Senate Bill 1496

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1496

    By Senator Saunders

    25-1158-99                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to sentencing; amending s.

  3         775.021, F.S., relating to rules of

  4         construction; providing that certain provisions

  5         requiring strict construction or construction

  6         most favorably to the accused do not apply to

  7         sentencing proceedings after a court has

  8         accepted a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or

  9         the accused has been found guilty; removing

10         exceptions to certain construction guidelines

11         which provide that the legislative intent is to

12         convict and sentence for each criminal offense

13         in the course of one criminal episode or

14         transaction and not to allow the principle of

15         lenity determine legislative intent; amending

16         s. 874.04, F.S.; providing for enhanced

17         penalties for commission of a felony or

18         misdemeanor, or a delinquent act or violation

19         of law that would be a felony or misdemeanor if

20         committed by an adult, under specified

21         circumstances when the defendant committed the

22         charged offense for the purpose of furthering,

23         benefiting, or promoting a criminal street gang

24         or the defendant's status in the criminal

25         street gang; amending s. 921.0024, F.S.,

26         relating to the Criminal Punishment Code

27         worksheet computations and scoresheets;

28         providing for assessment of certain additional

29         sentence points for conviction of committing or

30         attempting to commit a felony while possessing

31         a firearm, semiautomatic firearm, or machine


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  1         gun, regardless of when obtained; revising

  2         guidelines for application of a specified

  3         sentence multiplier for offenses related to

  4         criminal street gangs; conforming terminology;

  5         amending s. 921.16, F.S., relating to the

  6         guidelines for concurrent or consecutive

  7         sentencing; providing for the applicability of

  8         certain guidelines to all sentences, regardless

  9         of whether the offenses occur in single or

10         multiple criminal episodes; providing an

11         effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Section 775.021, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         775.021  Rules of construction.--

18         (1)  The provisions of this code and offenses defined

19  by other statutes shall be strictly construed; when the

20  language is susceptible of differing constructions, it shall

21  be construed most favorably to the accused.  However, this

22  rule of construction does not apply to sentencing proceedings

23  after a court has accepted a plea of guilty or nolo contendere

24  or the accused has been found guilty.

25         (2)  The provisions of this chapter are applicable to

26  offenses defined by other statutes, unless the code otherwise

27  provides.

28         (3)  This section does not affect the power of a court

29  to punish for contempt or to employ any sanction authorized by

30  law for the enforcement of an order or a civil judgment or

31  decree.


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  1         (4)(a)  Whoever, in the course of one criminal

  2  transaction or episode, commits an act or acts which

  3  constitute one or more separate criminal offenses, upon

  4  conviction and adjudication of guilt, shall be sentenced

  5  separately for each criminal offense; and the sentencing judge

  6  may order the sentences to be served concurrently or

  7  consecutively. For the purposes of this subsection, offenses

  8  are separate if each offense requires proof of an element that

  9  the other does not, without regard to the accusatory pleading

10  or the proof adduced at trial.

11         (b)  The intent of the Legislature is to convict and

12  sentence for each criminal offense committed in the course of

13  one criminal episode or transaction and not to allow the

14  principle of lenity as set forth in subsection (1) to

15  determine legislative intent.  Exceptions to this rule of

16  construction are:

17         1.  Offenses which require identical elements of proof.

18         2.  Offenses which are degrees of the same offense as

19  provided by statute.

20         3.  Offenses which are lesser offenses the statutory

21  elements of which are subsumed by the greater offense.

22         Section 2.  Section 874.04, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read.

24         874.04  Criminal street gang activity; enhanced

25  penalties.--Upon a finding by the court at sentencing that the

26  defendant committed the charged offense for the purpose of

27  furthering, benefiting, or promoting a criminal street gang or

28  the defendant's status in a criminal street gang is a member

29  of a criminal street gang, the penalty for any felony or

30  misdemeanor, or any delinquent act or violation of law which

31  would be a felony or misdemeanor if committed by an adult, may


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  1  be enhanced if the offender was a member of a criminal street

  2  gang at the time of the commission of such offense. Each of

  3  the findings required as a basis for such sentence shall be

  4  found by a preponderance of the evidence. The enhancement will

  5  be as follows:

  6         (1)(a)  A misdemeanor of the second degree may be

  7  punished as if it were a misdemeanor of the first degree.

  8         (b)  A misdemeanor of the first degree may be punished

  9  as if it were a felony of the third degree.  For purposes of

10  sentencing under chapter 921 and determining incentive

11  gain-time eligibility under chapter 944, such offense is

12  ranked in level 1 of the offense severity ranking chart. The

13  criminal street gang multiplier in s. 921.0024 does not apply

14  to misdemeanors enhanced under this paragraph.

15         (2)(a)  A felony of the third degree may be punished as

16  if it were a felony of the second degree.

17         (b)  A felony of the second degree may be punished as

18  if it were a felony of the first degree.

19         (c)  A felony of the first degree may be punished as if

20  it were a life felony.


22  For purposes of sentencing under chapter 921 and determining

23  incentive gain-time eligibility under chapter 944, such felony

24  offense is ranked as provided in s. 921.0022 or s. 921.0023,

25  and without regard to the penalty enhancement in this

26  subsection.  For purposes of this section, penalty enhancement

27  affects the applicable statutory maximum penalty only.

28         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 921.0024, Florida

29  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

30         921.0024  Criminal Punishment Code; worksheet

31  computations; scoresheets.--


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  1         (1)(a)  The Criminal Punishment Code worksheet is used

  2  to compute the subtotal and total sentence points as follows:



  5                            WORKSHEET


  7                          OFFENSE SCORE


  9                         Primary Offense

10  Level         Sentence Points                            Total

11  ..............................................................

12    10               116                             =      ....

13     9                92                             =      ....

14     8                74                             =      ....

15     7                56                             =      ....

16     6                36                             =      ....

17     5                28                             =      ....

18     4                22                             =      ....

19     3                16                             =      ....

20     2                10                             =      ....

21     1                 4                             =      ....


23  ..............................................................

24                                                     Total      


26                       Additional Offenses

27  Level         Sentence Points            Counts          Total

28  ..............................................................

29    10                58             x      ....     =      ....

30     9                46             x      ....     =      ....

31     8                37             x      ....     =      ....


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  1     7                28             x      ....     =      ....

  2     6                18             x      ....     =      ....

  3     5               5.4             x      ....     =      ....

  4     4               3.6             x      ....     =      ....

  5     3               2.4             x      ....     =      ....

  6     2               1.2             x      ....     =      ....

  7     1               0.7             x      ....     =      ....

  8     M               0.2             x      ....     =      ....


10  ..............................................................

11                                                     Total      


13                          Victim Injury

14  Level         Sentence Points            Number          Total

15  ..............................................................

16    2nd degree

17      murder-

18      death          240             x      ....     =      ....

19    Death            120             x      ....     =      ....

20    Severe            40             x      ....     =      ....

21    Moderate          18             x      ....     =      ....

22    Slight             4             x      ....     =      ....

23    Sexual

24      penetration     80             x      ....     =      ....

25    Sexual

26      contact         40             x      ....     =      ....


28  ..............................................................

29                                                     Total      


31  Primary Offense + Additional Offenses + Victim Injury =


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  1                       TOTAL OFFENSE SCORE


  3                        PRIOR RECORD SCORE


  5                           Prior Record

  6  Level         Sentence Points            Number          Total

  7  ..............................................................

  8    10                29             x      ....     =      ....

  9     9                23             x      ....     =      ....

10     8                19             x      ....     =      ....

11     7                14             x      ....     =      ....

12     6                 9             x      ....     =      ....

13     5               3.6             x      ....     =      ....

14     4               2.4             x      ....     =      ....

15     3               1.6             x      ....     =      ....

16     2               0.8             x      ....     =      ....

17     1               0.5             x      ....     =      ....

18     M               0.2             x      ....     =      ....


20  ..............................................................

21                                                     Total      


23     TOTAL OFFENSE SCORE........................................

24     TOTAL PRIOR RECORD SCORE...................................


26     LEGAL STATUS...............................................

27     COMMUNITY SANCTION VIOLATION...............................

28     PRIOR SERIOUS FELONY.......................................

29     PRIOR CAPITAL FELONY.......................................

30     FIREARM OR SEMIAUTOMATIC WEAPON............................

31                                                SUBTOTAL........


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  2     PRISON RELEASEE REOFFENDER (no)(yes).......................

  3     VIOLENT CAREER CRIMINAL (no)(yes)..........................

  4     HABITUAL VIOLENT OFFENDER (no)(yes)........................

  5     HABITUAL OFFENDER (no)(yes)................................

  6     DRUG TRAFFICKER (no)(yes) (x multiplier)...................

  7     LAW ENF. PROTECT. (no)(yes) (x multiplier).................

  8     MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT (no)(yes) (x multiplier)...............


10  multiplier)...................................................


12  (no)(yes) (x multiplier)......................................

13  ..............................................................

14                                   TOTAL SENTENCE POINTS........


16                       (b)  WORKSHEET KEY:


18  Legal status points are assessed when any form of legal status

19  existed at the time the offender committed an offense before

20  the court for sentencing. Four (4) sentence points are

21  assessed for an offender's legal status.


23  Community sanction violation points are assessed when a

24  community sanction violation is before the court for

25  sentencing.  Six (6) sentence points are assessed for each

26  community sanction violation, and each successive community

27  sanction violation; however, if the community sanction

28  violation includes a new felony conviction before the

29  sentencing court, twelve (12) community sanction violation

30  points are assessed for such violation, and for each

31  successive community sanction violation involving a new felony


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  1  conviction. Multiple counts of community sanction violations

  2  before the sentencing court shall not be a basis for

  3  multiplying the assessment of community sanction violation

  4  points.


  6  Prior serious felony points: If the offender has a primary

  7  offense or any additional offense ranked in level 8, level 9,

  8  or level 10, and one or more prior serious felonies, a single

  9  assessment of 30 points shall be added. For purposes of this

10  section, a prior serious felony is an offense in the

11  offender's prior record that is ranked in level 8, level 9, or

12  level 10 under s. 921.0022 or s. 921.0023 and for which the

13  offender is serving a sentence of confinement, supervision, or

14  other sanction or for which the offender's date of release

15  from confinement, supervision, or other sanction, whichever is

16  later, is within 3 years before the date the primary offense

17  or any additional offense was committed.


19  Prior capital felony points:  If the offender has one or more

20  prior capital felonies in the offender's criminal record,

21  points shall be added to the subtotal sentence points of the

22  offender equal to twice the number of points the offender

23  receives for the primary offense and any additional offense.

24  A prior capital felony in the offender's criminal record is a

25  previous capital felony offense for which the offender has

26  entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty or has been found

27  guilty; or a felony in another jurisdiction which is a capital

28  felony in that jurisdiction, or would be a capital felony if

29  the offense were committed in this state.




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  1  Possession of a firearm, semiautomatic firearm, or machine

  2  gun:  If the offender is convicted of committing or attempting

  3  to commit any felony other than those enumerated in s.

  4  775.087(2) while having in his possession: a firearm as

  5  defined in s. 790.001(6), an additional 18 sentence points are

  6  assessed; or if the offender is convicted of committing or

  7  attempting to commit any felony other than those enumerated in

  8  s. 775.087(3) while having in his possession a semiautomatic

  9  firearm as defined in s. 775.087(3) or a machine gun as

10  defined in s. 790.001(9), an additional 25 sentence points are

11  assessed. Points shall be assessed regardless of whether the

12  firearm, semiautomatic firearm, or machine gun was obtained

13  before or during the commission or attempted commission of a

14  felony.


16  Sentencing multipliers:


18  Drug trafficking:  If the primary offense is drug trafficking

19  under s. 893.135, the subtotal sentence points are multiplied,

20  at the discretion of the court, for a level 7 or level 8

21  offense, by 1.5.  The state attorney may move the sentencing

22  court to reduce or suspend the sentence of a person convicted

23  of a level 7 or level 8 offense, if the offender provides

24  substantial assistance as described in s. 893.135(4).


26  Law enforcement protection:  If the primary offense is a

27  violation of the Law Enforcement Protection Act under s.

28  775.0823(2), the subtotal sentence points are multiplied by

29  2.5.  If the primary offense is a violation of s. 775.0823(3),

30  (4), (5), (6), (7), or (8), the subtotal sentence points are

31  multiplied by 2.0. If the primary offense is a violation of s.


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  1  784.07(3) or s. 775.0875(1), or of the Law Enforcement

  2  Protection Act under s. 775.0823(9) or (10), the subtotal

  3  sentence points are multiplied by 1.5.


  5  Grand theft of a motor vehicle:  If the primary offense is

  6  grand theft of the third degree involving a motor vehicle and

  7  in the offender's prior record, there are three or more grand

  8  thefts of the third degree involving a motor vehicle, the

  9  subtotal sentence points are multiplied by 1.5.


11  Offense related to criminal street gang member:  If the

12  offender is convicted of the primary offense and committed

13  that offense for the purpose of furthering, benefiting, or

14  promoting a criminal street gang or the defendant's status in

15  a criminal street gang is found to have been a member of a

16  criminal street gang at the time of the commission of the

17  primary offense pursuant to s. 874.04, the subtotal sentence

18  points shall be are multiplied by 1.5.


20  Domestic violence in the presence of a child:  If the offender

21  is convicted of the primary offense and the primary offense is

22  a crime of domestic violence, as defined in s. 741.28, which

23  was committed in the presence of a child under 16 years of age

24  who is a family household member as defined in s. 741.28(2)

25  with the victim or perpetrator, the subtotal sentence points

26  are multiplied, at the discretion of the court, by 1.5.

27         Section 4.  Section 921.16, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         921.16  When sentences to be concurrent and when

30  consecutive.--



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  1         (1)  A defendant convicted of two or more offenses

  2  charged in the same indictment, information, or affidavit or

  3  in consolidated indictments, informations, or affidavits shall

  4  serve the sentences of imprisonment concurrently unless the

  5  court directs that two or more of the sentences be served

  6  consecutively. Sentences of imprisonment for offenses not

  7  charged in the same indictment, information, or affidavit

  8  shall be served consecutively unless the court directs that

  9  two or more of the sentences be served concurrently. The

10  provisions of this subsection shall apply to all sentences,

11  including habitual offender sentences, habitual violent felony

12  offender sentences, violent career criminal sentences, prison

13  releasee reoffender sentences, minimum mandatory sentences,

14  and other enhanced sentences, regardless of whether the

15  offenses occur in a single criminal episode or multiple

16  criminal episodes.

17         (2)  A county court or circuit court of this state may

18  direct that the sentence imposed by such court be served

19  concurrently with a sentence imposed by a court of another

20  state or of the United States or, for purposes of this

21  section, concurrently with a sentence to be imposed in another

22  jurisdiction.  In such case, the Department of Corrections may

23  designate the correctional institution of the other

24  jurisdiction as the place for reception and confinement of

25  such person and may also designate the place in Florida for

26  reception and confinement of such person in the event that

27  confinement in the other jurisdiction terminates before the

28  expiration of the Florida sentence. The sheriff shall forward

29  commitment papers and other documents specified in s. 944.17

30  to the department. Upon imposing such a sentence, the court

31  shall notify the Parole Commission as to the jurisdiction in


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  1  which the sentence is to be served.  Any prisoner so released

  2  to another jurisdiction shall be eligible for consideration

  3  for parole by the Parole Commission pursuant to the provisions

  4  of chapter 947, except that the commission shall determine the

  5  presumptive parole release date and the effective parole

  6  release date by requesting such person's file from the

  7  receiving jurisdiction. Upon receiving such records, the

  8  commission shall determine these release dates based on the

  9  relevant information in that file and shall give credit toward

10  reduction of the Florida sentence for gain-time granted by the

11  jurisdiction where the inmate is serving the sentence.  The

12  Parole Commission may concur with the parole release decision

13  of the jurisdiction granting parole and accepting supervision.

14         (3)  In the event the court directs the Florida

15  sentence to be coterminous as well as concurrent with a

16  sentence in another jurisdiction, the department shall notify

17  the other jurisdiction of the department's interest in the

18  offender until the offender has satisfied the commitment in

19  the other jurisdiction, or the Florida sentence has expired,

20  whichever occurs first. This interest does not prevent or

21  interfere with any program participation approved by the other

22  jurisdiction, nor does it prohibit parole or any similar

23  release granted by the other jurisdiction.  If the offender is

24  paroled by the other jurisdiction, or the sentence is

25  otherwise interrupted prior to satisfaction, the department

26  shall maintain an interest until supervision is terminated or

27  the sentence has been satisfied.

28         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

29  law.




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    25-1158-99                                              See HB

  1            *****************************************

  2                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Provides that certain provisions requiring strict
  4    construction or construction most favorably to the
      accused do not apply to sentencing proceedings after a
  5    court has accepted a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or
      the accused has been found guilty. Removes exceptions to
  6    certain construction guidelines providing that the
      legislative intent is to convict and sentence for each
  7    criminal offense in the course of one criminal episode or
      transaction and not to allow the principle of lenity
  8    determine legislative intent.

  9    Provides for enhanced penalties for commission of a
      felony or misdemeanor, or a delinquent act or violation
10    of law that would be a felony or misdemeanor if committed
      by an adult, under specified circumstances when the
11    defendant committed the charged offense for the purpose
      of furthering, benefiting, or promoting a criminal street
12    gang or the defendant's status in the criminal street
      gang. Revises guidelines for application of a specified
13    sentence multiplier for offenses related to criminal
      street gangs.
      Provides for the applicability of certain guidelines for
15    concurrent or consecutive sentencing to all sentences,
      regardless of whether the offenses occur in single or
16    multiple criminal episodes. Provides for assessment of
      certain additional sentence points for conviction of
17    committing or attempting to commit a felony while
      possessing certain firearms, regardless of when obtained.













