CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1260

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Brown-Waite moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         Delete everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert:

17         Section 1.  Subsection (4) of section 943.13, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         943.13  Officers' minimum qualifications for employment

20  or appointment.--On or after October 1, 1984, any person

21  employed or appointed as a full-time, part-time, or auxiliary

22  law enforcement officer or correctional officer; on or after

23  October 1, 1986, any person employed as a full-time,

24  part-time, or auxiliary correctional probation officer; and on

25  or after October 1, 1986, any person employed as a full-time,

26  part-time, or auxiliary correctional officer by a private

27  entity under contract to the Department of Corrections, to a

28  county commission, or to the Correctional Privatization

29  Commission shall:

30         (4)  Not have been convicted of any felony or of a

31  violation of ss. 817.49, 837.012, 837.05, 837.06, or 944.35(4)

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1260

    Amendment No.    

 1  (b) misdemeanor involving perjury or a false statement, or

 2  have received a dishonorable discharge from any of the Armed

 3  Forces of the United States. Any person who, after July 1,

 4  1981, pleads guilty or nolo contendere to or is found guilty

 5  of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving perjury or a false

 6  statement is not eligible for employment or appointment as an

 7  officer, notwithstanding suspension of sentence or withholding

 8  of adjudication. Notwithstanding this subsection, any person

 9  who has pled nolo contendere to a misdemeanor involving a

10  false statement, prior to December 1, 1985, and has had such

11  record sealed or expunged shall not be deemed ineligible for

12  employment or appointment as an officer.

13         Section 2.  Section 943.1395, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         943.1395  Certification for employment or appointment;

16  concurrent certification; reemployment or reappointment;

17  inactive status; revocation; suspension; investigation.--

18         (1)  The commission shall certify, under procedures

19  established by rule, any person for employment or appointment

20  as an officer if:

21         (a)  The person complies with s. 943.13(1)-(10); and

22         (b)  The employing agency complies with s. 943.133(2)

23  and (3).

24         (2)  An officer who is certified in one discipline and

25  who complies with s. 943.13 in another discipline shall hold

26  concurrent certification and may be assigned in either

27  discipline within his or her employing agency.

28         (3)  Any certified officer who has separated from

29  employment or appointment and who is not reemployed or

30  reappointed by an employing agency within 4 years after the

31  date of separation must meet the minimum qualifications

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    Bill No. CS for SB 1260

    Amendment No.    

 1  described in s. 943.13, except for the requirement found in s.

 2  943.13(9).  Further, such officer must complete any training

 3  required by the commission by rule.

 4         (4)  The certification of an officer who fails to

 5  comply with s. 943.135(1) shall be inactive, and the officer

 6  may not be employed or appointed as an officer until he or she

 7  complies with the provisions of s. 943.135(1).

 8         (5)  The employing agency must conduct an internal

 9  investigation if it has cause to suspect that an officer is

10  not in compliance with, or has failed to maintain compliance

11  with, s. 943.13(4) or (7).  If an officer is not in compliance

12  with, or has failed to maintain compliance with, s. 943.13(4)

13  or (7), the employing agency must submit the investigative

14  findings and supporting information and documentation to the

15  commission in accordance with rules adopted by the commission.

16         (6)  The commission shall revoke the certification of

17  any officer who is not in compliance with the provisions of s.

18  943.13(4) or who intentionally executes a false affidavit

19  established in s. 943.13(8), s. 943.133(2), or s. 943.139(2).

20         (a)  The commission shall cause to be investigated any

21  ground for revocation from the employing agency pursuant to s.

22  943.139 or from the Governor, and the commission may

23  investigate verifiable complaints. Any investigation initiated

24  by the commission pursuant to this section must be completed

25  within 6 months after receipt of the completed report of the

26  disciplinary or internal affairs investigation from the

27  employing agency or Governor's office.  A verifiable complaint

28  shall be completed within 1 year after receipt of the

29  complaint.  An investigation shall be considered completed

30  upon a finding by a probable cause panel of the commission.

31  These time periods shall be tolled during the period of any

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1260

    Amendment No.    

 1  criminal prosecution of the officer.

 2         (b)  The report of misconduct and all records or

 3  information provided to or developed by the commission during

 4  the course of an investigation conducted by the commission are

 5  exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art.

 6  I of the State Constitution and, except as otherwise provided

 7  by law, such information shall be subject to public disclosure

 8  only after a determination as to probable cause has been made

 9  or until the investigation becomes inactive.

10         (c)  When an officer's certification is revoked in any

11  discipline, his or her certification in any other discipline

12  shall simultaneously be revoked.

13         (7)  The commission shall revoke the certification of

14  any officer who is not in compliance with the provisions of s.

15  943.13(4) or who intentionally executes a false affidavit

16  established in s. 943.13(8), s. 943.133(2), or s. 943.139(2).

17  Upon receipt of documentation that a certified officer is not

18  in compliance with s. 943.13(4), the commission shall, after

19  notice and the opportunity for a hearing pursuant to s.

20  120.57(2), issue an order revoking the officer's

21  certification.  Upon a finding that the judgment has been

22  vacated, or the officer has been granted a full or conditional

23  pardon pursuant to s. 940.01, the commission shall rescind its

24  final order revoking the officer's certification.

25         (8)(7)  Upon a finding by the commission that a

26  certified officer has not maintained good moral character, the

27  definition of which has been adopted by rule and is

28  established as a statewide standard, as required by s.

29  943.13(7), the commission may enter an order imposing one or

30  more of the following penalties:

31         (a)  Revocation of certification.

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1260

    Amendment No.    

 1         (b)  Suspension of certification for a period not to

 2  exceed 2 years.

 3         (c)  Placement on a probationary status for a period

 4  not to exceed 2 years, subject to terms and conditions imposed

 5  by the commission.  Upon the violation of such terms and

 6  conditions, the commission may revoke certification or impose

 7  additional penalties as enumerated in this subsection.

 8         (d)  Successful completion by the officer of any basic

 9  recruit, advanced, or career development training or such

10  retraining deemed appropriate by the commission.

11         (e)  Issuance of a reprimand.

12         (9)(8)(a)  The commission shall, by rule, adopt

13  disciplinary guidelines and procedures to administer the

14  penalties provided in subsections (7) and (8) (6) and (7). The

15  commission may, by rule, prescribe penalties for certain

16  offenses. The commission shall, by rule, set forth aggravating

17  and mitigating circumstances to be considered when imposing

18  the penalties provided in subsection (8) (7).

19         (b)  The disciplinary guidelines and prescribed

20  penalties must be based upon the severity of specific

21  offenses.  The guidelines must provide reasonable and

22  meaningful notice to officers and to the public of penalties

23  that may be imposed for prohibited conduct.  The penalties

24  must be consistently applied by the commission.

25         (c)  For the purpose of implementing the penalties

26  provided in subsections (7) and (8) (6) and (7), the chair of

27  the commission may appoint one or more panels of three

28  commissioners each to determine probable cause.  In lieu of a

29  finding of probable cause, the probable cause panel may issue

30  a letter of guidance to the officer. However, when an

31  employing agency disciplines an officer and the officer's

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1260

    Amendment No.    

 1  employment is continued or reinstated by the agency, a

 2  probable cause panel may review the sustained disciplinary

 3  charges and disciplinary penalty, determine whether or not the

 4  penalty conforms to the disciplinary penalties prescribed by

 5  rule, and, in writing and on behalf of the commission, notify

 6  the employing agency and officer of the results of the review.

 7  If the penalty conforms to the disciplinary penalty provided

 8  by rule, the officer and employing agency shall be notified,

 9  in writing, that no further action shall be taken.  If the

10  penalty does not conform to such disciplinary penalty

11  prescribed by rule, the officer and employer shall be

12  notified, in writing, of further action to be taken.

13         (d)  An administrative law judge assigned to conduct a

14  hearing under ss. 120.569 and 120.57(1) regarding allegations

15  that an officer is not in compliance with, or has failed to

16  maintain compliance with, s. 943.13(4) or (7) must, in his or

17  her recommended order:

18         1.  Adhere to the disciplinary guidelines and penalties

19  set forth in subsections (7) and (8) (6) and (7) and the rules

20  adopted by the commission for the type of offense committed.

21         2.  Specify, in writing, any aggravating or mitigating

22  circumstance that he or she considered in determining the

23  recommended penalty.


25  Any deviation from the disciplinary guidelines or prescribed

26  penalty must be based upon circumstances or factors that

27  reasonably justify the aggravation or mitigation of the

28  penalty. Any deviation from the disciplinary guidelines or

29  prescribed penalty must be explained, in writing, by the

30  administrative law judge.

31         Section 3.  Subsection (5) of section 943.22, Florida

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1260

    Amendment No.    

 1  Statutes, is amended to read:

 2         943.22  Salary incentive program for full-time

 3  officers.--

 4         (5)  An officer is not entitled to full or proportional

 5  salary incentive payments for training completed pursuant to

 6  s. 943.1395(8)(7).

 7         Section 4.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1999.



10  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

11  And the title is amended as follows:

12         Delete everything before the enacting clause


14  and insert:

15                      A bill to be entitled

16         An act relating to certification and employment

17         of law enforcement officers; amending s.

18         943.13, F.S.; specifying misdemeanor violations

19         which affect eligibility for employment or

20         appointment as an officer; amending s.

21         943.1395, F.S.; requiring the Criminal Justice

22         Standards and Training Commission, after notice

23         and hearing, to issue an order revoking

24         certification upon conviction for a felony or

25         specified misdemeanor; providing for rescission

26         of the order under certain circumstances;

27         amending s. 943.22, F.S.; conforming a cross

28         reference; providing an effective date.




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