Senate Bill 1002

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1002

    By Senator Bronson


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Water Management Lands Trust

  3         Fund; amending s. 373.59, F.S.; deleting an

  4         obsolete provision relating to an appropriation

  5         for fiscal year 1998-1999; providing an

  6         effective date.


  8  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


10         Section 1.  Section 373.59, Florida Statutes, 1998

11  Supplement, is amended to read:

12         373.59  Water Management Lands Trust Fund.--

13         (1)  There is established within the Department of

14  Environmental Protection the Water Management Lands Trust Fund

15  to be used as a nonlapsing fund for the purposes of this

16  section. The moneys in this fund are hereby continually

17  appropriated for the purposes of land acquisition, management,

18  maintenance, capital improvements, payments in lieu of taxes,

19  and administration of the fund in accordance with the

20  provisions of this section.

21         (2)(a)  By January 15 of each year, each district shall

22  file with the Legislature and the Secretary of Environmental

23  Protection a report of acquisition activity together with

24  modifications or additions to its 5-year plan of acquisition.

25  Included in the report shall be an identification of those

26  lands which require a full fee simple interest to achieve

27  water management goals and those lands which can be acquired

28  using alternatives to fee simple acquisition techniques and

29  still achieve such goals.  In their evaluation of which lands

30  would be appropriate for acquisition through alternatives to

31  fee simple, district staff shall consider criteria including,


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  1  but not limited to, acquisition costs, the net present value

  2  of future land management costs, the net present value of ad

  3  valorem revenue loss to the local government, and the

  4  potential for revenue generated from activities compatible

  5  with acquisition objectives. The report shall also include a

  6  description of land management activity. Expenditure of moneys

  7  from the Water Management Lands Trust Fund shall be limited to

  8  the costs for acquisition, management, maintenance, and

  9  capital improvements of lands included within the 5-year plan

10  as filed by each district and to the department's costs of

11  administration of the fund. The department's costs of

12  administration shall be charged proportionally against each

13  district's allocation using the formula provided in subsection

14  (7). However, no acquisition of lands shall occur without a

15  public hearing similar to those held pursuant to the

16  provisions set forth in s. 120.54. In the annual update of its

17  5-year plan for acquisition, each district shall identify

18  lands needed to protect or recharge groundwater and shall

19  establish a plan for their acquisition as necessary to protect

20  potable water supplies. Lands which serve to protect or

21  recharge groundwater identified pursuant to this paragraph

22  shall also serve to protect other valuable natural resources

23  or provide space for natural resource based recreation.

24         (b)  Moneys from the fund shall be used for continued

25  acquisition, management, maintenance, and capital improvements

26  of the following lands and lands set forth in the 5-year land

27  acquisition plan of the district:

28         1.  By South Florida Water Management District--lands

29  in the water conservation areas and areas adversely affected

30  by raising water levels of Lake Okeechobee in accordance with



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  1  present regulation schedules, and the Savannahs Wetland area

  2  in Martin County and St. Lucie County.

  3         2.  By Southwest Florida Water Management

  4  District--lands in the Four River Basins areas, including

  5  Green Swamp, Upper Hillsborough and Cypress Creek, Anclote

  6  Water Storage Lands (Starkey), Withlacoochee and Hillsborough

  7  riverine corridors, and Sawgrass Lake addition.

  8         3.  By St. Johns River Water Management

  9  District--Seminole Ranch, Latt Maxey and Evans properties in

10  the upper St. Johns River Basin.

11         4.  By Suwannee River Water Management District--lands

12  in Suwannee River Valley.

13         5.  By Northwest Florida Water Management

14  District--lands in the Choctawhatchee and Apalachicola River

15  Valleys.

16         (3)  Each district shall remove the property of an

17  unwilling seller from its plan of acquisition at the next

18  scheduled update of the plan, if in receipt of a request to do

19  so by the property owner.

20         (4)(a)  Moneys from the Water Management Lands Trust

21  Fund shall be used for acquiring the fee or other interest in

22  lands necessary for water management, water supply, and the

23  conservation and protection of water resources, except that

24  such moneys shall not be used for the acquisition of

25  rights-of-way for canals or pipelines.  Such moneys shall also

26  be used for management, maintenance, and capital improvements.

27  Interests in real property acquired by the districts under

28  this section may be used for permittable water resource

29  development and water supply development purposes under the

30  following conditions: the minimum flows and levels of priority

31  water bodies on such lands have been established; the project


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  1  complies with all conditions for issuance of a permit under

  2  part II of this chapter; and the project is compatible with

  3  the purposes for which the land was acquired.  Lands acquired

  4  with moneys from the fund shall be managed and maintained in

  5  an environmentally acceptable manner and, to the extent

  6  practicable, in such a way as to restore and protect their

  7  natural state and condition.

  8         (b)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection shall

  9  release moneys from the Water Management Lands Trust Fund to a

10  district for preacquisition costs within 30 days after receipt

11  of a resolution adopted by the district's governing board

12  which identifies and justifies any such preacquisition costs

13  necessary for the purchase of any lands listed in the

14  district's 5-year plan. The district shall return to the

15  department any funds not used for the purposes stated in the

16  resolution, and the department shall deposit the unused funds

17  into the Water Management Lands Trust Fund.

18         (c)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection shall

19  release acquisition moneys from the Water Management Lands

20  Trust Fund to a district following receipt of a resolution

21  adopted by the governing board identifying the lands being

22  acquired and certifying that such acquisition is consistent

23  with the plan of acquisition and other provisions of this act.

24  The governing board shall also provide to the Secretary of

25  Environmental Protection a copy of all certified appraisals

26  used to determine the value of the land to be purchased. Each

27  parcel to be acquired must have at least one appraisal. Two

28  appraisals are required when the estimated value of the parcel

29  exceeds $500,000. However, when both appraisals exceed

30  $500,000 and differ significantly, a third appraisal may be

31  obtained. If the purchase price is greater than the appraisal


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  1  price, the governing board shall submit written justification

  2  for the increased price. The Secretary of Environmental

  3  Protection may withhold moneys for any purchase that is not

  4  consistent with the 5-year plan or the intent of this act or

  5  that is in excess of appraised value. The governing board may

  6  appeal any denial to the Land and Water Adjudicatory

  7  Commission pursuant to s. 373.114.

  8         (d)  The Secretary of Environmental Protection shall

  9  release to the districts moneys for management, maintenance,

10  and capital improvements following receipt of a resolution and

11  request adopted by the governing board which specifies the

12  designated managing agency, specific management activities,

13  public use, estimated annual operating costs, and other

14  acceptable documentation to justify release of moneys.

15         (5)  Water management land acquisition costs shall

16  include payments to owners and costs and fees associated with

17  such acquisition.

18         (6)  If a district issues revenue bonds or notes under

19  s. 373.584, the district may pledge its share of the moneys in

20  the Water Management Lands Trust Fund as security for such

21  bonds or notes. The Department of Environmental Protection

22  shall pay moneys from the trust fund to a district or its

23  designee sufficient to pay the debt service, as it becomes

24  due, on the outstanding bonds and notes of the district;

25  however, such payments shall not exceed the district's

26  cumulative portion of the trust fund. However, any moneys

27  remaining after payment of the amount due on the debt service

28  shall be released to the district pursuant to subsection (3).

29         (7)  Any unused portion of a district's share of the

30  fund shall accumulate in the trust fund to the credit of that

31  district.  Interest earned on such portion shall also


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  1  accumulate to the credit of that district to be used for land

  2  acquisition, management, maintenance, and capital improvements

  3  as provided in this section.  The total moneys over the life

  4  of the fund available to any district under this section shall

  5  not be reduced except by resolution of the district governing

  6  board stating that the need for the moneys no longer exists.

  7         (8)  Moneys from the Water Management Lands Trust Fund

  8  shall be allocated to the five water management districts in

  9  the following percentages:

10         (a)  Thirty percent to the South Florida Water

11  Management District.

12         (b)  Twenty-five percent to the Southwest Florida Water

13  Management District.

14         (c)  Twenty-five percent to the St. Johns River Water

15  Management District.

16         (d)  Ten percent to the Suwannee River Water Management

17  District.

18         (e)  Ten percent to the Northwest Florida Water

19  Management District.

20         (9)  Each district may use its allocation under

21  subsection (8) for management, maintenance, and capital

22  improvements. Capital improvements shall include, but need not

23  be limited to, perimeter fencing, signs, firelanes, control of

24  invasive exotic species, controlled burning, habitat inventory

25  and restoration, law enforcement, access roads and trails, and

26  minimal public accommodations, such as primitive campsites,

27  garbage receptacles, and toilets.

28         (10)  Moneys in the fund not needed to meet current

29  obligations incurred under this section shall be transferred

30  to the State Board of Administration, to the credit of the



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  1  fund, to be invested in the manner provided by law.  Interest

  2  received on such investments shall be credited to the fund.

  3         (11)  Lands acquired for the purposes enumerated in

  4  this section shall also be used for general public

  5  recreational purposes.  General public recreational purposes

  6  shall include, but not be limited to, fishing, hunting,

  7  horseback riding, swimming, camping, hiking, canoeing,

  8  boating, diving, birding, sailing, jogging, and other related

  9  outdoor activities to the maximum extent possible considering

10  the environmental sensitivity and suitability of those lands.

11  These public lands shall be evaluated for their resource value

12  for the purpose of establishing which parcels, in whole or in

13  part, annually or seasonally, would be conducive to general

14  public recreational purposes. Such findings shall be included

15  in management plans which are developed for such public lands.

16  These lands shall be made available to the public for these

17  purposes, unless the district governing board can demonstrate

18  that such activities would be incompatible with the purposes

19  for which these lands were acquired. For any fee simple

20  acquisition of a parcel which is or will be leased back for

21  agricultural purposes, or for any acquisition of a

22  less-than-fee interest in land that is or will be used for

23  agricultural purposes, the district governing board shall

24  first consider having a soil and water conservation district

25  created pursuant to chapter 582 manage and monitor such

26  interest.

27         (12)  A district may dispose of land acquired under

28  this section, pursuant to s. 373.056 or s. 373.089.  However,

29  revenue derived from such disposal may not be used for any

30  purpose except the purchase of other lands meeting the

31  criteria specified in this section or payment of debt service


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  1  on revenue bonds or notes issued under s. 373.584, as provided

  2  in this section.

  3         (13)  No moneys generated pursuant to this act may be

  4  applied or expended subsequent to July 1, 1985, to reimburse

  5  any district for prior expenditures for land acquisition from

  6  ad valorem taxes or other funds other than its share of the

  7  funds provided herein or to refund or refinance outstanding

  8  debt payable solely from ad valorem taxes or other funds other

  9  than its share of the funds provided herein.

10         (14)(a)  Beginning in fiscal year 1992-1993, not more

11  than one-fourth of the land management funds provided for in

12  subsections (1) and (9) in any year shall be reserved annually

13  by a governing board, during the development of its annual

14  operating budget, for payment in lieu of taxes to qualifying

15  counties for actual ad valorem tax losses incurred as a result

16  of lands purchased with funds allocated pursuant to s.

17  259.101(3)(b). In addition, the Northwest Florida Water

18  Management District, the South Florida Water Management

19  District, the Southwest Florida Water Management District, the

20  St. Johns River Water Management District, and the Suwannee

21  River Water Management District shall pay to qualifying

22  counties payments in lieu of taxes for district lands acquired

23  with funds allocated pursuant to subsection (8). Reserved

24  funds that are not used for payment in lieu of taxes in any

25  year shall revert to the fund to be used for management

26  purposes or land acquisition in accordance with this section.

27         (b)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be available to

28  counties for each year in which the levy of ad valorem tax is

29  at least 8.25 mills or the amount of the tax loss from all

30  completed Preservation 2000 acquisitions in the county exceeds

31  0.01 percent of the county's total taxable value, and the


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  1  population is 75,000 or less and to counties with a population

  2  of less than 100,000 which contain all or a portion of an area

  3  of critical state concern designated pursuant to chapter 380.

  4         (c)  If insufficient funds are available in any year to

  5  make full payments to all qualifying counties, such counties

  6  shall receive a pro rata share of the moneys available.

  7         (d)  The payment amount shall be based on the average

  8  amount of actual taxes paid on the property for the 3 years

  9  immediately preceding acquisition. For lands purchased prior

10  to July 1, 1992, applications for payment in lieu of taxes

11  shall be made to the districts by January 1, 1993. For lands

12  purchased after July 1, 1992, applications for payment in lieu

13  of taxes shall be made no later than January 31 of the year

14  following acquisition.  No payment in lieu of taxes shall be

15  made for properties which were exempt from ad valorem taxation

16  for the year immediately preceding acquisition.  Payment in

17  lieu of taxes shall be limited to a period of 10 consecutive

18  years of annual payments.

19         (e)  Payment in lieu of taxes shall be made within 30

20  days after: certification by the Department of Revenue that

21  the amounts applied for are appropriate, certification by the

22  Department of Environmental Protection that funds are

23  available, and completion of any fund transfers to the

24  district. The governing board may reduce the amount of a

25  payment in lieu of taxes to any county by the amount of other

26  payments, grants, or in-kind services provided to that county

27  by the district during the year. The amount of any reduction

28  in payments shall remain in the Water Management Lands Trust

29  Fund for purposes provided by law.

30         (f)  If a district governing board conveys to a local

31  government title to any land owned by the board, any payments


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  1  in lieu of taxes on the land made to the local government

  2  shall be discontinued as of the date of the conveyance.

  3         (15)  Each district is encouraged to use volunteers to

  4  provide land management and other services.  Volunteers shall

  5  be covered by liability protection and workers' compensation

  6  in the same manner as district employees, unless waived in

  7  writing by such volunteers or unless such volunteers otherwise

  8  provide equivalent insurance.

  9         (16)  Each water management district is authorized and

10  encouraged to enter into cooperative land management

11  agreements with state agencies or local governments to provide

12  for the coordinated and cost-effective management of lands to

13  which the water management districts, the Board of Trustees of

14  the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, or local governments hold

15  title. Any such cooperative land management agreement must be

16  consistent with any applicable laws governing land use,

17  management duties, and responsibilities and procedures of each

18  cooperating entity. Each cooperating entity is authorized to

19  expend such funds as are made available to it for land

20  management on any such lands included in a cooperative land

21  management agreement.

22         (17)  Notwithstanding any provision of this section to

23  the contrary and for the 1998-1999 fiscal year only, the

24  governing board of a water management district may request,

25  and the Secretary of Environmental Protection shall release

26  upon such request, moneys allocated to the districts pursuant

27  to subsection (8) for the purpose of carrying out the

28  provisions of ss. 373.451-373.4595. No funds may be used

29  pursuant to this subsection until necessary debt service

30  obligations and requirements for payments in lieu of taxes



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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1002

  1  that may be required pursuant to this section are provided

  2  for. This subsection is repealed on July 1, 1999.

  3         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


  5            *****************************************

  6                          SENATE SUMMARY

  7    Repeals an obsolete provision relating to an
      appropriation for fiscal year 1998-1999 from the Water
  8    Management Lands Trust Fund.























