Senate Bill 0118
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 1999 (NP) SM 118
By Senator Forman
1 Senate Memorial No.
2 A memorial to the Congress of the United
3 States, urging Congress to review the HMO
4 Medicare/Medicare+Choice delivery system with
5 the goal of devising methods to stabilize the
6 market, avoid confusion of the elderly and
7 other Medicare-eligible enrollees, provide
8 adequate coverage at a reasonable cost, and
9 avoid shifts in coverage which disrupt the
10 market.
12 WHEREAS, seven health maintenance organizations have
13 recently announced significant reductions of HMO coverage for
14 Medicare beneficiaries in 26 Florida counties, and
15 WHEREAS, this action is due to reductions in
16 reimbursement levels, and
17 WHEREAS, effective January 1, 1999, an estimated 64,704
18 Medicare beneficiaries will be canceled throughout those 26
19 Florida counties, and
20 WHEREAS, in nine Florida counties, an estimated 17,117
21 Medicare beneficiaries have no choice but to return to
22 traditional coverage under Medicare, Parts A and B, and
23 WHEREAS, many of these individuals enrolled in HMO
24 Medicare coverage because of the reduced financial burden and
25 the availability of certain additional benefits, such as
26 prescription drugs, and
27 WHEREAS, those Medicare beneficiaries who must return
28 to traditional coverage under Medicare, Parts A and B, may not
29 be eligible for certain Medicare supplement insurance policies
30 that, if affordable, would help restore certain benefits and
31 services previously available through a Medicare HMO, and
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 1999 (NP) SM 118
1 WHEREAS, the cancellation of coverage available from
2 Medicare HMOs has forced thousands of Medicare beneficiaries
3 in Florida to make significant health care choices without
4 adequate preparation and consumer education, and
5 WHEREAS, current "guarantee issue" Medicare supplement
6 insurance policies do not provide important benefits, such as
7 coverage for prescription drugs, NOW, THEREFORE,
9 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
11 That the Congress of the United States is urged to
12 review the HMO Medicare/Medicare+Choice delivery system with
13 the goal of devising methods to stabilize the market, avoid
14 confusion of the elderly and other Medicare-eligible
15 enrollees, provide adequate coverage at a reasonable cost, and
16 avoid disruptive shifts in coverage.
17 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this memorial be
18 dispatched to the President of the United States, to the
19 President of the United States Senate, to the Speaker of the
20 United States House of Representatives, and to each member of
21 the Florida delegation to the United States Congress.