House Bill 1019

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1019

        By Representatives Dockery, Alexander, Argenziano, Hart,
    C. Green and Kyle

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to offenses of driving under

  3         the influence; amending s. 316.193, F.S.;

  4         providing an exception to the 1-year maximum

  5         limitation upon the period of probation and

  6         incarceration imposed for a first conviction;

  7         permitting extension of the probationary period

  8         for up to 4 additional years when the defendant

  9         has not completed restitution payments;

10         reenacting s. 316.072(4)(b), F.S., relating to

11         obedience to and effect of traffic laws, s.

12         316.1937(1) and (2)(d), F.S., relating to

13         court-required use of ignition interlock

14         devices, s. 318.143, F.S., relating to

15         sanctions for infractions by minors, s.

16         322.0602(2), F.S., relating to Youthful Drunk

17         Driver Visitation Program, s. 322.271(4)(a),

18         F.S., relating to authority to modify

19         revocation, cancellation, or suspension order,

20         s. 938.21, F.S., relating to alcohol and drug

21         abuse programs, and s. 938.23(1), F.S.,

22         relating to assistance grants for alcohol and

23         other drug abuse programs, to incorporate said

24         amendment in references; providing an effective

25         date.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section

30  316.193, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

31  read:


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1019


  1         316.193  Driving under the influence; penalties.--

  2         (6)  With respect to any person convicted of a

  3  violation of subsection (1), regardless of any penalty imposed

  4  pursuant to subsection (2), subsection (3), or subsection (4):

  5         (a)  For the first conviction, the court shall place

  6  the defendant on probation for a period not to exceed 1 year

  7  and, as a condition of such probation, shall order the

  8  defendant to participate in public service or a community work

  9  project for a minimum of 50 hours; or the court may order

10  instead, that any defendant pay an additional fine of $10 for

11  each hour of public service or community work otherwise

12  required, if, after consideration of the residence or location

13  of the defendant at the time public service or community work

14  is required, payment of the fine is in the best interests of

15  the state. However, the total period of probation and

16  incarceration may not exceed 1 year, unless restitution is

17  still owed. The probationary period may be extended for up to

18  4 additional years for the purpose of the defendant's

19  completing payment of restitution. The court must also, as a

20  condition of probation, order the impoundment or

21  immobilization of the vehicle that was operated by or in the

22  actual control of the defendant or any one vehicle registered

23  in the defendant's name at the time of impoundment or

24  immobilization, for a period of 10 days or for the unexpired

25  term of any lease or rental agreement that expires within 10

26  days. The impoundment or immobilization must not occur

27  concurrently with the incarceration of the defendant.  The

28  impoundment or immobilization order may be dismissed in

29  accordance with paragraph (e), paragraph (f), or paragraph

30  (g).



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1019


  1  For the purposes of this section, any conviction for a

  2  violation of s. 327.35; a previous conviction for the

  3  violation of former s. 316.1931, former s. 860.01, or former

  4  s. 316.028; or a previous conviction outside this state for

  5  driving under the influence, driving while intoxicated,

  6  driving with an unlawful blood-alcohol level, driving with an

  7  unlawful breath-alcohol level, or any other similar

  8  alcohol-related or drug-related traffic offense, is also

  9  considered a previous conviction for violation of this

10  section. However, in satisfaction of the fine imposed pursuant

11  to this section, the court may, upon a finding that the

12  defendant is financially unable to pay either all or part of

13  the fine, order that the defendant participate for a specified

14  additional period of time in public service or a community

15  work project in lieu of payment of that portion of the fine

16  which the court determines the defendant is unable to pay. In

17  determining such additional sentence, the court shall consider

18  the amount of the unpaid portion of the fine and the

19  reasonable value of the services to be ordered; however, the

20  court may not compute the reasonable value of services at a

21  rate less than the federal minimum wage at the time of

22  sentencing.

23         Section 2.  For the purpose of incorporating the

24  amendment to s. 316.193(6)(a) in references thereto, the

25  following sections or subdivisions of Florida Statutes, or of

26  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are reenacted to read:

27         316.072  Obedience to and effect of traffic laws.--



30         (b)  Unless specifically made applicable, the

31  provisions of this chapter, except those contained in ss.


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  1  316.192, 316.1925, and 316.193, shall not apply to persons,

  2  teams, or motor vehicles and other equipment while actually

  3  engaged in work upon the surface of a highway, but shall apply

  4  to such persons and vehicles when traveling to or from such

  5  work.

  6         316.1937  Ignition interlock devices, requiring;

  7  unlawful acts.--

  8         (1)  In addition to any other authorized penalties, the

  9  court may require that any person who is convicted of driving

10  under the influence in violation of s. 316.193, and who is

11  granted probation, shall not operate a motor vehicle during

12  the period of probation unless that vehicle is equipped with a

13  functioning ignition interlock device certified by the

14  department as provided in s. 316.1938, and installed in such a

15  manner that the vehicle will not start if the operator's blood

16  alcohol level is in excess of 0.05 percent or as otherwise

17  specified by the court. The court may require the use of an

18  approved ignition interlock device for the period of

19  probation, said period to be for not less than 6 months, if

20  the person is permitted to operate a motor vehicle, whether

21  the privilege to operate a motor vehicle is restricted or not,

22  as determined by the court.

23         (2)  If the court imposes the use of an ignition

24  interlock device as a condition of probation, the court shall:

25         (d)  Determine the probationer's ability to pay for

26  installation of the device if the probationer claims inability

27  to pay.  If the court determines that the probationer is

28  unable to pay for installation of the device, the court may

29  order that any portion of a fine paid by the probationer for a

30  violation of s. 316.193 shall be allocated to defray the costs

31  of installing the device.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1019


  1         318.143  Sanctions for infractions by minors.--

  2         (1)  If the court finds that a minor has committed a

  3  violation of any of the provisions of chapter 316, the court

  4  may also impose one or more of the following sanctions:

  5         (a)  The court may reprimand or counsel the minor and

  6  his or her parents or guardian.

  7         (b)  The court may require the minor to attend, for a

  8  reasonable period, a traffic school conducted by a public

  9  authority.

10         (c)  The court may order the minor to remit to the

11  general fund of the local governmental body a sum not

12  exceeding the maximum fine applicable to an adult for a like

13  offense.

14         (d)  The court may order the minor to participate in

15  public service or a community work project for a minimum

16  number of hours. A minor who participates in such a work

17  program is considered an employee of the state for the

18  purposes of chapter 440.

19         (e)  The court may impose a curfew or other restriction

20  on the liberty of the minor for a period not to exceed 6

21  months.

22         (2)  Failure to comply with one or more of the

23  sanctions imposed by the court constitutes contempt of court.

24  Upon a finding by the court, after notice and a hearing, that

25  a minor is in contempt of court for failure to comply with

26  court-ordered sanctions, the court may:

27         (a)  For a first offense, order the minor to serve up

28  to 5 days in a staff-secure shelter as defined in chapter 984

29  or chapter 985 or, if space in a staff-secure shelter is

30  unavailable, in a secure juvenile detention center.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1019


  1         (b)  For a second or subsequent offense, the court may

  2  order a minor to serve up to 15 days in a staff-secure shelter

  3  or, if space in a staff-secure shelter is unavailable, in a

  4  secure juvenile detention center.

  5         (3)  Except for a conviction of a violation of s.

  6  316.027, a minor may not be imprisoned in an adult detention

  7  facility. If a minor is imprisoned for a violation of s.

  8  316.027, the minor may not be placed in the same cell as an

  9  adult. The receiving facility must have adequate staff to

10  supervise and monitor the minor's activities at all times.

11  This subsection does not prohibit placing two or more minors

12  in the same cell.

13         (4)  For the first conviction for a violation of s.

14  316.193, the court may order the Department of Highway Safety

15  and Motor Vehicles to revoke the minor's driver's license

16  until the minor is 18 years of age. For a second or subsequent

17  conviction for such a violation, the court may order the

18  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to revoke the

19  minor's driver's license until the minor is 21 years of age.

20         (5)  A minor who is arrested for a violation of s.

21  316.193 may be released from custody as soon as:

22         (a)  The minor is no longer under the influence of

23  alcoholic beverages, of any chemical substance set forth in s.

24  877.111, or of any substance controlled under chapter 893, and

25  is not affected to the extent that his or her normal faculties

26  are impaired;

27         (b)  The minor's blood-alcohol level is less than 0.05

28  percent; or

29         (c)  Six hours have elapsed after the minor's arrest.

30         322.0602  Youthful Drunk Driver Visitation Program.--



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1019




  3         (a)  If a person is convicted of a violation of s.

  4  316.193, the court may order, as a term and condition of

  5  probation in addition to any other term or condition required

  6  or authorized by law, that the probationer participate in the

  7  Youthful Drunk Driver Visitation Program.

  8         (b)  The court shall give preference for participation

  9  in the program to probationers who are less than 18 years of

10  age at the time of the offense if the facilities which

11  participate in the program within the jurisdiction cannot

12  accommodate all probationers who are eligible and who consent

13  to participate in the program.

14         322.271  Authority to modify revocation, cancellation,

15  or suspension order.--

16         (4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 322.28(2)(e),

17  a person whose driving privilege has been permanently revoked

18  because he or she has been convicted of DUI manslaughter in

19  violation of s. 316.193 and has no prior convictions for

20  DUI-related offenses may, upon the expiration of 5 years after

21  the date of such revocation or the expiration of 5 years after

22  the termination of any term of incarceration under s. 316.193

23  or former s. 316.1931, whichever date is later, petition the

24  department for reinstatement of his or her driving privilege.

25         (a)  Within 30 days after the receipt of such a

26  petition, the department shall afford the petitioner an

27  opportunity for a hearing.  At the hearing, the petitioner

28  must demonstrate to the department that he or she:

29         1.  Has not been arrested for a drug-related offense

30  during the 5 years preceding the filing of the petition;



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  1         2.  Has not driven a motor vehicle without a license

  2  for at least 5 years prior to the hearing;

  3         3.  Has been drug-free for at least 5 years prior to

  4  the hearing; and

  5         4.  Has completed a DUI program licensed by the

  6  department.

  7         938.21  Alcohol and drug abuse

  8  programs.--Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary of

  9  the laws of this state, the court may assess for alcohol and

10  other drug abuse programs as provided in s. 893.165 any

11  defendant who pleads guilty or nolo contendere to, or is

12  convicted of, a violation of any provision of chapter 893 or

13  which involves a criminal violation of s. 316.193, s. 856.011,

14  s. 856.015, or chapter 562, chapter 567, or chapter 568, in

15  addition to any fine and other penalty provided by law, a

16  court cost in an amount up to the amount of the fine

17  authorized for the violation. The court is authorized to order

18  a defendant to pay an additional assessment if it finds that

19  the defendant has the ability to pay the fine and the

20  additional assessment and will not be prevented thereby from

21  being rehabilitated or from making restitution.

22         938.23  Assistance grants for alcohol and other drug

23  abuse programs.--

24         (1)  In addition to any fine imposed by law for any

25  criminal offense under chapter 893 or for any criminal

26  violation of s. 316.193, s. 856.011, s. 856.015, or chapter

27  562, chapter 567, or chapter 568, the court shall be

28  authorized, pursuant to the requirements of s. 938.21, to

29  impose an additional assessment in an amount up to the amount

30  of the fine authorized for the offense. Such additional

31  assessments shall be deposited for the purpose of providing


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1019


  1  assistance grants to drug abuse treatment or alcohol treatment

  2  or education programs as provided in s. 893.165.

  3         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


  5            *****************************************

  6                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides an exception to the 1-year maximum limitation
  8    upon the total period of probation and incarceration
      imposed for a first conviction for driving under the
  9    influence. Permits extension of the probationary period
      for up to 4 additional years when the defendant has not
10    completed restitution payments.





















