Senate Bill 1544

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1544

    By Senator Dawson-White

    30-1281-99                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to wage discrimination;

  3         creating the "Fair Pay Act of 1999"; amending

  4         s. 760.02, F.S.; providing definitions;

  5         amending s. 760.06, F.S.; providing an

  6         additional duty of the Florida Commission on

  7         Human Relations; providing for the adoption of

  8         specified rules; amending s. 760.10, F.S.;

  9         clarifying provisions with respect to

10         discrimination against individuals in

11         compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges

12         of employment which constitutes an unlawful

13         employment practice; providing administrative

14         and civil remedies; creating s. 760.105, F.S.;

15         providing for specified wage disclosure,

16         recordkeeping, and reporting requirements;

17         providing for relief and damages for violation

18         of requirements; amending s. 760.11, F.S.,

19         relating to administrative and civil remedies

20         under the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992;

21         including s. 760.105, F.S., within the scope of

22         the act; providing an effective date.


24         WHEREAS, despite federal and state laws banning

25  discrimination in employment and pay in both the public and

26  private sectors, wage differentials persist between women and

27  men and between minorities and nonminorities in the same jobs

28  and in jobs that are dissimilar but that require equivalent

29  composites of skill, effort, responsibility, and working

30  conditions, and



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  1         WHEREAS, the existence of such wage differentials

  2  depresses wages and living standards for employees, which

  3  necessarily contribute to their health and efficiency, reduces

  4  family incomes and contributes to higher poverty rates among

  5  households headed by females and minority households, prevents

  6  the maximum utilization of available labor resources, and

  7  tends to cause labor disputes, thereby burdening, affecting,

  8  and obstructing commerce, and

  9         WHEREAS, sections 760.01-760.11, Florida Statutes, the

10  "Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992," states that it is an

11  unlawful employment practice for an employer "to discriminate

12  against any individual with respect to compensation, terms,

13  conditions, or privileges of employment because of such

14  individual's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,

15  handicap, or marital status," and

16         WHEREAS, discrimination in wage setting practices has

17  played a role in depressing wages for women and minorities

18  generally, and

19         WHEREAS, many individuals work in occupations that are

20  dominated by individuals of their same sex, race, or national

21  origin, and discrimination in hiring, job assignments, and

22  promotion has played a role in establishing and maintaining

23  segregated work forces, and

24         WHEREAS, eliminating discrimination in compensation

25  based on sex, race, and national origin would have positive

26  effects, including providing a solution to problems in the

27  economy created by discriminatory wage differentials, reducing

28  the number of working women and people of color earning low

29  wages, thereby lowering their incidence of poverty during

30  normal working years and in retirement, and promoting stable

31  families by raising family incomes, and


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  1         WHEREAS, it is the purpose of this act to correct and

  2  as rapidly as practicable eliminate discriminatory wage

  3  practices based on sex, race, color, religion, national

  4  origin, age, handicap, or marital status, NOW, THEREFORE,


  6  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  8         Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Fair Pay Act

  9  of 1999."

10         Section 2.  Section 760.02, Florida Statutes, is

11  amended to read:

12         760.02  Definitions.--For the purposes of ss.

13  760.01-760.11 and 509.092, the term:

14         (1)(10)  "Aggrieved person" means any person who files

15  a complaint with the Human Relations Commission.

16         (2)  "Commission" means the Florida Commission on Human

17  Relations created by s. 760.03.

18         (3)  "Commissioner" or "member" means a member of the

19  commission.

20         (4)  "Discriminatory practice" means any practice made

21  unlawful by the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992.

22         (5)  "Employ" means to suffer or permit to work.

23         (6)  "Employee" means any person employed by an

24  employer and includes all of an employer's permanent

25  employees, whether working full-time or part-time, and any

26  temporary employee employed by an employer for a period of at

27  least 3 months. "Employee" shall not include any individual

28  employed by his or her parents, spouse, or child.

29         (7)  "Employer" means any person employing 15 or more

30  employees for each working day in each of 20 or more calendar



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  1  weeks in the current or preceding calendar year, and any agent

  2  of such a person.

  3         (8)  "Employment agency" means any person regularly

  4  undertaking, with or without compensation, to procure

  5  employees for an employer or to procure for employees

  6  opportunities to work for an employer, and includes an agent

  7  of such a person.

  8         (9)  "Equivalent jobs" means jobs or occupations that

  9  are equal within the meaning of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, 39

10  U.S.C. 206(d), or jobs or occupations that are dissimilar but

11  whose requirements are equivalent, when viewed as a composite

12  of skills, effort, responsibility, and working conditions.

13         (10)(1)  "Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992" means ss.

14  760.01-760.11 and 509.092.

15         (11)(9)  "Labor organization" means any organization

16  which exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of

17  collective bargaining or of dealing with employers concerning

18  grievances, terms or conditions of employment, or other mutual

19  aid or protection in connection with employment.

20         (12)(5)  "National origin" includes ancestry.

21         (13)(6)  "Person" includes an individual, association,

22  corporation, joint apprenticeship committee, joint-stock

23  company, labor union, legal representative, mutual company,

24  partnership, receiver, trust, trustee in bankruptcy, or

25  unincorporated organization; any other legal or commercial

26  entity; the state; or any governmental entity or agency.

27         (14)  "Wages" and "wage rates" means all compensation

28  in any form that an employer provides to employees in payment

29  for work performed or services rendered, including, but not

30  limited to, base pay, bonuses, commissions, awards, tips, or

31  various forms of nonmonetary compensation if provided in lieu


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  1  of or in addition to monetary compensation and that have

  2  economic value to an employee.

  3         Section 3.  Section 760.06, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         760.06  Powers of the commission.--Within the

  6  limitations provided by law, the commission shall have the

  7  following powers:

  8         (1)  To maintain offices in the State of Florida.

  9         (2)  To meet and exercise its powers at any place

10  within the state.

11         (3)  To promote the creation of, and to provide

12  continuing technical assistance to, local commissions on human

13  relations and to cooperate with individuals and state, local,

14  and other agencies, both public and private, including

15  agencies of the Federal Government and of other states.

16         (4)  To accept gifts, bequests, grants, or other

17  payments, public or private, to help finance its activities.

18         (5)  To receive, initiate, investigate, seek to

19  conciliate, hold hearings on, and act upon complaints alleging

20  any discriminatory practice, as defined by the Florida Civil

21  Rights Act of 1992.

22         (6)  To issue subpoenas for, administer oaths or

23  affirmations to and compel the attendance and testimony of

24  witnesses or to issue subpoenas for and compel the production

25  of books, papers, records, documents, and other evidence

26  pertaining to any investigation or hearing convened pursuant

27  to the powers of the commission.  In conducting an

28  investigation, the commission and its investigators shall have

29  access at all reasonable times to premises, records,

30  documents, and other evidence or possible sources of evidence

31  and may examine, record, and copy such materials and take and


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  1  record the testimony or statements of such persons as are

  2  reasonably necessary for the furtherance of the investigation.

  3  The authority to issue subpoenas and administer oaths may be

  4  delegated by the commission, for investigations or hearings,

  5  to a commissioner or the executive director.  In the case of a

  6  refusal to obey a subpoena issued to any person, the

  7  commission may make application to any circuit court of this

  8  state, which shall have jurisdiction to order the witness to

  9  appear before the commission to give testimony and to produce

10  evidence concerning the matter in question.  Failure to obey

11  the court's order may be punished by the court as contempt. If

12  the court enters an order holding a person in contempt or

13  compelling the person to comply with the commission's order or

14  subpoena, the court shall order the person to pay the

15  commission reasonable expenses, including reasonable

16  attorneys' fees, accrued by the commission in obtaining the

17  order from the court.

18         (7)  To recommend methods for elimination of

19  discrimination and intergroup tensions and to use its best

20  efforts to secure compliance with its recommendations.

21         (8)  To furnish technical assistance requested by

22  persons to facilitate progress in human relations.

23         (9)  To make or arrange for studies appropriate to

24  effectuate the purposes and policies of the Florida Civil

25  Rights Act of 1992 and to make the results thereof available

26  to the public.

27         (10)  To become a deferral agency for the Federal

28  Government and to comply with the necessary federal

29  regulations to effect the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992.

30         (11)  To render, at least annually, a comprehensive

31  written report to the Governor and the Legislature. The report


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  1  may contain recommendations of the commission for legislation

  2  or other action to effectuate the purposes and policies of the

  3  Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992.

  4         (12)  To adopt, promulgate, amend, and rescind rules

  5  pursuant to ss. 120.54 and 120.536(1) to effectuate the

  6  purposes and policies of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992

  7  and govern the proceedings of the commission, in accordance

  8  with chapter 120. Such rules shall include the establishment

  9  of guidelines which specify the criteria for determining

10  whether a job is dominated by employees of a particular sex,

11  race, or national origin for purposes of the wage disclosure,

12  recordkeeping, and reporting requirements of s. 760.105. Such

13  criteria shall include, but not be limited to, factors such as

14  whether a job has ever been formally classified as, or

15  traditionally considered to be, a "male" or "female" job, or a

16  "white" or "minority" job; whether there is a history of

17  discrimination against women and/or people of color with

18  regard to wages, assignment or access to jobs, or other terms

19  and conditions of employment; and the demographic composition

20  of the workforce in equivalent jobs, which may include the

21  numbers or percentages of women, men, caucasians, and people

22  of color working in equivalent jobs. The guidelines shall not

23  include a list of jobs.

24         Section 4.  Section 760.10, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         760.10  Unlawful employment practices.--

27         (1)  It is an unlawful employment practice for an

28  employer:

29         (a)  To discharge or to fail or refuse to hire any

30  individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any

31  individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or


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  1  privileges of employment, because of such individual's race,

  2  color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or

  3  marital status. This paragraph shall be construed to include

  4  any discrimination by an employer between employees on the

  5  basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age,

  6  handicap, or marital status by the payment of wages to

  7  employees at a rate less than the rate at which an employer

  8  pays wages to employees of the opposite sex, of a different

  9  race, color, religion, national origin, age, or marital

10  status, or without handicap for equal work on jobs the

11  performance of which requires equal skill, effort, and

12  responsibility, and which are performed under similar working

13  conditions.

14         (b)  To limit, segregate, or classify employees or

15  applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or

16  tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities, or

17  adversely affect any individual's status as an employee,

18  because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex,

19  national origin, age, handicap, or marital status.

20         (2)  It is an unlawful employment practice for an

21  employment agency to fail or refuse to refer for employment,

22  or otherwise to discriminate against, any individual because

23  of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap,

24  or marital status or to classify or refer for employment any

25  individual on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,

26  national origin, age, handicap, or marital status.

27         (3)  It is an unlawful employment practice for a labor

28  organization:

29         (a)  To exclude or to expel from its membership, or

30  otherwise to discriminate against, any individual because of



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  1  race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or

  2  marital status.

  3         (b)  To limit, segregate, or classify its membership or

  4  applicants for membership, or to classify or fail or refuse to

  5  refer for employment any individual, in any way which would

  6  deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment

  7  opportunities, or adversely affect any individual's status as

  8  an employee or as an applicant for employment, because of such

  9  individual's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age,

10  handicap, or marital status.

11         (c)  To cause or attempt to cause an employer to

12  discriminate against an individual in violation of this

13  section.

14         (4)  It is an unlawful employment practice for any

15  employer, labor organization, or joint labor-management

16  committee controlling apprenticeship or other training or

17  retraining, including on-the-job training programs, to

18  discriminate against any individual because of race, color,

19  religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital

20  status in admission to, or employment in, any program

21  established to provide apprenticeship or other training.

22         (5)  Whenever, in order to engage in a profession,

23  occupation, or trade, it is required that a person receive a

24  license, certification, or other credential, become a member

25  or an associate of any club, association, or other

26  organization, or pass any examination, it is an unlawful

27  employment practice for any person to discriminate against any

28  other person seeking such license, certification, or other

29  credential, seeking to become a member or associate of such

30  club, association, or other organization, or seeking to take

31  or pass such examination, because of such other person's race,


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  1  color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or

  2  marital status.

  3         (6)  It is an unlawful employment practice for an

  4  employer, labor organization, employment agency, or joint

  5  labor-management committee to print, or cause to be printed or

  6  published, any notice or advertisement relating to employment,

  7  membership, classification, referral for employment, or

  8  apprenticeship or other training, indicating any preference,

  9  limitation, specification, or discrimination, based on race,

10  color, religion, sex, national origin, age, absence of

11  handicap, or marital status.

12         (7)  It is an unlawful employment practice for an

13  employer, an employment agency, a joint labor-management

14  committee, or a labor organization to discriminate against any

15  person because that person has opposed any practice which is

16  an unlawful employment practice under this section, or because

17  that person has made a charge, testified, assisted, or

18  participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or

19  hearing under this section.

20         (8)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this

21  section, it is not an unlawful employment practice under ss.

22  760.01-760.10 for an employer, employment agency, labor

23  organization, or joint labor-management committee to:

24         (a)  Take or fail to take any action on the basis of

25  religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, or marital

26  status in those certain instances in which religion, sex,

27  national origin, age, absence of a particular handicap, or

28  marital status is a bona fide occupational qualification

29  reasonably necessary for the performance of the particular

30  employment to which such action or inaction is related.



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  1         (b)  Observe the terms of a bona fide seniority system,

  2  a bona fide employee benefit plan such as a retirement,

  3  pension, or insurance plan, or a system which measures

  4  earnings by quantity or quality of production, which is not

  5  designed, intended, or used to evade the purposes of ss.

  6  760.01-760.10. However, no such employee benefit plan or

  7  system which measures earnings shall excuse the failure to

  8  hire, and no such seniority system, employee benefit plan, or

  9  system which measures earnings shall excuse the involuntary

10  retirement of, any individual on the basis of any factor not

11  related to the ability of such individual to perform the

12  particular employment for which such individual has applied or

13  in which such individual is engaged.  This subsection shall

14  not be construed to make unlawful the rejection or termination

15  of employment when the individual applicant or employee has

16  failed to meet bona fide requirements for the job or position

17  sought or held or to require any changes in any bona fide

18  retirement or pension programs or existing collective

19  bargaining agreements during the life of the contract, or for

20  2 years after October 1, 1981, whichever occurs first, nor

21  shall this act preclude such physical and medical examinations

22  of applicants and employees as an employer may require of

23  applicants and employees to determine fitness for the job or

24  position sought or held.

25         (c)  Take or fail to take any action on the basis of

26  age, pursuant to law or regulation governing any employment or

27  training program designed to benefit persons of a particular

28  age group.

29         (d)  Take or fail to take any action on the basis of

30  marital status if that status is prohibited under its

31  antinepotism policy.


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  1         (9)  This section shall not apply to any religious

  2  corporation, association, educational institution, or society

  3  which conditions opportunities in the area of employment or

  4  public accommodation to members of that religious corporation,

  5  association, educational institution, or society or to persons

  6  who subscribe to its tenets or beliefs.  This section shall

  7  not prohibit a religious corporation, association, educational

  8  institution, or society from giving preference in employment

  9  to individuals of a particular religion to perform work

10  connected with the carrying on by such corporations,

11  associations, educational institutions, or societies of its

12  various activities.

13         (10)  Each employer, employment agency, and labor

14  organization shall post and keep posted in conspicuous places

15  upon its premises a notice provided by the commission setting

16  forth such information as the commission deems appropriate to

17  effectuate the purposes of ss. 760.01-760.10.

18         Section 5.  Section 760.105, Florida Statutes, is

19  created to read:

20         760.105  Wage disclosure; recordkeeping and reporting

21  requirements.--

22         (1)  Upon commencement of an individual's employment

23  and at least annually thereafter, every employer subject to

24  this act shall provide to each employee a written statement

25  sufficient to inform the employee of his or her job title,

26  wage rate, and the manner or method in which the wage is

27  calculated. This notice shall be supplemented whenever an

28  employee is promoted or reassigned to a different position

29  with the employer; however, the employer is not required to

30  issue supplemental notifications for temporary reassignments

31  that are no greater than 3 months in duration.


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  1         (2)  Every employer subject to this act shall make and

  2  preserve records that document the wages paid to employees and

  3  that document and support the method, system, calculations,

  4  and other bases used to establish, adjust, and determine the

  5  wage rates paid to the employer's employees. Every employer

  6  subject to this act shall preserve such records for such

  7  periods of time and shall make such reports from the records

  8  as shall be prescribed by rule of the commission as provided

  9  in s. 760.06(12).

10         (3)  Rules promulgated under s. 760.06(12), relating to

11  the form of reports required by subsection (2) shall provide

12  for protection of the confidentiality of employees, and shall

13  expressly require that reports shall not include the names or

14  other identifying information from which readers could discern

15  the identities of employees. The rules may also identify

16  circumstances that warrant a prohibition on disclosure of

17  reports or information identifying the employer.

18         (4)  The commission may use the information and data it

19  collects pursuant to subsection (2) for statistical and

20  research purposes, and may compile and publish such studies,

21  analyses, reports, and surveys based on the information and

22  data, as it may consider appropriate.

23         (5)  A violation of the wage disclosure, recordkeeping,

24  or reporting requirements under this section by any employer

25  subject to the provisions of this section gives rise to a

26  cause of action for all relief and damages described in s.

27  760.11(5), unless greater damages are expressly provided for.

28         Section 6.  Section 760.11, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         760.11  Administrative and civil remedies;

31  construction.--


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  1         (1)  Any person aggrieved by a violation of ss.

  2  760.01-760.105 760.01-760.10 may file a complaint with the

  3  commission within 365 days of the alleged violation, naming

  4  the employer, employment agency, labor organization, or joint

  5  labor-management committee, or, in the case of an alleged

  6  violation of s. 760.10(5), the person responsible for the

  7  violation and describing the violation.  Any person aggrieved

  8  by a violation of s. 509.092 may file a complaint with the

  9  commission within 365 days of the alleged violation naming the

10  person responsible for the violation and describing the

11  violation.  The commission, a commissioner, or the Attorney

12  General may in like manner file such a complaint.  On the same

13  day the complaint is filed with the commission, the commission

14  shall clearly stamp on the face of the complaint the date the

15  complaint was filed with the commission.  The complaint shall

16  contain a short and plain statement of the facts describing

17  the violation and the relief sought.  The commission may

18  require additional information to be in the complaint.  The

19  commission, within 5 days of the complaint being filed, shall

20  by registered mail send a copy of the complaint to the person

21  who allegedly committed the violation.  The person who

22  allegedly committed the violation may file an answer to the

23  complaint within 25 days of the date the complaint was filed

24  with the commission.  Any answer filed shall be mailed to the

25  aggrieved person by the person filing the answer.  Both the

26  complaint and the answer shall be verified.

27         (2)  In the event that any other agency of the state or

28  of any other unit of government of the state has jurisdiction

29  of the subject matter of any complaint filed with the

30  commission and has legal authority to investigate the

31  complaint, the commission may refer such complaint to such


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  1  agency for an investigation. Referral of such a complaint by

  2  the commission shall not constitute agency action within the

  3  meaning of s. 120.52.  In the event of any referral under this

  4  subsection, the commission shall accord substantial weight to

  5  any findings and conclusions of any such agency.  The referral

  6  of a complaint by the commission to a local agency does not

  7  divest the commission's jurisdiction over the complaint.

  8         (3)  Except as provided in subsection (2), the

  9  commission shall investigate the allegations in the complaint.

10  Within 180 days of the filing of the complaint, the commission

11  shall determine if there is reasonable cause to believe that

12  discriminatory practice has occurred in violation of the

13  Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992.  When the commission

14  determines whether or not there is reasonable cause, the

15  commission by registered mail shall promptly notify the

16  aggrieved person and the respondent of the reasonable cause

17  determination, the date of such determination, and the options

18  available under this section.

19         (4)  In the event that the commission determines that

20  there is reasonable cause to believe that a discriminatory

21  practice has occurred in violation of the Florida Civil Rights

22  Act of 1992, the aggrieved person may either:

23         (a)  Bring a civil action against the person named in

24  the complaint in any court of competent jurisdiction; or

25         (b)  Request an administrative hearing under ss.

26  120.569 and 120.57.


28  The election by the aggrieved person of filing a civil action

29  or requesting an administrative hearing under this subsection

30  is the exclusive procedure available to the aggrieved person

31  pursuant to this act.


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  1         (5)  In any civil action brought under this section,

  2  the court may issue an order prohibiting the discriminatory

  3  practice and providing affirmative relief from the effects of

  4  the practice, including back pay.  The court may also award

  5  compensatory damages, including, but not limited to, damages

  6  for mental anguish, loss of dignity, and any other intangible

  7  injuries, and punitive damages.  The provisions of ss. 768.72

  8  and 768.73 do not apply to this section.  The judgment for the

  9  total amount of punitive damages awarded under this section to

10  an aggrieved person shall not exceed $100,000.  In any action

11  or proceeding under this subsection, the court, in its

12  discretion, may allow the prevailing party a reasonable

13  attorney's fee as part of the costs.  It is the intent of the

14  Legislature that this provision for attorney's fees be

15  interpreted in a manner consistent with federal case law

16  involving a Title VII action. The right to trial by jury is

17  preserved in any such private right of action in which the

18  aggrieved person is seeking compensatory or punitive damages,

19  and any party may demand a trial by jury.  The commission's

20  determination of reasonable cause is not admissible into

21  evidence in any civil proceeding, including any hearing or

22  trial, except to establish for the court the right to maintain

23  the private right of action. A civil action brought under this

24  section shall be commenced no later than 1 year after the date

25  of determination of reasonable cause by the commission. The

26  commencement of such action shall divest the commission of

27  jurisdiction of the complaint, except that the commission may

28  intervene in the civil action as a matter of right.

29  Notwithstanding the above, the state and its agencies and

30  subdivisions shall not be liable for punitive damages.  The

31  total amount of recovery against the state and its agencies


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  1  and subdivisions shall not exceed the limitation as set forth

  2  in s. 768.28(5).

  3         (6)  Any administrative hearing brought pursuant to

  4  paragraph (4)(b) shall be conducted under ss. 120.569 and

  5  120.57. The commission may hear the case provided that the

  6  final order is issued by members of the commission who did not

  7  conduct the hearing or the commission may request that it be

  8  heard by an administrative law judge pursuant to s.

  9  120.569(2)(a).  If the commission elects to hear the case, it

10  may be heard by a commissioner.  If the commissioner, after

11  the hearing, finds that a violation of the Florida Civil

12  Rights Act of 1992 has occurred, the commissioner shall issue

13  an appropriate proposed order in accordance with chapter 120

14  prohibiting the practice and providing affirmative relief from

15  the effects of the practice, including back pay.  If the

16  administrative law judge, after the hearing, finds that a

17  violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 has

18  occurred, the administrative law judge shall issue an

19  appropriate recommended order in accordance with chapter 120

20  prohibiting the practice and providing affirmative relief from

21  the effects of the practice, including back pay.  Within 90

22  days of the date the recommended or proposed order is

23  rendered, the commission shall issue a final order by

24  adopting, rejecting, or modifying the recommended order as

25  provided under ss. 120.569 and 120.57. The 90-day period may

26  be extended with the consent of all the parties. An

27  administrative hearing pursuant to paragraph (4)(b) must be

28  requested no later than 35 days after the date of

29  determination of reasonable cause by the commission.  In any

30  action or proceeding under this subsection, the commission, in

31  its discretion, may allow the prevailing party a reasonable


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  1  attorney's fee as part of the costs.  It is the intent of the

  2  Legislature that this provision for attorney's fees be

  3  interpreted in a manner consistent with federal case law

  4  involving a Title VII action.

  5         (7)  If the commission determines that there is not

  6  reasonable cause to believe that a violation of the Florida

  7  Civil Rights Act of 1992 has occurred, the commission shall

  8  dismiss the complaint.  The aggrieved person may request an

  9  administrative hearing under ss. 120.569 and 120.57, but any

10  such request must be made within 35 days of the date of

11  determination of reasonable cause and any such hearing shall

12  be heard by an administrative law judge and not by the

13  commission or a commissioner.  If the aggrieved person does

14  not request an administrative hearing within the 35 days, the

15  claim will be barred.  If the administrative law judge finds

16  that a violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 has

17  occurred, he or she shall issue an appropriate recommended

18  order to the commission prohibiting the practice and

19  recommending affirmative relief from the effects of the

20  practice, including back pay.  Within 90 days of the date the

21  recommended order is rendered, the commission shall issue a

22  final order by adopting, rejecting, or modifying the

23  recommended order as provided under ss. 120.569 and 120.57.

24  The 90-day period may be extended with the consent of all the

25  parties.  In any action or proceeding under this subsection,

26  the commission, in its discretion, may allow the prevailing

27  party a reasonable attorney's fee as part of the costs.  It is

28  the intent of the Legislature that this provision for

29  attorney's fees be interpreted in a manner consistent with

30  federal case law involving a Title VII action.  In the event

31  the final order issued by the commission determines that a


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  1  violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 has

  2  occurred, the aggrieved person may bring, within 1 year of the

  3  date of the final order, a civil action under subsection (5)

  4  as if there has been a reasonable cause determination or

  5  accept the affirmative relief offered by the commission, but

  6  not both.

  7         (8)  In the event that the commission fails to

  8  conciliate or determine whether there is reasonable cause on

  9  any complaint under this section within 180 days of the filing

10  of the complaint, an aggrieved person may proceed under

11  subsection (4), as if the commission determined that there was

12  reasonable cause.

13         (9)  No liability for back pay shall accrue from a date

14  more than 2 years prior to the filing of a complaint with the

15  commission.

16         (10)  A judgment for the amount of damages and costs

17  assessed pursuant to a final order by the commission may be

18  entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof and may be

19  enforced as any other judgment.

20         (11)  If a complaint is within the jurisdiction of the

21  commission, the commission shall simultaneously with its other

22  statutory obligations attempt to eliminate or correct the

23  alleged discrimination by informal methods of conference,

24  conciliation, and persuasion.  Nothing said or done in the

25  course of such informal endeavors may be made public or used

26  as evidence in a subsequent civil proceeding, trial, or

27  hearing.  The commission may initiate dispute resolution

28  procedures, including voluntary arbitration, by special

29  masters or mediators.  The commission may adopt rules as to

30  the qualifications of persons who may serve as special masters

31  and mediators.


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  1         (12)  All complaints filed with the commission and all

  2  records and documents in the custody of the commission, which

  3  relate to and identify a particular person, including, but not

  4  limited to, a complainant, employer, employment agency, labor

  5  organization, or joint labor-management committee shall be

  6  confidential and shall not be disclosed by the commission,

  7  except to the parties or in the course of a hearing or

  8  proceeding under this section. The restriction of this

  9  subsection shall not apply to any record or document which is

10  part of the record of any hearing or court proceeding.

11         (13)  Final orders of the commission are subject to

12  judicial review pursuant to s. 120.68.  The commission's

13  determination of reasonable cause is not final agency action

14  that is subject to judicial review. Unless specifically

15  ordered by the court, the commencement of an appeal does not

16  suspend or stay the order of the commission, except as

17  provided in the Rules of Appellate Procedure.  In any action

18  or proceeding under this subsection, the court, in its

19  discretion, may allow the prevailing party a reasonable

20  attorney's fee as part of the cost.  It is the intent of the

21  Legislature that this provision for attorney's fees be

22  interpreted in a manner consistent with federal case law

23  involving a Title VII action.  In the event the order of the

24  court determines that a violation of the Florida Civil Rights

25  Act of 1992 has occurred, the court shall remand the matter to

26  the commission for appropriate relief.  The aggrieved party

27  has the option to accept the relief offered by the commission

28  or may bring, within 1 year of the date of the court order, a

29  civil action under subsection (5) as if there has been a

30  reasonable cause determination.



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  1         (14)  The commission may adopt, promulgate, amend, and

  2  rescind rules to effectuate the purposes and policies of this

  3  section and to govern the proceedings of the commission under

  4  this section.

  5         (15)  In any civil action or administrative proceeding

  6  brought pursuant to this section, a finding that a person

  7  employed by the state or any governmental entity or agency has

  8  violated s. 760.10 shall as a matter of law constitute just or

  9  substantial cause for such person's discharge.

10         Section 7.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

11  law.


13            *****************************************

14                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Creates the "Fair Pay Act of 1999."  Revises and creates
16    various provisions within the "Florida Civil Rights Act
      of 1992" to:

18    1.  Provide that the Florida Commission on Human
      Relations establish guidelines which specify criteria for
19    determining whether particular jobs are dominated by
      employees of a particular sex, race, or national origin.

21    2.  Provide clarifying language with respect to
      discrimination against individuals in compensation,
22    terms, conditions, or privileges of employment which
      constitutes an unlawful employment practice.

24    3.  Provide specified wage disclosure, recordkeeping, and
      reporting requirements of employers and provide
25    administrative and civil remedies for violation of the





