House Bill 9315

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9315

        By Representatives K. Pruitt, Wise, Brennan, Fischer,
    Littlefield and Sindler

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution commending RESPECT of Florida.


  4         WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State of Florida to

  5  encourage and assist persons with severe disabilities to

  6  achieve maximum personal independence through useful,

  7  productive, and gainful employment, enhance their dignity, and

  8  minimize their dependence on public support, and

  9         WHEREAS, more than 65 percent of persons with severe

10  disabilities in the State of Florida are unemployed, and

11         WHEREAS, RESPECT of Florida has provided thousands of

12  jobs for persons with severe disabilities for over 20 years,

13  and

14         WHEREAS, RESPECT of Florida creates industries which

15  contribute to the economies of local communities in the State

16  of Florida, and

17         WHEREAS, RESPECT of Florida is nationally recognized as

18  a model program for providing employment for persons with

19  severe disabilities, and

20         WHEREAS, RESPECT of Florida reduces the dependence of

21  persons with severe disabilities on government support in a

22  cost-effective manner, saving Florida taxpayers approximately

23  $1 million a year, NOW, THEREFORE,


25  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

26  Florida:


28         That the Florida House of Representatives recognizes

29  RESPECT of Florida as a necessary, viable, and valuable means

30  of carrying out its policy of promoting gainful employment for

31  Florida citizens with severe disabilities.
