CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1352

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senators Cowin, Kurth, Brown-Waite and Mitchell moved the

12  following amendment:


14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

15         Delete everything after the enacting clause


17  and insert:

18         Section 1.  (1)  In recognition of the fact that a

19  portion of the state's population is served by investor-owned

20  water and wastewater utilities, the Legislature finds that the

21  need to encourage economic and prudent water resource planning

22  by such utilities in a manner that is consistent with the

23  state's environmental laws and in the long-term best interest

24  of consumers should be subjected to a fact finding and review

25  process. Therefore, the investor-owned water and wastewater

26  utility study panel is established to analyze and determine

27  the facts pertaining to:

28         (a)  The regulatory treatment of investor-owned water

29  and wastewater utilities in the provision of utility

30  infrastructure, including margin reserve.

31         (b)  The cost and consistency of environmental law and

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1352

    Amendment No.    

 1  policy with regulatory treatment of these utilities.

 2         (c)  The estimated potential rate impact of any

 3  recommended changes.

 4         (2)  The study panel shall be composed of 13 members as

 5  follows:  one member of the Senate and one member of the House

 6  of Representatives, appointed by each respective house; one

 7  member of the Public Service Commission to be appointed by the

 8  Chair of the Public Service Commission; the Public Counsel or

 9  his or her designee; two representatives of the investor-owned

10  water and wastewater utilities to be appointed by the Florida

11  Waterworks Association; one representative of the American

12  Association of Retired Persons to be appointed by the

13  Governor; one representative from an investor-owned water and

14  wastewater utility staff to be appointed by the Florida

15  Waterworks Association; one representative from a Water

16  Management District to be appointed by the Governor; one

17  assistant Attorney General from The Special Projects Office

18  who is familiar with water and wastewater issues to be

19  appointed by the Attorney General; one representative from the

20  Department of Environmental Protection to be appointed by the

21  Secretary of that agency; one representative from a county

22  that has assumed responsibility for regulating water and

23  wastewater utilities under section 367.081, Florida Statutes,

24  to be appointed by the President of the Senate; and one

25  representative from a governmentally owned water and

26  wastewater utility to be appointed by the Speaker of the House

27  of Representatives.

28         (3)  The study panel shall hold at least three public

29  hearings, two of which shall be outside Tallahassee, and shall

30  seek public comment and input. The members of the study panel

31  are entitled to reimbursement for travel and per diem expenses

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 1352

    Amendment No.    

 1  incurred in the performance of their duties, as provided under

 2  section 112.061, Florida Statutes. The panel shall obtain

 3  staff assistance from the Policy and Industry Structure Bureau

 4  of the Public Service Commission. All costs of the panel,

 5  including expense reimbursement, shall be paid from the budget

 6  of the Public Service Commission.

 7         (4)  The study panel shall report to the Governor, the

 8  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

 9  Representatives on its findings and any recommendations for

10  proposed legislation no later than December 31, 1999.

11         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

12  law.



15  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

16  And the title is amended as follows:

17         Delete everything before the enacting clause


19  and insert:

20                  A bill to be entitled

21         An act relating to the Public Service

22         Commission; providing for a study commission to

23         review the need for rate adjustment

24         legislation, to analyze the infrastructure and

25         future growth needs of water and wastewater

26         utilities, to review the economic impact to

27         consumers of possible policy changes, and to

28         recommend legislation; providing an effective

29         date.



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