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House Bill 0999

Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HJR 999 By Representative Bitner 1 House Joint Resolution 2 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to 3 Section 3 of Article III of the State 4 Constitution, relating to the Legislature, to 5 limit the subjects that may be considered at 6 certain sessions of the Legislature. 7 8 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 9 10 That the following amendment to Section 3 of Article 11 III of the State Constitution is agreed to and shall be 12 submitted to the electors of this state for approval or 13 rejection at the next general election or at any earlier 14 special election specifically authorized by law for that 15 purpose: 16 ARTICLE III 17 LEGISLATURE 18 SECTION 3. Sessions of the legislature.-- 19 (a) ORGANIZATION SESSIONS. On the fourteenth day 20 following each general election the legislature shall convene 21 for the exclusive purpose of organization and selection of 22 officers. 23 (b) REGULAR SESSIONS. 24 (1) A regular session of the legislature shall convene 25 on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March of each 26 odd-numbered year, and on the first Tuesday after the first 27 Monday in March, or such other date as may be fixed by law, of 28 each even-numbered year. 29 (2) The legislature shall devote the regular session 30 of each odd-numbered year to the preparation of a budget and 31 to the monitoring and evaluation of state program performance 1 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HJR 999 522-122A-97 1 and effectiveness. Special program review emphasis shall be 2 given to those programs that have become fully operational 3 with performance budgeting as provided by general law. The 4 legislature by general law shall limit the introduction of 5 bills on any other subject during regular sessions held in 6 odd-numbered years, and general law may not authorize the 7 introduction of a bill unless it is necessary to respond to a 8 specific threat to the public health, safety, and welfare and 9 a delay in legislative response would result in an 10 unreasonable risk of death or harm to persons or damage to 11 property. 12 (c) SPECIAL SESSIONS. 13 (1) The governor, by proclamation stating the purpose, 14 may convene the legislature in special session during which 15 only such legislative business may be transacted as is within 16 the purview of the proclamation, or of a communication from 17 the governor, or is introduced by consent of two-thirds of the 18 membership of each house. 19 (2) A special session of the legislature may be 20 convened as provided by law. 21 (d) LENGTH OF SESSIONS. A regular session of the 22 legislature shall not exceed sixty consecutive days, and a 23 special session shall not exceed twenty consecutive days, 24 unless extended beyond such limit by a three-fifths vote of 25 each house. During such an extension no new business may be 26 taken up in either house without the consent of two-thirds of 27 its membership. 28 (e) ADJOURNMENT. Neither house shall adjourn for more 29 than seventy-two consecutive hours except pursuant to 30 concurrent resolution. 31 2 CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions. Florida House of Representatives - 1997 HJR 999 522-122A-97 1 (f) ADJOURNMENT BY GOVERNOR. If, during any regular 2 or special session, the two houses cannot agree upon a time 3 for adjournment, the governor may adjourn the session sine die 4 or to any date within the period authorized for such session; 5 provided that, at least twenty-four hours before adjourning 6 the session, he shall, while neither house is in recess, give 7 each house formal written notice of his intention to do so, 8 and agreement reached within that period by both houses on a 9 time for adjournment shall prevail. 10 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be 11 placed on the ballot: 12 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 13 ARTICLE III, SECTION 3 14 LIMITING LEGISLATIVE AGENDA.--Proposing an amendment to 15 the State Constitution to require the Legislature to devote 16 each odd-year regular session to preparing a budget and 17 monitoring and evaluating state program performance and 18 effectiveness and to require the Legislature to limit other 19 matters to be introduced in such sessions. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3