House Bill 9507

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9507

        By Representative Hill

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution commending Mr. Tom Joyner for his

  3         efforts in making sure that his audience is

  4         up-to-date on all breaking news stories as well

  5         as other human interest stories.


  7         WHEREAS, Tom Joyner, who is also known as the "Fly

  8  Jock" and the "Hardest Working Man in Radio" is the host of

  9  The Tom Joyner Morning Show on radio, and

10         WHEREAS, his live, syndicated national urban morning

11  program treats listeners to an on-air team that reports and

12  comments on the latest news and sports of interest to the

13  audience, and

14         WHEREAS, Mr. Joyner also peppers his broadcasts with

15  what he calls "Little Known Black History Facts" to educate

16  his listeners on various facets of history which have been

17  ignored in the past, and

18         WHEREAS, Tom Joyner took his show to Africa, during the

19  same time as President Clinton's trip to that country and

20  interviewed the President live while in Africa, and

21         WHEREAS, in additional to many other features and

22  community service programs conducted on his show, Tom Joyner

23  has participated in many voter registration efforts, has

24  broadcast his show from Robben Island where the now South

25  African President Nelson Mandela was jailed for 27 years, and

26  on Thursday mornings he provides an award to a Thursday

27  Morning Mom and on Tuesday provides an award to Real Fathers,

28  Real Men, and

29         WHEREAS, the Tom Joyner Dollar for Scholars Foundation

30  has been organized to award scholarships throughout the school

31  year to college students as determined by financial need,


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9507


  1  academic records and circumstances involving the student's

  2  application, and

  3         WHEREAS, Mr. Tom Joyner has won numerous awards for his

  4  success in his chosen profession, including being a four-time

  5  Billboard Magazine award winner, NOW, THEREFORE,


  7  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

  8  Florida:


10         That the House of Representatives of the State of

11  Florida hereby commends Mr. Tom Joyner for his efforts as a

12  radio personality in making sure that his audience is

13  up-to-date on all breaking news and other stories of interest.

14         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

15  be presented to Mr. Tom Joyner as a tangible token of the

16  sentiments expressed herein.















