Senate Bill 0990

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    Florida Senate - 1998        (NP)                       SR 990

    By Senator Childers


  1                    Senate Resolution No.     

  2         A resolution honoring Sam M. McCall for

  3         receiving the 1997 Outstanding CPA in

  4         Government Award from the American Institute of

  5         Certified Public Accountants.


  7         WHEREAS, Sam McCall, CPA, has served the people of the

  8  State of Florida for 28 years in the Auditor General's Office

  9  and as Deputy Auditor General for the past 11 years, and

10         WHEREAS, Mr. McCall has extensive experience in

11  accounting, auditing, performance auditing, internal auditing,

12  and government financial management and administration, and

13         WHEREAS, Mr. McCall is active in numerous professional,

14  academic, and other public and private organizations and was

15  recently reappointed by the Comptroller General of the United

16  States to the Government Auditing Standards Advisory Council,

17  and

18         WHEREAS, he also currently serves as a member of the

19  Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council as a

20  representative of State Legislatures through the National

21  Council of State Legislatures, and

22         WHEREAS, Sam McCall has contributed to the improvement

23  of Florida Government by working with legislative committees

24  on the Florida Government Performance and Results Act, the

25  Florida Chief Internal Audit Act, and the Florida Inspector

26  General Act, and

27         WHEREAS, he was graduated from the University of West

28  Florida with a Bachelors Degree in Accounting and from Florida

29  State University with a Masters Degree in Public

30  Administration and is currently enrolled in a Doctorate of

31  Public Administration Program at Florida State University, and


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    Florida Senate - 1998        (NP)                       SR 990

  1         WHEREAS, Sam McCall is an enthusiastic educator and

  2  speaker, and has participated as a guest university lecturer

  3  to schools of business administration, public administration,

  4  and journalism, NOW, THEREFORE,


  6  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


  8         That Mr. Sam M. McCall is commended for his many

  9  achievements and his dedicated service to the people of

10  Florida and especially for the distinction of being the 1997

11  recipient of the Outstanding CPA in Government Award from the

12  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

13         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution,

14  with the seal of the Senate affixed, be presented to Mr. Sam

15  M. McCall as a tangible token of the high esteem in which he

16  is held by the Florida Senate.















