CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.


Senator Clary moved the following amendment:

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 880

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Clary moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         Delete everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert:

17         Section 1.  Section 476.114, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         476.114  Examination; prerequisites.--

20         (1)  A person desiring to be licensed as a barber shall

21  apply to the department for licensure.

22         (2)  An applicant shall be eligible for entitled to

23  take the licensure by examination to practice barbering if the

24  applicant:

25         (a)  Is at least 16 years of age;

26         (b)  Pays the required application fee; and

27         (c)1.  Holds an active valid license to practice

28  barbering in another state, has held the license for at least

29  1 year, and does not qualify for licensure by endorsement as

30  provided for in s. 476.144(5); or

31         2.  Has received a minimum of 1,200 hours of training

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 1  as established by the board, which shall include, but shall

 2  not be limited to, the equivalent of completion of services

 3  directly related to the practice of barbering at one of the

 4  following:

 5         a.  A school of barbering licensed pursuant to chapter

 6  246;

 7         b.  A barbering program within the public school

 8  system; or

 9         c.  A government-operated barbering program in this

10  state.


12  The board shall establish by rule procedures whereby the

13  school or program may certify that a person is qualified to

14  take the required examination after the completion of a

15  minimum of 1,000 actual school hours. If the person passes the

16  examination, she or he shall have satisfied this requirement;

17  but if the person fails the examination, she or he shall not

18  be qualified to take the examination again until the

19  completion of the full requirements provided by this section.

20         (3)  An applicant who meets the requirements set forth

21  in subparagraphs (2)(c)1. and 2. who fails to pass the

22  examination may take subsequent examinations as many times as

23  necessary to pass, except that the board may shall specify by

24  rule reasonable timeframes for rescheduling the examination

25  and shall adopt rules specifying additional training

26  requirements for applicants who, after the third attempt, fail

27  to pass the examination. Prior to reexamination, the applicant

28  must file the appropriate form and pay the reexamination fee

29  as required by rule.

30         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 476.124, Florida

31  Statutes, is amended to read:

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    Amendment No.    

 1         476.124  Application for examination.--Each applicant

 2  for an examination shall:

 3         (2)  Furnish to the department two signed photographs

 4  of the applicant, that are of sufficient size to identify the

 5  applicant, one photograph to accompany the application and one

 6  photograph to be returned to the applicant for presentation to

 7  the examiners when the applicant appears for examination; and

 8         Section 3.  Section 476.134, Florida Statutes, is

 9  amended to read:

10         476.134  Examinations Time, place, and subjects of

11  examination.--

12         (1)  The department shall conduct Examinations of

13  applicants for licenses as barbers shall be offered not less

14  than four times each year at such time and place as the

15  department may determine. The examination of applicants for

16  licenses as barbers may include both a practical demonstration

17  and a written test. The board shall have the authority to

18  adopt promulgate rules with respect to the examination of

19  applicants for licensure. The board may provide rules with

20  respect to written or practical examinations in such manner as

21  the board may deem fit.

22         (2)  The board shall adopt rules specifying the areas

23  of competency to be covered by the examination. Such rules

24  shall include the relative weight assigned in grading each

25  area. All areas tested shall be reasonably related to the

26  protection of the public and the applicant's competency to

27  practice barbering in a manner which will not endanger the

28  public. The department may employ professional testing

29  services to formulate or to assist in administering the

30  examinations.

31         (3)  The department shall be in charge of administering

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 1  all the examinations and shall control the personnel assisting

 2  in giving the examinations. The written examination shall be

 3  identifiable by number only until completion of the grading

 4  process. Each applicant shall be informed of her or his grade

 5  on the examination by the department as soon as practicable.

 6         (4)  An accurate record of each examination shall be

 7  made,; and that record, together with all examination papers,

 8  shall be filed with the department and shall be kept for

 9  reference and inspection following the examination. The

10  department shall make a record of the grade of each applicant

11  on each subject covered by that examination, and that grade

12  shall be part of the examination papers to be preserved.

13         (5)  The board shall ensure that examinations comply

14  with state and federal equal employment opportunity

15  guidelines.

16         (6)  The department shall, in accordance with rules

17  established by the board, examine persons who file

18  applications for licensure under this chapter in all matters

19  pertaining to the practice of barbering.

20         Section 4.  Subsections (2) and (6) of section 476.144,

21  Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (7) is added to

22  said section, to read:

23         476.144  Licensure.--

24         (2)  The board shall certify for licensure any

25  applicant who satisfies the requirements of s. 476.114, and

26  who passes the required examination administered by the

27  department, achieving a passing grade as established by board

28  rule.

29         (6)  A person may apply for a restricted license to

30  practice barbering. The board shall adopt rules specifying

31  procedures for an applicant to obtain a restricted license if

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 880

    Amendment No.    

 1  the applicant:

 2         (a)1.  Has successfully completed a restricted barber

 3  course, as established by rule of the board, at a school of

 4  barbering licensed pursuant to chapter 246, a barbering

 5  program within the public school system, or a

 6  government-operated barbering program in this state; or

 7         2.a.  Holds or has within the previous 5 years held an

 8  active valid license to practice barbering in another state or

 9  country or has held a Florida barbering license which has been

10  declared null and void for failure to renew the license and

11  the applicant fulfilled the requirements of s. 476.114(2)(c)2.

12  for initial licensure; and

13         b.(b)  Has not been disciplined relating to the

14  practice of barbering in the previous 5 15 years; and

15         (b)(c)  Passes a written examination on the laws and

16  rules governing the practice of barbering in Florida, as

17  established by the board, and a practical examination approved

18  by the board administered by the department.


20  The restricted license shall limit the licensee's practice to

21  those specific areas in which the applicant has demonstrated

22  competence pursuant to rules adopted by the board.

23         (7)  Pending results of the first licensing examination

24  taken and upon submission of an application for licensure that

25  includes proof of successful completion of the educational

26  requirements specified in this chapter and payment of the

27  applicable licensure fees, a person is eligible to practice as

28  a barber, provided such person practices under the supervision

29  of a licensed barber in a licensed barbershop. A person who

30  fails the examination may continue to practice under the

31  supervision of a licensed barber in a licensed barbershop,

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 1  provided the person applies for the next available

 2  examination, and may continue such practice until receipt of

 3  the results of that second examination are received by the

 4  person. No person may continue to practice as a barber under

 5  this subsection upon failure to pass the examination on the

 6  second attempt.

 7         Section 5.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section

 8  476.204, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 9         476.204  Penalties.--

10         (1)  It is unlawful for any person to:

11         (c)  Permit an employed person to practice barbering

12  unless duly licensed, or otherwise authorized, as provided in

13  this chapter.

14         Section 6.  Subsection (4) is added to section 476.214,

15  Florida Statutes, to read:

16         476.214  Grounds for suspending, revoking, or refusing

17  to grant license or certificate.--

18         (4)  The department shall not issue or renew a license

19  or certificate of registration under this chapter to any

20  person against whom or barbershop against which the board has

21  assessed a fine, interest, or costs associated with

22  investigation and prosecution until the person or barbershop

23  has paid in full such fine, interest, or costs associated with

24  investigation and prosecution or until the person or

25  barbershop complies with or satisfies all terms and conditions

26  of the final order.

27         Section 7.  Subsection (9) of section 477.013, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended, and subsections (10) and (11) are added

29  to said section, to read:

30         477.013  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

31         (9)  "Hair braiding" means the weaving or interweaving

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 880

    Amendment No.    

 1  of natural human hair for compensation without cutting,

 2  coloring, permanent waving, relaxing, removing, or weaving,

 3  and chemical treatment and does not include the use of hair

 4  extensions or wefts.

 5         (10)  "Hair wrapping" means the wrapping of

 6  manufactured materials around a strand or strands of human

 7  hair, for compensation, without cutting, coloring, permanent

 8  waving, relaxing, removing, weaving, chemically treating,

 9  braiding, using hair extensions, or performing any other

10  service defined as cosmetology.

11         (11)  "Photography studio salon" means an establishment

12  where the hair-arranging services and the application of

13  cosmetic products are performed solely for the purpose of

14  preparing the model or client for the photographic session

15  without shampooing, cutting, coloring, permanent waving,

16  relaxing, or removing of hair or performing any other service

17  defined as cosmetology.

18         Section 8.  Section 477.0132, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         477.0132  Hair braiding and hair wrapping

21  registration.--

22         (1)(a)  Persons whose occupation or practice is

23  confined solely to hair braiding must register with the

24  department, pay the applicable registration fee, and take a

25  two-day 16-hour course. The course shall be board approved and

26  consist of 5 hours of HIV/AIDS and other communicable

27  diseases, 5 hours of sanitation and sterilization, 4 hours of

28  disorders and diseases of the scalp, and 2 hours of studies

29  regarding laws affecting hair braiding cosmetology.

30         (b)  Persons whose occupation or practice is confined

31  solely to hair wrapping must register with the department, pay

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    Bill No. CS for SB 880

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 1  the applicable registration fee, and take a one-day 6-hour

 2  course. The course shall be board approved and consist of

 3  education in HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases,

 4  sanitation and sterilization, disorders and diseases of the

 5  scalp, and studies regarding laws affecting hair wrapping.

 6         (2)  Hair braiding and hair wrapping are not required

 7  to be practiced in a cosmetology salon or specialty salon.

 8  When hair braiding or hair wrapping is practiced outside a

 9  cosmetology salon or specialty salon, disposable implements

10  must be used or all implements must be sanitized in a

11  disinfectant approved for hospital use or approved by the

12  federal Environmental Protection Agency.

13         (3)  Pending issuance of registration, a person is

14  eligible to practice hair braiding or hair wrapping upon

15  submission of a registration application that includes proof

16  of successful completion of the education requirements and

17  payment of the applicable fees required by this chapter.

18         Section 9.  Paragraph (g) of subsection (1) of section

19  477.0135, Florida Statutes, is repealed, and subsection (4) is

20  added to said section, to read:

21         477.0135  Exemptions.--

22         (1)  This chapter does not apply to the following

23  persons when practicing pursuant to their professional or

24  occupational responsibilities and duties:

25         (g)  Graduates of licensed cosmetology schools or

26  cosmetology programs offered in public school systems, which

27  schools or programs are certified by the Department of

28  Education, pending the result of the first licensing

29  examination for which such graduates are eligible following

30  graduation, provided such graduates shall practice under the

31  supervision of a licensed cosmetologist in a licensed

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 1  cosmetology salon. A graduate who fails the examination may

 2  continue to practice under the supervision of a licensed

 3  cosmetologist in a licensed cosmetology salon if she or he

 4  applies for the next available examination and until she or he

 5  receives the results of that examination. No graduate may

 6  continue to practice under this exemption if she or he fails

 7  the examination twice.

 8         (4)  A photography studio salon is exempt from the

 9  licensure provisions of this chapter. However, the

10  hair-arranging services of such salon must be performed under

11  the supervision of a licensed cosmetologist employed by the

12  salon. The salon must use disposable hair-arranging implements

13  or use a wet or dry sanitizing system approved by the federal

14  Environmental Protection Agency.

15         Section 10.  Section 477.019, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         477.019  Cosmetologists; qualifications; licensure;

18  supervised practice; license renewal; endorsement; continuing

19  education.--

20         (1)  A person desiring to be licensed as a

21  cosmetologist shall apply to the department for licensure.

22         (2)  An applicant shall be eligible for entitled to

23  take the licensure by examination to practice cosmetology if

24  the applicant:

25         (a)  Is at least 16 years of age or has received a high

26  school diploma;

27         (b)  Pays the required application fee; and

28         (c)1.  Holds an active valid license to practice

29  cosmetology in another state or country, has held the license

30  for at least 1 year, and does not qualify for licensure by

31  endorsement as provided for in subsection (6) (5); or

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 880

    Amendment No.    

 1         2.  Has received a minimum of 1,200 hours of training

 2  as established by the board, which shall include, but shall

 3  not be limited to, the equivalent of completion of services

 4  directly related to the practice of cosmetology at one of the

 5  following:

 6         a.  A school of cosmetology licensed pursuant to

 7  chapter 246.

 8         b.  A cosmetology program within the public school

 9  system.

10         c.  The Cosmetology Division of the Florida School for

11  the Deaf and the Blind, provided the division meets the

12  standards of this chapter.

13         d.  A government-operated cosmetology program in this

14  state.


16  The board shall establish by rule procedures whereby the

17  school or program may certify that a person is qualified to

18  take the required examination after the completion of a

19  minimum of 1,000 actual school hours. If the person then

20  passes the examination, he or she shall have satisfied this

21  requirement; but if the person fails the examination, he or

22  she shall not be qualified to take the examination again until

23  the completion of the full requirements provided by this

24  section.

25         (3)  Upon an applicant receiving a passing grade, as

26  established by board rule, on the examination and paying the

27  initial licensing fee, the department shall issue a license to

28  practice cosmetology.

29         (4)  Following the completion of the first licensing

30  examination and pending the results of that examination and

31  issuance of a license to practice cosmetology, graduates of

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 1  licensed cosmetology schools or cosmetology programs offered

 2  in public school systems, which schools or programs are

 3  certified by the Department of Education, are eligible to

 4  practice cosmetology, provided such graduates practice under

 5  the supervision of a licensed cosmetologist in a licensed

 6  cosmetology salon. A graduate who fails the first examination

 7  may continue to practice under the supervision of a licensed

 8  cosmetologist in a licensed cosmetology salon if the graduate

 9  applies for the next available examination and until the

10  graduate receives the results of that examination. No graduate

11  may continue to practice under this subsection if the graduate

12  fails the examination twice.

13         (5)(4)  Renewal of license registration shall be

14  accomplished pursuant to rules adopted by the board.

15         (6)(5)  The board shall adopt rules specifying

16  procedures for the licensure by endorsement of practitioners

17  desiring to be licensed in this state who hold a current

18  active license in another state and who have met

19  qualifications substantially similar to, equivalent to, or

20  greater than the qualifications required of applicants from

21  this state.

22         (7)(a)  The board shall prescribe by rule continuing

23  education requirements intended to ensure protection of the

24  public through updated training of licensees and registered

25  specialists, not to exceed 16 hours biennially, as a condition

26  for renewal of a license or registration as a specialist under

27  this chapter. Continuing education courses shall include, but

28  not be limited to, the following subjects as they relate to

29  the practice of cosmetology:  human immunodeficiency virus and

30  acquired immune deficiency syndrome; Occupational Safety and

31  Health Administration regulations; workers' compensation

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 1  issues; state and federal laws and rules as they pertain to

 2  cosmetologists, cosmetology, salons, specialists, specialty

 3  salons, and booth renters; chemical makeup as it pertains to

 4  hair, skin, and nails; and environmental issues. Courses given

 5  at cosmetology conferences may be counted toward the number of

 6  continuing education hours required if approved by the board.

 7         (b)  The department may privatize provider and course

 8  approval and the monitoring of continuing education

 9  requirements under a contract which ensures that the services

10  will be without cost to the department or board, including the

11  cost of appropriate oversight by the department. The

12  department may contract with one or more private entities for

13  the provision of such services, including the collection of

14  fees for the services rendered. The department and board shall

15  retain final authority for licensure decisions, rulemaking

16  related to continuing education system requirements,

17  noncompliance noticing, and overall implementation of any

18  privatization project under this subsection.

19         (c)  Any person whose occupation or practice is

20  confined solely to hair braiding or hair wrapping is exempt

21  from the continuing education requirements of this subsection.

22         (d)  Notwithstanding any provision of law to the

23  contrary, enforcement of mandatory continuing education

24  requirements pursuant to this chapter shall be accomplished

25  only as a secondary action when a person is investigated for

26  another violation. However, the board may, by rule, require

27  any licensee in violation of a continuing education

28  requirement to take a refresher course or refresher course and

29  examination in addition to any other penalty. The number of

30  hours for the refresher course may not exceed 48 hours.

31         Section 11.  Subsection (6) is added to section

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 1  477.0201, Florida Statutes, to read:

 2         477.0201  Specialty registration; qualifications;

 3  registration renewal; endorsement.--

 4         (6)  Pending issuance of registration, a person is

 5  eligible to practice as a specialist upon submission of a

 6  registration application that includes proof of successful

 7  completion of the education requirements and payment of the

 8  applicable fees required by this chapter, provided such

 9  practice is under the supervision of a registered specialist

10  in a licensed specialty or cosmetology salon.

11         Section 12.  Section 477.022, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         477.022  Examinations.--

14         (1)  The board shall specify by rule the general areas

15  of competency to be covered by examinations for the licensing

16  under this chapter of cosmetologists.  The rules shall include

17  the relative weight assigned in grading each area, the grading

18  criteria to be used by the examiner, and the score necessary

19  to achieve a passing grade. The board shall ensure that

20  examinations adequately measure both an applicant's competency

21  and her or his knowledge of related statutory requirements.

22  Professional testing services may be utilized to formulate the

23  examinations.  The board may, by rule, offer a written

24  clinical examination or a performance examination, or both, in

25  addition to a written theory examination.

26         (2)  The board shall ensure that examinations comply

27  with state and federal equal employment opportunity

28  guidelines.

29         (3)  The department shall, in accordance with rules

30  established by the board, examine persons who file

31  applications for licensure under this chapter in all matters

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 1  pertaining to the practice of cosmetology. The examination

 2  shall be given at least once a year yearly and at such other

 3  times as the department deems necessary.

 4         (4)  The board shall adopt rules providing for

 5  reexamination of applicants who have failed the examinations.

 6         (5)  All licensing examinations shall be conducted in

 7  such manner that the applicant shall be known to the

 8  department by number only until her or his examination is

 9  completed and the proper grade determined.  An accurate record

10  of each examination shall be made; and that record, together

11  with all examination papers, shall be filed with the secretary

12  of the department and shall be kept for reference and

13  inspection for a period of not less than 2 years immediately

14  following the examination.

15         (6)  Effective April 21, 1982, the board shall maintain

16  testing facilities in the cities in which testing facilities

17  have been located for the past 5 years.

18         Section 13.  Subsection (10) is added to section

19  477.025, Florida Statutes, to read:

20         477.025  Cosmetology salons; specialty salons;

21  requisites; licensure; inspection; mobile cosmetology

22  salons.--

23         (10)(a)  The board shall adopt rules governing the

24  licensure, operation, and inspection of mobile cosmetology

25  salons, including their facilities, personnel, and safety and

26  sanitary requirements.

27         (b)  Each mobile salon must comply with all licensure

28  and operating requirements specified in this chapter or

29  chapter 455 or rules of the board or department that apply to

30  cosmetology salons at fixed locations, except to the extent

31  that such requirements conflict with this subsection or rules

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 1  adopted pursuant to this subsection.

 2         (c)  A mobile cosmetology salon must maintain a

 3  permanent business address, located in the inspection area of

 4  the local department office, at which records of appointments,

 5  itineraries, license numbers of employees, and vehicle

 6  identification numbers of the licenseholder's mobile salon

 7  shall be kept and made available for verification purposes by

 8  department personnel, and at which correspondence from the

 9  department can be received.

10         (d)  To facilitate periodic inspections of mobile

11  cosmetology salons, prior to the beginning of each month each

12  mobile salon licenseholder must file with the board a written

13  monthly itinerary listing the locations where and the dates

14  and hours when the mobile salon will be operating.

15         (e)  The board shall establish fees for mobile

16  cosmetology salons, not to exceed the fees for cosmetology

17  salons at fixed locations.

18         (f)  The operation of mobile cosmetology salons must be

19  in compliance with all local laws and ordinances regulating

20  business establishments, with all applicable requirements of

21  the Americans with Disabilities Act relating to accommodations

22  for persons with disabilities, and with all applicable OSHA

23  requirements.

24         Section 14.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section

25  477.026, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

26         477.026  Fees; disposition.--

27         (1)  The board shall set fees according to the

28  following schedule:

29         (f)  For hair braiders and hair wrappers, fees for

30  registration shall not exceed $25.

31         Section 15.  Subsection (3) of section 477.0263,

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 1  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 2         477.0263  Cosmetology services to be performed in

 3  licensed salon; exception.--

 4         (3)  Any person who holds a valid cosmetology license

 5  in any state or who is authorized to practice cosmetology in

 6  any country, territory, or jurisdiction of the United States

 7  may perform cosmetology services in a location other than a

 8  licensed salon when such services are performed in connection

 9  with the motion picture, fashion photography, theatrical, or

10  television industry; a photography studio salon; a

11  manufacturer trade show demonstration; or an educational

12  seminar.

13         Section 16.  Subsection (4) is added to section

14  477.028, Florida Statutes, to read:

15         477.028  Disciplinary proceedings.--

16         (4)  The department shall not issue or renew a license

17  or certificate of registration under this chapter to any

18  person against whom or salon against which the board has

19  assessed a fine, interest, or costs associated with

20  investigation and prosecution until the person or salon has

21  paid in full such fine, interest, or costs associated with

22  investigation and prosecution or until the person or salon

23  complies with or satisfies all terms and conditions of the

24  final order.

25         Section 17.  Paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (1)

26  of section 477.029, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

27         477.029  Penalty.--

28         (1)  It is unlawful for any person to:

29         (a)  Hold himself or herself out as a cosmetologist, or

30  specialist, hair wrapper, or hair braider unless duly licensed

31  or registered, or otherwise authorized, as provided in this

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 1  chapter.

 2         (c)  Permit an employed person to practice cosmetology

 3  or a specialty unless duly licensed or registered, or

 4  otherwise authorized, as provided in this chapter.

 5         Section 18.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

 6  year in which enacted.



 9  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

10  And the title is amended as follows:

11         Delete everything before the enacting clause


13  and insert:

14                      A bill to be entitled

15         An act relating to barbering and cosmetology;

16         amending ss. 476.114 and 476.124, F.S.;

17         revising provisions relating to examination for

18         licensure as a barber; amending s. 476.134,

19         F.S.; revising provisions relating to

20         examination of applicants for licenses as

21         barbers; amending s. 476.144, F.S.; revising

22         requirements for licensure to practice

23         barbering; amending s. 476.204, F.S.;

24         prohibiting allowing an employee to practice

25         barbering unless licensed or otherwise

26         authorized by law; providing penalties;

27         amending s. 476.214, F.S.; providing for denial

28         of issuance or renewal of barber or barbershop

29         license or certificate of registration under

30         certain circumstances; amending s. 477.013,

31         F.S.; revising the definition of the term "hair

    3:06 PM   04/16/98                              s0880c1c-07c7t

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 880

    Amendment No.    

 1         braiding"; defining the terms "hair wrapping"

 2         and "photography studio salon"; amending s.

 3         477.0132, F.S.; providing registration

 4         requirements for hair wrappers; providing

 5         requirements for hair braiding and hair

 6         wrapping outside a cosmetology salon or

 7         specialty salon; providing circumstances for

 8         practicing as a hair wrapper or hair braider

 9         pending receipt of registration; amending s.

10         477.0135, F.S., and repealing paragraph (1)(g),

11         relating to an exemption from regulation

12         applicable to graduates of certain cosmetology

13         schools or programs; exempting photography

14         studio salons from licensure as a cosmetology

15         salon or specialty salon and providing

16         requirements with respect thereto; amending s.

17         477.019, F.S.; revising provisions relating to

18         applicants for licensure to practice

19         cosmetology; providing for supervised practice

20         by graduates of certain cosmetology schools or

21         programs; providing continuing education

22         requirements for cosmetologists and cosmetology

23         specialists; providing for privatization of

24         such continuing education; exempting hair

25         braiders and hair wrappers from such continuing

26         education requirements; amending s. 477.0201,

27         F.S.; providing circumstances for practicing as

28         a specialist pending receipt of registration;

29         amending s. 477.022, F.S.; revising provisions

30         relating to examinations; amending s. 477.025,

31         F.S.; authorizing the board to adopt rules for

    3:06 PM   04/16/98                              s0880c1c-07c7t

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 880

    Amendment No.    

 1         mobile cosmetology salons and providing

 2         requirements therefor; providing for fees;

 3         amending s. 477.026, F.S.; providing

 4         registration fees for hair wrappers; amending

 5         s. 477.0263, F.S.; authorizing the performance

 6         of cosmetology services in a photography studio

 7         salon; amending s. 477.028, F.S.; providing for

 8         denial of issuance or renewal of cosmetology,

 9         specialty, and salon license or certificate of

10         registration under certain circumstances;

11         amending s. 477.029, F.S.; revising

12         prohibitions relating to unlicensed or other

13         unauthorized practice; providing penalties;

14         providing an effective date.


















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