House Bill 9379
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Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HR 9379
By Representative Bullard
1 House Resolution
2 A resolution urging prompt action by the
3 Governing Board of the South Florida Water
4 Management District in issuing permits to allow
5 redevelopment of property at the site of the
6 former Homestead Air Force Base.
8 WHEREAS, in August of 1992, Hurricane Andrew devastated
9 the South Dade community, and
10 WHEREAS, South Dade's three major economic catalysts,
11 agriculture, tourism, and the Homestead Air Force Base, were
12 decimated, and
13 WHEREAS, as a result of the destruction brought upon
14 the base facilities, the Federal Government decided to close a
15 portion of the military property, which became surplus federal
16 property, and
17 WHEREAS, the Dade County civic, business, and
18 governmental community joined together to create a model reuse
19 plan for civilian use of the property as a commercial aviation
20 facility and petitioned the Federal Government to designate
21 Dade County government as a reuse authority for that purpose,
22 and
23 WHEREAS, the Federal Government accepted Dade County's
24 request to convey the property to the local government for
25 redevelopment, and
26 WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature, understanding the
27 urgency of redeveloping this major economic catalyst, created
28 an expedited land use plan process in 1994 embodied in chapter
29 288, Florida Statutes, and
30 WHEREAS, the two other main economic catalysts,
31 agriculture and tourism, have yet to reach economic levels
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Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HR 9379
1 existing before Hurricane Andrew, thereby making redevelopment
2 of the base property a more pressing need to revitalize a
3 still stagnant economy, and
4 WHEREAS, recent decisions by the Federal Government
5 dealing with welfare and immigration reform threaten to create
6 an economic crisis in Dade County, where job creation and
7 economic development will become the most important priority
8 of our citizens, and
9 WHEREAS, in the first 15 years of development of the
10 project, the reuse of Homestead Air Force Base may generate in
11 excess of 6,000 direct jobs, 12,000 indirect jobs, and 10,000
12 induced jobs, and
13 WHEREAS, failure to create adequate employment
14 opportunities in South Dade will lead to further depression of
15 the local economy, an increase in crime, and a greater need
16 for local and state welfare and social service assistance, and
17 WHEREAS, Dade County has conducted numerous studies
18 that indicate that redevelopment can occur in a prudent,
19 responsible fashion that balances the needs of economic
20 development and environmental protection, and
21 WHEREAS, Metropolitan Dade County has applied for
22 permits before the South Florida Water Management District to
23 allow initial development activity while further environmental
24 protection measures are studied and implemented, and
25 WHEREAS, this initial development activity will not
26 result in intensity of use or impacts at or above the levels
27 that existed before closure in 1992, and
28 WHEREAS, the South Florida Water Management District
29 and all other state and local agencies have a responsibility
30 consistent with their statutory duties to assist local
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Florida House of Representatives - 1998 HR 9379
1 government in expediting projects of great significance and
2 economic benefit to the local community, NOW, THEREFORE,
4 Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
5 Florida:
7 That the Florida House of Representatives strongly
8 urges the South Florida Water Management District Governing
9 Board to expedite the permitting process for development of
10 initial facilities on the property of the former Homestead Air
11 Force Base so that Metropolitan Dade County can commence its
12 efforts to revitalize the economy of south Dade County.
13 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution
14 be transmitted to the Executive Director of the South Florida
15 Water Management District and to each member of the district's
16 governing board.