Senate Bill 0846

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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 846

    By Senator Hargrett


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Department of

  3         Transportation; amending s. 334.044, F.S.;

  4         authorizing the department to regulate the

  5         transfer of storm water to the right-of-way as

  6         a result of changes to adjacent property;

  7         amending s. 337.105, F.S.; authorizing the

  8         department to suspend a consultant from awards

  9         of department contracts for specified good

10         cause; amending s. 339.0805, F.S.; authorizing

11         the department to suspend or revoke the

12         certification of a disadvantaged business

13         enterprise for specified good cause; providing

14         an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Present subsections (15) through (30) of

19  section 334.044, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as

20  subsections (16) through (31), respectively, and a new

21  subsection (15) is added to that section to read:

22         334.044  Department; powers and duties.--The department

23  shall have the following general powers and duties:

24         (15)  To regulate and prescribe conditions for the

25  transfer of storm water to the state right-of-way as a result

26  of man-made changes to adjacent properties.

27         Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 337.105, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         337.105  Qualifications of professional consultants and

30  other providers of contractual services; performance bonds;

31  and audits of indirect costs.--


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 846

  1         (1)  Before the employment of a professional consultant

  2  or other provider of service, the department shall make a

  3  finding that the person to be employed is fully qualified to

  4  render the desired service.  Among the factors to be

  5  considered in making this finding are the professional

  6  reputation, past performance record, and experience of the

  7  candidate and the adequacy of the personnel making up his or

  8  her organization.  The department may, for good cause, deny or

  9  suspend for a specified period of time a person or firm from

10  consideration for award of a professional service contract for

11  a particular type of work because of unsatisfactory

12  performance of a previously awarded professional service

13  contract. The department shall adopt rules to administer

14  implement this section. As used in this subsection, the term

15  "good cause," includes, but is not limited to, circumstances

16  in which a consultant or other provider of service or its

17  official representative:

18         (a)  Makes or submits false, deceptive, or fraudulent

19  statements in any bid or proposal to the department, any

20  application for certification of qualification, or in any

21  administrative or judicial proceeding;

22         (b)  Becomes insolvent or is the subject of a

23  bankruptcy petition;

24         (c)  Has been qualified by the department based on a

25  license or registration issued by the state which has

26  subsequently been revoked or suspended or has been denied;

27         (d)  Has been qualified by the department based on the

28  employment of personnel no longer employed by the consultant

29  or other provider of service;

30         (e)  Fails to maintain adequate professional liability

31  insurance for the certified areas of work;


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 846

  1         (f)  Fails to satisfactorily perform contract

  2  requirements;

  3         (g)  Wrongfully employs or otherwise provides

  4  compensation to any employee or officer of the department, or

  5  willfully offers an employee or officer of the department any

  6  pecuniary or other benefit, with the intent to influence the

  7  employee or officer's official action or judgment;

  8         (h)  Is an affiliate of a consultant or other provider

  9  of service whose qualification to render professional services

10  has been denied or suspended by the department which affiliate

11  is dependent upon such consultant or other provider of service

12  for personnel, equipment, or finances; or

13         (i)  Has been barred or suspended from consideration

14  for work with any other governmental entity.

15         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 339.0805, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended to read:

17         339.0805  Funds to be expended with certified

18  disadvantaged business enterprises; specified percentage to be

19  expended; construction management development program; bond

20  guarantee program.--It is the policy of the state to

21  meaningfully assist socially and economically disadvantaged

22  business enterprises through a program that will provide for

23  the development of skills through construction and business

24  management training, as well as by providing contracting

25  opportunities and financial assistance in the form of bond

26  guarantees, to primarily remedy the effects of past economic

27  disparity.

28         (2)  The department shall revoke the certification of a

29  disadvantaged business enterprise upon receipt of notification

30  of any change in ownership which results in the disadvantaged

31  individual or individuals used to qualify the business as a


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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 846

  1  disadvantaged business enterprise, no longer owning at least

  2  51 percent of the business enterprise. Such notification shall

  3  be made to the department by certified mail within 10 days

  4  after the change in ownership, and such business shall be

  5  removed from the certified disadvantaged business list until a

  6  new application is submitted and approved by the department.

  7  Failure to notify the department of the change in the

  8  ownership which qualifies the business as a disadvantaged

  9  business enterprise will result in revocation of certification

10  and subject the business to the provisions of s. 337.135. In

11  addition, the department may, for good cause, deny or suspend

12  the certification of a disadvantaged business enterprise. As

13  used in this subsection, the term "good cause," includes, but

14  is not limited to, the disadvantaged business enterprise:

15         (a)  No longer meeting the certification standards set

16  forth in department rules;

17         (b)  Making a false, deceptive, or fraudulent statement

18  it its application for certification or in any other

19  information submitted to the department;

20         (c)  Failing to maintain the records required by

21  department rules;

22         (d)  Failing to perform a commercially useful function

23  on projects for which the enterprise was utilized to satisfy

24  contract goals;

25         (e) Failing to fulfill its contractual obligations with

26  contractors;

27         (f)  Failing to respond with a statement of interest to

28  requests for bid quotations from contractors for three

29  consecutive lettings;




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    Florida Senate - 1998                                   SB 846

  1         (g)  Subcontracting to others more than 49 percent of

  2  the amount of any single subcontract that was used by the

  3  prime contractor to meet a contract goal;

  4         (h)  Failing to provide notarized certification of

  5  payments received on specific projects to the prime contractor

  6  when required by contract specifications;

  7         (i)  Failing to schedule an on-site review upon request

  8  by the department; or

  9         (j)  Becoming insolvent or the subject of a bankruptcy

10  proceeding.

11         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

12  law.


14            *****************************************

15                          SENATE SUMMARY

16    Authorizes the Department of Transportation to regulate
      the transfer of storm water to state rights-of-way as a
17    result of man-made changes to adjacent property; to
      suspend a consultant from awards of contracts for
18    specified good cause; and to suspend or revoke the
      certification of a disadvantaged business enterprise for
19    specified good cause.












