House Bill 9519

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9519

        By Representative Feeney

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution honoring Thomas Paul Corr.


  4         WHEREAS, in the 1960's Thomas Paul Corr pioneered the

  5  development of the community of Apollo Beach on approximately

  6  6,000 acres of land located in Hillsborough County, south of

  7  Tampa Bay, and

  8         WHEREAS, the State of Florida encourages new community

  9  development that emphasizes the establishment and

10  sustainability of civic infrastructure which, in turn, leads

11  to a higher quality of life for families who make Florida

12  their home, and

13         WHEREAS, today Apollo Beach is a thriving community of

14  approximately 10,000 people, and

15         WHEREAS, Thomas Paul Corr was the co-managing partner

16  of Frandorson Properties, the company responsible for the

17  master planning and development of the community of Apollo

18  Beach, and

19         WHEREAS, Thomas Paul Corr was a leader and visionary in

20  community development, and

21         WHEREAS, Thomas Paul Corr's achievements in the area of

22  community development emphasized a personal investment in

23  promoting foward-thinking, planning, and quality development

24  which led to a higher quality of life, and

25         WHEREAS, Thomas Paul Corr's commitment to high-quality

26  community development was exemplified by numerous activities

27  and initiatives which include dedicating more than 1,000 acres

28  of wetland and natural habitat for permanent protection as an

29  environmental preserve, leading the completion of one of the

30  first and largest development of regional impact studies in

31  Florida, dedicating land for the establishment of the Apollo


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9519


  1  Beach Elementary School and Maddux Private School, dedicating

  2  land for community parks and recreational areas including the

  3  Apollo Beach Park and the Tampa Sailing Squadron, and

  4  dedicating land for, and helping to establish, the Apollo

  5  Beach Rescue Squad, and

  6         WHEREAS, Thomas Paul Corr dedicated his life to

  7  enhancing and promoting the business, economic, and civic

  8  growth and development of South Hillsborough County, and

  9         WHEREAS, this dedication was exemplified by his

10  founding and serving as President of the Apollo Beach Chamber

11  of Commerce and the Ruskin/Apollo Beach Rotary Club, founding

12  and serving as Chairman of the Big Bend Area Group and the

13  South Hillsborough County Economic Development Council, and

14  founding and serving as Chairman of the Board of the South

15  Hillsborough Community Bank, and

16         WHEREAS, Thomas Paul Corr made Apollo Beach his home

17  for more than 30 years, raising a family of four children and

18  working tirelessly to create a better future for everyone who

19  lives, works, and plays in Apollo Beach and South Hillsborough

20  County, and

21         WHEREAS, Thomas Paul Corr, a pioneer in Hillsborough

22  County and one of its best known and most widely respected

23  residents passed away on February 7, 1998, and

24         WHEREAS, it is fitting and appropriate that the House

25  of Representatives honor Thomas Paul Corr for his many

26  contributions to the citizens of Apollo Beach and South

27  Hillsborough County, NOW, THEREFORE,


29  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

30  Florida:



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9519


  1         That the Florida House of Representatives hereby

  2  recognizes the many contributions made by Thomas Paul Corr to

  3  the betterment of his community and expresses its sorrow on

  4  his death.

  5         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution,

  6  with the seal of the Florida House of Representatives affixed,

  7  be presented to the family of Thomas Paul Corr as a tangible

  8  token of the sentiments of the Florida House of

  9  Representatives.






















