; repealing s. 13 287.073(5), (6), (7), and (8), F.S., which 14 creates the Information Technology Resource 15 Procurement Advisory Council within the 16 Department of Management Services; repealing s. 17 216.0445, F.S., relating to budget evaluation 18 by the Information Resource Commission; 19 repealing s. 282.309, F.S., which requires the 20 preparation of strategic plans for information 21 resources management by the judicial branch; 22 repealing s. 282.311, F.S., which provides for 23 information resource managers; repealing s. 24 282.305, F.S., which provides powers and duties 25 of the Information Resource Commission and the 26 Board of Regents with respect to information 27 resources management; repealing s. 282.3061, 28 F.S., which provides for a State Strategic Plan 29 for Information Resources Management; repealing 30 s. 282.3062, F.S., which requires an annual 31 report on information resources management by 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 the Information Resource Commission; repealing 2 s. 282.314, F.S., which creates the Information 3 Resources Management Advisory Council; amending 4 s. 11.39, F.S.; revising the duties of the 5 Legislative Information Technology Resource 6 Committee; amending ss. 20.19, 20.316, and 7 20.41, F.S., to conform and correct cross 8 references; amending s. 112.3145, F.S.; 9 removing voting members of the Information 10 Technology Resource Procurement Advisory 11 Council from the definition of "specified state 12 employee"; amending ss. 186.021 and 186.022, 13 F.S.; revising provisions relating to state 14 agency strategic plans; amending s. 215.96, 15 F.S., relating to the Florida Fiscal Accounting 16 Management Information System; revising 17 provisions relating to the coordinating council 18 to the system; amending s. 216.031, F.S.; 19 correcting a cross reference; amending ss. 20 216.235 and 216.236, F.S., to conform; amending 21 s. 287.042, F.S., relating to the powers, 22 duties, and functions of the Division of 23 Purchasing of the Department of Management 24 Services, to conform; amending s. 287.073, 25 F.S.; revising the definition of "information 26 technology resources"; amending s. 943.06, 27 F.S.; relating to the Criminal and Juvenile 28 Justice Information Systems Council; adding the 29 State Chief Technology Officer as an ex officio 30 nonvoting member; amending s. 943.08, F.S.; 31 requiring the council to approve a strategic 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 plan; requiring that the current staff of the 2 Information Resource Commission be given 3 priority consideration for vacant or new 4 positions; requiring that the records of the 5 Information Resource Commission be transferred 6 to the State Chief Technology Officer; 7 providing for the repeal of the administrative 8 rules of the Information Resource Commission on 9 June 30, 1998; providing for the transfer of 10 specified unexpended appropriations to the 11 technology budget review group; providing an 12 effective date. 13 14 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 15 16 Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subsection (15) of section 17 120.52, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 18 120.52 Definitions.--As used in this act: 19 (15) "Rule" means each agency statement of general 20 applicability that implements, interprets, or prescribes law 21 or policy or describes the procedure or practice requirements 22 of an agency and includes any form which imposes any 23 requirement or solicits any information not specifically 24 required by statute or by an existing rule. The term also 25 includes the amendment or repeal of a rule. The term does not 26 include: 27 (c) The preparation or modification of: 28 1. Agency budgets. 29 2. Statements, memoranda, or instructions to state 30 agencies issued by the Comptroller as chief fiscal officer of 31 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 the state and relating or pertaining to claims for payment 2 submitted by state agencies to the Comptroller. 3 3. Contractual provisions reached as a result of 4 collective bargaining. 5 4. Memoranda issued by the State Chief Technology 6 Officer relating to information resources management. 7 Section 2. Section 216.0446, Florida Statutes, is 8 created to read: 9 216.0446 Budget evaluation of information technology 10 resources.--The Executive Office of the Governor may contract 11 with the Legislature to provide a mechanism for review of and 12 recommendations with respect to agencies' legislative budget 13 requests for information technology resources. 14 Section 3. Section 282.003, Florida Statutes, 1996 15 Supplement, is amended to read: 16 282.003 Short title.--This chapter may be cited as the 17 "Information Technology Resources Management Act of 1997 18 1996." 19 Section 4. Section 282.005, Florida Statutes, is 20 created to read: 21 282.005 Legislative intent.--The Legislature finds 22 that: 23 (1) Information is a strategic asset of the state and, 24 as such, it should be managed as a valuable state resource. 25 (2) The state makes significant investments in 26 information technology resources in order to manage 27 information and to provide services to its citizens. 28 (3) The head of each state agency has primary 29 responsibility and accountability for the planning, budgeting, 30 acquisition, development, implementation, use, and management 31 of information technology resources within the agency. 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (4) The expanding need for, use of, and dependence on 2 information technology resources requires focused management 3 attention and managerial accountability by state agencies and 4 the state as a whole. 5 (5) The agency head has primary responsibility for the 6 agency's information technology resources and for its use in 7 accomplishing the agency's mission. However, each agency 8 shall also use its information technology resources in the 9 best interests of the state as a whole and thus contribute to 10 and make use of shared data and related resources whenever 11 appropriate. 12 (6) The state shall provide, by whatever means is most 13 cost-effective and efficient, the information resources 14 management infrastructure needed to collect, store, and 15 process the state's data and information, provide 16 connectivity, and facilitate the exchange of data and 17 information among both public and private parties. 18 (7) A necessary part of the state's information 19 resources management infrastructure is a statewide 20 communications system for all types of signals, including 21 voice, data, video, radio, and image. 22 (8) To ensure the best management of the state's 23 information technology resources, and notwithstanding other 24 provisions of law to the contrary, the functions of 25 information resources management are hereby assigned to the 26 Board of Regents as the agency responsible for the development 27 and implementation of policy, planning, management, 28 rulemaking, standards, and guidelines for the State University 29 System; to the State Board of Community Colleges as the agency 30 responsible for establishing and developing rules and policies 31 for the State Community College System; to the Supreme Court, 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 for the judicial branch; and to each state attorney and public 2 defender. 3 Section 5. Section 282.303, Florida Statutes, is 4 amended to read: 5 282.303 Definitions.--For the purposes of ss. 6 282.303-282.322, the term: 7 (1) "Agency" means those entities described in chapter 8 216. 9 (2) "State Chief Technology Officer" means the person, 10 appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Governor and 11 confirmed by the Senate, whose primary responsibility is to 12 provide leadership and statewide coordination for state 13 information resources management activities. "Commission" 14 means the Information Resource Commission as created by s. 15 282.304. 16 (3) "Chief Information Officer" means the person 17 appointed by the agency head to coordinate and manage the 18 information resources management policies and activities 19 within that agency. "Common applications" means separately 20 identifiable information technology resources that are used to 21 support an objective and are shared statewide or agencywide. 22 (4) "Chief Information Officers Council" means the 23 council created in s. 282.315 to facilitate the sharing and 24 coordination of information resources management issues and 25 initiatives among the agencies. "Common data structure" means 26 logical data items or attributes that are shared statewide or 27 agencywide. 28 (5) "State Annual Report for Information Resources 29 Management" means the report prepared by the State Chief 30 Technology Officer as defined in s. 282.310. "Computing 31 component" means the part of the agency's technology 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 architecture for supporting its data processing hardware and 2 the agency's strategy to facilitate common applications. 3 (6) "Data processing hardware" means information 4 technology equipment designed for the automated storage, 5 manipulation, and retrieval of data by electronic or 6 mechanical means, or both, and includes, but is not limited 7 to, central processing units, front-end processing units, 8 including miniprocessors and microprocessors, and related 9 peripheral equipment such as data storage devices, document 10 scanners, data entry, terminal controllers and data terminal 11 equipment, computer-related word processing systems, and 12 equipment and systems for computer networks. 13 (7) "Data processing services" means all services that 14 include, but are not limited to, feasibility studies, systems 15 design, software development, or time-sharing services. 16 (8) "Data processing software" means the programs and 17 routines used to employ and control the capabilities of data 18 processing hardware, including, but not limited to, operating 19 systems, compilers, assemblers, utilities, library routines, 20 maintenance routines, applications, and computer networking 21 programs. 22 (9) "Agency Annual Report on Information Resources 23 Management" means the report prepared by the Chief Information 24 Officer of each agency as required by s. 282.3063. 25 "Department" means the principal administrative unit within 26 the executive branch of state government as defined in chapter 27 20. For the purposes of ss. 282.303-282.313, the State Board 28 of Administration, the Executive Office of the Governor, and 29 the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission shall be considered 30 departments. 31 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (10) "Project" means an undertaking directed at the 2 accomplishment of a strategic objective relating to 3 information resources management or a specific appropriated 4 program. "Executive director" means the executive director of 5 the Information Resource Commission as provided in s. 282.304. 6 (11) "Information resources management infrastructure" 7 means the hardware, software, networks, data, human resources, 8 policies, standards, and facilities which are required to 9 support the business processes of an agency. "Information 10 architecture" means the set of common applications and common 11 data structures that are planned to support statewide or 12 agency objectives. 13 (12) "Information resources management" means the 14 planning, budgeting, acquiring, developing, organizing, 15 directing, training, and control associated with government 16 information resources. The term encompasses information and 17 related resources, as well as the controls associated with 18 their acquisition, development, dissemination, and use. 19 (13) "Information technology resources" means data 20 processing hardware and software and services, communications, 21 supplies, personnel, facility resources, maintenance, and 22 training. The commission shall determine, by rule, the 23 process control devices to be excluded from this definition. 24 (14) "Infrastructure component" means the training, 25 personnel, facilities, and administrative support for 26 implementing the agency's computing and network components of 27 the technology architecture. 28 (15) "Manager" means the information resource manager 29 appointed by each department. 30 (16) "Network component" means the framework for 31 employing data communications resources in support of the 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 agency's technology architecture, including local and wide 2 area network capabilities, and the agency's strategy for 3 facilitating common application access to common data 4 structures. 5 (17) "Project" means an undertaking directed at the 6 accomplishment of a strategic objective relating to 7 information resources management or a specific appropriated 8 program. 9 (18) "Reporting requirement" means a statutory 10 provision that specifically requires a state governmental 11 entity to prepare or have prepared on a regular or periodic 12 basis a written account or record for the purpose of informing 13 persons outside of the state governmental entity of matters 14 relevant to the official business of the state governmental 15 entity. The term does not include requirements for the 16 preparation of legislative budget requests or the preparation 17 of brochures, newsletters, handbooks, manuals, pamphlets, 18 flyers, directories, or other similar documents. 19 (19) "State governmental entity" means any department, 20 agency, or other unit of organization of the executive branch 21 of state government, a unit of organization of the legislative 22 branch of state government, a unit of organization of the 23 judicial branch of state government, the State Board of 24 Community Colleges, the Board of Regents, and the Public 25 Service Commission. 26 Section 6. Sections 282.3031, 282.3041, 282.3055, 27 282.3063, 282.3091, 282.3093, 282.3095, 282.310 and 282.315, 28 Florida Statutes, are created to read: 29 282.3031 Assignment of information resources 30 management responsibilities.--For purposes of ss. 31 282.303-282.322, to ensure the best management of state 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 information technology resources, and notwithstanding other 2 provisions of law to the contrary, the functions of 3 information resources management are hereby assigned to the 4 Board of Regents as the agency responsible for the development 5 and implementation of policy, planning, management, 6 rulemaking, standards, and guidelines for the State University 7 System; to the State Board of Community Colleges as the agency 8 responsible for establishing and developing rules and policies 9 for the State Community College System; to the Supreme Court 10 for the judicial branch; and to each state attorney and public 11 defender. 12 282.3041 State agency responsibilities.--The head of 13 each state agency is responsible and accountable for 14 information resources management within the agency in 15 accordance with legislative intent and as defined in this 16 chapter. 17 282.3055 Agency Chief Information Officer; 18 appointments; duties.-- 19 (1)(a) To assist the agency head in carrying out the 20 information resources management responsibilities, the agency 21 head shall appoint or contract for a Chief Information Officer 22 at a level commensurate with the role and importance of 23 information technology resources in the agency. This position 24 may be full time or part time. 25 (b) The Chief Information Officer must, at a minimum, 26 have a knowledge and experience in both management and 27 information technology resources. 28 (2) The duties of the Chief Information Officer 29 include, but are not limited to: 30 (a) Coordinating and facilitating agency information 31 resources management activities and policies. 12 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (b) Preparing an agency annual report on information 2 resources management pursuant to s. 282.3063. 3 (c) Developing and implementing agency information 4 resources management policies, procedures, and standards. 5 (d) Advising agency senior management as to the 6 information resources management needs of the agency for 7 inclusion in planning documents required by law. 8 (e) Assisting in the development and prioritization of 9 the information resources management schedule of the agency's 10 legislative budget request. 11 282.3063 Agency Annual Information Resources 12 Management Report.-- 13 (1)(a) By November 1 of each year, and for the State 14 University System within 90 days after completion of the 15 expenditure analysis developed pursuant to s. 240.271(4), each 16 Chief Information Officer shall prepare and submit to the 17 State Chief Technology Officer an Agency Annual Information 18 Resources Management Report. Following consultation with the 19 technology budget review group established pursuant to s. 20 216.0446, the Legislative Information Technology Resource 21 Committee, and the Chief Information Officers Council, the 22 format and contents of the report shall be prescribed by the 23 State Chief Technology Officer, except for the report for the 24 State University System, the format of which shall be 25 prescribed by the Chancellor of the State University System, 26 the report for the State Community College System, the format 27 of which shall be prescribed by the State Board of Community 28 Colleges, and the report for the judicial branch, the format 29 of which shall be prescribed by the Supreme Court. 30 (b) The Agency Annual Report on Information Resources 31 Management shall contain, at a minimum, the following: 13 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 1. A forecast of information resources management 2 priorities and initiatives for the ensuing 2 years. 3 2. A description of the current information resources 4 management infrastructure of the agency and planned changes 5 for the ensuing 2 years. 6 3. A status report on the major information resources 7 management projects of the agency. 8 4. An assessment of the progress made toward 9 implementing the prior fiscal year legislative appropriation 10 to the agency for information resources management. 11 5. The estimated expenditures by the agency for 12 information resources management for the prior fiscal year. 13 6. An inventory list, by major categories, of the 14 agency information technology resources, which specifically 15 identifies the resources acquired during the previous fiscal 16 year. 17 7. An assessment of opportunities for the agency to 18 share information resources management initiatives with other 19 governmental or private entities. 20 8. A list of information resources management issues 21 the agency has identified as statewide issues or critical 22 information resources management issues with which the State 23 Chief Technology Officer could provide future assistance. 24 282.3091 State Chief Technology Officer; creation.-- 25 (1) Effective July 1, 1997, there is created a State 26 Chief Technology Officer who shall be appointed by and serves 27 at the pleasure of the Governor, subject to confirmation by 28 the Senate. 29 (2) Criteria for appointment of the State Chief 30 Technology Officer shall include, but are not limited to: 31 14 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (a) At least 5 years' experience in information 2 resources management at a senior executive level in a public 3 or private organization. 4 (b) Significant experience in facilitating, consensus 5 building, coordinating, negotiating, problem solving, 6 communicating with top-level management, strategic planning, 7 and policymaking. 8 (c) A 4-year college degree from an accredited 9 institution. 10 282.3093 State Chief Technology Officer; legislative 11 intent; powers and duties.-- 12 (1) Effective July 1, 1997, it is the intent of the 13 Legislature that the State Chief Technology Officer foster 14 coordination, communication, and sharing of technology ideas, 15 issues, and initiatives among the state agencies, as well as 16 facilitate educational and training opportunities for the 17 agencies in order to enable the state to more effectively and 18 efficiently develop, implement, and manage its information 19 technology resources. It is also the intent of the 20 Legislature that the State Chief Technology Officer utilize 21 the Chief Information Officers Council, as well as ad hoc 22 issue-oriented workgroups, to address areas of shared interest 23 and concerns. 24 (2) The duties of the State Chief Technology Officer 25 shall include, but are not limited to: 26 (a) Identifying critical information resources 27 management issues and, when appropriate, pursuing solutions. 28 (b) Advising and consulting with the technology budget 29 review group established pursuant to s. 216.0446, on 30 information resources management issues. 31 15 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (c) Facilitating educational opportunities for agency 2 senior management, Chief Information Officers, and technical 3 staff. This duty shall include consulting with the Department 4 of Management Services on potential statewide information 5 resources management training. 6 (d) Facilitating the creation of ad hoc issue-oriented 7 workgroups, which may include both public and private 8 representatives, on an as-needed basis. 9 (e) Providing limited administrative support for, and 10 participating as a nonvoting member in, the Chief Information 11 Officers Council meetings. 12 (f) Preparing the state annual Report on Information 13 Resources Management pursuant to s. 282.310. 14 (g) Issuing memoranda to agencies on recommended 15 guidelines or best practices for information resources 16 management. 17 (h) Requiring, on an as-needed basis, ad hoc agency 18 reports on information resources management. 19 282.3095 Office of the State Chief Technology Officer; 20 creation.-- 21 (1) Effective July 1, 1997, the Office of the State 22 Chief Technology Officer is created within the Executive 23 Office of the Governor. 24 (2) The Office of the State Chief Technology Officer 25 shall be headed by the State Chief Technology Officer shall 26 report directly to the Governor and who shall be responsible 27 for all administrative functions of the office. 28 Administrative functions of the office may include preparing 29 the annual budget, hiring staff, purchasing, and other 30 activities required to support the office. 31 16 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 282.310 State Annual Report on Information Resources 2 Management.-- 3 (1) By March 1 of each year, the State Chief 4 Technology Officer shall develop a State Annual Report on 5 Information Resources Management. 6 (2) The State Annual Report on Information Resources 7 Management shall contain, at a minimum, the following: 8 (a) A forecast of the state information resources 9 management priorities and initiatives for the ensuing 2 years. 10 (b) An assessment of the overall progress on state 11 information resources management initiatives and priorities 12 for the past fiscal year. 13 (c) A summary of major statewide issues related to 14 improving information resources management by the state. 15 (d) An inventory list, by major categories, of state 16 information technology resources. 17 (e) A summary of the total expenditures for 18 information resources management by each state agency. 19 The state annual report shall include information resources 20 management information from the annual reports prepared by the 21 Board of Regents for the State University System, from the 22 State Board of Community Colleges for the State Community 23 College System, from the Supreme Court for the judicial 24 branch, and from each state attorney and public defender. 25 (3) The state annual report shall be made available in 26 writing or through electronic means to the Executive Office of 27 the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the 28 House of Representatives, the technology budget review group, 29 and the Legislative Information Technology Resource Committee. 30 282.315 Chief Information Officers Council; 31 creation.--The Legislature finds that enhancing communication, 17 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 consensus building, coordination, and facilitation of 2 statewide information resources management issues is essential 3 to improving state management of such resources. 4 (1) There is created a Chief Information Officers 5 Council to: 6 (a) Enhance communication among the Chief Information 7 Officers of state agencies by sharing information resources 8 management experiences and exchanging ideas. 9 (b) Facilitate the sharing of best practices which are 10 characteristic of highly successful technology organizations, 11 as well as exemplary information technology applications of 12 state agencies. 13 (c) Identify efficiency opportunities among state 14 agencies. 15 (d) Serve as an educational forum for information 16 resources management issues. 17 (e) Assist the State Chief Technology Officer in 18 identifying critical statewide issues and, when appropriate, 19 make recommendations for solving information resources 20 management deficiencies. 21 (2) Members of the council shall include the Chief 22 Information Officers of all state agencies, including the 23 Chief Information Officers of the agencies enumerated in s. 24 282.3031, except that there shall be one Chief Information 25 Officer selected by the state attorneys and one Chief 26 Information Officer selected by the public defenders. The 27 State Chief Technology Officer shall serve as a nonvoting 28 member. 29 (3) The State Chief Technology Officer shall provide 30 limited administrative support to the council. 31 18 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 Section 7. Section 282.1021, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 282.1021 State Implementation Plan for Communications 4 Services.-- 5 (1) By March 1 of each year, the Division of 6 Communications of the Department of Management Services shall 7 biennially develop a state plan for the implementation of 8 communications services. The format and contents of the plan 9 shall be determined upon consultation with the State Chief 10 Technology Officer, the Chief Information Officers Council, 11 and the technology budget review group established pursuant to 12 s. 216.0446. At a minimum, the State Implementation Plan 13 shall include: 14 (a) A general description of communications services 15 available, including pricing information. 16 (b) A forecast of the priorities and initiatives for 17 the state communications system for the ensuing 2 years. 18 (c) An assessment of the overall progress by the state 19 in achieving its communications priorities and initiatives. 20 (d) A statement addressing the communications needs 21 identified in each Agency Annual Information Resources 22 Management Report. descriptions of how the plan will support 23 and further the goals and policies of the State Comprehensive 24 Plan and the State Strategic Plan for Information Resources 25 Management approved by the Information Resource Commission, 26 and address the communications needs identified in each 27 department's approved Strategic Plan for Information Resources 28 Management. Such plan shall also include a general description 29 of communications services available and planned to be made 30 available during the plan period along with the estimated cost 31 of providing those services. A copy of the proposed State 19 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 Implementation Plan shall be sent to the executive director of 2 the Information Resource Commission for his or her review and 3 recommendations to the division. 4 (2) Upon approval of the State Implementation Plan by 5 shall be submitted to the Governor and Cabinet, the plan shall 6 be made available in writing or through electronic means to 7 the Division of Communications customers. sitting as the head 8 of the Information Resource Commission, for approval on or 9 before February 1 of each odd-numbered year. A copy of the 10 recommendations by the executive director of the Information 11 Resource Commission shall be provided to the Governor and 12 Cabinet along with the final State Implementation Plan. 13 Section 8. Section 282.20, Florida Statutes, is 14 amended to read: 15 282.20 Technology Resource Center.-- 16 (1)(a) The Division of Information Services of the 17 Department of Management Services shall operate and manage the 18 Technology Resource Center. 19 (b) For the purposes of this section, the term: 20 1. "Department" means the Department of Management 21 Services. 22 2. "Division" means the Division of Information 23 Services of the Department of Management Services. 24 3. "Information-system utility" means a full-service 25 information-processing facility offering hardware, software, 26 operations, integration, networking, and consulting services 27 to state agencies. 28 (2) The division and the Technology Resource Center 29 shall: 30 (a) Serve the department and other state agencies as 31 an information-system utility. 20 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (b) Cooperate with the Information Resource Commission 2 and with other state agencies to Offer, develop, and support a 3 wide range of services and applications needed by users of the 4 Technology Resource Center. 5 (c) Cooperate with the Florida Legal Resource Center 6 of the Department of Legal Affairs and other state agencies to 7 develop and provide access to repositories of legal 8 information throughout the state. 9 (d) Cooperate with the Division of Communications of 10 the department to facilitate interdepartmental networking and 11 integration of network services for state agencies. 12 (e) Assist state agencies in testing and evaluating 13 new and emerging technologies that could be used to meet the 14 needs of the state. 15 (3) The division may contract with state agencies to 16 provide any combination of services necessary for agencies to 17 fulfill their responsibilities and to serve their users. 18 (4)(a) There is created for the Technology Resource 19 Center a data processing policy board as provided in s. 20 282.313. 21 (b) In addition to the members of the policy board 22 provided in s. 282.313, the following ex officio members are 23 appointed to the data processing policy board of the 24 Technology Resource Center: the State Chief Technology Officer 25 the Executive Director of the Information Resource Commission, 26 the Director of the Division of Communications of the 27 Department of Management Services, and the chair of the 28 coordinating council to the Florida Fiscal Accounting 29 Management Information System, as created in s. 215.96, or 30 their respective designees. The ex officio members provided in 31 21 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 this subsection shall vote and serve in the same manner as 2 other policy board members. 3 (5) The Technology Resource Center may plan, design, 4 establish pilot projects for, and conduct experiments with 5 information technology resources, and may implement 6 enhancements in services when such implementation is 7 cost-effective. Funding for experiments and pilot projects 8 shall be derived from service revenues and may not exceed 5 9 percent of the service revenues for the Technology Resource 10 Center for any fiscal year. Any experiment, pilot project, 11 plan, or design must be approved by the data processing policy 12 board of the center. 13 (6) Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.272, the 14 Technology Resource Center may spend the funds in the reserve 15 account of its working capital trust fund for enhancements to 16 center operations or for information technology resources. Any 17 expenditure of reserve account funds must be approved by the 18 data processing policy board of the center. Any funds 19 remaining in the reserve account at the end of the fiscal year 20 may be carried forward and spent as approved by the policy 21 board. 22 Section 9. Section 282.313, Florida Statutes, is 23 amended to read: 24 282.313 Data processing policy boards.-- 25 (1) There is created a data processing policy board 26 for each data processing center which derives 20 percent or 27 more of its total yearly funding from departments other than 28 the host department for the center. The Chief Information 29 Officer information resource manager of each department 30 utilizing the center, or his or her designee, shall serve as 31 the representative on the policy board. The data center 22 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 director shall serve in a nonvoting ex officio capacity. A 2 designee of the director or the supervisor of the data 3 processing center shall serve without voting rights as the 4 secretary to the policy board. The secretary shall maintain 5 minutes of each policy board meeting. Upon approval of the 6 minutes by the policy board, the secretary shall file a copy 7 with the commission. The policy board shall annually elect a 8 chair from its membership and shall meet at the call of the 9 chair or at the request of a majority of the members. 10 (2) Each data processing center shall review its 11 portion of its agency strategic information technology 12 resource plan with the policy board prior to the submission of 13 the plan as prescribed by ss. 186.021 and 186.022 14 282.307-282.309. The policy board may suggest modifications to 15 that plan and submit any suggested modifications as part of 16 the plan. 17 (3) Actions taken by the data processing center to 18 implement its approved plan shall be reviewed and approved by 19 the policy board prior to implementation. These actions 20 include, but are not limited to, setting policies and 21 procedures governing the data processing center's rate 22 structure and charging algorithm, information technology 23 resource acquisitions above $2,500, setting of work 24 priorities, scheduling, and acceptance of new users. 25 (4) The data processing policy board may approve 26 expenditures derived from the overall rate structure of the 27 data processing center, not to exceed 5 percent of the gross 28 services billings to all users in any fiscal year, to design, 29 demonstrate, and conduct research and development for advanced 30 information technology solutions to information processing 31 problems. The data processing center may enter into agreements 23 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 with private industry and federal, state, and local 2 governments in designing, demonstrating, or developing such 3 technologies which offer the potential to improve efficiency 4 and reduce the cost of state operations. A majority vote of 5 the policy board shall be required prior to all such 6 expenditures. The data processing center shall report on such 7 activities in its agency's department's annual performance 8 report on information technology resources management pursuant 9 to s. 282.312. 10 (5) This section does not apply to those data centers 11 created pursuant to chapter 216. 12 Section 10. Section 282.318, Florida Statutes, 1996 13 Supplement, is amended to read: 14 282.318 Security of data and information technology 15 resources.-- 16 (1) This section may be cited as the "Security of Data 17 and Information Technology Resources Act." 18 (2) As used in this section, the term: 19 (a) "Department" means the principal administrative 20 unit within the executive branch of state government as 21 defined in chapter 20. For the purposes of this section, the 22 State Board of Administration, the Executive Office of the 23 Governor, and the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission shall 24 be considered departments. 25 (b) "Head of a department" means the individual or 26 board in charge of the department. 27 (c) "Information technology resources" means data 28 processing hardware, software and services, supplies, 29 personnel, facility resources, maintenance, training, or other 30 related resources. 31 24 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (2)(3)(a) Each agency head of a department is 2 responsible and accountable for assuring an adequate level of 3 security for all data and information technology resources of 4 the agency within the department and, to carry out this 5 responsibility, shall, at a minimum: 6 1. Designate an information security manager who shall 7 administer the security program of the agency department for 8 its data and information technology resources. 9 2. Conduct, and periodically update, a comprehensive 10 risk analysis to determine the security threats to the data 11 and information technology resources of the agency. The risk 12 analysis information is confidential and exempt from the 13 provisions of s. 119.07(1), except that such information shall 14 be available to the Auditor General in performing his or her 15 postauditing duties. 16 3. Develop, and periodically update, written internal 17 policies and procedures to assure the security of the data and 18 information technology resources of the agency. The internal 19 policies and procedures which, if disclosed, could facilitate 20 the unauthorized modification, disclosure, or destruction of 21 data or information technology resources are confidential 22 information and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1), 23 except that such information shall be available to the Auditor 24 General in performing his or her postauditing duties. 25 4. Implement appropriate cost-effective safeguards to 26 reduce, eliminate, or recover from the identified risks to the 27 data and information technology resources of the agency. 28 5. Ensure that periodic internal audits and 29 evaluations of the security program for the data and 30 information technology resources of the agency are conducted. 31 The results of such internal audits and evaluations are 25 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 confidential information and exempt from the provisions of s. 2 119.07(1), except that such information shall be available to 3 the Auditor General in performing his or her postauditing 4 duties. 5 6. Include appropriate security requirements, as 6 determined by the agency department, in the written 7 specifications for the solicitation of information technology 8 resources by the department. 9 7. Include as a part of the information resources 10 management plan required in this chapter a general description 11 of the existing security program and future plans for 12 implementing information resources security policies and 13 standards developed by the commission. 14 8. Certify annually to the Information Resource 15 Commission that the security program for data and information 16 technology resources conforms with the standards and policies 17 developed by that commission and planned for implementation in 18 the agency strategic plan for information resources 19 management. If the department is unable to certify such 20 conformance, it shall notify the Information Resource 21 Commission in writing, stating the deficiencies and the 22 reasons for its nonconformance. As part of the annual 23 certification process, agencies shall also note the percentage 24 of critical applications, as defined by the agency, that have 25 a current, tested contingency plan in the event of a disaster. 26 (b) The Board of Regents is responsible for assuring 27 an adequate level of security for the data and the information 28 technology resources within the State University System. To 29 carry out this responsibility for the State University System, 30 the Board of Regents shall establish and maintain minimum 31 security standards and rules to implement subparagraphs 26 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (a)1.-6. and perform the functions described in subparagraphs 2 (d)2.-5. 3 (c) The Supreme Court is responsible for assuring an 4 adequate level of security for the data and the information 5 technology resources within the judicial branch of government. 6 To carry out this responsibility, at a minimum, the Supreme 7 Court shall address the responsibilities prescribed in 8 subparagraphs (a)1.-6. The Supreme Court shall develop 9 written minimum standards and guidelines for the judicial 10 branch to follow in developing its security program. The 11 Supreme Court shall include as a part of the information 12 resources management plan required by this chapter a general 13 description of the existing security program and future plans 14 for assuring the security of data and information technology 15 resources. 16 (d) The Information Resource Commission is responsible 17 for providing centralized management and coordination of state 18 policies relating to the security of data and information 19 technology resources. To carry out this responsibility, the 20 Information Resource Commission shall: 21 1. Establish and maintain minimum security standards, 22 rules, and regulations to implement subparagraphs (a)1.-8. 23 2. Establish guidelines to assist agencies in 24 identifying electronic data processing personnel who occupy 25 positions of special trust or responsibility or sensitive 26 locations as addressed in chapter 110. 27 3. Establish rules and regulations for the exchange of 28 data between data centers or departments by intercoupling or 29 telecommunications to ensure that exchanges do not jeopardize 30 data security and confidentiality. 31 27 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 4. Coordinate and provide for a training program 2 regarding security of data and information technology 3 resources to serve the technical and managerial needs of 4 government. 5 5. Provide technical and managerial assistance 6 relating to the security program upon request. 7 6. Adopt rules to implement this section. 8 (e) The Department of Management Services shall: 9 1. Adopt rules and regulations for the physical 10 security of central computer rooms consistent with the 11 standards developed under subparagraph (d)1. 12 (b)2. In those instances in which the Department of 13 Management Services it develops state contracts for use by 14 state all agencies, the department shall include appropriate 15 security requirements, as established in paragraph (d), in the 16 specifications for the solicitation for state contracts for 17 procuring information technology resources. 18 Section 11. Section 282.322, Florida Statutes, is 19 amended to read: 20 282.322 Special monitoring process for designated 21 information resources management projects.--For each 22 information resources management project which is designated 23 for special monitoring in the General Appropriations Act, with 24 a proviso requiring a contract with a project monitor, the 25 technology budget review group established pursuant to s. 26 216.0446 Information Resource Commission, in consultation with 27 each affected agency, or the Board of Regents for each 28 affected university, shall be responsible for contracting with 29 the project monitor. Upon contract award, funds equal to the 30 contract amount shall be transferred to the technology budget 31 review group Information Resource Commission or the Board of 28 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 Regents as appropriate upon request and subsequent approval of 2 a budget amendment pursuant to s. 216.292. With the 3 concurrence of the Legislative Auditing Committee, the office 4 of the Auditor General shall be the project monitor for other 5 projects designated for special monitoring. However, nothing 6 in this section precludes the Auditor General from conducting 7 such monitoring on any project designated for special 8 monitoring. In addition to monitoring and reporting on 9 significant communications between a contracting agency and 10 the appropriate federal authorities, the project monitoring 11 process shall consist of evaluating each major stage of the 12 designated project to determine whether the deliverables have 13 been satisfied and to assess the level of risks associated 14 with proceeding to the next stage of the project. The major 15 stages of each designated project shall be determined based on 16 the agency's information systems development methodology. 17 Within 20 days after an agency has completed a major stage of 18 its designated project, the project monitor shall issue a 19 written report, including the findings and recommendations for 20 correcting deficiencies, to the agency head, for review and 21 comment. Within 20 days after receipt of the project monitor's 22 report, the agency head shall submit a written statement of 23 explanation or rebuttal concerning the findings and 24 recommendations of the project monitor, including any 25 corrective action to be taken by the agency. The project 26 monitor shall include the agency's statement in its final 27 report which shall be forwarded, within 7 days after receipt 28 of the agency's statement, to the agency head, the inspector 29 general's office of the agency, the Executive Office of the 30 Governor, the appropriations committees of the Legislature, 31 the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee, the technology 29 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 budget review group, and the Legislative Information 2 Technology Resource Committee. The Auditor General shall also 3 receive a copy of the project monitor's report for those 4 projects in which the Auditor General is not the project 5 monitor. 6 Section 12. Section 282.404, Florida Statutes, 1996 7 Supplement, is amended to read: 8 282.404 Geographic information board; definition; 9 membership; creation; duties; advisory council; membership; 10 duties.-- 11 (1) As used in this section, the term "geographic 12 information" means information or data for which location or 13 spatial distribution is an essential element, including, but 14 not limited to, information pertaining to: 15 (a) Land, air, water, and mineral resources; 16 (b) The distribution of plant, animal, and human 17 populations; 18 (c) Real property interests; 19 (d) The elements of the growth management 20 comprehensive planning process under ss. 163.3177 and 21 163.3178; 22 (e) Political, jurisdictional, ownership, and other 23 artificial divisions of geography; and 24 (f) Measured features listed in paragraphs (a)-(d) 25 herein and geographic features produced pursuant to chapter 26 472. 27 (2)(a) The Florida Geographic Information Board is 28 created in the Executive Office of the Governor. The purpose 29 of the board is to facilitate the identification, 30 coordination, collection, and sharing of geographic 31 information among federal, state, regional, and local 30 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 agencies, and the private sector. The board shall develop 2 review and recommend to the Information Resource Commission 3 solutions, policies, and standards to increase the value and 4 usefulness of geographic information concerning Florida. In 5 formulating and developing solutions, policies, and standards, 6 the board shall provide for and consider input from other 7 public agencies, such as the state universities, large and 8 small municipalities, urban and rural county governments, and 9 the private sector. 10 (b) The Geographic Information Board may issue 11 guidelines on recommended best practices, including 12 recommended policies and standards, for the identification, 13 coordination, collection, and sharing of geographic 14 information. 15 (c) The Geographic Information Board may contract for, 16 accept, and make gifts, grants, loans, or other aid from and 17 to any other governmental entity and to any person. Members 18 may contribute, and the board may receive and expend, funds 19 for board initiatives. 20 (3) The board consists of the Director of Planning and 21 Budgeting within the Executive Office of the Governor, the 22 executive director of the Game and Fresh Water Fish 23 Commission, the executive director of the Department of 24 Revenue, and the State Cadastral Surveyor, as defined in s. 25 177.503, or their designees, and the heads of the following 26 agencies, or their designees: the Department of Agriculture 27 and Consumer Services, the Department of Community Affairs, 28 the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of 29 Transportation, and the Board of Professional Surveyors and 30 Mappers. The Governor shall appoint to the board one member 31 each to represent the counties, municipalities, regional 31 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 planning councils, water management districts, and county 2 property appraisers. The Governor shall initially appoint two 3 members to serve 2-year terms and three members to serve 4 4-year terms. Thereafter, the terms of all appointed members 5 must be 4 years and the terms must be staggered. Members may 6 be appointed to successive terms and incumbent members may 7 continue to serve the board until a new appointment is made. 8 The State Chief Technology Officer executive director of the 9 Information Resource Commission, or the executive director's 10 designee, and the chair of the Geographic Information Advisory 11 Council shall serve without voting rights as ex officio 12 members on the board. 13 (4) The Director of Planning and Budgeting of the 14 Executive Office of the Governor, or his or her designee, 15 shall serve as the chair of the board. A majority of the 16 membership of the board constitutes a quorum for the conduct 17 of business. The board shall meet at least twice each year, 18 and the chair may call a meeting of the board as often as 19 necessary to transact business. Administrative and clerical 20 support to the board shall be provided by the Department of 21 Management Services Information Resource Commission. 22 (5) The board shall: 23 (a) Promote the sharing of geographic information 24 between the public sector and the private sector; 25 (b) Conduct a periodic assessment of geographic 26 information and geographic information systems in this state 27 to identify geographic information management activities and 28 available resources in this state; 29 (c) Reduce redundancy of data acquisition by promoting 30 the coordination of geographic data collection; 31 32 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (d) Promote consistency of data elements by 2 establishing standard data definitions and formats; 3 (e) Promote the adoption and use of standards that 4 have broad application to the public and private sectors; 5 (f) Develop criteria, policies, and procedures for the 6 prescribed and preplanned electronic transmission of 7 geographic information, including, but not limited to, 8 transmissions between a local planning agency, as defined in 9 s. 163.3164, and the state land planning agency; 10 (g) By March 1 of each year, approve a strategic plan 11 following the general statutory requirements which are 12 applicable to agencies pursuant to s. 186.021(1)-(3). Copies 13 of the plan shall be transmitted electronically or in writing 14 to the Executive Office of the Governor and the members of the 15 Geographic Information Advisory Council as provided in 16 subsection (7); Develop and submit to the Information Resource 17 Commission a strategic information resources management plan 18 for geographic information no later than May 1 of each 19 even-numbered year, except that the first plan is due May 1, 20 1997. At a minimum, the plan must address the planning 21 components and procedures described in s. 282.307; 22 (h) Promote the use and coordination of geographic 23 information from sources such as universities, government 24 organizations, nonprofit organizations, and the private 25 sector; 26 (i) Promote the development and maintenance of a data 27 directory in which geographic information is cataloged; 28 (j) Serve as liaison between this state and the 29 Federal Government to promote the sharing of geographic 30 information; 31 33 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (k) Establish technical advisory committees to assist 2 the board; and 3 (l) Promote regional coordination of geographic 4 information. 5 (6) The Florida Geographic Information Advisory 6 Council is created in the Executive Office of the Governor to 7 provide technical assistance and recommendations to the board. 8 (7) The Geographic Information Advisory Council 9 consists of one member each from the Office of Planning and 10 Budgeting within the Executive Office of the Governor, the 11 Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, the Department of 12 Revenue, the Information Resource Commission, the Department 13 of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Department of 14 Community Affairs, the Department of Environmental Protection, 15 the Department of Transportation, the State Cadastral 16 Surveyor, the State Geologist, the Board of Professional 17 Surveyors and Mappers, counties, municipalities, regional 18 planning councils, water management districts, and property 19 appraisers, as appointed by the corresponding member of the 20 board. The Governor shall appoint to the council one member 21 each, as recommended by the respective organization, to 22 represent the Department of Commerce, the Department of 23 Children and Family Services, the Department of Health and 24 Rehabilitative Services, the Florida Survey and Mapping 25 Society, Florida Region of the American Society of 26 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Florida Association of 27 Cadastral Mappers, The Florida Association of Professional 28 Geologists, Florida Engineering Society, Florida Chapter of 29 the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, the 30 forestry industry, the State University System survey and 31 mapping academic research programs, and State University 34 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 System geographic information systems academic research 2 programs; and two members representing utilities, one from a 3 regional utility, and one from a local or municipal utility. 4 These persons must have technical expertise in geographic 5 information issues. The Governor shall initially appoint six 6 members to serve 2-year terms and six members to serve 4-year 7 terms. Thereafter, the terms of all appointed members must be 8 4 years and must be staggered. Members may be appointed to 9 successive terms and incumbent members may continue to serve 10 the council until a successor is appointed. The State Chief 11 Technology Officer and representatives of the Federal 12 Government shall may serve without voting rights as ex officio 13 members. 14 (8) A majority of the membership constitutes a quorum 15 for the conduct of business and shall elect the chair of the 16 advisory council biennially. The council shall meet at least 17 twice a year, and the chair may call meetings as often as 18 necessary to transact business or as directed by the board. 19 Administrative and clerical support shall be provided by the 20 Department of Management Services Information Resource 21 Commission. 22 (9) The advisory council shall: 23 (a) Develop operational procedures for the conduct of 24 business; 25 (b) Make recommendations to the geographic information 26 board for policies, procedures, standards, and technical 27 solutions pertaining to the planning, coordination, sharing, 28 consistency, development, and maintenance of geographic 29 information; 30 (c) Develop solutions that promote coordinated and 31 cost-effective statewide financing of geographic information; 35 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 (d) Make recommendations for the reduction of 2 unnecessary duplication of geographic information efforts 3 among various state, federal, regional, and local agencies and 4 the private sector; 5 (e) Seek information from the geographic information 6 and mapping community in formulating priorities for the 7 federal and state mapping and geographic information programs 8 and activities; and 9 (f) Inform mapping and geographic information users in 10 the state of programs, available materials and information, 11 and standards and solutions pertaining to mapping and 12 geographic information. 13 (10) If any specified state agency fails to comply 14 with this section without good cause, the Executive Office of 15 the Governor may withhold releases of appropriations of those 16 portions of the agency's operating budget that pertain to the 17 collection and analysis of geographic information. 18 (11) Local governments are encouraged to participate 19 within their abilities and resources in order to facilitate 20 implementation of this section. 21 Section 13. Sections 287.0735, Florida Statutes, 22 sections 282.004 and 282.312, Florida Statutes, as amended by 23 chapter 94-340, Laws of Florida, section 282.304, Florida 24 Statutes, as amended by chapters 94-226 and 94-340, Laws of 25 Florida, section 282.307, Florida Statutes, as amended by 26 chapters 94-226, 94-340, and 95-296, Laws of Florida, section 27 282.308, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapters 94-226, 28 94-340, 95-148, 95-243, and 95-392, Laws of Florida, 29 subsections (5), (6), (7) and (8) of section 287.073, Florida 30 Statutes, as amended by chapters 94-226, 94-340, and 95-148, 31 Laws of Florida, section 282.309, Florida Statutes, as amended 36 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 by chapters 95-148 and 96-388, Laws of Florida, sections 2 216.0445 and 282.311, Florida Statutes, as amended by chapters 3 94-226, 94-340, and 96-388, Laws of Florida, section 282.305, 4 Florida Statutes, as amended by chapters 94-226, 94-340, and 5 96-390, Laws of Florida, section 282.3062, Florida Statutes, 6 as amended by chapters 94-340, 96-388, and 96-390, Laws of 7 Florida, and sections 282.3061 and 282.314, Florida Statutes, 8 as amended by chapters 94-226, 94-340, 96-388, and 96-390, 9 Laws of Florida, are repealed. 10 Section 14. Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 11 11.39, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 12 11.39 Legislative Information Technology Resource 13 Committee; membership; powers; duties.-- 14 (2) The committee shall: 15 (c) Assist standing committees of the Senate and of 16 the House of Representatives with such services as the joint 17 committee may deem necessary, including, but not limited to, 18 review of agency information technology resource plans as 19 provided in s. 282.307 and evaluation of the overall impact of 20 resource acquisitions on the productivity and services of the 21 agencies. 22 Section 15. Paragraph (a) of subsection (13) of 23 section 20.19, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended 24 to read: 25 20.19 Department of Children and Family 26 Services.--There is created a Department of Children and 27 Family Services. 28 (13) INFORMATION SYSTEMS.-- 29 (a) The secretary shall appoint a Chief Management 30 Information Officer to serve as the department's information 31 resource manager with the authority for agency development and 37 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 management information systems maintenance, policies, and 2 procedures as provided for in chapter 282 s. 282.311. The 3 Chief Management Information Officer shall direct and promote 4 information as a strategic asset and facilitate integration of 5 data systems and agency and interagency resource sharing as 6 allowed by applicable statutes. The Chief Management 7 Information Officer serves at the pleasure of the secretary. 8 Section 16. Paragraph (c) of subsection (6) of section 9 20.316, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 10 20.316 Department of Juvenile Justice.--There is 11 created a Department of Juvenile Justice. 12 (6) INFORMATION SYSTEMS.-- 13 (c) The department shall implement a distributed 14 system architecture which shall be defined in its agency 15 strategic plan pursuant to s. 282.307. 16 Section 17. Subsection (6) of section 20.41, Florida 17 Statutes, is amended to read: 18 20.41 Department of Elderly Affairs.--There is created 19 a Department of Elderly Affairs. 20 (6) In accordance with the federal Older Americans Act 21 of 1965, as amended, the department shall designate and 22 contract with area agencies on aging in each of the 23 department's planning and service areas. Area agencies on 24 aging shall ensure a coordinated and integrated provision of 25 long-term care services to the elderly and shall ensure the 26 provision of prevention and early intervention services. The 27 department shall have overall responsibility for information 28 system planning. The department shall ensure, through the 29 development of equipment, software, data, and connectivity 30 standards, the ability to share and integrate information 31 collected and reported by the area agencies in support of 38 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 their contracted obligations to the state. Information system 2 plans developed in support of the area agencies shall be 3 included in the department's strategic information resource 4 management plan, as required by s. 282.307. 5 Section 18. Paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 6 112.3145, Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to 7 read: 8 112.3145 Disclosure of financial interests and clients 9 represented before agencies.-- 10 (1) For purposes of this section, unless the context 11 otherwise requires, the term: 12 (b) "Specified state employee" means: 13 1. Public counsel created by chapter 350, an assistant 14 state attorney, an assistant public defender, a full-time 15 state employee who serves as counsel or assistant counsel to 16 any state agency, a judge of compensation claims, an 17 administrative law judge, or a hearing officer. 18 2. Any person employed in the office of the Governor 19 or in the office of any member of the Cabinet if that person 20 is exempt from the Career Service System, except persons 21 employed in clerical, secretarial, or similar positions. 22 3. Each appointed secretary, assistant secretary, 23 deputy secretary, executive director, assistant executive 24 director, or deputy executive director of each state 25 department, commission, board, or council; unless otherwise 26 provided, the division director, assistant division director, 27 deputy director, bureau chief, and assistant bureau chief of 28 any state department or division; or any person having the 29 power normally conferred upon such persons, by whatever title. 30 4. The superintendent or institute director of a state 31 mental health institute established for training and research 39 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 in the mental health field or the superintendent or director 2 of any major state institution or facility established for 3 corrections, training, treatment, or rehabilitation. 4 5. Business managers, purchasing agents having the 5 power to make any purchase exceeding $1,000, finance and 6 accounting directors, personnel officers, or grants 7 coordinators for any state agency. 8 6. Any voting member of the Information Technology 9 Resource Procurement Advisory Council established in the 10 Department of Management Services by s. 287.073. 11 6.7. Any person, other than a legislative assistant 12 exempted by the presiding officer of the house by which the 13 legislative assistant is employed, who is employed in the 14 legislative branch of government, except persons employed in 15 maintenance, clerical, secretarial, or similar positions. 16 7.8. Each employee of the Commission on Ethics. 17 Section 19. Subsections (2) and (4) of section 18 186.021, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 19 186.021 State agency strategic plans.-- 20 (2) A state agency strategic plan shall be developed 21 with a 5-year outlook and shall provide the strategic 22 framework within which an agency's legislative budget request 23 is and the agency Strategic Information Resource Management 24 Plan are developed. An agency's budget and its Strategic 25 Information Resource Management Plan shall be designed to 26 further the agency's strategic plan. 27 (4) The Department of Environmental Protection, with 28 regard to the plan required by s. 373.036, and the state land 29 planning agency, with regard to the plan defined in s. 30 380.031(17), and the Information Resource Commission, with 31 regard to the plan defined in s. 282.3061, shall prepare 40 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 revisions to such plans no later than 6 months after the 2 adoption of revisions to the growth management portion of the 3 state comprehensive plan or by June 1 of each even-numbered 4 year, whichever is later. 5 Section 20. Subsection (3) of section 186.022, Florida 6 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 7 186.022 State agency strategic plans; preparation, 8 form, and review.-- 9 (3) The Executive Office of the Governor shall review 10 the state agency strategic plans to ensure that they are 11 consistent with the state comprehensive plan and other 12 requirements as specified in the written instructions. In its 13 review, the Executive Office of the Governor shall consider 14 all comments received in formulating required revisions. This 15 shall include: 16 (a) The findings of the Statewide Health Council's 17 review of the consistency of the health components of agency 18 strategic plans with the health element of the state 19 comprehensive plan; and 20 (b) The findings of the review of the Information 21 Resource Commission with respect to the strategic information 22 resources management issues not covered under paragraph (d); 23 and 24 (b)(c) The findings of the Criminal and Juvenile 25 Justice Information Systems Council's review with respect to 26 public safety system strategic information technology 27 resources management issues. 28 29 Within 60 days, reviewed plans shall be returned to the 30 agency, together with any required revisions. 31 41 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 Section 21. Subsection (2) and paragraph (a) of 2 subsection (3) of section 215.96, Florida Statutes, are 3 amended to read: 4 215.96 Coordinating council.-- 5 (2) The coordinating council shall consist of the 6 Comptroller; the Treasurer; the secretary of the Department of 7 Management Services; the Director of Planning and Budgeting, 8 Executive Office of the Governor; the executive director of 9 the Department of Revenue; and the executive director of the 10 State Board of Administration, or their designees. The 11 Comptroller, or his or her designee, shall be chair of the 12 coordinating council and shall provide administrative and 13 clerical support to the council. The Comptroller shall 14 maintain the minutes of each meeting and shall make such 15 minutes available to any interested person. The Auditor 16 General and the State Chief Technology Officer executive 17 director of the Information Resource Commission, or their 18 designees, shall serve without voting rights as ex officio 19 members on the coordinating council. The chair may call 20 meetings of the coordinating council as often as necessary to 21 transact business; however, the coordinating council shall 22 meet at least once a year. 23 (3) The coordinating council shall have the following 24 duties, powers, and responsibilities pertaining to the Florida 25 Fiscal Accounting Management Information System: 26 (a) To conduct such studies as necessary to establish 27 a strategic an information resources management plan to 28 design, implement, and perpetuate a fiscal accounting 29 management information system. The plan shall follow the 30 general statutory requirements which are applicable to 31 agencies pursuant to s. 186.021(1)-(3). At a minimum, the 42 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 plan shall address the planning components described in s. 2 282.307(1). The plan shall be established and approved by the 3 board no later than March 1 of each even-numbered year. 4 Copies The council shall forward a copy of the approved plan 5 shall be made available in writing or through electronic means 6 to the Information Resource Commission, the Executive Office 7 of the Governor, the appropriations committees of the 8 Legislature, and each agency department as defined in s. 9 282.303. 10 Section 22. Subsection (8) of section 216.031, Florida 11 Statutes, is amended to read: 12 216.031 Budgets for operational expenditures.--A 13 legislative budget request, reflecting the independent 14 judgment of the head of the state agency, and of the Chief 15 Justice of the Supreme Court, with respect to the needs of the 16 agency and the judicial branch for operational expenditures 17 during the next fiscal year, shall be submitted by each head 18 of a state agency and by the Chief Justice of the Supreme 19 Court and shall contain the following: 20 (8) An information resources management schedule 21 showing the agency's or judicial branch's total budget request 22 for information resources management. The schedule shall be 23 in the format provided for in the legislative budget 24 instructions. The budget request for information resources 25 management shall identify, if applicable, which parts of the 26 request are in response to any information resources 27 management issues included in the legislative budget 28 instructions pursuant to s. 282.305(1). This subsection is 29 applicable only to those state agencies which are under the 30 purview of ss. 282.303-282.313 and to the judicial branch. 31 43 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 Section 23. Subsections (5), (6), and (10) of section 2 216.235, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 3 216.235 Innovation Investment Program; definitions; 4 intent; State Innovation Committee; responsibilities; 5 procedures for innovative project submission, review, 6 evaluation, and approval; criteria to be considered.-- 7 (5) Except as otherwise provided in this act, 8 innovative project proposals shall be submitted to the 9 department no later than August 1. The department shall 10 prescribe the format for proposals submitted pursuant to this 11 section. Such proposals shall include, but not be limited to: 12 (a) The identification of a specific innovative 13 project. 14 (b) The name of the innovative project administrator. 15 (c) A cost/benefit analysis. 16 (d) A plan to be used by the agency in evaluating the 17 outcomes of the innovative project upon implementation. 18 (e) A summary of how the innovative project produces a 19 cost savings for the agency or improves the quality of the 20 public services delivered by the agency. 21 22 All proposals shall have the approval of the agency head, the 23 agency's budget director, the agency's inspector general or 24 internal auditor, and, if the proposal involves information 25 technology resources, the agency's Chief Information Officer 26 information resource manager prior to submission to the 27 department. 28 (6) Any agency submitting a proposal for an innovative 29 project that involves information technology resources shall 30 submit a draft proposal to the State Innovation Committee or 31 its designee Information Resource Commission for review and 44 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 consultation no later than June 1 and a final proposal no 2 later than July 1. In addition to the requirements of 3 subsection (5), such proposals shall include: 4 (a) The identification of the specific project, as 5 defined in s. 282.303. 6 (b) A statement as to the innovative project's 7 consistency with the agency's strategic plan for information 8 resources management. 9 (c) The business case, which shall include how the 10 funds are to be used, what specific processes will be 11 affected, and how savings for improved efficiency of 12 operations are to be achieved. 13 (d) A planning and analysis methodology that provides 14 a high level of confidence in successful implementation. 15 (e) If applicable, a description of the 16 transferability of the technology to other agencies. 17 18 Based on the components required by this subsection to be 19 included in innovative project proposals, the State Innovation 20 Committee or its designee Information Resource Commission 21 shall evaluate the innovative project's technical feasibility 22 and shall make recommendations to the review board. Proposals 23 that involve the innovative application of information 24 technology resources that have a transferable benefit to other 25 agencies shall receive greater consideration by the committee 26 or its designee Information Resource Commission than those 27 applications that do not have a transferable benefit. 28 (10) The department shall monitor and evaluate the 29 implementation of innovative projects to determine if the 30 anticipated results were achieved. For innovative projects 31 involving information technology resources, the agency's Chief 45 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 Information Officer Information Resource Commission shall 2 assist the department in monitoring and evaluating the 3 implementation of the innovative project, and determining 4 whether the anticipated results were achieved. 5 Section 24. Section 216.236, Florida Statutes, is 6 amended to read: 7 216.236 Innovation Investment Program; funding; 8 recordkeeping and reporting.--The amount of $1 million of any 9 funds appropriated from the General Revenue Fund for the 10 purpose of funding the Innovation Investment Program shall be 11 available on a payback basis. Innovative project proposals 12 funded on a payback basis shall include the requirements of s. 13 216.235(5) and, if applicable, s. 216.235(6), and shall be 14 submitted to the department no later than May 15. The State 15 Innovation Committee or its designee Agencies submitting an 16 innovative project proposal involving information technology 17 resources shall not be required to submit a draft proposal to 18 the Information Resource Commission; however, the Information 19 Resource Commission shall review and evaluate such proposal as 20 to its technical feasibility. Funds for the innovative project 21 shall be available to the agency on July 1. Any of such funds 22 which are not awarded by July 1 shall be used for funding 23 innovative projects submitted for funding pursuant to section 24 3. Loans made under this section shall be repaid, without 25 interest, from savings realized by the agency as a result of 26 implementing the innovative project by no later than July 30 27 of the following fiscal year in which the funds were received 28 by the agency. Any agency awarded funds pursuant to this 29 section shall maintain detailed accounting records showing all 30 expenses, loan transfers, savings, or other financial actions 31 concerning the project. Any savings realized as a result of 46 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 implementing the innovative project shall be quantified, 2 validated, and verified by the agency. By July 1 of the 3 following fiscal year in which the funds were received, a 4 final report of the results of the implementation of each 5 innovative project shall be submitted by each participating 6 agency to the Governor's Office of Planning and Budgeting and 7 the legislative appropriations committees, along with a budget 8 amendment to reimburse the General Revenue Fund. 9 Section 25. Subsection (16) of section 287.042, 10 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 11 287.042 Powers, duties, and functions.--The division 12 shall have the following powers, duties, and functions: 13 (16)(a) To enter into joint agreements with 14 governmental agencies, as defined in s. 163.3164(10), for the 15 purpose of pooling funds for the purchase of commodities, 16 information technology resources, or services that can be used 17 by multiple agencies. However, the department shall consult 18 with the State Chief Technology Officer on joint agreements 19 that involve the purchase of information technology resources 20 must be coordinated with the Information Resource Commission. 21 The Information Resource Commission may also provide 22 administrative and technical support for those agreements 23 involving the purchase of information technology resources, or 24 the division may delegate complete authority for joint 25 agreements involving information technology resources to the 26 commission. Agencies entering into joint purchasing 27 agreements with the division or the Information Resource 28 Commission, as appropriate, shall authorize the division or 29 commission to contract for such purchases on their behalf. 30 (b) Each agency that has been appropriated or has 31 existing funds for such purchases, shall, upon contract award 47 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 by the division, transfer their portion of the funds into the 2 division's Grants and Donations Trust Fund for payment by the 3 division. These funds shall be transferred by the Executive 4 Office of the Governor pursuant to the agency budget amendment 5 request provisions in chapter 216. 6 (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b), for joint 7 agreements for information technology resources purchases that 8 have been delegated by the division to the Information 9 Resource Commission, agencies that have been appropriated or 10 have existing funds for information technology resources 11 purchases shall, upon contract award by the commission, 12 transfer their portion of the funds into the Information 13 Resource Commission's Grants and Donations Trust Fund for 14 payment by the commission. These funds shall be transferred 15 by the Executive Office of the Governor pursuant to the agency 16 budget amendment request provisions in chapter 216. 17 (c)(d) Agencies that sign such joint agreements are 18 financially obligated for their portion of the agreed-upon 19 funds. If any agency becomes more than 90 days delinquent in 20 paying such funds, the Department of Management Services or 21 the Information Resource Commission, as applicable, shall 22 certify to the Comptroller the amount due, and the Comptroller 23 shall transfer the amount due to the Grants and Donations 24 Trust Fund of the division or the Information Resource 25 Commission, as appropriate, from any of the agency's available 26 funds. The Comptroller shall report all such transfers and 27 the reasons for such transfers to the Executive Office of the 28 Governor and the legislative appropriations committees. 29 Section 26. Subsection (1) of section 287.073, Florida 30 Statutes, is amended to read: 31 48 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 287.073 Procurement of information technology 2 resources.-- 3 (1) For the purposes of this section, the term: 4 (a) "Information technology resources" shall have the 5 same meaning as defined in s. 282.303(10) means data 6 processing hardware, software, services, supplies, personnel, 7 facility resources, maintenance, and training but does not 8 include those process control devices excluded from such 9 definition by rule of the Information Resource Commission. 10 (b) "Total cost" means all costs associated with the 11 information technology resource, including, but not limited 12 to, value of hardware, software or service, maintenance, 13 incremental personnel, and facilities. Total cost of a loan or 14 gift of information technology resources to an agency includes 15 the fair market value of the resources, except that the total 16 cost of loans or gifts of information technology resources to 17 state universities to be used in instruction or research does 18 not include fair market value. 19 Section 27. Subsection (1) of section 943.06, Florida 20 Statutes, 1996 Supplement, is amended to read: 21 943.06 Criminal and Juvenile Justice Information 22 Systems Council.--There is created a Criminal and Juvenile 23 Justice Information Systems Council within the department. 24 (1) The council shall be composed of 14 members, 25 consisting of the Attorney General or a designated assistant; 26 the executive director of the Department of Law Enforcement or 27 a designated assistant; the secretary of the Department of 28 Corrections or a designated assistant; the chair of the Parole 29 Commission or a designated assistant; the Secretary of 30 Juvenile Justice or a designated assistant; the executive 31 director of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor 49 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 Vehicles or a designated assistant; the State Courts 2 Administrator or a designated assistant; 1 public defender 3 appointed by the Florida Public Defender Association, Inc.; 1 4 state attorney appointed by the Florida Prosecuting Attorneys 5 Association, Inc.; and 5 members, to be appointed by the 6 Governor, consisting of 2 sheriffs, 2 police chiefs, and 1 7 clerk of the circuit court. The State Chief Technology Officer 8 shall serve as an ex officio nonvoting member. 9 Section 28. Subsection (3) is added to section 943.08, 10 Florida Statutes, 1996 Supplement, to read: 11 943.08 Duties; Criminal and Juvenile Justice 12 Information Systems Council.-- 13 (3) By March 1 of each year, the council shall approve 14 a strategic plan following the general statutory requirements 15 which are applicable to agencies pursuant to s. 16 186.021(1)-(3). Copies of the approved plan shall be 17 transmitted, electronically or in writing, to the Executive 18 Office of the Governor and the council members. 19 Section 29. The current staff of the Information 20 Resource Commission, which is abolished by this act, shall be 21 afforded priority consideration for any positions created by 22 the reorganization pursuant to the provisions of this act or 23 for other vacant positions in state government in accordance 24 with s. 20.02(7), Florida Statutes. 25 Section 30. All records, including electronic and 26 paper records, of each entity abolished by this act must be 27 appropriately stored within 30 days after the date of the 28 abolishment of the entity, except that records of the 29 Information Resource Commission may be transferred to the 30 Office of the State Chief Technology Officer upon the request 31 of the State Chief Technology Officer. 50 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 Section 31. The administrative rules of the 2 Information Resource Commission shall remain in effect until 3 June 30, 1998, at which time such rules are repealed. 4 However, the judicial and legislative branches, the State 5 University System, and the Community College System are not 6 bound by any existing administrative rules adopted by the 7 Information Resource Commission. 8 Section 32. Effective July 1, 1997, all unexpended 9 appropriations resulting from the repeal of the Information 10 Resource Commission, which were designated for special 11 monitoring pursuant to s. 282.322, Florida Statutes, shall be 12 transferred by a type two transfer to the technology budget 13 review group established pursuant to s. 216.0446, Florida 14 Statutes. 15 Section 33. The Division of Statutory Revision of the 16 Joint Legislative Management Committee is authorized to 17 conform any cross references which are necessary as a result 18 of this act. 19 Section 34. Except as otherwise provided herein, this 20 act shall take effect October 1, 1997. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 51 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 ***************************************** 2 HOUSE SUMMARY 3 Repeals specified provisions of ch. 282, F.S., the 4 "Information Technology Resources Management Act of 1996," and ch. 287, F.S., relating to procurement of 5 personal property and services, for the purpose of eliminating: 6 1. A State Strategic Plan for Information Resources Management. 7 2. The Information Resource Commission. 3. The Information Technology Resource Procurement 8 Advisory Council. 4. The Information Resources Management Advisory 9 Council. 10 Repeals various related provisions regarding the submission of strategic plans for information resources 11 management by state agencies, universities, and the judicial branch, the submission of annual reports, review 12 of contracts, and information resource managers. 13 Excludes memoranda issued by the State Chief Technology 14 Officer relating to information resources management from the definition of the term "rule" for purposes of the 15 Administrative Procedure Act. Authorizes a mechanism for the review of agency legislative budget requests for 16 information technology resources. Provides legislative intent with respect to information resources management. 17 18 Provides for the assignment of the functions of information resources management within the State 19 University System and the State Community College System to the Board of Regents and the State Board of Community 20 Colleges, to the Supreme Court for the judicial branch, and to each state attorney and public defender. Assigns 21 responsibility for information resources management within state agencies to the head of each agency. Creates 22 the position of Chief Information Officer and provides duties. Creates the position of State Chief Technology 23 Officer and provides powers and duties. 24 Provides for an annual report on information resources 25 management. Creates the Chief Information Officers Council and provides purposes and membership. Revises 26 requirements for the State Implementation Plan for Communications Services. Revises security requirements 27 for data and information technology resources. Provides that the technology budget review group, rather than the 28 Information Resource Commission, shall be responsible for certain contracting responsibilities with respect to 29 special monitoring of designated information resources management projects. 30 31 Requires the Geographic Information Board to approve a strategic plan. Revises the membership of the Geographic 52 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 827 569-118A-97 1 Information Advisory Council and provides that administrative and clerical support shall be provided by 2 the Department of Management Services. 3 Provides various conforming amendments in accordance with 4 the provisions of the act. 5 Requires that current staff of the Information Resource 6 Commission be given priority consideration for vacant or new positions in state government. Provides for the 7 transfer of commission records to the State Chief Technology Officer. Provides for the repeal of the 8 administrative rules of the commission on June 30, 1998. Provides for the transfer of specified unexpended 9 appropriations resulting from the repeal of the commission. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 53