House Bill 9349

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9349

        By Representatives Minton, Ziebarth, Putnam, Alexander,
    Smith and Boyd

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution paying tribute to the late Marvin

  3         Brooker, Sr.


  5         WHEREAS, Marvin Brooker, Sr., was born, reared, and

  6  educated in the community of Bell in what is now Gilchrist

  7  County, and

  8         WHEREAS, Marvin Brooker, Sr., enrolled at the

  9  University of Florida in the freshman class of 1922, when, for

10  the first time, enrollment at the university exceeded 1,000

11  and at a time when Gator Growls were "parties around a

12  wood-pile bonfire," and

13         WHEREAS, after distinguishing himself on the debate

14  teams of the university and the College of Agriculture and

15  becoming well-known for his involvement in activities of the

16  university, Marvin Brooker, Sr., received a bachelor's degree

17  in entomology and plant pathology in 1926, his master's degree

18  in agricultural economics a year later, and his doctorate

19  degree in agricultural economics from Cornell University in

20  1931, and

21         WHEREAS, for the next 15 years, Marvin Brooker, Sr.,

22  held positions in the Farm Credit Administration, until

23  President Harry S. Truman nominated him to serve as executive

24  secretary of the national Price Decontrol Board, a function he

25  performed so well that the agency was disbanded less than two

26  years after its inception, and

27         WHEREAS, in 1947, Marvin Brooker, Sr., returned to the

28  University of Florida, where he would serve until his

29  retirement in 1970, first as Professor of Agricultural

30  Economics, then as assistant dean, and, for 14 years, as dean

31  of the College of Agriculture, and


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9349


  1         WHEREAS, in less than a year, Marvin Brooker, Sr.,

  2  returned to the university to lead a program to recruit black

  3  students for the school's agriculture graduate program until

  4  his second retirement in 1974, and

  5         WHEREAS, this talented, dedicated man made many

  6  contributions to his chosen field of agriculture, his

  7  influence being felt not only in the United States, but

  8  throughout the world, NOW, THEREFORE,


10  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

11  Florida:


13         That the House of Representatives pauses in its

14  deliberations to pay tribute to the late Marvin Brooker, Sr.,

15  for his outstanding accomplishments in the field of

16  agriculture.















