House Bill 9567

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9567

        By Representative Bloom

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution in memory of Polly Lux de Hirsch

  3         Meyer.


  5         WHEREAS, Polly Lux de Hirsch Meyer (1900-1998), a

  6  native of Pittsburgh and resident of Miami Beach since 1934,

  7  enjoyed a lifetime of inspiring achievements, which she shared

  8  with other citizens of this state, and

  9         WHEREAS, throughout her trailblazing, multifaceted

10  career, she was a woman of action who fully participated in

11  the American experience of this century, first making her mark

12  artistically as an Atlantic City beauty queen, New York model,

13  and Ziegfield Follies showgirl and actress, and then becoming

14  known as a successful business entrepreneur, with such diverse

15  enterprises as a Broadway boutique and a Miami Beach apartment

16  house, and

17         WHEREAS, when she moved to Florida with her family in

18  the Thirties' "Boom" era, she once again showed her dynamic

19  pioneering spirit by forming Lux Construction, thus becoming

20  the first woman licensed as a building contractor in this

21  state and the second in the nation, and thereby contributing

22  much to state's development, and

23         WHEREAS, in addition to being known for her beauty,

24  wit, and accomplishments, she displayed a devotion to her

25  family and her husband of 24 years, the late Miami banker,

26  attorney, and former city commissioner Baron de Hirsch Meyer,

27  and

28         WHEREAS, she is remembered not only as a blithe spirit

29  and gracious lady, but also as a great philanthropist and

30  humanitarian, who together with her husband left an incredible

31  legacy of generosity to many worthy institutions in South


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1998                HR 9567


  1  Florida, including her $10 million gift to Mount Sinai Medical

  2  Center and major contributions to Jackson Memorial Hospital,

  3  the Miami Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged, the

  4  University of Miami, St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Camillus

  5  House, the Animal Welfare Society, the Diabetes Research

  6  Institute, as its first million-dollar contributor, and many

  7  cultural organizations in her community, NOW, THEREFORE,


  9  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

10  Florida:


12         That the House of Representatives take this opportunity

13  to honor the memory of Polly Lux de Hirsch Meyer as one of the

14  state's most distinguished citizens, and to express the hope

15  that her greatest legacy will be that others may follow in her

16  selfless path of generosity.

17         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

18  be presented to Martin Steadman, president of the family

19  charitable foundation and a loving, attentive grandnephew, on

20  behalf of her nieces, nephews, and other family members, as a

21  tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.










