House Bill 9521

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9521

        By Representative Safley

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution honoring Jack and Ruth Eckerd.


  4         WHEREAS, realizing that today's youth are tomorrow's

  5  leaders and that their success depends upon the guidance and

  6  opportunities provided during the critical years of childhood

  7  and adolescence, the State of Florida recognizes the

  8  continuing need to provide support and services to its youth

  9  who are having difficulty adjusting to the increasing demands

10  of today's society, and

11         WHEREAS, in an effort to meet the ever-increasing needs

12  of Florida's children, youth, and young adults, Jack and Ruth

13  Eckerd were among the first to join in a public-private

14  partnership with the State of Florida and, through Eckerd

15  Youth Alternatives, Inc., have provided the means and

16  opportunities for Florida's troubled youth to resume a more

17  responsible, productive role in their families, schools, and

18  communities, and

19         WHEREAS, Jack and Ruth Eckerd understand that the

20  greatest impact of programs provided by Eckerd Youth

21  Alternatives, Inc., is obtained by addressing the needs of

22  youth as early as possible to prevent future delinquency,

23  substance abuse, and academic and emotional problems, and

24         WHEREAS, this public-private partnership, begun more

25  than 25 years ago with the unique agreement to provide

26  services to emotionally troubled youth, has expanded to

27  provide an even wider range of prevention and intervention

28  programs designed to meet the special needs of youth at risk,

29  and

30         WHEREAS, Jack and Ruth Eckerd's original concept, which

31  was brought to fruition in Eckerd Youth Alternatives, Inc.,


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9521


  1  has proved so successful that there are now 28 programs in

  2  seven states which benefit over three thousand children,

  3  youth, and young adults each year, and

  4         WHEREAS, Jack and Ruth Eckerd are widely recognized as

  5  leaders in services to youth at risk, achieving local, state,

  6  and national acclaim through Eckerd Youth Alternatives, Inc.,

  7  and

  8         WHEREAS, founders Jack and Ruth Eckerd have given

  9  selflessly of their time, talents, and personal resources to

10  ensure that youth are given an opportunity to reach their

11  fullest potential, NOW, THEREFORE,


13  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

14  Florida:


16         That the House of Representatives pauses in its

17  deliberations to honor Jack and Ruth Eckerd for their selfless

18  devotion to the youth of Florida.

19         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

20  be presented to Jack and Ruth Eckerd as a tangible token of

21  the sentiments expressed herein.










