Senate Bill 1254c2

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    By the Committees on Commerce and Economic Opportunities;
    Transportation; and Senators Sebesta, Bronson and Kurth


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Space

  3         Transportation Planning Act; providing a short

  4         title; amending s. 196.012, F.S.; including

  5         reference to spaceports; amending s. 330.30,

  6         F.S.; exempting certain spaceports from a

  7         provision of law relating to the approval of

  8         airport sites and the licensing of airports;

  9         amending s. 331.303, F.S.; revising definitions

10         with respect to the Spaceport Florida Authority

11         Act; amending s. 331.304, F.S.; revising the

12         boundaries of spaceport territory; creating s.

13         331.3475, F.S.; providing for the Spaceport

14         Facility Loan Guarantee Program; amending s.

15         331.360, F.S.; providing for the development of

16         a spaceport master plan; creating s. 332.008,

17         F.S.; providing limitation on the application

18         of chapter 332, F.S.; amending s. 334.03, F.S.;

19         redefining the term "transportation facility";

20         amending s. 334.30, F.S.; authorizing a fixed

21         guideway transportation system operating within

22         the Department of Transportation's right-of-way

23         to operate at any safe speed; amending s.

24         339.155, F.S.; revising a provision of law

25         governing transportation planning to include

26         reference to spaceport master plans; amending

27         s. 339.175, F.S.; including reference to

28         spaceports and aerospace development with

29         respect to metropolitan planning organizations;

30         creating the Commission on the Future of

31         Aeronautics and Space in Florida; providing for


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  1         qualifications and appointment of members;

  2         directing the commission to study and make

  3         recommendations regarding specified areas

  4         relating to aeronautics and aerospace in the

  5         state; requiring reports; providing an

  6         effective date.


  8  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


10         Section 1.  Short title.--This act may be cited as the

11  "Florida Space Transportation Planning Act."

12         Section 2.  Subsection (6) of section 196.012, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         196.012  Definitions.--For the purpose of this chapter,

15  the following terms are defined as follows, except where the

16  context clearly indicates otherwise:

17         (6)  Governmental, municipal, or public purpose or

18  function shall be deemed to be served or performed when the

19  lessee under any leasehold interest created in property of the

20  United States, the state or any of its political subdivisions,

21  or any municipality, agency, special district, authority, or

22  other public body corporate of the state is demonstrated to

23  perform a function or serve a governmental purpose which could

24  properly be performed or served by an appropriate governmental

25  unit or which is demonstrated to perform a function or serve a

26  purpose which would otherwise be a valid subject for the

27  allocation of public funds. For purposes of the preceding

28  sentence, an activity undertaken by a lessee which is

29  permitted under the terms of its lease of real property

30  designated as an aviation area on an airport layout plan which

31  has been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration and


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  1  which real property is used for the administration, operation,

  2  business offices and activities related specifically thereto

  3  in connection with the conduct of an aircraft full service

  4  fixed base operation which provides goods and services to the

  5  general aviation public in the promotion of air commerce shall

  6  be deemed an activity which serves a governmental, municipal,

  7  or public purpose or function. Any activity undertaken by a

  8  lessee which is permitted under the terms of its lease of real

  9  property designated as a public airport as defined in s.

10  332.004(14) by municipalities, agencies, special districts,

11  authorities, or other public bodies corporate and public

12  bodies politic of the state, a spaceport as defined in s.

13  331.303(19), or which is located in a deepwater port

14  identified in s. 403.021(9)(b) and owned by one of the

15  foregoing governmental units, subject to a leasehold or other

16  possessory interest of a nongovernmental lessee that is deemed

17  to perform an aviation, or airport, aerospace, or maritime, or

18  port purpose or operation shall be deemed an activity that

19  serves a governmental, municipal, or public purpose. The use

20  by a lessee, licensee, or management company of real property

21  or a portion thereof as a convention center, visitor center,

22  sports facility with permanent seating, concert hall, arena,

23  stadium, park, or beach is deemed a use that serves a

24  governmental, municipal, or public purpose or function when

25  access to the property is open to the general public with or

26  without a charge for admission. If property deeded to a

27  municipality by the United States is subject to a requirement

28  that the Federal Government, through a schedule established by

29  the Secretary of the Interior, determine that the property is

30  being maintained for public historic preservation, park, or

31  recreational purposes and if those conditions are not met the


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  1  property will revert back to the Federal Government, then such

  2  property shall be deemed to serve a municipal or public

  3  purpose. The term "governmental purpose" also includes a

  4  direct use of property on federal lands in connection with the

  5  Federal Government's Space Exploration Program or the

  6  Spaceport Florida Authority. Real property and tangible

  7  personal property owned by the Federal Government or the

  8  Spaceport Florida Authority and used for defense and space

  9  exploration purposes or which is put to a use in support

10  thereof shall be deemed to perform an essential national

11  governmental purpose and shall be exempt. "Owned by the

12  lessee" as used in this chapter does not include personal

13  property, buildings, or other real property improvements used

14  for the administration, operation, business offices and

15  activities related specifically thereto in connection with the

16  conduct of an aircraft full service fixed based operation

17  which provides goods and services to the general aviation

18  public in the promotion of air commerce provided that the real

19  property is designated as an aviation area on an airport

20  layout plan approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.

21  For purposes of determination of "ownership," buildings and

22  other real property improvements which will revert to the

23  airport authority or other governmental unit upon expiration

24  of the term of the lease shall be deemed "owned" by the

25  governmental unit and not the lessee. Providing two-way

26  telecommunications services to the public for hire by the use

27  of a telecommunications facility, as defined in s. 364.02(13),

28  and for which a certificate is required under chapter 364 does

29  not constitute an exempt use for purposes of s. 196.199,

30  unless the telecommunications services are provided by the

31  operator of a public-use airport, as defined in s. 332.004,


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  1  for the operator's provision of telecommunications services

  2  for the airport or its tenants, concessionaires, or licensees,

  3  or unless the telecommunications services are provided by a

  4  public hospital.  However, property that is being used to

  5  provide such telecommunications services on or before October

  6  1, 1997, shall remain exempt, but such exemption expires

  7  October 1, 2004.

  8         Section 3.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (3) of section

  9  330.30, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

10         330.30  Approval of airport sites and licensing of

11  airports; fees.--

12         (3)  EXEMPTIONS.--The provisions of this section do not

13  apply to:

14         (d)  An airport under the jurisdiction or control of a

15  county or municipal aviation authority or a county or

16  municipal port authority or the Spaceport Florida Authority;

17  however, the department shall license any such airport if such

18  authority does not elect to exercise its exemption under this

19  subsection.

20         Section 4.  Subsection (25) is added to section

21  331.303, Florida Statutes, to read:

22         331.303  Definitions.--

23         (25)  "Spaceport discretionary capacity improvement

24  projects" means capacity improvements that enhance space

25  transportation capacity at spaceports that have had one or

26  more orbital or suborbital flights during the previous

27  calendar year or have an agreement in writing for installation

28  of one or more regularly scheduled orbital or suborbital

29  flights upon the commitment of funds for stipulated spaceport

30  capital improvements.



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  1         Section 5.  Section 331.304, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         331.304  Spaceport territory.--The following property

  4  shall constitute spaceport territory:

  5         (1)  Certain real property located in Brevard County

  6  that is included within the 1998 boundaries of Patrick Air

  7  Force Base, Cape Canaveral Air Station, John F. Kennedy Space

  8  Center. with the following boundaries:

  9         (a)  Northern boundary--Latitude 28°32'30" North.

10         (b)  Eastern boundary--The mean high water line of the

11  shore along the Atlantic Ocean.

12         (c)  Western boundary--Cape Road (State Road 401).

13         (d)  Southern boundary--Latitude 28°26' North.

14         (2)  Certain real property located in Gulf County with

15  the following boundaries:

16         (a)  Northern boundary--Latitude 29°40'45" North from

17  longitude 85°20' West in a westerly direction to the mean high

18  water line of the Gulf of Mexico.

19         (b)  Eastern boundary--Longitude 85°20' West.

20         (c)  Western boundary--The mean high water line of the

21  shore along the Gulf of Mexico.

22         (d)  Southern boundary--The mean high water line of the

23  shore along the Gulf of Mexico.

24         (3)  Certain real property located in Santa Rosa,

25  Okaloosa, and Walton Counties which is included within the

26  1997 boundaries of Eglin Air Force Base.

27         Section 6.  Section 331.3475, Florida Statutes, is

28  created to read:

29         331.3475  Spaceport Facility Loan Guarantee Program.--

30         (1)  The Spaceport Florida Authority may determine the

31  situations and circumstances for its participation in


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  1  agreements with the Federal Government, financial

  2  institutions, and others associated with the development of

  3  aerospace facilities pursuant to this section for a limited

  4  state guaranty of up to 30 years of loan guarantees or loan

  5  loss reserves issued pursuant to law. The limited state loan

  6  guaranty applies only to the primary lender's loans for

  7  development of projects as defined in s. 331.303(16) in

  8  spaceport territories where a federal agency, federal

  9  contractor, or affiliated entity or contractor is the

10  leaseholder. A state guaranty of private loans or a loan loss

11  reserve may be authorized for lenders licensed to operate in

12  the state upon a determination by the authority that such an

13  arrangement would be in the public interest and the likelihood

14  of the success of the loan is great.

15         (2)  Approval of a proposed loan guarantee shall be by

16  an Aerospace Facility Financing Review Council, which shall

17  consist of the Secretary of Transportation or the secretary's

18  designee, the Executive Director of the State Board of

19  Administration or the executive director's designee, and the

20  director of the Governor's Office of Tourism, Trade, and

21  Economic Development or the director's designee. The

22  chairperson of the council shall be the director of the

23  Governor's Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development.

24  Staff services for activities of the council shall be provided

25  as needed by the member agencies.

26         (3)  The Spaceport Florida Authority may enter into an

27  investment agreement with the Department of Revenue or the

28  State Board of Administration concerning the investment of the

29  earnings accrued and collected upon the investment of the

30  balance of funds maintained in the Working Capital Fund. The

31  investment must be limited as follows:


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  1         (a)  Not more than $100 million of the investment

  2  earnings earned on the investment of the minimum balance of

  3  the Working Capital Fund in a fiscal year may be at risk at

  4  any time on loan guarantees or as loan loss reserves.

  5         (b)  The investment earnings may not be used to

  6  guarantee any loan guaranty or loan loss reserve agreement for

  7  a period longer than 30 years.

  8         (4)  A lender seeking approval of a limited state

  9  guaranty for a loan from the Aerospace Facility Financing

10  Review Council must first provide to the Spaceport Florida

11  Authority and the council a report demonstrating that the

12  lender has reviewed the project and determined its feasibility

13  in accordance with its standard procedures. The procedures

14  include, but are not limited to:

15         (a)  Obtaining a satisfactory credit report from a

16  source deemed reliable by the lender;

17         (b)  Investigating the background and experience of the

18  manager of the project and determining that the managing

19  entity appears to possess the experience, competence, and

20  capacity to manage the project;

21         (c)  Determining that conditions exist to establish a

22  financially sound development project that exposes the state

23  loan guarantee program to a reasonable or negligible level of

24  risk;

25         (d)  Determining that the federal agency with

26  jurisdiction over the area where the development project is

27  located has committed in-kind resources, financial incentives,

28  or financial resources to the total project cost; and

29         (e)  Evaluating the prospects for continued funding of

30  the program or programs that will be the primary users of the

31  project.


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  1         (5)  A lender covered by a limited state guaranty for a

  2  loan is not entitled to file a claim for loss pursuant to the

  3  guaranty unless all reasonable and normal remedies available

  4  to and customary for lending institutions for resolving

  5  problems of loan repayments are exhausted. If the lender has

  6  received collateral security in connection with the loan, the

  7  lender must first exhaust all available remedies against the

  8  collateral security.

  9         (6)  The council may establish requirements for the

10  issuance of loan guarantees, including contractual provisions

11  to foster reimbursement, in the event of default, to the

12  guarantee fund.

13         (7)  The council may receive public and private funds,

14  federal grants, and private donations in carrying out its

15  responsibilities.

16         (8)  The authority shall include in the annual report

17  required under s. 331.310(13) a description of its activities

18  and agreements approved relating to development of spaceport

19  territory under this section. This section shall be reviewed

20  by the Legislature by October 1, 2004, and a determination

21  made related to the need to continue or modify this section.

22  New loan guarantees may not be approved in 2004 until the

23  review by the Legislature has been completed and a

24  determination has been made as to the feasibility of

25  continuing the use of the Working Capital Fund to guarantee

26  portions of loans under this section.

27         Section 7.  Section 331.360, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         331.360  Joint project agreement or assistance.--

30         (1)  It shall be the duty, function, and responsibility

31  of the Department of Transportation to promote the further


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  1  development and improvement of aerospace transportation

  2  facilities, to address intermodal requirements and impacts of

  3  the launch ranges, spaceports, and other space transportation

  4  facilities, to assist in the development of joint-use

  5  facilities and technology that support aviation and aerospace

  6  operations, and to facilitate and promote cooperative efforts

  7  between federal and state government entities to improve space

  8  transportation capacity and efficiency.  In carrying out this

  9  duty and responsibility, the department may assist and advise,

10  cooperate with, and coordinate with federal, state, local, or

11  private organizations and individuals.  The department may

12  administratively house its space transportation

13  responsibilities within an existing division or office.

14         (2)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the

15  Department of Transportation may enter into a joint project

16  agreement with, or otherwise assist, the Spaceport Florida

17  Authority as necessary to effectuate the provisions of this

18  chapter and may allocate funds for such purposes in its 5-year

19  work program.  However, the department may not fund the

20  administrative or operational costs of the authority.

21         (3)  The authority shall develop a spaceport master

22  plan for expansion and modernization of space transportation

23  facilities within spaceport territories as defined in s.

24  331.303(22).  The plan shall contain recommended projects to

25  meet current and future commercial, national, and state space

26  transportation requirements.  The authority shall submit the

27  plan to any appropriate M.P.O. for review of intermodal

28  impacts.  The authority shall submit the spaceport master plan

29  to the Department of Transportation and such plan may be

30  included within the department's 5-year work program of

31  qualifying aerospace discretionary capacity improvement under


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  1  s. 331.360(4).  The plan shall identify appropriate funding

  2  levels and include recommendations on appropriate sources of

  3  revenue that may be developed to contribute to the State

  4  Transportation Trust Fund.

  5         (4)  Subject to the availability of appropriated funds,

  6  the department may participate in the capital cost of eligible

  7  spaceport discretionary capacity improvement projects.  The

  8  annual legislative budget request shall be based on the

  9  proposed funding requested for approved spaceport

10  discretionary capacity improvement projects.

11         Section 8.  Section 332.008, Florida Statutes, is

12  created to read:

13         332.008  Limitation on operation of chapter.--Nothing

14  in this chapter shall be construed to authorize expenditure of

15  aviation fuel tax revenues on space transportation projects.

16  Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit the

17  department's authority under s. 331.360.

18         Section 9.  Subsection (31) of section 334.03, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         334.03  Definitions.--When used in the Florida

21  Transportation Code, the term:

22         (31)  "Transportation facility" means any means for the

23  transportation of people or and property from place to place

24  which is constructed, operated, or maintained in whole or in

25  part from public funds. The term includes the property or

26  property rights, both real and personal, which have been or

27  may be established by public bodies for the transportation of

28  people or and property from place to place.

29         Section 10.  Subsection (6) is added to section 334.30,

30  Florida Statutes, to read:



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  1         334.30  Private transportation facilities.--The

  2  Legislature hereby finds and declares that there is a public

  3  need for rapid construction of safe and efficient

  4  transportation facilities for the purpose of travel within the

  5  state, and that it is in the public's interest to provide for

  6  the construction of additional safe, convenient, and

  7  economical transportation facilities.

  8         (6)  Notwithstanding s. 341.327, a fixed-guideway

  9  transportation system authorized by the department to be

10  wholly or partially within the department's right-of-way

11  pursuant to a lease granted under s. 337.251 may operate at

12  any safe speed.

13         Section 11.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section

14  339.155, Florida Statutes, is amended, present paragraphs (w)

15  and (x) of that subsection are redesignated as paragraphs (x)

16  and (y), respectively, and a new paragraph (w) is added to

17  that subsection, to read:

18         339.155  Transportation planning.--The department shall

19  develop and annually update a statewide transportation plan,

20  to be known as the Florida Transportation Plan.  The plan

21  shall be designed so as to be easily read and understood by

22  the general public.

23         (2)  DEVELOPMENT CRITERIA.--The Florida Transportation

24  Plan shall consider the needs of the entire state

25  transportation system, examine the use of all modes of

26  transportation to effectively and efficiently meet such needs,

27  and provide for the interconnection of all types of modes in a

28  comprehensive intermodal transportation system.  In developing

29  the Florida Transportation Plan, the department shall consider

30  the following:



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  1         (d)  International border crossings and access to

  2  ports, airports, spaceports, intermodal transportation

  3  facilities, major freight distribution routes, national parks,

  4  recreation and scenic areas, monuments and historic sites, and

  5  military installations.

  6         (w)  The spaceport master plan approved by the

  7  Spaceport Florida Authority.

  8         Section 12.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2), paragraph

  9  (b) of subsection (5), paragraph (a) of subsection (6),

10  paragraphs (a) and (c) of subsection (7), and paragraph (a) of

11  subsection (9) of section 339.175, Florida Statutes, 1998

12  Supplement, are amended to read:

13         339.175  Metropolitan planning organization.--It is the

14  intent of the Legislature to encourage and promote the

15  development of transportation systems embracing various modes

16  of transportation in a manner that will maximize the mobility

17  of people and goods within and through urbanized areas of this

18  state and minimize, to the maximum extent feasible, and

19  together with applicable regulatory government agencies,

20  transportation-related fuel consumption and air pollution.  To

21  accomplish these objectives, metropolitan planning

22  organizations, referred to in this section as M.P.O.'s, shall

23  develop, in cooperation with the state, transportation plans

24  and programs for metropolitan areas. Such plans and programs

25  must provide for the development of transportation facilities

26  that will function as an intermodal transportation system for

27  the metropolitan area.  The process for developing such plans

28  and programs shall be continuing, cooperative, and

29  comprehensive, to the degree appropriate, based on the

30  complexity of the transportation problems.

31         (2)  VOTING MEMBERSHIP.--


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  1         (a)  The voting membership of an M.P.O. shall consist

  2  of not fewer than 5 or more than 19 apportioned members, the

  3  exact number to be determined on an equitable

  4  geographic-population ratio basis by the Governor, based on an

  5  agreement among the affected units of general-purpose local

  6  government as required by federal rules and regulations. The

  7  Governor, in accordance with 23 U.S.C. s. 134, as amended by

  8  the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991,

  9  may also provide for M.P.O. members who represent

10  municipalities to alternate with representatives from other

11  municipalities within the designated urban area that do not

12  have members on the M.P.O. County commission members shall

13  compose not less than one-third of the M.P.O. membership,

14  except for an M.P.O. with more than 15 members located in a

15  county with a five-member county commission or an M.P.O. with

16  19 members located in a county with no more than 6 county

17  commissioners, in which case county commission members may

18  compose less than one-third percent of the M.P.O. membership,

19  but all county commissioners must be members. All voting

20  members shall be elected officials of general-purpose

21  governments, except that an M.P.O. may include, as part of its

22  apportioned voting members, a member of a statutorily

23  authorized planning board, or an official of an agency that

24  operates or administers a major mode of transportation, or an

25  official of the Spaceport Florida Authority.  In metropolitan

26  areas in which authorities or other agencies have been, or may

27  be, created by law to perform transportation functions that

28  are not under the jurisdiction of a general-purpose local

29  government represented on the M.P.O., they shall be provided

30  voting membership on the M.P.O.  The county commission shall

31  compose not less than 20 percent of the M.P.O. membership if


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  1  an official of an agency that operates or administers a major

  2  mode of transportation has been appointed to an M.P.O.

  3         (5)  POWERS, DUTIES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES.--The powers,

  4  privileges, and authority of an M.P.O. are those specified in

  5  this section or incorporated in an interlocal agreement

  6  authorized under s. 163.01.  Each M.P.O. shall perform all

  7  acts required by federal or state laws or rules, now and

  8  subsequently applicable, which are necessary to qualify for

  9  federal aid. It is the intent of this section that each M.P.O.

10  shall be involved in the planning and programming of

11  transportation facilities, including, but not limited to,

12  airports, intercity and high-speed rail lines, seaports, and

13  intermodal facilities, to the extent permitted by state or

14  federal law.

15         (b)  In developing the long-range transportation plan

16  and the transportation improvement program required under

17  paragraph (a), each M.P.O. must, at a minimum, consider:

18         1.  The preservation of existing transportation

19  facilities and, where practical, ways to meet transportation

20  needs by using existing facilities more efficiently;

21         2.  The consistency of transportation planning with

22  applicable federal, state, and local energy conservation

23  programs, goals, and objectives;

24         3.  The need to relieve congestion and prevent

25  congestion from occurring where it does not yet occur;

26         4.  The likely effect of transportation policy

27  decisions on land use and development and the consistency of

28  transportation plans and programs with all applicable

29  short-term and long-term land use and development plans;

30         5.  The programming of transportation enhancement

31  activities as required by federal law;


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  1         6.  The effect of all transportation projects to be

  2  undertaken in the metropolitan area, without regard to whether

  3  such projects are publicly funded;

  4         7.  The provision of access to seaports, airports,

  5  spaceports, intermodal transportation facilities, major

  6  freight distribution routes, national and state parks,

  7  recreation areas, monuments and historic sites, and military

  8  installations;

  9         8.  The need for roads within the metropolitan area to

10  efficiently connect with roads outside the metropolitan area;

11         9.  The transportation needs identified through the use

12  of transportation management systems required by federal or

13  state law;

14         10.  The preservation of rights-of-way for construction

15  of future transportation projects, including the

16  identification of unused rights-of-way that may be needed for

17  future transportation corridors and the identification of

18  corridors for which action is most needed to prevent

19  destruction or loss;

20         11.  Any available methods to enhance the efficient

21  movement of freight;

22         12.  The use of life-cycle costs in the design and

23  engineering of bridges, tunnels, or pavement;

24         13.  The overall social, economic, energy, and

25  environmental effects of transportation decisions;

26         14.  Any available methods to expand or enhance transit

27  services and increase the use of such services; and

28         15.  The possible allocation of capital investments to

29  increase security for transit systems.

30         (6)  LONG-RANGE PLAN.--Each M.P.O. must develop a

31  long-range transportation plan that addresses at least a


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  1  20-year planning horizon. The plan must include both

  2  long-range and short-range strategies and must comply with all

  3  other state and federal requirements. The long-range plan must

  4  be consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with future

  5  land use elements and the goals, objectives, and policies of

  6  the approved local government comprehensive plans of the units

  7  of local government located within the jurisdiction of the

  8  M.P.O. The approved long-range plan must be considered by

  9  local governments in the development of the transportation

10  elements in local government comprehensive plans and any

11  amendments thereto. The long-range plan must, at a minimum:

12         (a)  Identify transportation facilities, including, but

13  not limited to, major roadways, airports, seaports,

14  spaceports, commuter rail systems, transit systems, and

15  intermodal or multimodal terminals that will function as an

16  integrated metropolitan transportation system.  The long-range

17  plan must give emphasis to those transportation facilities

18  that serve national, statewide, or regional functions, and

19  must consider the goals and objectives identified in the

20  Florida Transportation Plan as provided in s. 339.155.


22  In the development of its long-range plan, each M.P.O. must

23  provide affected public agencies, representatives of

24  transportation agency employees, private providers of

25  transportation, other interested parties, and members of the

26  general public with a reasonable opportunity to comment on the

27  long-range plan. The long-range plan must be approved by the

28  M.P.O.


30  shall, in cooperation with the state and affected public

31  transportation operators, develop a transportation improvement


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  1  program for the area within the jurisdiction of the M.P.O.  In

  2  the development of the transportation improvement program,

  3  each M.P.O. must provide affected public transit agencies,

  4  representatives of transportation agency employees, private

  5  providers of transportation, other interested parties, and

  6  members of the general public with a reasonable opportunity to

  7  comment on the transportation improvement program.

  8         (a)  Each M.P.O. is responsible for developing,

  9  annually, a list of project priorities and a transportation

10  improvement program. The transportation improvement program

11  will be used to initiate federally aided transportation

12  facilities and improvements as well as other transportation

13  facilities and improvements including transit, rail, aviation,

14  spaceport, and port facilities to be funded from the State

15  Transportation Trust Fund within its metropolitan area in

16  accordance with existing and subsequent federal and state laws

17  and rules and regulations related thereto.  The transportation

18  improvement program shall be consistent, to the maximum extent

19  feasible, with the approved local government comprehensive

20  plans of the units of local government whose boundaries are

21  within the metropolitan area of the M.P.O.

22         (c)  The transportation improvement program must, at a

23  minimum:

24         1.  Include projects and project phases to be funded

25  with state or federal funds within the time period of the

26  transportation improvement program and which are recommended

27  for advancement during the next fiscal year and 4 subsequent

28  fiscal years.  Such projects and project phases must be

29  consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with the approved

30  local government comprehensive plans of the units of local

31  government located within the jurisdiction of the M.P.O.  For


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  1  informational purposes, the transportation improvement program

  2  shall also include a list of projects to be funded from local

  3  or private revenues.

  4         2.  Include projects within the metropolitan area which

  5  are proposed for funding under 23 U.S.C. s. 134 of the Federal

  6  Transit Act and which are consistent with the long-range plan

  7  developed under subsection (6).

  8         3.  Provide a financial plan that demonstrates how the

  9  transportation improvement program can be implemented;

10  indicates the resources, both public and private, that are

11  reasonably expected to be available to accomplish the program;

12  and recommends any innovative financing techniques that may be

13  used to fund needed projects and programs.  Such techniques

14  may include the assessment of tolls, the use of value capture

15  financing, or the use of congestion pricing.  The

16  transportation improvement program may include a project or

17  project phase only if full funding can reasonably be

18  anticipated to be available for the project or project phase

19  within the time period contemplated for completion of the

20  project or project phase.

21         4.  Group projects and project phases of similar

22  urgency and anticipated staging into appropriate staging

23  periods.

24         5.  Indicate how the transportation improvement program

25  relates to the long-range plan developed under subsection (6),

26  including providing examples of specific projects or project

27  phases that further the goals and policies of the long-range

28  plan.

29         6.  Indicate whether any project or project phase is

30  inconsistent with an approved comprehensive plan of a unit of

31  local government located within the jurisdiction of the M.P.O.


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  1  If a project is inconsistent with an affected comprehensive

  2  plan, the M.P.O. must provide justification for including the

  3  project in the transportation improvement program.

  4         7.  Indicate how the improvements are consistent, to

  5  the maximum extent feasible, with affected seaport, and

  6  airport, and spaceport master plans and with public transit

  7  development plans of the units of local government located

  8  within the jurisdiction of the M.P.O.

  9         (9)  AGREEMENTS.--

10         (a)  Each M.P.O. shall execute the following written

11  agreements, which shall be reviewed, and updated as necessary,

12  every 5 years:

13         1.  An agreement with the department clearly

14  establishing the cooperative relationship essential to

15  accomplish the transportation planning requirements of state

16  and federal law.

17         2.  An agreement with the metropolitan and regional

18  intergovernmental coordination and review agencies serving the

19  metropolitan areas, specifying the means by which activities

20  will be coordinated and how transportation planning and

21  programming will be part of the comprehensive planned

22  development of the area.

23         3.  An agreement with operators of public

24  transportation systems, including transit systems, commuter

25  rail systems, airports, and seaports, and spaceports,

26  describing the means by which activities will be coordinated

27  and specifying how public transit, commuter rail, aviation,

28  and seaport, and aerospace planning and programming will be

29  part of the comprehensive planned development of the

30  metropolitan area.



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  1         Section 13.  Commission on the Future of Aeronautics

  2  and Space in Florida.--

  3         (1)  The Legislature finds that the aviation and

  4  aerospace industries comprise an important segment of

  5  Florida's present and future economy. Yet, there exists

  6  intense nationwide competition for future development of these

  7  industries. The state has the resources to help these

  8  industries meet the challenges and opportunities of

  9  competition and to establish itself as a prime location for

10  aviation and aerospace industries, thus creating a prime

11  environment for economic development and employment

12  opportunities. However, effective action and the necessary

13  coordination of resources must be based on a reliable

14  assessment of the present climate for such industries in the

15  state. Further, the various options available for legislative

16  action should be carefully considered.

17         (2)  There is created the Commission on the Future of

18  Aeronautics and Space in Florida. The commission shall be

19  composed of the following 11 members:

20         (a)  The chairs of the Transportation Committees of the

21  Senate and the House of Representatives.

22         (b)  A representative of the Aviation Office of the

23  Department of Transportation, appointed by the Secretary of

24  Transportation.

25         (c)  A representative of the Spaceport Florida

26  Authority, appointed by the board of supervisors of the

27  authority.

28         (d)  Two members appointed by the Governor who are not

29  members of the Legislature.

30         (e)  Two members appointed by the President of the

31  Senate.


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  1         (f)  Two members appointed by the Speaker of the House

  2  of Representatives.

  3         (g)  An active manager of an airport in Florida

  4  appointed by the Florida Airport Manager's Association.

  5         (3)  The members appointed pursuant to paragraphs

  6  (2)(d), (e), and (f), shall be selected so as to equitably

  7  provide knowledge concerning and experience in the following

  8  areas:  commercial aviation; aviation manufacturing; aviation

  9  operations and maintenance; aerospace manufacturing; aerospace

10  operations and maintenance; and aeronautics-related education.

11         (4)  The members of the commission shall be appointed

12  within 30 days after the effective date of this act. The

13  commission shall serve until adjournment sine die of the 2001

14  Regular Session of the Legislature. Vacancies on the

15  commission shall be filled in the same manner as the original

16  appointment.

17         (5)  Upon appointment of its members, the commission

18  shall meet to organize and select a chair and vice chair.

19  Meetings shall be held upon the call of the chair, but not

20  less frequently than quarterly.

21         (6)  The members of the commission shall serve without

22  compensation but shall be entitled to be reimbursed for per

23  diem and travel expenses as provided in section 112.061,

24  Florida Statutes. The Department of Transportation shall

25  provide administrative staff support and travel and per diem

26  expenses for the commission.

27         (7)  The commission shall:

28         (a)  Survey current state and local laws, ordinances,

29  and rules that affect the development and regulation of the

30  aviation and aerospace industries in Florida and recommend

31  ways in which these regulations can be streamlined and revised


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  1  to operate more efficiently. The commission should also

  2  consider whether regulation and oversight in the fields of

  3  aviation and aerospace should be centralized under one

  4  governmental agency.

  5         (b)  Examine the ways in which aviation and aerospace

  6  industries, including the component elements of manufacturing,

  7  assembly, marketing, servicing, maintenance, logistical

  8  support, human resources, and related research and

  9  development, can be attracted to locate permanently in the

10  state, and recommend actions that can be taken by state and

11  local governments to accomplish this goal.

12         (c)  Review existing studies to evaluate the

13  availability of commercial air services in Florida, identify

14  underserved locations, and recommend actions that can be taken

15  to improve the availability, efficiency, and economy of the

16  state's commercial air services.

17         (d)  Identify the advances that can be expected in the

18  future in aeronautics and aerospace operations, air transport,

19  aeronautical education, and other aeronautical areas, and make

20  recommendations regarding how the state can anticipate,

21  encourage, and accommodate such advances.

22         (e)  Identify aid that is available at the federal

23  level to assist in efforts to improve Florida's aeronautical

24  and aerospace competitive position, and recommend ways in

25  which the state can be most effective in obtaining that aid.

26         (f)  Determine whether Florida's secondary and

27  postsecondary schools are producing a highly qualified

28  workforce in sufficient numbers to meet the needs of the

29  aviation and aerospace industries.

30         (8)  The commission shall prepare a preliminary report

31  of its findings and recommendations by December 1, 2000, and a


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  1  final report by January 15, 2001. Copies of the reports shall

  2  be submitted to the Governor, the President and the Minority

  3  Leader of the Senate, and the Speaker and the Minority Leader

  4  of the House of Representatives. After submission of the final

  5  report, members of the commission may, with the approval of

  6  the chair, receive reimbursement pursuant to subsection (6)

  7  for travel necessary to consult with the Legislature

  8  concerning issues raised by, and implementation of, the final

  9  report, until termination of the commission.

10         Section 14.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.























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                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                     CS for Senate Bill 1254


  4  The committee substitute for committee substitute for SB 1254
    differs substantially and principally from committee
  5  substitute for SB 1254 in that it:

  6        Defines "Spaceport discretionary capacity improvement
          projects" as capacity improvements that enhance space
  7        transportation capacity at spaceports that have had at
          least one suborbital flight during the previous year.
          Creates the Spaceport Facility Loan Guarantee Program to
  9        guarantee private loans for space-related projects.
          Approval of a loan guarantee shall be by an Aerospace
10        Facility Financing Review Council, consisting of the
          Secretary of Transportation, the Executive Director of
11        the State Board of Administration, and the director of
          the Governor's Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic
12        Development or each of their designees. SFA is allowed
          to enter into an investment agreement with the
13        Department of Revenue or the State Board of
          Administration concerning the investment of the earnings
14        accrued and collected upon the investment of the balance
          of funds maintained in the Working Capital Fund.
          Specifies that nothing in ch. 332, F.S., shall be
16        construed to authorize expenditure of aviation fuel tax
          revenues on space transportation projects nor to limit
17        the transportation department's authority.

18        Allows for a fixed-guideway transportation system
          operation on the Department of Transportation's
19        right-of-way to operate at any safe speed.

20        Creates a "Commission on the Future of Aeronautics and
          Space in Florida," composed of 11 members who will serve
21        until adjournment sine die of the 2001 Regular Session
          of the Legislature.









