CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 1353

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Casas moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         Delete everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert:

17         Section 1.  (1)  The Sewage Treatment Revolving Loan

18  Fund within the Department of Environmental Protection, FLAIR

19  number 37-2-661, which was created by section 403.1835,

20  Florida Statutes, and which is to be terminated pursuant to

21  Section 19(f), Article III of the State Constitution on

22  November 4, 2000, is re-created and renamed the Wastewater

23  Treatment and Stormwater Management Revolving Loan Trust Fund.

24         (2)  All current balances of the fund are carried

25  forward, and all current sources and uses of the fund are

26  continued.

27         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (9) and

28  subsection (10) of section 403.1835, Florida Statutes, 1998

29  Supplement, are amended to read:

30         403.1835  Sewage treatment facilities revolving loan

31  program.--

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 1353

    Amendment No.    

 1         (9)  Funds for the loans and grants authorized under

 2  this section must be managed as follows:

 3         (a)  A nonlapsing trust fund with revolving loan

 4  provisions to be known as the "Wastewater Sewage Treatment and

 5  Stormwater Management Revolving Loan Trust Fund" is hereby

 6  established in the State Treasury to be used as a revolving

 7  fund by the department to carry out the purpose of this

 8  section.  Any funds therein which are not needed on an

 9  immediate basis for loans may be invested pursuant to s.

10  215.49. The cost of administering the program shall be paid

11  from federal funds, from reasonable service fees that may be

12  imposed upon loans, and from proceeds from the sale of loans

13  as permitted by federal law so as to enhance program

14  perpetuity.  Grants awarded by the Federal Government, state

15  matching funds, and investment earnings thereon shall be

16  deposited into the fund. Proceeds from the sale of loans must

17  be deposited into the fund. All moneys available in the fund,

18  including investment earnings, are hereby designated to carry

19  out the purpose of this section. The principal and interest

20  payments of all loans held by the fund shall be deposited into

21  this fund.

22         (10)  Because the Legislature has experienced revenue

23  shortfalls in recent years and has been unable to provide

24  enough funds to fully match available federal funds to help

25  capitalize the Wastewater Sewage Treatment and Stormwater

26  Management Revolving Loan Trust Fund, it is necessary for

27  innovative approaches to be considered to help capitalize the

28  revolving loan fund. The department shall evaluate potential

29  innovative approaches that can generate funds to match

30  available federal funds. The department may adopt approaches

31  that will help ensure the continuing viability of the

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 1353

    Amendment No.    

 1  Wastewater Sewage Treatment and Stormwater Management

 2  Revolving Loan Trust Fund. The department shall consider,

 3  among other possible alternatives, the option of implementing

 4  by rule a program to allow local governments to offer funds

 5  voluntarily to the state for use as a match to available

 6  federal funds to capitalize the state sewage treatment

 7  revolving loan fund.

 8         Section 3.  Section 403.1836, Florida Statutes, is

 9  amended to read:

10         403.1836  Wastewater Sewage Treatment and Stormwater

11  Management Revolving Loan Trust Fund; stormwater management

12  system construction.--Each Beginning in fiscal year 1998-1999,

13  the Department of Environmental Protection shall make

14  available up to 10 percent of the annual revenue received in

15  the Wastewater Sewage Treatment and Stormwater Management

16  Revolving Loan Trust Fund for loans to local governmental

17  agencies for constructing stormwater management systems

18  authorized pursuant to s. 403.1835. During this period of

19  time, if the department does not receive requests for projects

20  to use the funds available for stormwater management systems,

21  such funds shall be used for constructing sewage treatment

22  facilities and other activities authorized by s. 403.1835.

23         Section 4.  This act shall take effect November 4,

24  2000.



27  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

28  And the title is amended as follows:

29         Delete everything before the enacting clause


31  and insert:

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. HB 1353

    Amendment No.    

 1                      A bill to be entitled

 2         An act relating to the re-creation of the

 3         Sewage Treatment Revolving Loan Fund without

 4         modification; re-creating and renaming the

 5         fund; carrying forward current balances and

 6         continuing current sources and uses thereof;

 7         amending ss. 403.1835, 403.1836, F.S., to

 8         conform; providing an effective date.


10         WHEREAS, the Legislature wishes to extend the life of

11  the Sewage Treatment Revolving Loan Fund, which is otherwise

12  scheduled to be terminated pursuant to constitutional mandate,

13  and

14         WHEREAS, the Legislature has reviewed the fund before

15  its scheduled termination date and has found that it continues

16  to meet an important public purpose, and

17         WHEREAS, the Legislature has found that existing public

18  policy concerning the fund sets adequate parameters for its

19  use, NOW, THEREFORE,













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