Senate Bill 1176c1

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    By the Committee on Children and Families; and Senator Silver


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to domestic violence; amending

  3         s. 25.385, F.S.; providing for instruction for

  4         circuit and county judges in domestic violence;

  5         redefining the term "domestic violence" for

  6         purposes of training provided by the Florida

  7         Court Educational Council; defining "judge who

  8         has responsibility for cases of domestic

  9         violence"; revising duties of the council;

10         providing for a comprehensive domestic violence

11         education plan and tools; requiring the council

12         to develop educational programs on domestic

13         violence; providing the programs may be a part

14         of other programs offered by the Office of

15         State Courts Administrator; providing for

16         maintenance by the office of certain records of

17         judicial attendance of such programs; providing

18         for public inspection of the records; providing

19         for inclusion of certain information with

20         respect to the programs in the annual report by

21         the council to the Governor and Legislature;

22         amending s. 61.13, F.S.; prohibiting the court

23         from awarding visitation rights to a parent who

24         has been convicted of a capital felony or a

25         first-degree felony that involved domestic

26         violence; providing certain exceptions;

27         requiring that the Supreme Court through The

28         Florida Bar annually report to the Governor and

29         Legislature on its courses of continuing legal

30         education on domestic violence; amending s.

31         741.28, F.S.; redefining the term "domestic


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  1         violence" to delete the requirement that the

  2         victim and alleged perpetrator reside or have

  3         formerly resided in the same dwelling unit;

  4         amending s. 741.30, F.S.; revising the degree

  5         of danger required for issuance of an

  6         injunction for protection against domestic

  7         violence; providing for evidence to be

  8         presented at a hearing for which both parties

  9         have received notice; authorizing the court to

10         enter an order for the protection of minor

11         children against domestic violence; revising

12         notice requirements for a respondent who does

13         not attend the hearing on a temporary

14         injunction; amending s. 784.046, F.S.;

15         authorizing the court to extend an injunction

16         during a continuance; providing an effective

17         date.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Section 25.385, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         25.385  Instruction for circuit and county court judges

24  in domestic violence Standards for instruction of circuit and

25  county court judges in handling domestic violence cases.--

26         (1)  It is crucial to the fair and efficient

27  administration of justice in this state that all members of

28  the judiciary be educated on domestic violence. Therefore, the

29  Florida Court Educational Council shall establish standards

30  for domestic violence instruction and a comprehensive

31  education plan to ensure that each circuit and county court


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  1  judge who has responsibility for cases of domestic violence

  2  has the opportunity to attend educational programs on a

  3  periodic, regular, and timely basis of circuit and county

  4  court judges who have responsibility for domestic violence

  5  cases, and the council shall provide such instruction on a

  6  periodic and timely basis.

  7         (2)  As used in this section:

  8         (a)  The term "domestic violence" has the same meaning

  9  as provided in s. 741.28 means any assault, battery, sexual

10  assault, sexual battery, or any criminal offense resulting in

11  physical injury or death of one family or household member by

12  another, who is or was residing in the same single dwelling

13  unit.

14         (b)  A "judge who has responsibility for cases of

15  domestic violence," includes, but is not limited to, a circuit

16  or county judge who hears domestic violence-related cases, or

17  cases where domestic violence may be present, on a temporary,

18  part-time, or emergency basis, in any division of the court,

19  including, but not limited to, family, civil, criminal,

20  probate, or juvenile divisions Family or household member"

21  means spouse, former spouse, persons related by blood or

22  marriage, persons who are presently residing together, as if a

23  family, or who have resided together in the past, as if a

24  family, and persons who have a child in common regardless of

25  whether they have been married or have resided together at any

26  time.

27         (3)(a)  The Florida Court Education Council shall

28  develop and make available educational tools for instruction

29  in domestic violence, which may include, but are not limited

30  to, bench guides, video training tapes, and any other packaged

31  or presented materials the council deems appropriate, so that


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  1  judges can obtain information timely and efficiently before

  2  hearing cases where domestic violence may be involved.

  3         (b)  The Florida Court Education Council shall develop

  4  educational programs on domestic violence, which must include

  5  training in: laws governing domestic violence; prevalence of

  6  domestic violence; characteristics and impacts of domestic

  7  violence on children or other dependents; custody and

  8  visitation issues; issues of whether, and under what

  9  conditions, mediation is appropriate; information on community

10  resources and referral services; and any other information

11  that the council deems appropriate. The educational programs

12  may be a part of other programs provided by the Office of the

13  State Courts Administrator.

14         (4)  The Office of State Courts Administrator shall

15  maintain records, including the date and curriculum of the

16  programs, of all judges who attend educational programs on

17  domestic violence, and of the current assignment of each

18  attendee, and on request shall make such records available for

19  public inspection.

20         (5)  The Florida Court Education Council shall provide,

21  as part of its annual report to the Governor, the President of

22  the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, a

23  description of the types of educational programs on domestic

24  violence offered, course materials, learning objectives, the

25  references and the names and credentials of instructors, the

26  number of judges listed by circuit and county who attend the

27  educational programs, and any other information that is

28  relevant to a full description of the educational programs on

29  domestic violence.

30         Section 2.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section

31  61.13, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:


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  1         61.13  Custody and support of children; visitation

  2  rights; power of court in making orders.--

  3         (2)

  4         (b)1.  The court shall determine all matters relating

  5  to custody of each minor child of the parties in accordance

  6  with the best interests of the child and in accordance with

  7  the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act. It is the public

  8  policy of this state to assure that each minor child has

  9  frequent and continuing contact with both parents after the

10  parents separate or the marriage of the parties is dissolved

11  and to encourage parents to share the rights and

12  responsibilities, and joys, of childrearing. After considering

13  all relevant facts, the father of the child shall be given the

14  same consideration as the mother in determining the primary

15  residence of a child irrespective of the age or sex of the

16  child.

17         2.  The court shall order that the parental

18  responsibility for a minor child be shared by both parents

19  unless the court finds that shared parental responsibility

20  would be detrimental to the child. Evidence that a parent has

21  been convicted of a felony of the second or third degree or

22  higher involving domestic violence, as defined in s. 741.28

23  and chapter 775, or meets the criteria of s. 39.806(1)(d),

24  creates a rebuttable presumption of detriment to the child. If

25  the presumption is not rebutted, shared parental

26  responsibility, including visitation, residence of the child,

27  and decisions made regarding the child, may not be granted to

28  the convicted parent. However, the convicted parent is not

29  relieved of any obligation to provide financial support. If

30  the court determines that shared parental responsibility would

31  be detrimental to the child, it may order sole parental


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  1  responsibility and make such arrangements for visitation as

  2  will best protect the child or abused spouse from further

  3  harm. Whether or not there is a conviction of any offense of

  4  domestic violence or child abuse or the existence of an

  5  injunction for protection against domestic violence, the court

  6  shall consider evidence of domestic violence or child abuse as

  7  evidence of detriment to the child. If the parent of the child

  8  is convicted of a capital felony or a felony of the first

  9  degree which involved domestic violence against another parent

10  of the child, the court may not award visitation rights to the

11  convicted parent unless the child is over 16 years of age and

12  agrees to the order of visitation; the convicted parent acted

13  in self-defense and is granted executive clemency or a

14  petition for such clemency is pending on the parent's behalf;

15  or the nonincarcerated parent or legal custodian agrees to the

16  visitation.

17         a.  In ordering shared parental responsibility, the

18  court may consider the expressed desires of the parents and

19  may grant to one party the ultimate responsibility over

20  specific aspects of the child's welfare or may divide those

21  responsibilities between the parties based on the best

22  interests of the child. Areas of responsibility may include

23  primary residence, education, medical and dental care, and any

24  other responsibilities that the court finds unique to a

25  particular family.

26         b.  The court shall order "sole parental

27  responsibility, with or without visitation rights, to the

28  other parent when it is in the best interests of" the minor

29  child.

30         c.  The court may award the grandparents visitation

31  rights with a minor child if it is in the child's best


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  1  interest. Grandparents have legal standing to seek judicial

  2  enforcement of such an award. This section does not require

  3  that grandparents be made parties or given notice of

  4  dissolution pleadings or proceedings, nor do grandparents have

  5  legal standing as "contestants" as defined in s. 61.1306. A

  6  court may not order that a child be kept within the state or

  7  jurisdiction of the court solely for the purpose of permitting

  8  visitation by the grandparents.

  9         3.  Access to records and information pertaining to a

10  minor child, including, but not limited to, medical, dental,

11  and school records, may not be denied to a parent because the

12  parent is not the child's primary residential parent.

13         Section 3.  The Supreme Court, through The Florida Bar,

14  shall report to the Governor, the President of the Senate, and

15  the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the courses

16  which, in their brochure outline, contain reference to

17  domestic violence and which The Florida Bar approves for

18  continuing legal education credits for members of The Florida

19  Bar. The report must be submitted annually, beginning

20  September 1, 1999. For courses offered or sponsored by The

21  Florida Bar, the report must include course materials;

22  references and names of instructors; a description of courses

23  offered; the section or committee of The Florida Bar which

24  sponsors the course; the number of attorneys who attend such

25  courses, if available; and any other information that

26  describes or assesses the continuing legal education courses

27  on domestic violence which are offered by The Florida Bar.

28         Section 4.  Section 741.28, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         741.28  Domestic violence; definitions.--As used in ss.

31  741.28-741.31, the term:


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  1         (1)  "Domestic violence" means any assault, aggravated

  2  assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual

  3  battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false

  4  imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical

  5  injury or death of one family or household member by another

  6  who is or was residing in the same single dwelling unit.

  7         (2)  "Family or household member" means spouses, former

  8  spouses, persons related by blood or marriage, persons who are

  9  presently residing together as if a family or who have resided

10  together in the past as if a family, and persons who have a

11  child in common regardless of whether they have been married

12  or have resided together at any time.

13         (3)  "Department" means the Florida Department of Law

14  Enforcement.

15         (4)  "Law enforcement officer" means any person who is

16  elected, appointed, or employed by any municipality or the

17  state or any political subdivision thereof who meets the

18  minimum qualifications established in s. 943.13 and is

19  certified as a law enforcement officer under s. 943.1395.

20         Section 5.  Paragraphs (a) and (g) of subsection (1),

21  paragraphs (h), (i), and (j) of subsection (3), paragraphs (a)

22  and (b) of subsection (5), paragraph (a) of subsection (6),

23  and paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (7) of section

24  741.30, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are amended to

25  read:

26         741.30  Domestic violence; injunction; powers and

27  duties of court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing;

28  temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide

29  verification system; enforcement.--

30         (1)  There is created a cause of action for an

31  injunction for protection against domestic violence.


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  1         (a)  Any person described in paragraph (e), who is the

  2  victim of any act of domestic violence, or has reasonable

  3  cause to believe he or she is in imminent danger of becoming

  4  the victim of any act of domestic violence, has standing in

  5  the circuit court to file a sworn petition for an injunction

  6  for protection against domestic violence.

  7         (g)  Any person, including an officer of the court, who

  8  offers evidence or recommendations relating to the cause of

  9  action must either present the evidence or recommendations in

10  writing to the court with copies to each party and their

11  attorney, or must present the evidence under oath at a hearing

12  at which all parties were noticed to be are present.

13         (3)

14         (h)  Petitioner has suffered or has reasonable cause to

15  fear imminent domestic violence because respondent has: ......

16         (i)  Petitioner alleges the following additional

17  specific facts: (mark appropriate sections)

18         ....Petitioner is the custodian of a minor child or

19  children whose names and ages are as follows: ................

20         ....Petitioner needs the exclusive use and possession

21  of the dwelling that the parties share.

22         ....Petitioner is unable to obtain safe alternative

23  housing because: .............................................

24         ....Petitioner genuinely fears that respondent

25  imminently will abuse, remove, or hide the minor child or

26  children from petitioner because: ............................

27  ..............................................................

28         (j)  Petitioner genuinely fears imminent domestic

29  violence by respondent.

30         (5)(a)  When it appears to the court that it is

31  necessary for the protection of the petitioner, the court may


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  1  grant a temporary an immediate and present danger of domestic

  2  violence exists, the court may grant a temporary injunction ex

  3  parte, pending a full hearing, and may grant such relief as

  4  the court deems proper, including an injunction:

  5         1.  Restraining the respondent from committing any acts

  6  of domestic violence.

  7         2.  Awarding to the petitioner the temporary exclusive

  8  use and possession of the dwelling that the parties share or

  9  excluding the respondent from the residence of the petitioner.

10         3.  On the same basis as provided in s. 61.13(2), (3),

11  (4), and (5), granting to the petitioner temporary custody of

12  a minor child or children.

13         (b)  In a hearing ex parte for the purpose of obtaining

14  such ex parte temporary injunction, no evidence other than

15  verified pleadings or affidavits shall be used as evidence,

16  unless the respondent appears at the hearing or has received

17  reasonable notice of the hearing.  A denial of a petition for

18  an ex parte injunction shall be by written order noting the

19  legal grounds for denial.  When the only ground for denial is

20  no appearance of an immediate and present danger of domestic

21  violence, the court shall set a full hearing on the petition

22  for injunction with notice at the earliest possible time.

23  Nothing herein affects a petitioner's right to promptly amend

24  any petition, or otherwise be heard in person on any petition

25  consistent with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure.

26         (6)(a)  Upon notice and hearing, the court may grant

27  such relief as the court deems proper, including an

28  injunction:

29         1.  Restraining the respondent from committing any acts

30  of domestic violence.



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  1         2.  Awarding to the petitioner the exclusive use and

  2  possession of the dwelling that the parties share or excluding

  3  the respondent from the residence of the petitioner.

  4         3.  On the same basis as provided in chapter 61,

  5  awarding temporary custody of, or temporary visitation rights

  6  with regard to, a minor child or children of the parties.

  7         4.  On the same basis as provided in chapter 61,

  8  establishing temporary support for a minor child or children

  9  or the petitioner.

10         5.  Ordering the respondent to participate in

11  treatment, intervention, or counseling services to be paid for

12  by the respondent. When the court orders the respondent to

13  participate in a batterers' intervention program, the court,

14  or any entity designated by the court, must provide the

15  respondent with a list of all certified batterers'

16  intervention programs and all programs which have submitted an

17  application to the Department of Corrections to become

18  certified under s. 741.325, from which the respondent must

19  choose a program in which to participate. If there are no

20  certified batterers' intervention programs in the circuit, the

21  court shall provide a list of acceptable programs from which

22  the respondent must choose a program in which to participate.

23         6.  Referring a petitioner to a certified domestic

24  violence center. The court must provide the petitioner with a

25  list of certified domestic violence centers in the circuit

26  which the petitioner may contact.

27         7.  Ordering such other relief as the court deems

28  necessary for the protection of a victim of domestic violence

29  or minor children, including injunctions or directives to law

30  enforcement agencies, as provided in this section.



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  1         (7)(a)1.  The clerk of the court shall furnish a copy

  2  of the petition, financial affidavit, uniform child custody

  3  jurisdiction act affidavit, if any, notice of hearing, and

  4  temporary injunction, if any, to the sheriff or a law

  5  enforcement agency of the county where the respondent resides

  6  or can be found, who shall serve it upon the respondent as

  7  soon thereafter as possible on any day of the week and at any

  8  time of the day or night. The clerk of the court shall be

  9  responsible for furnishing to the sheriff such information on

10  the respondent's physical description and location as is

11  required by the department to comply with the verification

12  procedures set forth in this section. Notwithstanding any

13  other provision of law to the contrary, the chief judge of

14  each circuit, in consultation with the appropriate sheriff,

15  may authorize a law enforcement agency within the jurisdiction

16  to effect service. A law enforcement agency serving

17  injunctions pursuant to this section shall use service and

18  verification procedures consistent with those of the sheriff.

19         2.  When an injunction is issued, if the petitioner

20  requests the assistance of a law enforcement agency, the court

21  may order that an officer from the appropriate law enforcement

22  agency accompany the petitioner and assist in placing the

23  petitioner in possession of the dwelling or residence, or

24  otherwise assist in the execution or service of the

25  injunction. A law enforcement officer shall accept a copy of

26  an injunction for protection against domestic violence,

27  certified by the clerk of the court, from the petitioner and

28  immediately serve it upon a respondent who has been located

29  but not yet served.

30         3.  All orders issued, changed, continued, extended, or

31  vacated subsequent to the original service of documents


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  1  enumerated under subparagraph 1., shall be certified by the

  2  clerk of the court and delivered to the parties at the time of

  3  the entry of the order.  The parties may acknowledge receipt

  4  of such order in writing on the face of the original order.

  5  In the event a party fails or refuses to acknowledge the

  6  receipt of a certified copy of an order, the clerk shall note

  7  on the original order that service was effected.  If delivery

  8  at the hearing is not possible, the clerk shall mail certified

  9  copies of the order to the parties at the last known address

10  of each party.  Service by mail is complete upon mailing.

11  When an order is served pursuant to this subsection, the clerk

12  shall prepare a written certification to be placed in the

13  court file specifying the time, date, and method of service

14  and shall notify the sheriff.


16  If the respondent has been served previously with the

17  temporary injunction and has failed to appear at the initial

18  hearing on the temporary injunction, the court may extend the

19  relief ordered in the temporary injunction to the final

20  judgment on injunction for protection against domestic

21  violence if:

22         a.  The respondent received personal service of process

23  of the notice of the hearing for the injunction;

24         b.  The respondent had the opportunity to be heard at

25  the hearing for the injunction; and

26         c.  The respondent was informed in the notice of the

27  hearing for the injunction that the court may extend the

28  relief granted in the temporary injunction to the final

29  judgment on injunction against domestic violence even if the

30  respondent fails to appear at the noticed hearing and fails to

31  exercise his or her right to be heard at the hearing.


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  2  However, the respondent must receive personal service of

  3  process of notice if the court grants any additional relief

  4  any subsequent petition for injunction seeking an extension of

  5  time may be served on the respondent by the clerk of the court

  6  by certified mail in lieu of personal service by a law

  7  enforcement officer.

  8         (c)1.  Within 24 hours after the court issues an

  9  injunction for protection against domestic violence or

10  changes, continues, extends, or vacates an injunction for

11  protection against domestic violence, the clerk of the court

12  must forward a certified copy of the injunction for service to

13  the sheriff with jurisdiction over the residence of the

14  petitioner. The injunction must be served in accordance with

15  the order of the court this subsection.

16         2.  Within 24 hours after service of process of an

17  injunction for protection against domestic violence upon a

18  respondent, the law enforcement officer must forward the

19  written proof of service of process to the sheriff with

20  jurisdiction over the residence of the petitioner.

21         3.  Within 24 hours after the sheriff receives a

22  certified copy of the injunction for protection against

23  domestic violence, the sheriff must make information relating

24  to the injunction available to other law enforcement agencies

25  by electronically transmitting such information to the

26  department.

27         4.  Within 24 hours after the sheriff or other law

28  enforcement officer has made service upon the respondent and

29  the sheriff has been so notified, the sheriff must make

30  information relating to the service available to other law



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  1  enforcement agencies by electronically transmitting such

  2  information to the department.

  3         5.  Within 24 hours after an injunction for protection

  4  against domestic violence is vacated, terminated, or otherwise

  5  rendered no longer effective by ruling of the court, the clerk

  6  of the court must notify the sheriff receiving original

  7  notification of the injunction as provided in subparagraph 2.

  8  That agency shall, within 24 hours after receiving such

  9  notification from the clerk of the court, notify the

10  department of such action of the court.

11         Section 6.  Subsections (1), (6), and (10) of section

12  784.046, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

13         784.046  Action by victim of repeat violence for

14  protective injunction; powers and duties of court and clerk of

15  court; filing and form of petition; notice and hearing;

16  temporary injunction; issuance; statewide verification system;

17  enforcement.--

18         (1)  As used in this section, the term:

19         (a)  "Violence" means any assault, battery, sexual

20  battery, or stalking by a person against any other person. The

21  term includes domestic violence, as defined in s. 741.28.

22         (b)  "Repeat violence" means two incidents of violence

23  or stalking committed by the respondent, one of which must

24  have been within 6 months of the filing of the petition, which

25  are directed against the petitioner or the petitioner's

26  immediate family member or household member.

27         (6)(a)  When it appears to the court that an immediate

28  and present danger of repeat violence exists, the court may

29  grant a temporary injunction which may be granted in an ex

30  parte hearing, pending a full hearing, and may grant such

31  relief as the court deems proper, including an injunction


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  1  enjoining the respondent from committing any acts of repeat

  2  violence.

  3         (b)  In a hearing ex parte for the purpose of obtaining

  4  such temporary injunction, no evidence other than the verified

  5  pleading or affidavit shall be used as evidence, unless the

  6  respondent appears at the hearing or has received reasonable

  7  notice of the hearing.

  8         (c)  Any such ex parte temporary injunction shall be

  9  effective for a fixed period not to exceed 15 days. A full

10  hearing, as provided by this section, shall be set for a date

11  no later than the date when the temporary injunction ceases to

12  be effective. The court may grant a continuance of the ex

13  parte injunction and the full hearing before or during a

14  hearing, for good cause shown by any party, including a

15  continuance for the purpose of obtaining service of process.

16  If necessary, an injunction shall be extended to remain in

17  full force and effect during any period of continuance.

18         (10)  The terms of an injunction restraining the

19  respondent shall remain in effect until modified or dissolved.

20  Either party The petitioner or the respondent may move the

21  court at any time to modify or dissolve an injunction at any

22  time. Such relief may be granted in addition to other civil or

23  criminal remedies.

24         Section 7.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.









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                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                         Senate Bill 1176


  4  Rectifying an intra-sectional inconsistency regarding
    visitation of parents involved in felonies involving domestic
  5  violence.

  6  Enumerating notice requirements.

  7  Providing that a non-incarcerated parent or a legal custodian
    of a minor may consent to the minor's visitation with a parent
  8  convicted of a capital or first degree felony involving
    domestic violence.






















