House Bill 9361

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9361

        By Representatives Melvin, Peaden, Burroughs and Maygarden

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution honoring Harry R. McDonald, Jr.


  4         WHEREAS, Harry R. McDonald, Jr., a veteran of 28 years

  5  of military service, was elected National Commander of the

  6  Disabled American Veterans (DAV) at the 1997 national

  7  convention of the million-member organization, the first

  8  person from Florida to be elected to the organization's

  9  highest office since its founding in 1920, and

10         WHEREAS, a native of Pensacola now living in Crestview,

11  Mr. McDonald enlisted in the United States Navy in 1945,

12  serving on three ships in the Far East during his stint in the

13  Navy, and

14         WHEREAS, in 1949, Mr. McDonald left the Navy to launch

15  a long career in the United States Army, and, having begun his

16  military career as an enlisted man, he advanced through the

17  ranks, eventually earning a commission as an officer and

18  serving as captain when he was discharged in 1973, because of

19  a service-connected disability, and

20         WHEREAS, not only did Mr. McDonald participate in his

21  children's activities during his tenure in the military, but

22  immediately upon leaving the service, he joined the Disabled

23  American Veterans and, as a life member of DAV Chapter 57 in

24  Crestview, has held various appointed and elected positions,

25  including Chapter Commander and Chapter Adjutant/Treasurer, a

26  position in which he is currently serving, and

27         WHEREAS, Mr. McDonald, an active member of St. Mark

28  United Methodist Church, has held numerous posts in the DAV

29  Department of Florida, as well as at the DAV national level,

30  where he was elected National Senior Vice Commander in 1996,

31  and


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9361


  1         WHEREAS, having received many military decorations,

  2  including the Bronze Star and Combat Infantry Badge, in

  3  February 1998, Mr. McDonald was awarded the Silver Medallion

  4  Patrick Henry award for his years of patriotic service to the

  5  nation's veterans, and

  6         WHEREAS, on March 28, 1998, DAV National Commander

  7  Harry R. McDonald, Jr., will be honored at a testimonial

  8  dinner, at which time he will be presented the Meritorious

  9  Service Award on behalf of the City of Crestview, NOW,



12  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

13  Florida:


15         That the House of Representatives pauses in its

16  deliberations to join the City of Crestview in honoring DAV

17  National Commander Harry R. McDonald, Jr., for his devoted

18  service to his community, his state, and his nation.

19         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

20  be presented to DAV National Commander Harry R. McDonald, Jr.,

21  as a tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.










