CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1566, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                                 .
 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Kirkpatrick moved the following amendment to amendment

12  (553475):


14         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

15         On page 168, between lines 26 and 27,


17  insert:

18         Section 71.  Subsections (3), (4), (5), and (9) of

19  section 548.002, Florida Statutes, are amended, present

20  subsections (5) through (15) are renumbered as subsections (6)

21  through (16), respectively, and new subsections (5) and (17)

22  are added to that section, to read:

23         548.002  Definitions.--As used in this act, the term:

24         (3)  "Commission" means the Florida State Boxing

25  Athletic Commission.

26         (4)  "Contest" means a boxing or, kickboxing, or

27  martial arts engagement in which the participants strive

28  earnestly to win.

29         (5)  "Department" means the Department of Business and

30  Professional Regulation.

31         (6)(5)  "Exhibition" means a boxing or, kickboxing, or

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 1  martial arts engagement in which the participants show or

 2  display their skill without necessarily striving to win.

 3         (10)(9)  "Manager" means any person who, directly or

 4  indirectly, controls or administers the boxing or, kickboxing,

 5  or martial arts affairs of any participant.

 6         (17)  "Secretary" means the Secretary of Business and

 7  Professional Regulation.

 8         Section 72.  Section 548.003, Florida Statutes, 1998

 9  Supplement, is amended to read:

10         548.003  Florida State Boxing Athletic Commission;

11  organization; meetings; accountability of commission members;

12  compensation and travel expenses; association membership and

13  participation.--

14         (1)  The Florida State Boxing Athletic Commission is

15  created and is assigned to under the Department of Business

16  and Professional Regulation for administrative and fiscal

17  accountability purposes only. The Florida State Boxing

18  Athletic Commission shall consist of five members appointed by

19  the Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate. Upon the

20  expiration of the term of a commissioner, the Governor shall

21  appoint a successor to serve for a 4-year term. A commissioner

22  whose term has expired shall continue to serve on the

23  commission until such time as a replacement is appointed.  If

24  a vacancy on the commission occurs prior to the expiration of

25  the term, it shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the

26  term in the same manner as the original appointment.

27         (2)  The Florida State Boxing Athletic Commission, as

28  created by subsection (1), shall administer the provisions of

29  this chapter. The commission has authority to adopt rules

30  pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the

31  provisions of this chapter and to implement each of the duties

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 1  and responsibilities conferred upon the commission, including,

 2  but not limited to: development of an ethical code of conduct

 3  for commissioners, commission staff, and commission officials;

 4  procedures for hearings and resolution of disputes;

 5  qualifications for appointment of referees and judges; and

 6  setting fee and reimbursement schedules for officials

 7  appointed by the commission.

 8         (3)  The commission shall maintain an office in

 9  Tallahassee and any necessary branch offices.  At the first

10  meeting of the commission after June 1 of each year, the

11  commission shall select a chair and a vice chair from among

12  its membership.  Three members shall constitute a quorum and

13  the concurrence of at least three members is necessary for

14  official commission action.

15         (4)  Three consecutive unexcused absences or absences

16  constituting 50 percent or more of the commission's meetings

17  within any 12-month period shall cause the commission

18  membership of the member in question to become void, and the

19  position shall be considered vacant.  The commission shall, by

20  rule, define unexcused absences.

21         (5)  Each commission member shall be accountable to the

22  Governor for the proper performance of duties as a member of

23  the commission.  The Governor shall cause to be investigated

24  any complaint or unfavorable report received by the Governor

25  or the department concerning an action of the commission or

26  any member and shall take appropriate action thereon.  The

27  Governor may remove from office any member for malfeasance,

28  unethical conduct, misfeasance, neglect of duty, incompetence,

29  permanent inability to perform official duties, or pleading

30  guilty or nolo contendere to or being found guilty of a

31  felony.

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 1         (6)(4)  Each member of the commission shall be

 2  compensated at the rate of $50 $25 for each day she or he

 3  attends a commission meeting and shall be reimbursed for other

 4  expenses as provided in s. 112.061.

 5         (7)  The commission shall be authorized to join and

 6  participate in the activities of the Association of Boxing

 7  Commissions (ABC).

 8         (8)  The department shall provide all legal and

 9  investigative services necessary to implement this chapter.

10  The department may adopt rules as provided in ss. 120.54 and

11  120.536(1) to carry out its duties under this chapter.

12         Section 73.  Section 548.004, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         548.004  Executive director secretary; deputies;

15  duties, compensation, administrative support.--

16         (1)  The department commission shall employ an

17  executive director with the approval of the commission. The

18  executive director shall serve at the pleasure of the

19  secretary who shall receive a salary to be fixed by the

20  commission with the approval of the Governor.  The executive

21  secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the

22  commission; shall preserve all books, papers, and documents

23  pertaining to the business of the commission; shall prepare

24  any notices and papers required; shall appoint judges,

25  referees, and other officials as delegated by the commission

26  and pursuant to this chapter and rules of the commission; and

27  shall perform such other duties as the department or

28  commission directs.  The executive director secretary may

29  issue witness subpoenas and administer oaths.

30         (2)  The commission shall require electronic recording

31  of all scheduled proceedings of the commission.

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 1         (3)  The department shall provide assistance in budget

 2  development and budget submission for state funding requests.

 3  The department shall submit an annual balanced legislative

 4  budget for the commission which is based upon anticipated

 5  revenue. The department shall provide technical assistance and

 6  administrative support, if requested or determined needed, to

 7  the commission and its executive director on issues relating

 8  to personnel, contracting, property management, or other

 9  issues identified as important to performing the duties of

10  this chapter and to protecting the interests of the state.

11         (2)  The commission may appoint any deputies that are

12  necessary, whose compensation shall be the same as that of the

13  commissioners.  A deputy shall, on the order of the

14  commission, represent the commission at a boxing match.

15         Section 74.  Section 548.005, Florida Statutes, is

16  created to read:

17         548.005  Oversight of the commission; long-range policy

18  planning; plans, reports, and recommendations.--

19         (1)  The department shall exercise oversight of the

20  activities of the commission to the extent necessary to

21  facilitate the requirements of this section.

22         (2)  To facilitate efficient and cost-effective

23  regulation, the commission and the department, where

24  appropriate, shall develop and implement a long-range policy

25  planning and monitoring process to include recommendations

26  specific to the commission. Included in the plan shall be

27  specific recommendations regarding performance standards and

28  measurable outcomes for the commission. Such process shall

29  include estimates of revenues, expenditures, cash balances,

30  and performance statistics for the commission. The period

31  covered shall not be less than 5 years. The commission, with

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 1  assistance from the department, shall develop the long-range

 2  plan which must be approved by the Governor. The department

 3  shall monitor compliance with the approved long-range plan and

 4  shall assist the commission in annually updating the plan for

 5  approval by the Governor. The department shall provide concise

 6  management reports to the commission and the Governor

 7  quarterly. As part of the review process, the department shall

 8  evaluate:

 9         (a)  Whether the commission is operating efficiently

10  and effectively and if there is need for assistance to help

11  the commission in ensuring cost-effective regulation.

12         (b)  How and why pugilistic exhibitions and contests

13  are regulated.

14         (c)  Whether there is a need to continue regulation,

15  and to what degree.

16         (d)  Whether or not licensee and consumer protection is

17  adequate, and how it can be improved.

18         (e)  Whether unlicensed activity is adequately

19  enforced.


21  Such plans should include conclusions and recommendations on

22  these and other issues as appropriate. Such plans shall be

23  provided to the Governor and the Legislature by November 1 of

24  each year.

25         Section 75.  Section 548.006, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         548.006  Power of commission to control pugilistic

28  contests and exhibitions.--The commission has exclusive

29  jurisdiction over every match held within the state which

30  involves a professional.  Matches shall be held only in

31  accordance with this chapter and the rules adopted by the

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 1  commission.

 2         Section 76.  Section 548.007, Florida Statutes, is

 3  amended to read:

 4         548.007  Applicability of act to amateur matches and

 5  certain other matches or events.--With the exception of s.

 6  548.008, sections 548.001-548.079 do not apply to:

 7         (1)  Any match in which the participants are amateurs;

 8         (2)  Any match conducted or sponsored by a university,

 9  college, or secondary school if all the participants are

10  students regularly enrolled in the institution;

11         (3)  Any match conducted or sponsored by a nationally

12  chartered veterans' organization registered with the state;

13         (4)  Any match conducted or sponsored by any company or

14  detachment of the Florida National Guard; or

15         (5)  Any official Olympic event.

16         Section 77.  Section 548.008, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         548.008  Toughman and badman competition prohibited.--

19         (1)  No professional or amateur toughman or badman

20  match, as described in this section, may be held in this

21  state.  Such competition includes any contest or exhibition

22  where participants compete by using a combination of fighting

23  skills.  Such skills may include, but are not limited to,

24  boxing, wrestling, kicking, or martial arts skills.

25  Notwithstanding the above, this section shall not preclude

26  kickboxing as regulated by this chapter.

27         (2)  Any person participating in or promoting a

28  professional or amateur toughman or badman match is guilty of

29  a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in

30  s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

31         Section 78.  Section 548.014, Florida Statutes, is

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 1  amended to read:

 2         548.014  Promoters and foreign copromoters; bonds or

 3  other security.--

 4         (1)(a)  Before any license is issued or renewed to a

 5  promoter or foreign copromoter and before any permit is issued

 6  to a promoter or foreign copromoter, she or he must file a

 7  surety bond with the commission in such reasonable amount, but

 8  not less than $15,000 $3,000, as the commission determines.

 9         (b)  All bonds must shall be upon forms approved by the

10  Department of Legal Affairs and supplied by the commission.

11         (c)  The sufficiency of any surety is subject to

12  approval of the commission and the Department of Legal

13  Affairs.

14         (d)  The surety bond must shall be conditioned upon the

15  faithful performance by the promoter or foreign copromoter of

16  her or his obligations under this chapter and upon the

17  fulfillment of her or his contracts with any other licensees

18  under this chapter.  However, the aggregate annual liability

19  of the surety for all obligations and fees may shall not

20  exceed the amount of the bond.

21         (2)  In lieu of a surety bond, the promoter or foreign

22  copromoter may deposit with the commission cash or, a

23  certified check, or direct obligations of the United States or

24  this state which are acceptable to the commission in an

25  equivalent amount and subject to the same conditions as the

26  bond.  No Such security may not be returned to the promoter

27  until 1 year after the date on which it was deposited with the

28  commission unless a surety bond is substituted for it.  If no

29  claim against the deposit is outstanding, it shall be returned

30  to the depositor 1 year after from the date it was deposited.

31         (3)  A filing fee of $10 shall accompany each bond,

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 1  cash, or security deposited under this section.

 2         (3)(4)  Recovery may be made against any bond, cash, or

 3  other security in the same manner as penalties are recoverable

 4  at law.

 5         Section 79.  Section 548.025, Florida Statutes, is

 6  amended to read:

 7         548.025  License fees.--

 8         (1)  The commission shall set license fees as follows:

 9         (1)(a)  Promoter, matchmaker--not to exceed $500.

10         (2)(b)  Any other license--not to exceed $100.

11         (2)  The commission may issue licenses, without charge,

12  to referees and physicians authorizing them to officiate only

13  at matches involving amateurs.

14         Section 80.  Section 548.041, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         548.041  Age of boxers.--A person under 18 years of age

17  may not participate in any match, except that an amateur who

18  is 16 or 17 years of age may participate in matches with other

19  amateurs who are 16 or 17 years of age under rules adopted by

20  the commission.

21         Section 81.  Section 548.042, Florida Statutes, is

22  amended to read:

23         548.042  Participation under fictitious name.--A person

24  may not participate under a fictitious or assumed name in any

25  match involving an amateur unless she or he has registered the

26  name with the commission.

27         Section 82.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section

28  548.043, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

29         548.043  Weights and classes, limitations; gloves.--

30         (2)  The commission shall establish by rule the

31  acceptable No boxing match shall be held in which the

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 1  difference in weight between of the participants; however, the

 2  maximum difference in weight shall not exceed 12 exceeds 10

 3  pounds, except matches in the cruiserweight light-heavyweight

 4  and heavyweight classes and exhibitions held solely for

 5  training purposes.

 6         (3)  The commission shall establish by rule the

 7  appropriate weight of boxing gloves to be used in each boxing

 8  match; however, all participants in boxing matches shall wear

 9  boxing gloves weighing not less than 8 6 ounces each.

10  Participants in all other types of matches shall wear such

11  protective devices as the commission deems necessary.

12         Section 83.  Subsections (1), (2), and (3) of section

13  548.045, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

14         548.045  Medical advisory council; qualifications,

15  compensation, powers and duties.--

16         (1)  A medical advisory council, which shall consist of

17  five members appointed by the Governor, is created.  Each

18  member must be licensed to practice medicine in this state,

19  must maintain an unencumbered license in good standing, and

20  must, at the time of her or his appointment, have practiced

21  medicine at least 5 years.

22         (2)  Initially, two of the members shall be appointed

23  for terms of 1 year, one member shall be appointed for a term

24  of 2 years, one member shall be appointed for a term of 3

25  years, and one member shall be appointed for a term of 4

26  years. The term of each member thereafter appointed, except to

27  fill a vacancy, shall be 2 4 years.

28         (3)  The Governor shall designate one of the members of

29  the council as its chair.

30         Section 84.  Subsection (2) of section 548.046, Florida

31  Statutes, is amended to read:

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 1         548.046  Physician's attendance at match; examinations;

 2  cancellation of match.--

 3         (2)  In addition to any other required examination,

 4  each participant shall be examined by the attending physician

 5  at the time of weigh-in within 12 hours before she or he

 6  enters the ring.  If the physician determines that a

 7  participant is physically or mentally unfit to proceed, the

 8  physician shall notify any commissioner or the commission

 9  representative deputy in charge who shall immediately cancel

10  the match.  The examination shall conform to rules adopted by

11  the commission based on the advice of the medical advisory

12  council. The result of the examination shall be reported in a

13  writing signed by the physician and filed with the commission

14  prior to completion of the weigh-in within 72 hours after the

15  match.

16         Section 85.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section 548.05,

17  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         548.05  Control of contracts.--

19         (3)  The commission may require that each contract

20  contain language authorizing the Florida State Boxing Athletic

21  Commission to withhold any or all of any manager's share of a

22  purse in the event of a contractual dispute as to entitlement

23  to any portion of a purse.  The commission may establish rules

24  governing the manner of resolution of such dispute.  In

25  addition, if the commission deems it appropriate, the

26  commission is hereby authorized to implead interested parties

27  over any disputed funds into the appropriate circuit court for

28  resolution of the dispute prior to release of all or any part

29  of the funds.

30         (4)  Each contract subject to this section shall

31  contain the following clause: "This agreement is subject to

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 1  the provisions of chapter 548, Florida Statutes, and to the

 2  rules of the Florida State Boxing Athletic Commission and to

 3  any future amendments of either."

 4         Section 86.  Section 548.053, Florida Statutes, is

 5  amended to read:

 6         548.053  Distribution of purses to participants;

 7  statements.--

 8         (1)  Unless otherwise directed by a representative of

 9  the commission, all purses shall be distributed by the

10  promoter no later than 24 hours after the match.  A written

11  statement showing the distribution of the purse, including

12  each item of receipt and each expenditure or deduction, shall

13  be furnished to the participant and her or his manager,

14  together with the participant's share of the purse.  The

15  promoter shall retain file a copy of the statement, certified

16  by her or him to be correct, with receipted vouchers for all

17  expenditures and deductions, for a period to be designated by

18  the commission, which copy shall be provided to the commission

19  upon demand with the commission no later than 72 hours after

20  the match.

21         (2)  Unless otherwise directed by a representative of

22  the commission, a manager shall furnish to the participant she

23  or he manages a statement of distribution, together with the

24  participant's share of the purse, no later than 24 hours after

25  the manager receives the purse and statement from the

26  promoter.  The manager shall retain file a copy of the

27  statement, certified by her or him to be correct, with

28  receipted vouchers for all expenditures and deductions, for a

29  period to be designated by the commission, which copy shall be

30  provided to the commission upon demand with the commission no

31  later than 72 hours after the manager receives the

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 1  distribution from the promoter.

 2         Section 87.  Subsection (1) of section 548.054, Florida

 3  Statutes, is amended to read:

 4         548.054  Withholding of purses; hearing; disposition of

 5  withheld purse forfeiture.--

 6         (1)  A member of the commission, the commission

 7  representative the deputy in charge, or the referee may order

 8  a promoter to surrender to the commission withhold any purse

 9  or other funds payable to a participant, or to withhold the

10  share of any manager, if it appears that:

11         (a)  The participant is not competing honestly, or is

12  intentionally not competing to the best of her or his ability

13  and skill, in a match represented to be a contest; or

14         (b)  The participant, her or his manager, or any of the

15  participant's seconds has violated this chapter.

16         Section 88.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section

17  548.057, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         548.057  Attendance of referee and judges at match;

19  scoring; seconds.--

20         (2)  At each boxing contest, at the expense of the

21  promoters, three judges appointed by the executive director as

22  delegated by the commission shall attend and shall render

23  their individual decisions in writing on scorecards supplied

24  by the commission at the end of each contest which continues

25  for the scheduled number of rounds.  Each judge shall have one

26  vote, and a majority of the votes cast shall determine the

27  winner.

28         (3)  The commission shall ensure that all referees,

29  judges, and other officials are Florida-licensed officials

30  qualified pursuant to rules of the commission and that no

31  sanctioning organization or promoter has been permitted to

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 1  influence the appointment of any officials, and shall

 2  prescribe the methods of scoring.

 3         Section 89.  Subsection (12) of section 548.071,

 4  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         548.071  Suspension or revocation of license or permit

 6  by commission.--The commission may suspend or revoke a license

 7  or permit if the commission finds that the licensee or

 8  permittee:

 9         (12)  Has been disciplined by the Florida State Boxing

10  Athletic Commission or similar agency or body of any

11  jurisdiction.

12         Section 90.  Section 548.077, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         548.077  Florida State Boxing Athletic Commission;

15  collection and disposition of moneys.--All fees, fines,

16  forfeitures, and other moneys collected under the provisions

17  of this chapter shall be paid by the commission to the State

18  Treasurer who, after the expenses of the commission are paid,

19  shall deposit them in the Professional Regulation Trust Fund

20  to be used for the administration and operation of the

21  commission and to enforce the laws and rules under its

22  jurisdiction.  In the event the unexpended balance of such

23  moneys collected under the provisions of this chapter exceeds

24  $250,000, any excess of that amount shall be deposited in the

25  General Revenue Fund.


27  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)



30  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

31  And the title is amended as follows:

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 1         On page 181, line 31, after the semicolon


 3  insert:

 4         amending s. 548.002, F.S.; providing

 5         definitions; amending s. 548.003, F.S.;

 6         changing the name of the commission to the

 7         Florida State Boxing Commission; assigning the

 8         commission to the Department of Business and

 9         Professional Regulation for administrative and

10         fiscal accountability purposes only; providing

11         procedures for filling vacancies on commission;

12         expanding scope of rules; eliminating branch

13         offices; requiring selection of vice chair;

14         providing for removal of commission members for

15         specified absences; providing accountability

16         for commission members; increasing compensation

17         rate for attendance of meetings; authorizing

18         membership and participation by the commission

19         in specified associations; providing rulemaking

20         authority; amending s. 548.004, F.S.; providing

21         for an executive director employed by the

22         department; providing additional duties of the

23         executive director; eliminating the appointment

24         of deputies; requiring electronic recording of

25         commission proceedings; requiring the

26         department to provide assistance to the

27         commission under certain circumstances;

28         creating s. 548.005, F.S.; requiring the

29         department to oversee the activities of the

30         commission; providing for long-range policy

31         planning, and preparation of plans, reports,

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 1         and recommendations; requiring submission to

 2         the Governor and Legislature; amending s.

 3         548.006, F.S.; providing that matches shall be

 4         held in accordance with commission rules;

 5         amending s. 548.007, F.S.; providing for

 6         applicability of the act to toughman and badman

 7         competitions; amending s. 548.008, F.S.;

 8         prohibiting professional or amateur toughman

 9         and badman competitions; providing a penalty;

10         amending s. 548.014, F.S.; requiring surety

11         bond to apply to promoters or foreign

12         copromoters; increasing the minimum amount for

13         surety bond; revising options to surety bond;

14         eliminating a filing fee; amending ss. 548.025,

15         548.041, and 548.042, F.S.; removing provisions

16         relating to amateurs and amateur matches;

17         amending s. 548.043, F.S.; revising provisions

18         regulating weights, classes, and gloves;

19         amending s. 548.045, F.S.; revising provisions

20         relating to the medical advisory council;

21         revising terms of council members; amending s.

22         548.046, F.S.; revising the time for

23         examination of participants by physician and

24         filing of physician report; amending s.

25         548.053, F.S.; revising provisions relating to

26         distribution of purses to participants;

27         requiring promoters and managers to retain

28         certain information for a designated time;

29         amending s. 548.054, F.S.; designating those

30         persons authorized to order the surrender of a

31         purse or the withholding of a manager's share;

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 1         amending s. 548.057, F.S.; providing for

 2         appointment of judges at a boxing match;

 3         requiring certain qualifications for referees,

 4         judges, and officials; removing the requirement

 5         that scorecards be turned in at the end of each

 6         contest; amending ss. 548.05, 548.071, and

 7         548.077, F.S., to conform;

























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