Senate Bill 1530

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1530

    By Senator Kirkpatrick


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to title insurance; amending s.

  3         627.7711, F.S.; providing definitions; amending

  4         s. 627.782, F.S.; providing for the adoption of

  5         risk premium rates; requiring title insurers to

  6         establish and use a title insurance rate,

  7         rating schedule, or rating manual that allows

  8         the title insurer a reasonable rate of return

  9         on each policy of title insurance issued in

10         this state; requiring the schedule and manual

11         to be filed with the Department of Insurance;

12         providing factors to be considered by the

13         department in determining whether the rates are

14         excessive; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Section 627.7711, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         627.7711  Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:

21         (1)  "Charge made by a title insurer or title agent for

22  solicitation and issuance of the policy" means the amounts

23  retained by the title insurer or agent as a commission for

24  solicitation of the policy, performing administrative tasks in

25  connection with issuing binders and policies, and providing

26  underwriting information to the insurer.

27         (2)(1)  "Related title services" means services

28  performed by a title insurer or title insurance agent,

29  including, but not limited to, preparing or obtaining title

30  information, title search and examination, preparing documents

31  necessary to close the transaction, conducting the closing, or


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1530

  1  handling the disbursing of funds related to the closing in a

  2  real estate closing transaction in which a title insurance

  3  binder, commitment, or policy is to be issued.  At least the

  4  actual cost of providing the service must be charged the

  5  person or entity receiving the benefit of the service The risk

  6  premium, together with the charge for related title services,

  7  constitutes the regular title insurance premium.

  8         (3)(2)  "Risk premium" means the charge, as specified

  9  by rule of the department, that is made by a title insurer for

10  the assumption of the risk, under the several classifications

11  of title insurance contracts and forms, and upon which charge

12  a premium tax is paid under s. 624.509.  As used in this part

13  or in any other law, with respect to title insurance, the

14  words "premium" or "risk premium" mean only the risk premium

15  as defined in this section and do not include any other charge

16  related incidental to title insurance.

17         (4)  "Title insurance rate" means the amount charged by

18  the title insurer for insuring or guaranteeing titles to real

19  property or interests in real property. The term includes the

20  risk premium charged by the insurer for assumption of the risk

21  created by the issuance of the policy and any charge made by

22  the title insurer or title agent in connection with

23  solicitation or issuance of the policy.

24         (5)(3)  "Title insurer" means any domestic company

25  organized and authorized to do business under the provisions

26  of chapter 624, for the purpose of issuing title insurance, or

27  any insurer organized under the laws of another state, the

28  District of Columbia, or a foreign country and holding a

29  certificate of authority to transact business in this state,

30  for the purpose of issuing title insurance.



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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1530

  1         Section 2.  Section 627.782, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         627.782  Adoption of rates.--

  4         (1)  Subject to the rating provisions of this code, the

  5  department must adopt a rule specifying the risk premium to be

  6  charged in this state by insurers for the respective types of

  7  title insurance contracts and services incident thereto.  The

  8  department may, by rule, establish limitations on such

  9  reasonable charges made in addition to the risk premium based

10  upon the expenses associated with the services rendered and

11  other relevant factors. The department must also adopt rules

12  incident to the applicability of the risk premium, including

13  the percentage or amount of the risk premium required to be

14  maintained by the title insurer, and related rules to ensure

15  that the amounts required to be maintained by the insurer

16  retains the entire are not less than 30 percent of the risk

17  premium for policies sold by agents.

18         (2)  In adopting the risk premium rates, the department

19  must give due consideration to the following:

20         (a)  The insurers' loss experience and prospective loss

21  experience under insured closing service letters, search and

22  examination services, and policy liabilities.

23         (b)  A reasonable margin for underwriting profit and

24  contingencies, including contingent liability under s.

25  627.7865, sufficient to allow insurers and agents to earn a

26  rate of return on their capital that will attract and retain

27  adequate capital investment in the title insurance business.

28         (c)  Past expenses and prospective expenses for

29  administration and handling of risks.

30         (d)  Liability for defalcation.

31         (e)  Other relevant factors.


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1530

  1         (3)  In accordance with the rating provisions of this

  2  chapter, each title insurer shall establish and use a title

  3  insurance rate, rating schedule, or rating manual that allows

  4  the title insurer a reasonable rate of return on each policy

  5  of title insurance issued in this state. A copy of the rates,

  6  rating schedules, and rating manual must be filed with the

  7  department at least annually. The department shall review the

  8  rate or rate change to determine whether the rate is

  9  excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory. In making

10  that determination, the department shall, in accordance with

11  generally accepted and reasonable actuarial techniques,

12  consider the following factors:

13         (a)  The promulgated risk premium;

14         (b)  The past and prospective expenses related to

15  policy solicitation and issuance;

16         (c)  The degree of competition among insurers for the

17  risk insured;

18         (d)  The adequacy of loss reserves;

19         (e)  Investment income; and

20         (f)  Other relevant factors that affect the severity of

21  claims and expenses.

22         (4)(3)  Rates may be grouped by classification or

23  schedule and may differ as to class of risk assumed.

24         (5)(4)  Rates may not be excessive, inadequate, or

25  unfairly discriminatory.

26         (6)(5)  The rate risk premium applies to each $100 of

27  insurance issued to an insured.

28         (7)(6)  The risk premium rates apply throughout this

29  state.

30         (8)(7)  The department shall, in accordance with the

31  standards provided in subsection (2), review the title


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1530

  1  insurance rate, including the risk premium and the related

  2  title services charges rate as needed, but not less frequently

  3  than once every 3 years, and shall, based upon the review

  4  required by this subsection, revise the risk premium and the

  5  related title services rate if the results of the review so

  6  warrant.

  7         (9)(8)  The department may, by rule, require insurers

  8  licensees under this part to annually submit statistical

  9  information, including loss and expense data, as the

10  department determines to be necessary to analyze the title

11  insurance rate, including the risk premium and related title

12  services rates, retention rates, and the condition of the

13  title insurance industry.

14         Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 1999.


16            *****************************************

17                          SENATE SUMMARY

18    Provides definitions relating to the regulation of title
      insurers. Provides for the adoption of risk premium
19    rates. Requires title insurers to establish and use a
      title insurance rate, rating schedule, or rating manual
20    that allows the title insurer a reasonable rate of return
      on each policy of title insurance issued in this state.
21    Requires the schedule and manual to be filed with the
      Department of Insurance annually. Provides factors to be
22    considered by the department in determining whether the
      rates are excessive.








