House Bill 9525

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9525

        By Representative King

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution recognizing April 20, 1998, as

  3         Personal Watercraft Education and Safety Day.


  5         WHEREAS, with its hundreds of miles of coastline and

  6  its many pristine lakes and water bodies, Florida is a

  7  favorite state for thousands who enjoy water sports of all

  8  kinds, and

  9         WHEREAS, the Personal Watercraft Industry Association,

10  composed of leading manufacturers of personal watercraft and

11  jet boats, is committed to the promotion of safe and

12  responsible boating and the protection of Florida's

13  environment, and

14         WHEREAS, the Personal Watercraft Industry Association

15  worked with the Florida Boating Advisory Council in drafting

16  recommendations for reducing personal watercraft accidents and

17  user conflicts on the state's waterways, and its international

18  safety campaign, Ride Smart from the Start, was applauded by

19  the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators,

20  and

21         WHEREAS, in a partnership with the Florida Marine

22  Patrol, the Bombardier Motor Corporation of America, one of

23  the members of the Personal Watercraft Industry Association,

24  contributed toward the reduction in production costs of

25  Florida's safety course, How to Boat Smart, and members were

26  presented certificates of appreciation by the Department of

27  Environmental Protection for continued support of safe boating

28  in Florida, and

29         WHEREAS, the Bombardier Motor Corporation of America

30  provides loaner watercraft and training to the Florida Marine

31  Patrol, the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, and


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9525


  1  other governmental agencies in the state responsible for

  2  marine law enforcement and rescue and education programs, and

  3  has demonstrated its commitment to Indian River dolphin and

  4  manatee by providing support and loaner watercraft to groups

  5  involved in research and protection of these species, and

  6         WHEREAS, because of the aggressive stance of the

  7  Personal Watercraft Industry Association and its affiliated

  8  members in promoting water safety and the protection of the

  9  environment, NOW, THEREFORE,


11  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

12  Florida:


14         That the House of Representatives hereby expresses its

15  gratitude to the Personal Watercraft Industry Association and

16  Bombardier Motor Corporation of America for their commitment

17  to water safety and the environment and joins in recognizing

18  April 20, 1998, as Personal Watercraft Education and Safety

19  Day.












