Senate Bill 1170

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1170

    By Senator Silver

    38-888A-99                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to insurance; creating s.

  3         627.5015, F.S.; prohibiting delivery or

  4         issuance of industrial life insurance policies

  5         after a certain date; providing application;

  6         requiring disclosure of certain information to

  7         policyholders or premium payors; amending ss.

  8         627.4555 and 627.5045, F.S.; deleting an

  9         application exception from certain secondary

10         notice requirements; providing an effective

11         date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Section 627.5015, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         627.5015  Industrial life insurance prohibited;

18  application; disclosure.--

19         (1)  No policy of industrial life insurance shall be

20  delivered or issued in this state on or after October 1, 1999.

21         (2)  Each policy of industrial life insurance that has

22  been issued or delivered in this state prior to October 1,

23  1999, shall be subject to all applicable provisions of the

24  Florida Insurance Code and rules adopted under the code.

25         (3)  Each insurer which has in force in this state a

26  policy of industrial life insurance shall annually disclose to

27  the policyholder or premium payor the total amount of premiums

28  paid, the cash value, and the amount of the death benefits

29  payable under such policy.

30         Section 2.  Section 627.4555, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1170
    38-888A-99                                              See HB

  1         627.4555  Secondary notice.--Except as provided in this

  2  section, A contract for life insurance issued or issued for

  3  delivery in this state on or after October 1, 1997, covering a

  4  natural person 64 years of age or older, which has been in

  5  force for at least 1 year, may not be lapsed for nonpayment of

  6  premium unless, after expiration of the grace period, and at

  7  least 21 days before the effective date of any such lapse, the

  8  insurer has mailed a notification of the impending lapse in

  9  coverage to the policyowner and to a specified secondary

10  addressee if such addressee has been designated in writing by

11  name and address by the policyowner.  An insurer issuing a

12  life insurance contract on or after October 1, 1997, shall

13  notify the applicant of the right to designate a secondary

14  addressee at the time of application for the policy, on a form

15  provided by the insurer, and at any time the policy is in

16  force, by submitting a written notice to the insurer

17  containing the name and address of the secondary addressee.

18  For purposes of any life insurance policy that provides a

19  grace period of more than 51 days for nonpayment of premiums,

20  the notice of impending lapse in coverage required by this

21  section must be mailed to the policyowner and the secondary

22  addressee at least 21 days before the expiration of the grace

23  period provided in the policy. This section does not apply to

24  any life insurance contract under which premiums are payable

25  monthly or more frequently and are regularly collected by a

26  licensed agent or are paid by credit card or any preauthorized

27  check processing or automatic debit service of a financial

28  institution.

29         Section 3.  Section 627.5045, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1170
    38-888A-99                                              See HB

  1         627.5045  Secondary notice.--Except as provided in this

  2  section, A contract for an industrial life insurance policy

  3  issued or issued for delivery in this state on or after

  4  October 1, 1997, for which premiums are paid monthly or more

  5  frequently, covering a natural person 64 years of age or older

  6  or owned by a natural person 64 years of age or older, which

  7  has been in force for at least 1 year, may not be lapsed for

  8  nonpayment of premium unless, after expiration of the grace

  9  period, and at least 21 days before the effective date of such

10  lapse, the insurer has mailed a notification of the impending

11  lapse in coverage to the policyowner and to a specified

12  secondary addressee if such addressee has been designated in

13  writing by name and address by the policyowner. An insurer

14  issuing an industrial life insurance contract on or after

15  October 1, 1997, shall notify the applicant of the right to

16  designate a secondary addressee at the time of application for

17  the policy on a form provided by the insurer and at any time

18  the policy is in force by submitting a written notice to the

19  insurer containing the name and address of the secondary

20  addressee. This section does not apply to any life insurance

21  contract under which premiums are payable monthly or more

22  frequently and are regularly collected by a licensed agent.

23         Section 4.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1999.


25            *****************************************

26                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Prohibits delivery or issuance of industrial life
28    insurance policies in this state after October 1, 1999.
      Requires disclosure to policyholders or premium payors of
29    premiums paid, cash value, and amount of death benefits
      payable under existing industrial life insurance
30    policies. Provides uniform application of secondary
      notice requirements by deleting an exception to such
31    requirements.  See bill for details.
