CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

House Bill 0983

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 By Representatives Turnbull, Chestnut, Mackenzie and Constantine 1 A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to employment equity in 3 postsecondary education; amending s. 240.2475, 4 F.S., relating to the State University System 5 equity accountability program; requiring each 6 state university to maintain an equity plan to 7 increase the representation of women and 8 minorities in faculty and administrative 9 positions; providing for the submission of 10 reports; requiring the development of a plan 11 for achievement of equity; providing for 12 administrative evaluations; requiring the 13 development of a budgetary incentive plan; 14 providing for an appropriation; amending s. 15 240.3355, F.S., relating to the State Community 16 College System equity accountability program; 17 requiring each community college to maintain a 18 plan to increase the representation of women 19 and minorities in faculty and administrative 20 positions; providing contents of an employment 21 accountability plan; requiring the development 22 of a plan for corrective action; providing for 23 administrative evaluations; providing for 24 submission of reports; requiring the 25 development of a budgetary incentive plan; 26 providing an effective date. 27 28 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 29 30 Section 1. Section 240.2475, Florida Statutes, is 31 amended to read: 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 240.2475 State University System employment equity 2 accountability program.-- 3 (1) No later than August 1, 1992, Each state 4 university shall maintain an annual equity develop a plan for 5 appropriate representation increasing the number of women and 6 minorities in senior-level administrative positions, within 7 tenure-track faculty, and within faculty granted tenure. Such 8 plan shall be maintained until appropriate representation has 9 been achieved. As used in this subsection, the term: 10 (a) "Appropriate representation" means category 11 employment representation that at least meets comparable 12 national standards for at least two consecutive reporting 13 periods. 14 (b) "Category" means major executive, administrative, 15 and professional grouping, including senior-level 16 administrative and professional positions, senior academic 17 administrative-level positions, and tenure-track faculty for 18 increasing the number of women and minorities in ranked 19 faculty positions, and for increasing the number of women and 20 minorities granted tenure. The plan must include specific 21 measurable goals and objectives, specific strategies for 22 accomplishing these goals and objectives, a time period for 23 accomplishing these goals and objectives, and comparative 24 national standards. The plan shall be submitted to the 25 Legislature on or before September 1, 1992. 26 (2)(a) By April 1 October 31 of each year, each state 27 university president shall submit an annual equity 28 accountability report to the Chancellor and the Board of 29 Regents. The equity report shall consist of a status update, 30 an analysis, and a status report of selected personnel 31 transactions. As used in this paragraph, the term, "selected 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 personnel transactions" means new hires in, promotions into, 2 tenure actions in, and terminations from a category. Each 3 university shall provide the job classification title, gender, 4 race, and appointment status of selected personnel 5 transactions. The status update shall assess 6 underrepresentation in each category. The status report shall 7 consist of current category employment representation, 8 comparable national standards, an evaluation of 9 representation, and annual goals to address 10 underrepresentation. which shows the number of administrative 11 positions in the faculty and in the administrative and 12 professional pay plans which were filled in the previous 13 fiscal year. Administrative positions include faculty 14 positions that, in whole or in part, are defined as academic 15 administration under standard practice CM 87-17.1 and 16 positions in the administrative and professional pay plans 17 that are defined as administrative positions under the Board 18 of Regents' classification of occupational groupings. The 19 report must include the following information pertaining to 20 the employees hired in those positions: 21 1. Job classification title; 22 2. Gender; 23 3. Ethnicity; 24 4. Appointment status pursuant to chapter 6C-5.105, 25 Florida Administrative Code; 26 5. The salary at which the individual was hired; 27 6. Comparative information including, but not limited 28 to, composite information regarding the total number of 29 positions within the particular job title classification for 30 the university by race, gender, and the average salary or 31 3 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 salary range, where applicable, compared to the number of new 2 hires; 3 7. Guidelines for ensuring a gender-balanced and 4 ethnically balanced selection committee for each vacancy; 5 8. Steps taken to develop a diverse pool of candidates 6 for each vacancy; and 7 9. An assessment of the university's accomplishment of 8 annual goals and of long-range goals for hiring and promoting 9 women and minorities in senior-level administrative positions. 10 (b) After 1 year of implementation of a plan, and 11 annually thereafter, for those categories in which prior year 12 goals were not achieved, each university shall provide, in its 13 annual equity report, a narrative explanation and a plan for 14 achievement of equity. The plan shall include guidelines for 15 ensuring balanced membership on selection committees and 16 specific steps for developing a diverse pool of candidates for 17 each vacancy in the category. The plan shall also include a 18 systematic process by which those responsible for hiring are 19 provided information and are evaluated regarding their 20 responsibilities pursuant to this section. Each university's 21 equity accountability report must also include the following 22 information pertaining to candidates formally applying for 23 tenure: 24 1. Rank; 25 2. Gender; 26 3. Ethnicity; 27 4. The salary at which the individual was hired; and 28 5. Comparative information including, but not limited 29 to, composite information regarding the total number of 30 positions within the particular classification for the 31 4 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 university by race, gender, and the average salary or salary 2 range, where applicable, compared to the number of new hires. 3 (c) The equity report shall include an analysis and 4 assessment of the university's accomplishment of annual goals, 5 as specified in the university's affirmative action plan, for 6 increasing the representation of women and minorities in 7 tenure-earning and senior-level administrative positions. The 8 report must also include: 9 1. The requirements for achieving tenure; 10 2. The gender and ethnic composition of the committees 11 that review tenure recommendations at the department, college, 12 and university levels; 13 3. Guidelines for ensuring the equitable distribution 14 of assignments that would enhance tenure opportunities for 15 women and minority faculty; and 16 4. Guidelines for obtaining feedback on the annual 17 progress towards achievement of tenure by women and 18 minorities. 19 (d) The equity report shall also include the current 20 rank, race, and gender of faculty eligible for tenure in a 21 category. In addition, each university shall report 22 representation of the pool of tenure-eligible faculty at each 23 stage of the transaction process, and provide certification 24 that each eligible faculty member was apprised annually of 25 progress toward tenure. Each university shall also report on 26 the dissemination of standards for achieving tenure; racial 27 and gender composition of committees reviewing recommendations 28 at each transaction level; and dissemination of guidelines for 29 equitable distribution of assignments. 30 (3)(a) A factor in the evaluation of university 31 presidents, vice presidents, deans, and chairpersons shall be 5 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 their annual progress in achieving the annual and long-range 2 hiring and promotional goals and objectives, as specified in 3 the university's equity plan and affirmative action plan. 4 Annual budget allocations for positions and funding shall be 5 based on this evaluation. A summary of such evaluations Such 6 evaluation shall be submitted to the Chancellor and the Board 7 of Regents as part of the university's annual equity report. 8 (b) Beginning January 1994, The Chancellor and the 9 Board of Regents shall annually evaluate the performance of 10 the university presidents in achieving the annual equity and 11 long-term goals and objectives. A summary of the results of 12 such evaluations shall be included as part of the annual 13 equity progress report submitted by the Board of Regents to 14 the Legislature and the State Board of Education. 15 (4) The Board of Regents shall submit an annual equity 16 progress report to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of 17 the House of Representatives, Legislature and the State Board 18 of Education on or before August December 1 of each year. 19 (5) Each university shall develop a budgetary 20 incentive plan to support and ensure attainment of the goals 21 developed pursuant to this section. The plan shall specify, at 22 a minimum, how resources shall be allocated to support the 23 achievement of goals and the implementation of strategies in a 24 timely manner. After prior review and approval by the 25 university president and the Board of Regents, the plan shall 26 be submitted as part of the annual equity report submitted by 27 each university to the Board of Regents. Effective July 1, 28 1993, positions that become vacant in the faculty or the 29 administrative and professional pay plans at a university 30 shall be transferred into a pool at that university to be 31 allocated by the administration to departments to reward 6 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 department managers for attaining equity goals. Each 2 university president shall develop rules regarding the filling 3 of vacant positions and the transferring of positions into the 4 pool. Such rules must provide for a total cap on the vacant 5 position pool at 10 percent of the number of vacant positions 6 for the university as of the date of the preparation of the 7 initial operating budget for each year. The rule must also 8 provide that the number of positions to be transferred into 9 the vacant position pool, at the departmental level, may not 10 exceed 10 percent of the total number of authorized positions 11 for the department as of the date of the preparation of the 12 initial operating budget for each year. Subject to available 13 funding, the Legislature shall provide an annual appropriation 14 to be allocated to the department managers in recognition of 15 the attainment of equity goals and objectives. 16 (6) Relevant components of each university's 17 affirmative action plan may be used to satisfy the 18 requirements of this section. 19 (7) Subject to available funding, the Legislature 20 shall provide an annual appropriation to the Board of Regents 21 to be allocated to the universities to further enhance equity 22 initiatives and related priorities that support the mission of 23 departments, divisions, or colleges in recognition of the 24 attainment of equity goals and objectives. 25 Section 2. Section 240.3355, Florida Statutes, is 26 amended to read: 27 240.3355 Community College System employment equity 28 accountability program.-- 29 (1) No later than May 1, 1993, Each community college 30 shall include in its annual equity update plan must include a 31 plan for increasing the representation number of women and 7 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 minorities in senior-level administrative positions and, for 2 increasing the number of women and minorities in full-time 3 ranked faculty positions, and for increasing the 4 representation number of women and minorities who have 5 attained continuing-contract status. Positions shall be 6 defined in the personnel data element directory of the 7 Division of Community Colleges. The plan must include specific 8 measurable goals and objectives, specific strategies and 9 timelines for accomplishing these goals and objectives, and 10 comparable national standards as provided by the Division of 11 Community Colleges a time period for accomplishing these goals 12 and objectives. The goals and objectives shall be based on 13 meeting or exceeding comparable national standards and shall 14 be reviewed and recommended by the State Board of Community 15 Colleges as appropriate. Such plans shall be maintained until 16 appropriate representation has been achieved and maintained 17 for at least 3 consecutive reporting years. 18 (2)(a) On or before May 1 of each year, each community 19 college president shall submit an the annual employment 20 accountability plan equity update to the Executive Director of 21 the State Board of Community Colleges. The accountability 22 plan equity update must show faculty and administrator 23 employment data according to requirements specified on the 24 federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EE0-6) report the number 25 of deans, associates, assistant deans, vice presidents, 26 associate and assistant presidents, provosts, legal counsel, 27 and similar administrative positions which were filled in the 28 previous 12-month period. Administrative positions include 29 faculty positions that, in whole or in part, are defined as 30 academic administration by rule and positions that are defined 31 8 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 as administrative positions under the Community College 2 System's classification of occupational groupings. 3 (b) The plan report must show the following 4 information for those positions including, but not limited to: 5 1. Job classification title.; 6 2. Gender.; 7 3. Ethnicity.; 8 4. Appointment status.; 9 5. Salary information. At each community college, 10 salary information shall also include including the salary 11 ranges in which new hires were employed compared to the salary 12 ranges for employees with comparable experience and 13 qualifications. at which the individual was hired compared to 14 the salary range for the respective position and to other 15 employees in the same job title classification; 16 6. Other comparative information including, but not 17 limited to, composite information regarding the total number 18 of positions within the particular job title classification 19 for the community college by race, gender, and salary range 20 compared to the number of new hires.; 21 7. A statement certifying diversity and balance in the 22 gender and ethnic composition of the selection committee for 23 each vacancy, including a brief description of guidelines used 24 for ensuring balanced and diverse membership on selection and 25 review committees.; 26 8. Steps taken to develop a diverse pool of candidates 27 for each vacancy; and 28 (c)9. The annual employment accountability plan shall 29 also include an analysis and an assessment of the community 30 college's attainment accomplishment of annual goals and of 31 long-range goals for increasing the number of women and 9 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 minorities in faculty and senior-level administrative 2 positions, and a corrective action plan for addressing 3 underrepresentation. 4 (d)(c) Each community college's employment equity 5 accountability plan report must also include: 6 1. The requirements for receiving a continuing 7 contract.; 8 2. A brief description of the process used to grant 9 The gender and ethnic composition of the committees that 10 review continuing-contract status. recommendations; 11 3. A brief description of the process used to annually 12 apprise each eligible faculty member of progress toward 13 attainment of continuing-contract status. The enhancement of 14 continuing-contract opportunities for women and minority 15 faculty; and 16 4. Written documentation of feedback on the annual 17 progress towards achievement of continuing-contract status by 18 women and minorities. 19 (3) Community college presidents and the heads of each 20 major administrative division shall be evaluated annually on 21 the progress made toward meeting the goals and objectives of 22 the community college's employment accountability equity 23 update plan. 24 (a) The community college presidents, or the 25 president's designee, shall annually evaluate each department 26 chairperson, dean, provost, and vice president in achieving 27 the annual and long-term goals and objectives. A summary of 28 the results of such evaluations shall be reported annually by 29 the president of the community college to the board of 30 trustees. Annual budget allocations by the board of trustees 31 10 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 for positions and funding must take into consideration these 2 evaluations this evaluation. 3 (b) Beginning January 1994, Community college district 4 boards of trustees shall annually evaluate the performance of 5 the community college presidents in achieving the annual and 6 long-term goals and objectives. A summary of the results of 7 such evaluations shall be reported to the Executive Director 8 of the State Board of Community Colleges as part of the 9 community college's annual employment accountability plan, and 10 to the Legislature and State Board of Education as part of the 11 annual equity progress report submitted by the State Board of 12 Community Colleges. 13 (4)(c) The State Board of Community Colleges shall 14 submit an annual equity progress report to the President of 15 the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, 16 Legislature and the State Board of Education on or before 17 January December 1 of each year. 18 (5) Each community college shall develop a budgetary 19 incentive plan to support and ensure attainment of the goals 20 developed pursuant to this section. The plan shall specify, 21 at a minimum, how resources shall be allocated to support the 22 achievement of goals and the implementation of strategies in a 23 timely manner. After prior review and approval by the 24 community college president and the State Board of Community 25 Colleges, the plan shall be submitted as part of the annual 26 employment accountability plan submitted by each community 27 college to the State Board of Community Colleges. 28 (6)(4) Subject to available funding, the Legislature 29 shall provide an annual appropriation to the State Board of 30 Community Colleges to be allocated to community college 31 presidents, faculty, and administrative personnel to further 11 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HB 983 558-130-97 1 enhance equity initiatives and related priorities that support 2 the mission of colleges and departments the department 3 managers in recognition of the attainment of the equity goals 4 and objectives. 5 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 1997. 6 7 ***************************************** 8 SENATE SUMMARY 9 With respect to the State University System and State 10 Community College System equity accountability programs, requires each state university and community college to 11 maintain a plan to increase the representation of women and minorities in faculty and administrative positions. 12 Provides for the submission of reports. Requires the development of a plan for corrective action. Provides for 13 administrative evaluations. Requires the development of a budgetary incentive plan. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12