House Bill 1553

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1553

        By Representative A. Greene

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to South Shore Drainage

  3         District, Palm Beach County; amending chapter

  4         17259, Laws of Florida, 1935, as amended;

  5         revising the boundary line description of South

  6         Shore Drainage District located in Palm Beach

  7         County and to include additional land within

  8         the boundaries of the district; amending the

  9         plan of reclamation of the district; providing

10         for the equal assessment of benefits for all

11         lands within the district; providing an

12         effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Section 2 of chapter 17259, Laws of

17  Florida, 1935, as amended, is amended by revising the

18  territorial boundaries of South Shore Drainage District in

19  Palm Beach County and to include additional lands within the

20  boundaries of the district to read as follows:


22         Commencing at a point being the intersection of

23         the west right-of-way line of the Everglades

24         Drainage District's North New River Canal with

25         the east and west half section line of Section

26         14, Township 44 South, Range 36 East;


28         Thence west along the aforesaid half section

29         line of Section 14, 3,722 feet, more or less,

30         to a point whence the quarter corner between



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1553


  1         Section 14 and Section 15, Township 44 South,

  2         Range 36 East, bears west 50 feet distant;


  4         Thence North 0°7' east along a line parallel to

  5         and 50 feet east of the section line between

  6         the aforesaid Section 14 and 15, a distance of

  7         2,561 feet, more or less, to a point being the

  8         intersection with the south boundary of Florida

  9         East Coast Railway right-of-way, said point

10         lying 50 feet east, and 81.6 feet south of the

11         section corner common to Sections 10, 11, 14

12         and 15, Township 44 South, Range 36 East;


14         Thence south 89°57' west along the south

15         boundary of the Florida East Coast Railway

16         right-of-way, a distance of 15,915.8 feet, more

17         or less, through Sections 15, 16 and 17 to a

18         point on the section line between Section 17

19         and 18, said point lying 94.5 feet south of the

20         section corner common to Sections 7, 8, 17, and

21         18, Township 44 South, Range 36 East;


23         Thence north 0°5' east along said section line

24         between Sections 17 and 18 and Sections 7 and 8

25         to a point on the section line between Section

26         7 and 8, said point being 105.8 feet north of

27         the section corner common to Sections 7, 8, 17,

28         and 18, Township 44, Range 36 East;


30         Thence north 45°00' west diagonally through

31         Section 7, Township 44 South, Range 36 East,


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  1         7,431 feet, more or less, to a point lying 75

  2         feet north and 30 feet east of the section

  3         corner common to Sections 1 and 12, Township 44

  4         South, Range 35 East, and Sections 6 and 7,

  5         Township 44 South, Range 36 East (the

  6         above-described line being parallel to and 75

  7         feet distant from a true northwest diagonal

  8         line through the aforesaid Section 7);


10         Thence south 89°21' west along a line parallel

11         to and 75 feet north of the section line

12         between Section 1 and Section 12, Township 44

13         South, Range 35 East, a distance of 5,227 feet,

14         more or less, to a point whence the corner of

15         Sections 1, 2, 11, and 12, Township 44 South,

16         Range 35 East, bears 45°00' west 105.8 feet

17         distant;


19         Thence north 0°03' east on a line parallel to

20         and 75 feet east of the section line between

21         Section 1 and Section 2, a distance of 5,205

22         feet, more or less, to a point on the township

23         line between Section 1 and Section 36, whence

24         the corner of Section 1 and 2, Township 44

25         South, Range 35 East, and Sections 35 and 36,

26         Township 43 South, Range 35 East, bears south

27         89°21' west 75 feet distant;


29         Thence north 0°03' east 310 feet, more or less,

30         to a point 100 feet south from the center line



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  1         of the lake shore levee as located on the

  2         ground by the Everglades Drainage District;


  4         (The above described boundaries are in common

  5         with the boundaries of the South Florida

  6         Conservancy District);


  8         Thence north 0°03' east 309 feet, more or less,

  9         to a point being the intersection with the

10         south boundary of the United States Engineer

11         War Department's Lake Okeechobee Levee

12         right-of-way;


14         Thence along the south boundary of the

15         aforesaid Federal Levee right-of-way, more

16         particularly described as follows:


18         (a)  North 88°44' east, a distance of 5,229 feet, more

19  or less, to a point being on the range line between Sections

20  31 and 36, Township 43 South, Ranges 35 and 36 East;

21         (b)  Thence north 88°44' east, a distance of 2,222

22  feet, more or less, to a point;

23         (c)  Thence south 63°03' east, a distance of 1,428

24  feet, more or less, to a point being on the township line

25  between Section 31 and Section 6, Townships 43 and 44 South,

26  Range 36 East;

27         (d)  Thence south 62°54' east, a distance of 2,022

28  feet, more or less, to a point being on the section line

29  between Section 5 and Section 6, Township 44 South, Range 36

30  East;



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  1         (e)  Thence south 58°52' east, a distance of 6,115

  2  feet, more or less, to a point being on the section line

  3  between Sections 4 and 5, Township 44 South, Range 36 East;

  4         (f)  Thence south 58°52' east, a distance of 1,820

  5  feet, more or less, to a point;

  6         (g)  Thence south 76°25' east, a distance of 881 feet,

  7  more or less, to a point on the section line between Section 4

  8  and Section 9, Township 44 South, Range 36 East;

  9         (h)  Thence south 76°25' east, a distance of 1,904

10  feet, more or less, to a point;

11         (i)  Thence south 86°45' east, a distance of 1,034

12  feet, more or less, to a point on the Section line between

13  Section 9 and 10, Township 44 South, Range 36 East;

14         (j)  Thence south 86°45' east, a distance of 2,603.3

15  feet, more or less, to a point, being the intersection of the

16  south boundary of the Federal Levee right-of-way with the

17  south boundary of the Everglades Drainage District's Lake

18  Okeechobee Levee;


20         (The above-described boundaries are in common

21         with the South Shore Drainage District Plan of

22         Reclamation dated July 1, 1935)

23         (a)  Thence N36°17'25"E (new basis of bearing) along

24  the southeasterly right-of-way of the L-D2, Hoover Dike a

25  distance of 800 feet, more or less, to the north line of

26  Section 10, Township 44 South, Range 36 East;

27         (b)  Thence N36°17'25"E along said Dike right-of-way a

28  distance of 3,253 feet;

29         (c)  Thence S54°58'55"E a distance of 4,531 feet to the

30  west right-of-way of the North New River Canal;



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  1         (d)  Thence south along said North New River Canal

  2  right-of-way a distance of 5,284 feet, more or less, to the

  3  north line of Section 14, Township 44 South, Range 36 East;

  4         (e)  Thence south along said west North New River Canal

  5  right-of-way, a distance of 2,641 feet, more or less, to a

  6  point on the east and west half-section line of Section 14,

  7  Township 44 South, Range 36 East, being the Point of

  8  Beginning.

  9         Section 2.  Plan of Reclamation. The Plan of

10  Reclamation for South Shore Drainage District heretofore

11  established is amended and, as amended, is adopted for the

12  District and established as herein stated.

13         A.  The existing drainage facilities and drainage

14  system within the territorial boundaries of the District will

15  be utilized under the amended Plan of Reclamation, including

16  levees, canals, channels, laterals, pumping plants and other

17  structures.

18         B.  The pump station building, equipment and canal

19  systems serving the additional lands shall be deemed to be a

20  part of the District's amended Plan of Reclamation, which will

21  be effective upon the transfer of the aforementioned

22  facilities to the District by the Owner.

23         Section 3.  Benefits Assessed. It is hereby ascertained

24  that all lands within the boundaries of the District shall be

25  equally benefited from the water management works, facilities

26  and improvements as constructed and maintained under the

27  amended Plan of Reclamation and pursuant to the provisions of

28  this act; and, therefore, all said lands in the District shall

29  be assessed equally, by reason of the operation and

30  maintenance of the District's works, facilities and

31  improvements pursuant to this provisions of this act.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1553


  1         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  2  law.





























