Senate Bill 1534er

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    1999 Legislature                        SB 1534, 1st Engrossed


  2         An act relating to local government; amending

  3         s. 125.35, F.S.; clarifying that counties are

  4         authorized to negotiate leases with airport and

  5         seaport facilities; authorizing counties to

  6         sell properties when they are of an

  7         insufficient size and shape to be issued

  8         permits or are valued less than a specified

  9         amount; amending s. 197.482, F.S.; reducing the

10         time before which tax certificates become void;

11         amending s. 197.502, F.S.; reducing the time

12         within which the holder of a tax certificate

13         other than a county may apply for a tax deed

14         and within which land escheats to the county;

15         providing time in which a county must apply for

16         a tax deed; providing for cancellation of owed

17         taxes when the county or other governmental

18         unit purchases land for its own use or for

19         infill housing; amending s. 197.592, F.S.;

20         conforming provisions; providing for a partial

21         refund of taxes levied in 1998 and 1999 on

22         residential property destroyed or damaged by

23         forest fire, hurricane, tropical storm,

24         sinkhole, or tornado; providing procedures and

25         requirements; providing for retroactive

26         application and expiration; providing an

27         effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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    1999 Legislature                        SB 1534, 1st Engrossed

  1         Section 1.  Subsection (1) of section 125.35, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         125.35  County authorized to sell real and personal

  4  property and to lease real property.--

  5         (1)(a)  The board of county commissioners is expressly

  6  authorized to sell and convey any real or personal property,

  7  and to lease real property, belonging to the county, whenever

  8  the board determines that it is to the best interest of the

  9  county to do so, to the highest and best bidder for the

10  particular use the board deems to be the highest and best or,

11  alternatively, in the case of an airport or seaport operation

12  or facility lease, or a modification of an existing lease of

13  real property, or a new extension thereof for an additional

14  term not to exceed 25 years, where the improved leasehold has

15  an appraised value in excess of $20 million, after

16  negotiation, for such length of term and such conditions as

17  the governing body may in its discretion determine.

18         (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a)

19  the Board of County Commissioners is expressly authorized to:

20         1.  Negotiate the lease of an airport or seaport

21  facility;

22         2.  Modify or extend an existing lease of real property

23  for an additional term not to exceed 25 years, where the

24  improved value of the lease has an appraised value in excess

25  of $20 million; or

26         3.  Lease a professional sports franchise facility

27  financed by revenues received pursuant to s. 125.0104 or s.

28  212.20;


30  under such terms and conditions as negotiated by the board.

31  lease a professional sports franchise facility financed by


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    1999 Legislature                        SB 1534, 1st Engrossed

  1  revenues received pursuant to s. 125.0104 or s. 212.20, under

  2  such terms and conditions as negotiated by the board. In the

  3  case of a seaport, however, leased space may not be negotiated

  4  for a hotel; retail establishment; or an office complex except

  5  for port users in excess of 25,000 square feet, and any leased

  6  space for an office complex except for port users of less than

  7  25,000 square feet must be reasonable and necessary for the

  8  operation of the port and must be physically located within

  9  the jurisdiction of the port authority.

10         (c)(b)  No sale of any real property shall be made

11  unless notice thereof is published once a week for at least 2

12  weeks in some newspaper of general circulation published in

13  the county, calling for bids for the purchase of the real

14  estate so advertised to be sold.  In the case of a sale, the

15  bid of the highest bidder complying with the terms and

16  conditions set forth in such notice shall be accepted, unless

17  the board of county commissioners rejects all bids because

18  they are too low.  The board of county commissioners may

19  require a deposit to be made or a surety bond to be given, in

20  such form or in such amount as the board determines, with each

21  bid submitted.

22         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 125.35, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         125.35  County authorized to sell real and personal

25  property and to lease real property.--

26         (2)  When the board of county commissioners finds that

27  a parcel of real property is of insufficient size and shape to

28  be issued a building permit for any type of development to be

29  constructed on the property or when the board of county

30  commissioners finds that the value of a parcel of real

31  property is $15,000 $5,000 or less, as determined by a fee


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    1999 Legislature                        SB 1534, 1st Engrossed

  1  appraiser designated by the board or as determined by the

  2  county property appraiser, and when, due to the size, shape,

  3  location, and value of the parcel, it is determined by the

  4  board that the parcel is of use only to one or more adjacent

  5  property owners, the board may effect a private sale of the

  6  parcel. The board may, after sending notice of its intended

  7  action to owners of adjacent property by certified mail,

  8  effect a sale and conveyance of the parcel at private sale

  9  without receiving bids or publishing notice; however, if,

10  within 10 working days after receiving such mailed notice, two

11  or more owners of adjacent property notify the board of their

12  desire to purchase the parcel, the board shall accept sealed

13  bids for the parcel from such property owners and may convey

14  such parcel to the highest bidder or may reject all offers.

15         Section 3.  Subsection (7) of section 197.502, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended to read:

17         197.502  Application for obtaining tax deed by holder

18  of tax sale certificate; fees.--

19         (7)  If there are no bidders at the public sale, the

20  clerk shall enter the land on a list entitled "lands available

21  for taxes" and shall immediately notify the county commission

22  and all other persons holding certificates against the land

23  that the land is available. During the first county may, at

24  any time within 90 days after the land is placed on the list

25  of lands available for taxes the county may day of offering

26  for public sale, purchase the land for the opening bid.

27  Thereafter After 90 days, any person, the county, or any other

28  governmental unit may purchase the land from the clerk,

29  without further notice or advertising, for the opening bid,

30  except that when the county or other governmental unit is the



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    1999 Legislature                        SB 1534, 1st Engrossed

  1  purchaser for its own use, the board of county commissioners

  2  may cancel omitted years' taxes, as provided under s. 197.447.

  3         Section 4.  Subsection (8) of section 197.502, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         197.502  Application for obtaining tax deed by holder

  6  of tax sale certificate; fees.--

  7         (8)  Taxes shall not be extended against parcels listed

  8  as lands available for taxes, but in each year the taxes that

  9  would have been due shall be treated as omitted years and

10  added to the required minimum bid.  Three Seven years from the

11  day the land was offered for public sale, the land shall

12  escheat to the county in which it is located, all tax

13  certificates and liens against the property shall be canceled,

14  and the clerk shall execute a tax deed vesting title in the

15  board of county commissioners of the county in which it is

16  located.

17         Section 5.  Subsection (11) of section 197.502, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         197.502  Application for obtaining tax deed by holder

20  of tax sale certificate; fees.--

21         (11)  For any property acquired under this section by

22  the county for the express purpose of providing infill

23  housing, the board of county commissioners may, in accordance

24  with s. 197.447, cancel county-held tax certificates and

25  omitted years' taxes on such properties. Furthermore, the

26  county may not transfer a property acquired under this section

27  specifically for infill housing back to a taxpayer who failed

28  to pay the delinquent taxes or charges that led to the

29  issuance of the tax certificate or lien. For purposes of this

30  subsection only, the term "taxpayer" includes the taxpayer's



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    1999 Legislature                        SB 1534, 1st Engrossed

  1  family or any entity in which the taxpayer or taxpayer's

  2  family has any interest.

  3         Section 6.  Subsection (3) of section 197.592, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         197.592  County delinquent tax lands; method and

  6  procedure for sale by county; certain lands conveyed to

  7  municipalities; extinction of liens.--

  8         (3)  Lands acquired by any county of the state for

  9  delinquent taxes in accordance with law which have not been

10  previously sold, acquired for infill housing, or dedicated by

11  the board of county commissioners, which the board of county

12  commissioners has determined are not to be conveyed to the

13  record fee simple owner in accordance with the provisions of

14  subsections (1) and (2), and which are located within the

15  boundaries of an incorporated municipality of the county shall

16  be conveyed to the governing board of the municipality in

17  which the land is located.  Such lands conveyed to the

18  municipality shall be freely alienable to the municipality

19  without regard to third parties.  Liens of record held by the

20  county on such parcels conveyed to a municipality shall not

21  survive the conveyance of the property to the municipality.

22         Section 7.  Refund of taxes upon destruction or damage

23  related to forest fires, hurricanes, tropical storms,

24  sinkholes, or tornadoes.--

25         (1)  If the destruction or damage of a house or other

26  residential building or structure on land occurred before May

27  1, 1999, and is related to a forest fire, hurricane, tropical

28  storm, sinkhole, or tornado, and such house or other

29  residential building or structure is not capable of being used

30  and occupied, upon application filed with the property



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    1999 Legislature                        SB 1534, 1st Engrossed

  1  appraiser, taxes may be partially refunded in the following

  2  manner:

  3         (a)  Application must be filed by the owner with the

  4  property appraiser before August 15, 1999, for destruction or

  5  damage occurring in 1998, and before June 1, 2000, for

  6  destruction or damage occurring between January 1, 1999, and

  7  April 30, 1999. Failure to file such application before the

  8  date specified in this paragraph constitutes a waiver of any

  9  claim for partial refund under this section.

10         (b)  The application must identify the property

11  destroyed or damaged and specify the date the destruction or

12  damage occurred and the number of months of loss of use and

13  occupancy.

14         (c)  The application must be verified under oath under

15  penalty of perjury.

16         (d)  Upon receipt of the application, the property

17  appraiser shall investigate the statements contained therein

18  to determine whether the applicant is entitled to a partial

19  refund under this section. If the property appraiser

20  determines that the applicant is entitled to a partial refund,

21  he or she shall issue an official written statement to the tax

22  collector which contains:

23         1.  The number of months that the building or structure

24  was not capable of use and occupancy. In calculating the

25  number of months, the property appraiser shall consider each

26  30-day period as a month. Partial periods of 15 days or less

27  shall not be considered, but partial periods of 16 days to 29

28  days shall be calculated as a 30-day period.

29         2.  The value of the building or structure before the

30  damage or destruction, as determined by the property

31  appraiser.


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    1999 Legislature                        SB 1534, 1st Engrossed

  1         3.  Total taxes due on the building or structure as

  2  reduced, based on the ratio that the number of months of loss

  3  of use and occupancy bears to 12.

  4         4.  The amount of refund in taxes.

  5         (e)  Upon receipt of the written statement from the

  6  property appraiser, the tax collector shall refund taxes on

  7  the property shown on the tax collection roll in the amount of

  8  refund shown by the property appraiser.

  9         (f) By September 1 the tax collector shall notify the

10  board of county commissioners and the Department of Revenue of

11  the total reduction in taxes for all property that received a

12  partial refund of taxes under this section for the preceding

13  tax year.

14         (g)  As used in this section:

15         1.  "Loss of use and occupancy" means that the building

16  or structure, or some self-sufficient unit within it, cannot

17  be used for the purpose for which it was constructed during a

18  period of 60 days or more.

19         2.  "House or other residential building or structure"

20  does not include amenities not essential to use and occupancy,

21  such as detached utility buildings, bulkheads, fences,

22  detached carports, swimming pools, or other similar items or

23  property.

24         (2)  This section expires October 1, 2000.

25         Section 8.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

26  law, and sections 2, 3, 4, and 6 apply only to tax

27  certificates issued after July 1, 1999.




