CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1594

    Amendment No.    

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 2                                 .
 3                                 .







11  Senator Lee moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 43, between lines 2 and 3,


16  insert:

17         Section 29.  Section 985.315, Florida Statutes, 1998

18  Supplement, is amended to read:

19         985.315  Educational/technical and vocational

20  work-related work training programs.--

21         (1)(a)  It is the finding of the Legislature that the

22  educational/technical and vocational work-related work

23  programs of the Department of Juvenile Justice are uniquely

24  different from other programs operated or conducted by other

25  departments in that it is essential to the state that these

26  the work programs provide juveniles with useful information

27  and activities that can lead to meaningful employment after

28  release in order to assist in reducing the return of juveniles

29  to the system.

30         (b)  It is further the finding of the Legislature that

31  the mission of a juvenile educational/technical and vocational

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 1  work-related work program is, in order of priority:

 2         1.  To provide a joint effort between the department,

 3  the juvenile work programs, and educational/technical and

 4  other vocational training programs to reinforce relevant

 5  education, training, and postrelease job placement, and help

 6  reduce recommitment.

 7         2.  To serve the security goals of the state through

 8  the reduction of idleness of juveniles and the provision of an

 9  incentive for good behavior in residential commitment

10  facilities.

11         3.  To teach youth in juvenile justice programs

12  relevant job skills and the fundamentals of a trade in order

13  to prepare them for placement in the workforce.

14         (c)  It is further the finding of the Legislature that

15  a program which duplicates as closely as possible free-work

16  production and service operations in order to aid juveniles in

17  adjustment after release and to prepare juveniles for gainful

18  employment is in the best interest of the state, juveniles,

19  and the general public.

20         (2)(a)  The department is strongly encouraged to may

21  require juveniles placed in a high-risk residential,

22  maximum-risk residential, or a serious/habitual offender

23  program to participate in an educational/technical or a

24  vocational work-related work program 5 hours per day, 5 days

25  per week.  All policies developed by the department relating

26  to this requirement must be consistent with applicable

27  federal, state, and local labor laws and standards, including

28  all laws relating to child labor.

29         (b)  Nothing in this subsection is intended to restore,

30  in whole or in part, the civil rights of any juvenile.  No

31  juvenile compensated under this subsection shall be considered

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 1  as an employee of the state or the department, nor shall such

 2  juvenile come within any other provision of the Workers'

 3  Compensation Law.

 4         (3)  In adopting or modifying master plans for juvenile

 5  work programs and educational/technical and vocational

 6  training programs, and in the administration of the Department

 7  of Juvenile Justice, it shall be the objective of the

 8  department to develop:

 9         (a)  Attitudes favorable to work, the work situation,

10  and a law-abiding life in each juvenile employed in the

11  juvenile work program.

12         (b)  Education and training opportunities that are

13  reasonably broad, but which develop specific work skills.

14         (c)  Programs that motivate juveniles to use their

15  abilities. Juveniles who do not adjust to these programs shall

16  be reassigned.

17         (d)  Education and training programs that will be of

18  mutual benefit to all governmental jurisdictions of the state

19  by reducing the costs of government to the taxpayers and which

20  integrate all instructional programs into a unified curriculum

21  suitable for all juveniles, but taking account of the

22  different abilities of each juvenile.

23         (e)  A logical sequence of educational/technical or

24  vocational training, employment by the juvenile vocational

25  work programs, and postrelease job placement for juveniles

26  participating in juvenile work programs.

27         (4)(a)  The Department of Juvenile Justice shall

28  establish guidelines for the operation of juvenile

29  educational/technical and vocational work-related work

30  programs, which shall include the following procedures:

31         1.  Participation in the educational/technical and

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 1  vocational work-related programs shall be on a 5-day-per-week,

 2  5-hour-per-day basis.

 3         2.1.  The education, training, work experience,

 4  emotional and mental abilities, and physical capabilities of

 5  the juvenile and the duration of the term of placement imposed

 6  on the juvenile are to be analyzed before assignment of the

 7  juvenile inmate into the various processes best suited for

 8  educational/technical or vocational training.

 9         3.2.  When feasible, the department shall attempt to

10  obtain education or training credit for a juvenile seeking

11  apprenticeship status or a high school diploma or its

12  equivalent.

13         4.3.  The juvenile may begin in a general education and

14  work skills program and progress to a specific work skills

15  training program, depending upon the ability, desire, and

16  education and work record of the juvenile.

17         5.4.  Modernization and upgrading of equipment and

18  facilities should include greater automation and improved

19  production techniques to expose juveniles to the latest

20  technological procedures to facilitate their adjustment to

21  real work situations.

22         (b)  Evaluations of juvenile educational/technical and

23  vocational work-related work programs shall be conducted

24  according to the following guidelines:

25         1.  Systematic evaluations and quality assurance

26  monitoring shall be implemented, in accordance with ss.

27  985.401(4) and 985.412(1), to determine whether the juvenile

28  vocational work programs are related to successful postrelease

29  adjustments.

30         2.  Operations and policies of the work programs shall

31  be reevaluated to determine if they are consistent with their

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 1  primary objectives.

 2         (c)  The department shall seek the advice of private

 3  labor and management to:

 4         1.  Assist its work programs in the development of

 5  statewide policies aimed at innovation and organizational

 6  change.

 7         2.  Obtain technical and practical assistance,

 8  information, and guidance.

 9         3.  Encourage the cooperation and involvement of the

10  private sector.

11         4.  Assist in the placement of youth into meaningful

12  jobs upon release from the residential program.

13         (d)  The department and providers are strongly

14  encouraged to work in partnership with local businesses and

15  trade groups in the development and operation of

16  educational/technical and vocational programs.

17         (5)(a)  The Department of Juvenile Justice may adopt

18  and put into effect an agricultural and industrial production

19  and marketing program to provide training facilities for

20  persons placed in serious/habitual offender, high-risk

21  residential, and maximum-risk residential programs and

22  facilities under the control and supervision of the

23  department.  The emphasis of this program shall be to provide

24  juveniles with useful work experience and appropriate job

25  skills that will facilitate their reentry into society and

26  provide an economic benefit to the public and the department

27  through effective utilization of juveniles.

28         (b)  The department is authorized to contract with the

29  private sector for substantial involvement in a juvenile

30  industry program which includes the operation of a direct

31  private sector business within a juvenile facility and the

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 1  hiring of juvenile workers.  The purposes and objectives of

 2  this program shall be to:

 3         1.  Increase benefits to the general public by

 4  reimbursement to the state for a portion of the costs of

 5  juvenile residential care.

 6         2.  Provide purposeful work for juveniles as a means of

 7  reducing tensions caused by confinement.

 8         3.  Increase job skills.

 9         4.  Provide additional opportunities for rehabilitation

10  of juveniles who are otherwise ineligible to work outside the

11  facilities, such as maximum security juveniles.

12         5.  Develop and establish new models for juvenile

13  facility-based businesses which create jobs approximating

14  conditions of private sector employment.

15         6.  Draw upon the economic base of operations for

16  disposition to the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund.

17         7.  Substantially involve the private sector with its

18  capital, management skills, and expertise in the design,

19  development, and operation of businesses.

20         (c)  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary,

21  including s. 440.15(9), private sector employers shall provide

22  juveniles participating in juvenile work programs under

23  paragraph (b) with workers' compensation coverage, and

24  juveniles shall be entitled to the benefits of such coverage.

25  Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to allow

26  juveniles to participate in unemployment compensation

27  benefits.

28         (6)  The Juvenile Justice Accountability Board shall

29  conduct a study regarding the types of effective juvenile

30  vocational and work programs in operation across the country,

31  relevant research on what makes programs effective, the key

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 1  ingredients of effective juvenile vocational and work

 2  programs, and the status of such programs in juvenile

 3  facilities across the state.  The board shall report its

 4  findings and make recommendations on how to expand and improve

 5  these programs no later than January 31, 2000, to the

 6  President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of

 7  Representatives, and the Secretary of Juvenile Justice.

 8         (7)  The department, working with providers, shall

 9  inventory juvenile vocational and work training programs in

10  use in commitment programs across the state.  The inventory

11  shall list the commitment program, the type of vocational or

12  work program offered, the relevant job skills provided, and

13  which programs work with the trades industry to place youth in

14  jobs upon release.

15         Section 30.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (46) of

16  section 985.03, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended

17  to read:

18         985.03  Definitions.--When used in this chapter, the

19  term:

20         (46)  "Restrictiveness level" means the level of

21  custody provided by programs that service the custody and care

22  needs of committed children. There shall be five

23  restrictiveness levels:

24         (e)  Juvenile correctional facilities or juvenile

25  prison Maximum-risk residential.--Youth assessed and

26  classified for this level of placement require close

27  supervision in a maximum security residential setting that

28  provides 24-hour-per-day secure custody, care, and

29  supervision. Placement in a program in this level is prompted

30  by a demonstrated need to protect the public. Programs or

31  program models in this level are maximum-secure-custody,

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 1  long-term residential commitment facilities that are intended

 2  to provide a moderate overlay of educational, vocational, and

 3  behavioral-modification services and other maximum-security

 4  program models authorized by the Legislature and established

 5  by rule.  Section 985.3141 applies to children placed in

 6  programs in this restrictiveness level.

 7         Section 31.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section

 8  985.201, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 9         985.201  Jurisdiction.--

10         (4)

11         (c)  The court may retain jurisdiction over a child and

12  the child's parent or legal guardian whom the court has

13  ordered to pay restitution until the restitution order is

14  satisfied or until the court orders otherwise. If the court

15  retains such jurisdiction after the date upon which the

16  court's jurisdiction would cease under this section, it shall

17  do so solely for the purpose of enforcing the restitution

18  order. The terms of the restitution order are subject to the

19  provisions of s. 775.089(5) s. 775.089(6).

20         Section 32.  Subsection (4) of section 985.21, Florida

21  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

22         985.21  Intake and case management.--

23         (4)  The juvenile probation officer shall make a

24  preliminary determination as to whether the report, affidavit,

25  or complaint is complete, consulting with the state attorney

26  as may be necessary. In any case where the juvenile probation

27  officer or the state attorney finds that the report,

28  affidavit, or complaint is insufficient by the standards for a

29  probable cause affidavit, the juvenile probation officer or

30  state attorney shall return the report, affidavit, or

31  complaint, without delay, to the person or agency originating

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 1  the report, affidavit, or complaint or having knowledge of the

 2  facts or to the appropriate law enforcement agency having

 3  investigative jurisdiction of the offense, and shall request,

 4  and the person or agency shall promptly furnish, additional

 5  information in order to comply with the standards for a

 6  probable cause affidavit.

 7         (a)  The juvenile probation officer, upon determining

 8  that the report, affidavit, or complaint is complete, may, in

 9  the case of a child who is alleged to have committed a

10  delinquent act or violation of law, recommend that the state

11  attorney file a petition of delinquency or an information or

12  seek an indictment by the grand jury. However, such a

13  recommendation is not a prerequisite for any action taken by

14  the state attorney.

15         (a)(b)  The juvenile probation officer, upon

16  determining that the report, affidavit, or complaint is

17  complete, pursuant to uniform procedures established by the

18  department, shall:

19         1.  When indicated by the preliminary screening,

20  provide for a comprehensive assessment of the child and family

21  for substance abuse problems, using community-based licensed

22  programs with clinical expertise and experience in the

23  assessment of substance abuse problems.

24         2.  When indicated by the preliminary screening,

25  provide for a comprehensive assessment of the child and family

26  for mental health problems, using community-based

27  psychologists, psychiatrists, or other licensed mental health

28  professionals with clinical expertise and experience in the

29  assessment of mental health problems.


31  When indicated by the comprehensive assessment, the department

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 1  is authorized to contract within appropriated funds for

 2  services with a local nonprofit community mental health or

 3  substance abuse agency licensed or authorized under chapter

 4  394, or chapter 397, or other authorized nonprofit social

 5  service agency providing related services. The determination

 6  of mental health or substance abuse services shall be

 7  conducted in coordination with existing programs providing

 8  mental health or substance abuse services in conjunction with

 9  the intake office. Client information resulting from the

10  screening and evaluation shall be documented pursuant to rules

11  established by the department and shall serve to assist the

12  juvenile probation officer in providing the most appropriate

13  services and recommendations in the least intrusive manner.

14  Such client information shall be used in the multidisciplinary

15  assessment and classification of the child, but such

16  information, and any information obtained directly or

17  indirectly through the assessment process, is inadmissible in

18  court prior to the disposition hearing, unless the child's

19  written consent is obtained. At the disposition hearing,

20  documented client information shall serve to assist the court

21  in making the most appropriate custody, adjudicatory, and

22  dispositional decision. If the screening and assessment

23  indicate that the interest of the child and the public will be

24  best served thereby, the juvenile probation officer, with the

25  approval of the state attorney, may refer the child for care,

26  diagnostic and evaluation services, substance abuse treatment

27  services, mental health services, retardation services, a

28  diversionary or arbitration or mediation program, community

29  service work, or other programs or treatment services

30  voluntarily accepted by the child and the child's parents or

31  legal guardians. The victim, if any, and the law enforcement

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 1  agency which investigated the offense shall be notified

 2  immediately by the state attorney of the action taken under

 3  this paragraph. Whenever a child volunteers to participate in

 4  any work program under this chapter or volunteers to work in a

 5  specified state, county, municipal, or community service

 6  organization supervised work program or to work for the

 7  victim, the child shall be considered an employee of the state

 8  for the purposes of liability. In determining the child's

 9  average weekly wage, unless otherwise determined by a specific

10  funding program, all remuneration received from the employer

11  is considered a gratuity, and the child is not entitled to any

12  benefits otherwise payable under s. 440.15, regardless of

13  whether the child may be receiving wages and remuneration from

14  other employment with another employer and regardless of the

15  child's future wage-earning capacity.

16         (b)(c)  The juvenile probation officer, upon

17  determining that the report, affidavit, or complaint complies

18  with the standards of a probable cause affidavit and that the

19  interest of the child and the public will be best served, may

20  recommend that a delinquency petition not be filed. If such a

21  recommendation is made, the juvenile probation officer shall

22  advise in writing the person or agency making the report,

23  affidavit, or complaint, the victim, if any, and the law

24  enforcement agency having investigative jurisdiction of the

25  offense of the recommendation and the reasons therefor; and

26  that the person or agency may submit, within 10 days after the

27  receipt of such notice, the report, affidavit, or complaint to

28  the state attorney for special review. The state attorney,

29  upon receiving a request for special review, shall consider

30  the facts presented by the report, affidavit, or complaint,

31  and by the juvenile probation officer who made the

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 1  recommendation that no petition be filed, before making a

 2  final decision as to whether a petition or information should

 3  or should not be filed.

 4         (c)(d)  Subject to the interagency agreement authorized

 5  under this paragraph, the juvenile probation officer for each

 6  case in which a child is alleged to have committed a violation

 7  of law or delinquent act and is not detained In all cases in

 8  which the child is alleged to have committed a violation of

 9  law or delinquent act and is not detained, the juvenile

10  probation officer shall submit a written report to the state

11  attorney, including the original report, complaint, or

12  affidavit, or a copy thereof, including a copy of the child's

13  prior juvenile record, within 20 days after the date the child

14  is taken into custody. In cases in which the child is in

15  detention, the intake office report must be submitted within

16  24 hours after the child is placed into detention. The intake

17  office report may include a recommendation must recommend

18  either that a petition or information be filed or that no

19  petition or information be filed, and may must set forth

20  reasons for the recommendation. The State Attorney and the

21  Department of Juvenile Justice may, on a district-by-district

22  basis, enter into interagency agreements denoting the cases

23  that will require a recommendation and those for which a

24  recommendation is unnecessary.

25         (d)(e)  The state attorney may in all cases take action

26  independent of the action or lack of action of the juvenile

27  probation officer, and shall determine the action which is in

28  the best interest of the public and the child. If the child

29  meets the criteria requiring prosecution as an adult pursuant

30  to s. 985.226, the state attorney shall request the court to

31  transfer and certify the child for prosecution as an adult or

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 1  shall provide written reasons to the court for not making such

 2  request. In all other cases, the state attorney may:

 3         1.  File a petition for dependency;

 4         2.  File a petition pursuant to chapter 984;

 5         3.  File a petition for delinquency;

 6         4.  File a petition for delinquency with a motion to

 7  transfer and certify the child for prosecution as an adult;

 8         5.  File an information pursuant to s. 985.227;

 9         6.  Refer the case to a grand jury;

10         7.  Refer the child to a diversionary, pretrial

11  intervention, arbitration, or mediation program, or to some

12  other treatment or care program if such program commitment is

13  voluntarily accepted by the child or the child's parents or

14  legal guardians; or

15         8.  Decline to file.

16         (e)(f)  In cases in which a delinquency report,

17  affidavit, or complaint is filed by a law enforcement agency

18  and the state attorney determines not to file a petition, the

19  state attorney shall advise the clerk of the circuit court in

20  writing that no petition will be filed thereon.

21         Section 33.  Subsection (4) of section 985.225, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         985.225  Indictment of a juvenile.--

24         (4)(a)  Once a child has been indicted pursuant to this

25  subsection and has been found to have committed any offense

26  for which he or she was indicted as a part of the criminal

27  episode, the child shall be handled thereafter in every

28  respect as if an adult for any subsequent violation of state

29  law, unless the court imposes juvenile sanctions under s.

30  985.233.

31         (b)  When a child has been indicted pursuant to this

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 1  subsection the court shall immediately transfer and certify to

 2  the adult circuit court all felony cases pertaining to the

 3  child, for prosecution of the child as an adult, which have

 4  not yet resulted in a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or in

 5  which a finding of guilt has not been made. If the child is

 6  acquitted of all charged offenses or lesser included offenses

 7  contained in the indictment case, all felony cases that were

 8  transferred to adult court pursuant to this paragraph shall be

 9  subject to the same penalties such cases were subject to

10  before being transferred to adult court.

11         Section 34.  Subsection (6) of section 985.218, Florida

12  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is repealed.

13         Section 35.  Subsections (2) and (4) of section

14  985.226, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are amended to

15  read:

16         985.226  Criteria for waiver of juvenile court

17  jurisdiction; hearing on motion to transfer for prosecution as

18  an adult.--

19         (2)  INVOLUNTARY WAIVER.--

20         (a)  Discretionary involuntary waiver.--Except as

21  provided in paragraph (b), the state attorney may file a

22  motion requesting the court to transfer the child for criminal

23  prosecution if the child was 14 years of age or older at the

24  time the alleged delinquent act or violation of law was

25  committed.

26         (b)  Mandatory waiver.--

27         1.  If the child was 14 years of age or older, and if

28  the child has been previously adjudicated delinquent for an

29  act classified as a felony, which adjudication was for the

30  commission of, attempt to commit, or conspiracy to commit

31  murder, sexual battery, armed or strong-armed robbery,

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 1  carjacking, home-invasion robbery, aggravated battery, or

 2  aggravated assault, or burglary with an assault or battery,

 3  and the child is currently charged with a second or subsequent

 4  violent crime against a person; or, the state attorney shall

 5  file a motion requesting the court to transfer and certify the

 6  juvenile for prosecution as an adult, or proceed pursuant to

 7  s. 985.227(1).

 8         2.(b)  Mandatory involuntary waiver.--If the child was

 9  14 years of age or older at the time of commission of a fourth

10  or subsequent alleged felony offense and the child was

11  previously adjudicated delinquent or had adjudication withheld

12  for or was found to have committed, or to have attempted or

13  conspired to commit, three offenses that are felony offenses

14  if committed by an adult, and one or more of such felony

15  offenses involved the use or possession of a firearm or

16  violence against a person;,


18  the state attorney shall request the court to transfer and

19  certify the child for prosecution as an adult or shall provide

20  written reasons to the court for not making such request, or

21  proceed pursuant to s. 985.227(1).  Upon the state attorney's

22  request, the court shall either enter an order transferring

23  the case and certifying the case for trial as if the child

24  were an adult or provide written reasons for not issuing such

25  an order.


27         (a)  If the court finds, after a waiver hearing under

28  subsection (3), that a juvenile who was 14 years of age or

29  older at the time the alleged violation of state law was

30  committed should be charged and tried as an adult, the court

31  shall enter an order transferring the case and certifying the

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 1  case for trial as if the child were an adult. The child shall

 2  thereafter be subject to prosecution, trial, and sentencing as

 3  if the child were an adult but subject to the provisions of s.

 4  985.233. Once a child has been transferred for criminal

 5  prosecution pursuant to an involuntary waiver hearing and has

 6  been found to have committed the presenting offense or a

 7  lesser included offense, the child shall thereafter be handled

 8  in every respect as an adult for any subsequent violation of

 9  state law, unless the court imposes juvenile sanctions under

10  s. 985.233.

11         (b)  When a child is transferred for criminal

12  prosecution as an adult, the court shall immediately transfer

13  and certify to the adult circuit court all felony cases

14  pertaining to the child, for prosecution of the child as an

15  adult, which have not yet resulted in a plea of guilty or nolo

16  contendere or in which a finding of guilt has not been made.

17  If the child is acquitted of all charged offenses or lesser

18  included offenses contained in the original case transferred

19  to adult court, all felony cases that were transferred to

20  adult court pursuant to this paragraph shall be subject to the

21  same penalties such cases were subject to before being

22  transferred to adult court.

23         Section 36.  Subsections (1), (2), (3), and (4) of

24  section 985.227, Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection

25  (5) is added to that section, to read:

26         985.227  Prosecution of juveniles as adults by the

27  direct filing of an information in the criminal division of

28  the circuit court; discretionary criteria; mandatory

29  criteria.--


31         (a)  With respect to any child who was 14 or 15 years

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 1  of age at the time the alleged offense was committed, the

 2  state attorney may file an information when in the state

 3  attorney's judgment and discretion the public interest

 4  requires that adult sanctions be considered or imposed and

 5  when the offense charged is for the commission of, attempt to

 6  commit, or conspiracy to commit:

 7         1.  Arson;

 8         2.  Sexual battery;

 9         3.  Robbery;

10         4.  Kidnapping;

11         5.  Aggravated child abuse;

12         6.  Aggravated assault;

13         7.  Aggravated stalking;

14         8.  Murder;

15         9.  Manslaughter;

16         10.  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

17  destructive device or bomb;

18         11.  Armed burglary in violation of s. 810.02(2)(b) or

19  specified burglary of a dwelling or structure in violation of

20  s. 810.02(2)(c), or burglary with an assault or battery in

21  violation of s. 810.02(2)(a);

22         12.  Aggravated battery;

23         13.  Lewd or lascivious assault or act in the presence

24  of a child;

25         14.  Carrying, displaying, using, threatening, or

26  attempting to use a weapon or firearm during the commission of

27  a felony; or

28         15.  Grand theft in violation of s. 812.014(2)(a);.

29         16.  Home invasion robbery; or

30         17.  Carjacking.

31         (b)  With respect to any child who was 16 or 17 years

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    Amendment No.    

 1  of age at the time the alleged offense was committed, the

 2  state attorney may file an information when in the state

 3  attorney's judgment and discretion the public interest

 4  requires that adult sanctions be considered or imposed.

 5  However, the state attorney may not file an information on a

 6  child charged with a misdemeanor, unless the child has had at

 7  least two previous adjudications or adjudications withheld for

 8  delinquent acts, one of which involved an offense classified

 9  as a felony under state law.

10         (2)  MANDATORY DIRECT FILE.--

11         (a)  With respect to any child who was 16 or 17 years

12  of age at the time the alleged offense was committed, the

13  state attorney shall file an information if the child has been

14  previously adjudicated delinquent for an act classified as a

15  felony, which adjudication was for the commission of, attempt

16  to commit, or conspiracy to commit murder, sexual battery,

17  armed or strong-armed robbery, carjacking, home-invasion

18  robbery, aggravated battery, or aggravated assault, and the

19  child is currently charged with a second or subsequent violent

20  crime against a person.

21         (b)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), regardless of the

22  child's age at the time the alleged offense was committed, the

23  state attorney must file an information with respect to any

24  child who previously has been adjudicated for offenses which,

25  if committed by an adult, would be felonies and such

26  adjudications occurred at three or more separate delinquency

27  adjudicatory hearings, and three of which resulted in

28  residential commitments as defined in s. 985.03(45).

29         (c)  The state attorney must file an information if a

30  child, regardless of the child's age at the time the alleged

31  offense was committed, is alleged to have committed an act

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 1  that would be a violation of law if the child were an adult,

 2  that involves stealing a motor vehicle, including, but not

 3  limited to, a violation of s. 812.133, relating to carjacking,

 4  or s. 812.014(2)(c)6., relating to grand theft of a motor

 5  vehicle, and while the child was in possession of the stolen

 6  motor vehicle the child caused serious bodily injury to or the

 7  death of a person who was not involved in the underlying

 8  offense. For purposes of this section, the driver and all

 9  willing passengers in the stolen motor vehicle at the time

10  such serious bodily injury or death is inflicted shall also be

11  subject to mandatory transfer to adult court. "Stolen motor

12  vehicle," for the purposes of this section, means a motor

13  vehicle that has been the subject of any criminal wrongful

14  taking. For purposes of this section, "willing passengers"

15  means all willing passengers who have participated in the

16  underlying offense.

17         (3)  EFFECT OF DIRECT FILE.--

18         (a)  Once a child has been transferred for criminal

19  prosecution pursuant to an information and has been found to

20  have committed the presenting offense or a lesser included

21  offense, the child shall be handled thereafter in every

22  respect as if an adult for any subsequent violation of state

23  law, unless the court imposes juvenile sanctions under s.

24  985.233.

25         (b)  When a child is transferred for criminal

26  prosecution as an adult, the court shall immediately transfer

27  and certify to the adult circuit appropriate court all felony

28  preadjudicatory cases pertaining to the child, for prosecution

29  of the child as an adult, which have not yet resulted in a

30  plea of guilty or nolo contendere or in which a finding of

31  guilt has not been made.  If a child is acquitted of all

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 1  charged offenses or lesser included offenses contained in the

 2  original case transferred to adult court, all felony cases

 3  that were transferred to adult court as a result of this

 4  paragraph shall be subject to the same penalties to which such

 5  cases would have been subject before being transferred to

 6  adult court that pertain to that child which are pending in

 7  juvenile court, including, but not limited to, all cases

 8  involving offenses that occur or are referred between the date

 9  of transfer and sentencing in adult court and all outstanding

10  juvenile disposition orders. The juvenile court shall make

11  every effort to dispose of all predispositional cases and

12  transfer those cases to the adult court prior to adult

13  sentencing. It is the intent of the Legislature to require all

14  cases occurring prior to the sentencing hearing in adult court

15  to be handled by the adult court for final resolution with the

16  original transfer case.

17         (c)  When a child has been transferred for criminal

18  prosecution as an adult and has been found to have committed a

19  violation of state law, the disposition of the case may be

20  made under s. 985.233 and may include the enforcement of any

21  restitution ordered in any juvenile proceeding.

22         (4)  DIRECT-FILE POLICIES AND GUIDELINES.--Each state

23  attorney shall develop and annually update written policies

24  and guidelines to govern determinations for filing an

25  information on a juvenile, to be submitted to the Executive

26  Office of the Governor, the President of the Senate, the

27  Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Juvenile

28  Justice Advisory Board not later than January 1 of each year.

29         (5)  An information filed pursuant to this section may

30  include all charges that are based on the same act, criminal

31  episode, or transaction as the primary offenses.

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    Amendment No.    

 1         Section 37.  Subsection (7) is added to section

 2  985.228, Florida Statutes, to read:

 3         985.228  Adjudicatory hearings; withheld adjudications;

 4  orders of adjudication.--

 5         (7)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an

 6  adjudication of delinquency for an offense classified as a

 7  felony shall disqualify a person from lawfully possessing a

 8  firearm until such person reaches 24 years of age.

 9         Section 38.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 790.23,

10  Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are amended to read:

11         790.23  Felons and delinquents; possession of firearms

12  or electric weapons or devices unlawful.--

13         (1)  It is unlawful for any person to own or to have in

14  his or her care, custody, possession, or control any firearm

15  or electric weapon or device, or to carry a concealed weapon,

16  including a tear gas gun or chemical weapon or device, if that

17  person has been:

18         (a)  Convicted of a felony or found to have committed a

19  delinquent act that would be a felony if committed by an adult

20  in the courts of this state;

21         (b)  Found, in the courts of this state, to have

22  committed a delinquent act that would be a felony if committed

23  by an adult and such person is under 24 years of age.

24         (c)(b)  Convicted of or found to have committed a crime

25  against the United States which is designated as a felony;

26         (d)(c)  Found to have committed a delinquent act in

27  another state, territory, or country that would be a felony if

28  committed by an adult and which was punishable by imprisonment

29  for a term exceeding 1 year and such person is under 24 years

30  of age; or

31         (e)(d)  Found guilty of an offense that is a felony in

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 1  another state, territory, or country and which was punishable

 2  by imprisonment for a term exceeding 1 year.

 3         (2)  This section shall not apply to a person convicted

 4  of a felony whose civil rights and firearm authority have been

 5  restored, or to a person found to have committed a delinquent

 6  act that would be a felony if committed by an adult with

 7  respect to which the jurisdiction of the court pursuant to

 8  chapter 985 has expired.

 9         Section 39.  Section 985.313, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         985.313  Juvenile correctional facilities or juvenile

12  prison Maximum-risk residential program.--A juvenile

13  correctional facility or juvenile prison maximum-risk

14  residential program is a physically secure residential

15  commitment program with a designated length of stay from 18

16  months to 36 months, primarily serving children 13 years of

17  age to 19 years of age, or until the jurisdiction of the court

18  expires. The court may retain jurisdiction over the child

19  until the child reaches the age of 21, specifically for the

20  purpose of the child completing the program. Each child

21  committed to this level must meet one of the following

22  criteria:

23         (1)  The youth is at least 13 years of age at the time

24  of the disposition for the current offense and has been

25  adjudicated on the current offense for:

26         (a)  Arson;

27         (b)  Sexual battery;

28         (c)  Robbery;

29         (d)  Kidnapping;

30         (e)  Aggravated child abuse;

31         (f)  Aggravated assault;

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 1         (g)  Aggravated stalking;

 2         (h)  Murder;

 3         (i)  Manslaughter;

 4         (j)  Unlawful throwing, placing, or discharging of a

 5  destructive device or bomb;

 6         (k)  Armed burglary;

 7         (l)  Aggravated battery;

 8         (m)  Carjacking;

 9         (n)  Home-invasion robbery;

10         (o)  Burglary with an assault or battery;

11         (p)(m)  Lewd or lascivious assault or act in the

12  presence of a child; or

13         (q)(n)  Carrying, displaying, using, threatening to

14  use, or attempting to use a weapon or firearm during the

15  commission of a felony.

16         (2)  The youth is at least 13 years of age at the time

17  of the disposition, the current offense is a felony, and the

18  child has previously been committed three or more times to a

19  delinquency commitment program.

20         (3)  The youth is at least 13 years of age and is

21  currently committed for a felony offense and transferred from

22  a moderate-risk or high-risk residential commitment placement.

23         (4)  The youth is at least 13 years of age at the time

24  of the disposition for the current offense, the youth is

25  eligible for prosecution as an adult for the current offense,

26  and the current offense is ranked at level 7 or higher on the

27  Criminal Punishment Code offense severity ranking chart

28  pursuant to s. 921.0022.


30  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)


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 1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

 2  And the title is amended as follows:

 3         On page 3, line 15, after the semicolon


 5  insert:

 6         amending s. 985.315, F.S.; revising the

 7         vocational work training programs under the

 8         Department of Juvenile Justice; providing for

 9         participation of certain juveniles in

10         educational/technical or vocational

11         work-related program 5 hours per day, 5 days

12         per week; requiring the Juvenile Justice

13         Accountability Board to conduct a study of

14         juvenile vocational and work programs;

15         requiring a report; requiring the department to

16         inventory programs in the state; amending s.

17         985.03, F.S.; redesignating "maximum-risk"

18         residential facilities as "juvenile

19         correctional facilities" or "juvenile prisons";

20         amending s. 985.201, F.S.; conforming a

21         cross-reference for purposes of application to

22         terms of certain restitution orders; amending

23         s. 985.21, F.S.; deleting an authorization for

24         a juvenile probation officer to make certain

25         recommendations to the state attorney;

26         clarifying certain contents of intake reports;

27         authorizing the State Attorney and Department

28         of Juvenile Justice to enter into certain

29         interagency agreements for certain purposes;

30         amending s. 985.225, F.S.; requiring transfer

31         of certain felony cases relating to children to

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 1         adult court for prosecution as an adult;

 2         repealing s. 985.218(6), F.S., relating to

 3         adjudicatory hearings for children committing

 4         delinquent acts or violations of law; amending

 5         s. 985.226, F.S., relating to criteria for

 6         discretionary waiver and mandatory waiver of

 7         juvenile court jurisdiction; revising the list

 8         of specified offenses to include certain

 9         additional offenses; amending s. 985.227, F.S.,

10         relating to discretionary direct-file criteria

11         and mandatory direct-file criteria; permitting

12         the filing of an information when a child was

13         14 or 15 years of age at the time the child

14         attempted to commit or conspired to commit any

15         one of specified offenses; revising duties of

16         the court and guidelines for transfer of cases

17         pertaining to the child when a child is

18         transferred for adult prosecution; removing the

19         requirement for annual updating by the state

20         attorney of direct-file policies and

21         guidelines; providing that the information

22         filed pursuant to specified provisions may

23         include all charges that are based on the same

24         act, criminal episode, or transaction as the

25         primary offense; amending s. 985.228, F.S.;

26         specifying disqualification for possessing a

27         firearm until a certain age for persons

28         adjudicated delinquent for certain felony

29         offenses; amending s. 790.23, F.S.; providing a

30         prohibition against possession of firearms or

31         weapons by certain persons who were found to

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 1         have committed delinquent acts classified as

 2         felonies; amending s. 985.313, F.S.;

 3         redesignating "maximum-risk" residential

 4         programs as "juvenile correctional facilities"

 5         or "juvenile prisons"; providing that a

 6         juvenile may be committed to such a facility if

 7         adjudicated on certain additional offenses;

























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