House Bill 9467

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9467

        By Representatives Arnall, Maygarden, Ogles, Bradley,
    Thrasher, King, Fasano, Miller, Littlefield, Arnold, Ritchie,
    Cosgrove, Lacasa, Hill, Sembler, Mackey, Feeney, Dockery,
    Bronson, Minton, Fuller, Valdes and Bitner

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution in support of a College Football

  3         Playoff in NCAA Division 1 College Football.


  5         WHEREAS, in every other major NCAA sport, championships

  6  are decided by means of a playoff system and not a bowl system

  7  as is currently the case in NCAA Division 1 College Football,

  8  and

  9         WHEREAS, each year the antiquated, ineffective bowl

10  system now in existence produces debate, controversy,

11  confusion, and frustration, and often fails to produce a true,

12  clear-cut, undisputed national college football champion, and

13         WHEREAS, the support of the presidents of the various

14  universities within the State University System of a College

15  Football Playoff in Division 1 of the NCAA, which would

16  replace the current bowl system, would be extremely beneficial

17  in the effort to replace the bowl system with a playoff

18  system, NOW, THEREFORE,


20  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

21  Florida:


23         That the House of Representatives of the State of

24  Florida hereby urges the presidents of the various

25  universities within the State University System to support a

26  College Football Playoff in NCAA Division 1 college football

27  in order to determine a true annual national college football

28  champion.



