House Bill 0001

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                   HB 1

        By Representative Posey

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to state finances; amending s.

  3         186.021, F.S.; requiring each state agency

  4         strategic plan to include a summary of all

  5         moneys that were spent by or otherwise passed

  6         through the agency during the preceding fiscal

  7         year and an estimate of such spending and

  8         handling for the current fiscal year; providing

  9         requirements for the reporting of such

10         information; providing for a reduction in

11         funding for failure to submit the summary with

12         the state agency strategic plan as required;

13         requiring the Florida Financial Management

14         Information System Coordinating Council to

15         submit to the Governor and Legislature a report

16         with recommendations relating to the reporting

17         of such information; providing an effective

18         date.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  Subsection (2) of section 186.021, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         186.021  State agency strategic plans.--

25         (2)  A state agency strategic plan shall be developed

26  with a 5-year outlook and shall provide the strategic

27  framework within which an agency's legislative budget request

28  is developed. An agency's budget shall be designed to further

29  the agency's strategic plan. Each state agency strategic plan

30  must include a summary of all moneys that were spent by or

31  otherwise passed through the agency during the preceding


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                   HB 1


  1  fiscal year and an estimate of the moneys projected to be

  2  spent by or otherwise pass through the agency for the current

  3  fiscal year. All such spending and handling and estimates of

  4  such spending and handling must be divided into major product

  5  and service categories and further expressed in unit costs,

  6  and the unit-cost totals must equal the total amount of moneys

  7  that were spent by or otherwise passed through the agency or

  8  that were projected to be spent by or otherwise pass through

  9  the agency, as applicable. At the regular session immediately

10  following the submission of the agency strategic plan pursuant

11  to s. 186.022(1), the Legislature shall reduce in the General

12  Appropriations Act for the ensuing fiscal year, by an amount

13  equal to at least 10 percent of the allocation for the fiscal

14  year preceding the current fiscal year, the funding of each

15  state agency that fails to include the summary required by

16  this subsection with the agency strategic plan submitted under

17  s. 186.022(1). All summaries must be submitted in the form and

18  manner prescribed by the instructions prepared pursuant to s.

19  186.022(2).

20         Section 2.  Subsection (1) of section 186.022, Florida

21  Statutes, and subsection (2) of said section, as amended by

22  chapter 98-73, Laws of Florida, read:

23         186.022  State agency strategic plans; preparation,

24  form, and review.--

25         (1)  Beginning in 1992, 3 months prior to the annual

26  submission of its final agency legislative budget request

27  pursuant to s. 216.023(1), each state agency shall prepare and

28  submit its agency strategic plan to the Executive Office of

29  the Governor. Prior to the submission of its agency strategic

30  plan to the Governor, each agency shall hold public workshops

31  on the proposed agency strategic plan, and shall allow at


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                   HB 1


  1  least a 21-day period for public comment. At a minimum,

  2  adequate public notice must be assured by publication of

  3  notice of the hearing and comment period in the Florida

  4  Administrative Weekly. Public participation must be further

  5  encouraged through procedures and instructions.

  6         (2)  Each agency strategic plan must be in a form and

  7  manner prescribed in written instructions prepared by the

  8  Executive Office of the Governor after consultation with the

  9  President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of

10  Representatives. Each agency strategic plan must identify the

11  specific legislative authority necessary to implement the

12  provisions of the plan. An agency may only implement those

13  portions of its strategic plan that are consistent with

14  existing statutory or constitutional authority and for which

15  funding, if needed, is available consistent with the

16  provisions of chapter 216. An agency's budget request

17  prescribed in s. 216.023(1) shall identify the financial

18  resources necessary to further the provisions of the agency's

19  strategic plan. Performance measures, as defined in s. 216.011

20  and proposed by the agency pursuant to s. 216.0166(1), must be

21  consistent with the objectives in the draft agency strategic

22  plan and shall represent 1-year implementation efforts

23  necessary to meet the 5-year agency strategic plan objectives.

24  State agency strategic plans shall be amended by the agency,

25  as necessary, to ensure consistency with the legislative

26  actions prior to the effective date of the agency strategic

27  plan.

28         Section 3.  The Florida Financial Management

29  Information System Coordinating Council shall submit to the

30  Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the

31  House of Representatives by October 1, 1999, a report, with


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                   HB 1


  1  recommendations, on the necessity and feasibility of, and the

  2  costs associated with, enhancements to the Florida Accounting

  3  Information Resource Subsystem required to support state

  4  agencies in providing the unit-cost information required to be

  5  reported under s. 186.021(2), Florida Statutes, as amended by

  6  this act.

  7         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1 of the

  8  year in which enacted.


10            *****************************************

11                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Requires each state agency strategic plan to include a
13    summary of all moneys that were spent by or otherwise
      passed through the agency during the preceding fiscal
14    year and an estimate of such spending and handling for
      the current fiscal year, and provides requirements for
15    the reporting of such information. Provides for a
      reduction in funding for failure to submit the summary
16    with the state agency strategic plan as required.
      Requires the Florida Financial Management Information
17    System Coordinating Council to submit to the Governor and
      Legislature a report with recommendations relating to the
18    reporting of such information. See bill for details.















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