House Bill 1607

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        By Representatives Starks, Brummer, Sublette, Feeney,
    Johnson and Posey

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the City of Orlando, Orange

  3         County, relating to the pension fund of the

  4         fire department of the city; amending chapter

  5         23444, Laws of Florida, 1945, as amended;

  6         expanding the definition of issue and child to

  7         include full-time students under the age of 26

  8         and physically and/or mentally handicapped

  9         children regardless of age with the additional

10         cost thereof being borne by the members;

11         providing benefits to dependent parents, to

12         allow for multiple designated beneficiaries and

13         providing for the return of deductions to the

14         estate of a deceased member without

15         beneficiaries with the additional actuarial

16         cost thereof being borne by the members;

17         providing an additional cost-of-living increase

18         for members and beneficiaries with the

19         additional actuarial cost thereof being borne

20         by the members; providing for a deferred

21         retirement option plan as an improvement to

22         present pension benefits with the additional

23         cost thereof being borne by the members;

24         providing for employer pick up of member

25         contributions; providing an effective date.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  Section 2 of chapter 23444, Laws of

30  Florida, 1945, as amended, by chapter 72-573, Laws of Florida,

31  is amended to read:


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  1         Section 2.  (1)  Members of said Fire Department shall

  2  be construed as including all officers and firefighters

  3  firemen and firewomen regularly employed in said department,

  4  and whose employment shall be regular and continuous and not

  5  of a temporary character, provided, however, the secretaries,

  6  stenographers, and switchboard operators shall not be covered

  7  by the provisions of this act.  For the purposes of this act

  8  the term "widow" shall include widower; reference to the

  9  masculine pronoun shall include the feminine and vice versa;

10  the term "issue" shall include a member's natural and adopted

11  children as well as children in gestation.

12         (2)  After the effective date of this act, and

13  notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this act or this

14  plan, and further notwithstanding any requirement of the act

15  or the plan that a child or issue be under the age of 18, the

16  term "issue" or "child" shall include: children that are

17  full-time students under the age of 26; and, physically and/or

18  mentally handicapped children for their natural lives. A

19  physically and/or mentally handicapped child includes children

20  primarily dependent upon the member or retiree due to a mental

21  or physical condition which requires, or otherwise would have

22  required, the member or retiree to provide primary support.

23  Any actuarially determined additional cost resulting from

24  including full-time students and handicapped children within

25  the definition of issue shall be borne by the members of the

26  firefighters pension plan.

27         Section 3.  Section 13 of chapter 23444, Laws of

28  Florida, 1945, as amended, by chapter 74-556, Laws of Florida,

29  is amended to read:

30         Section 13.  (1)  If a deceased member of the said fire

31  department, active or retired, shall leave no spouse widow


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  1  surviving him or her and shall not leave surviving him or her

  2  a child or children in being and his or her issue and under

  3  the age of 18 eighteen (18) years, but shall leave a parent or

  4  parents mother surviving him or her who are is entirely

  5  dependent upon said member for support, his or her parent or

  6  parents mother shall receive the same pension to which his or

  7  her spouse widow would have been entitled, unless and until

  8  such parent or parents become mother becomes self-supporting

  9  or remarries. In the event the parents are no longer married,

10  the pension shall be divided and paid, on a per capita basis,

11  to each parent; should one parent become self-supporting,

12  remarry, or die, the entire amount of the pension shall be

13  paid to the other parent.

14         (2)  If said deceased member shall not have received

15  any moneys monies under section 12 or section 18 of this

16  pension act, as amended, and shall leave no surviving widow or

17  widower, child under the age of 18 eighteen (18) years or

18  dependent parent or parents mother, then one-half (1/2) of the

19  amount that has been deducted from said member's salary under

20  this act up to the effective date of section 3 of chapter

21  72-633, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1972 and all of said

22  deductions made thereafter shall be paid that the certain

23  individual or individuals who has been previously designated

24  by said deceased member. Such designation shall be in writing

25  and shall be filed with the secretary of the pension board; it

26  shall designate a choice of one or more persons, named

27  sequentially or jointly as beneficiaries in the event of the

28  member or retiree's death; said designations may be revoked by

29  the member or retiree filing a new written designation with

30  the secretary of the pension board. indicate only one (1)

31  individual but shall be changed upon the written request of


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  1  the member. In the event the deceased member shall not have

  2  designated an individual or individuals to receive the

  3  aforesaid deductions, or in the event the said designated

  4  individual or individuals shall predecease said member or

  5  shall die within 30 thirty (30) days of the date of death of

  6  the said member, then the aforesaid deductions shall be paid

  7  to the deceased member's estate. remain with and become the

  8  property of the pension fund and any others claiming by,

  9  through, under of against said member or designated individual

10  shall have no rights under this act.

11         (3)  Any actuarially determined additional cost

12  resulting from amendments to this section extending benefits

13  to dependent parents in subsection (1) and providing for

14  multiple beneficiaries and deductions paid to the estate in

15  the absence of designated beneficiaries in subsection (2),

16  shall be borne by the members of the firefighters' pension

17  plan.

18         Section 4.  Section 19 of chapter 23444, Laws of

19  Florida, as created by chapter 88-518, Laws of Florida, is

20  amended to read:

21         Section 19.  (1)  After the effective date of this act,

22  Any member of the Orlando Fire Department who, on or after

23  July 7, 1988, and prior to the effective date of this act,

24  retired retires prior to age 62 with 25 or more years of

25  credited service shall receive a triennial cost-of-living

26  increase of 5 percent compound starting 3 years after

27  retirement and ending with the last triennial anniversary of

28  retirement prior to age 65. Any actuarially determined

29  additional cost resulting from this additional benefit shall

30  be borne by the members of the firefighters pension plan.



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  1         (2)  On or after the effective date of this act, any

  2  member of the Orlando Fire Department who retires, or in the

  3  event of his death, his beneficiaries, shall receive an annual

  4  cost-of-living increase of 2 percent compound starting on the

  5  first anniversary of the receipt of benefits under this plan

  6  and on each subsequent anniversary date of the receipt of

  7  benefits under this plan.  The anniversary date for

  8  beneficiaries receiving a pension as a result of the death of

  9  a retiree who was receiving a benefit at the time of his death

10  shall be the date on which the retiree began to receive his

11  pension. The benefit provided for in subsection (1), with the

12  additional cost thereof being borne by the members, shall not

13  become effective and shall be of no force and effect unless

14  and until approved by a majority of the members of the

15  firefighters pension plan at an election conducted by the

16  Orlando Firefighters Pension Board within 90 days after the

17  effective date of this act.

18         (3)  Any actuarially determined additional cost

19  resulting from the benefits in this section shall be borne by

20  members of the firefighters' pension plan.

21         Section 5.  A new section 21 is added to chapter 23444,

22  Laws of Florida, as amended, to read:

23         Section 21.  (1)  DEFERRED RETIREMENT OPTION PLAN.--The

24  Deferred Retirement Option Plan, hereinafter referred to as

25  the DROP, allows any member who has elected to participate in

26  the DROP, hereinafter referred to as a DROP participant, to

27  receive a lump-sum payment, or other payment, in addition to a

28  monthly pension, upon termination of employment.  No benefits

29  shall be paid under this section unless the DROP participant

30  has terminated employment.



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  1         (2)  DROP ELIGIBILITY.--Any member may elect to

  2  participate in the DROP following the date upon which the

  3  member first becomes eligible for a monthly pension as

  4  provided for in section 12, hereinafter referred to in this

  5  section as a "service retirement pension." A member may

  6  participate in the DROP only once.

  7         (3)  DROP PARTICIPATION.--

  8         (a)  An eligible member may participate in the DROP for

  9  a period not to exceed a maximum of 36 months.

10  Notwithstanding, DROP participation may not continue beyond

11  the date when the member's combined years of credited service

12  and time in the DROP equals 360 months, except for those

13  member's entering the DROP in the window period set forth in

14  subsection (13).

15         (b)  A member may apply to participate in the DROP by

16  submitting an application to the board of trustees, which

17  shall include the following:

18         1.  A written election to participate in the DROP.

19         2.  Selection of the DROP participation and termination

20  dates, that satisfy the limitation stated in subsection (2)

21  and paragraph (a). Such termination date shall be in a binding

22  letter of resignation with the city, establishing a deferred

23  termination date.

24         3.  A properly completed DROP application for a service

25  retirement pension.

26         4.  A properly completed designation of named

27  beneficiaries in the event the member dies while participating

28  in the DROP.

29         5.  Any other information as may be required by the

30  board of trustees.



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  1         (c)  A DROP participant may increase or decrease the

  2  original DROP participation period subject to the maximum

  3  limitation stated in paragraph (a). A 30-day written notice to

  4  the board of trustees is required for this election.

  5         (d)  The DROP participant shall be a retiree under the

  6  provisions of the pension plan.  However, participation in the

  7  DROP does not alter the DROP participant's employment status

  8  and such DROP participant shall not terminate employment until

  9  the DROP participant's deferred resignation is effective and

10  separation from employment occurs.

11         (e)  A DROP participant shall not accrue additional

12  credited service under the pension plan after the effective

13  date of DROP participation, except as provided for in

14  paragraph (10)(d) and subsection (12).


16         (a)  Effective with the date of DROP participation, the

17  DROP participant's initial monthly service retirement pension,

18  including credited service and average monthly salary, shall

19  be determined and fixed.  Such service retirement pension,

20  together with annual cost-of-living adjustments thereto, and

21  earnings shall be credited to the DROP participant's DROP

22  account no less than monthly.  Such earnings shall be credited

23  as provided in subsection (7).

24         (b)  The effective date of DROP participation for a

25  participant who has elected to receive benefits under the

26  pension plan shall be the first day of the month selected by

27  the member to begin retirement under the pension plan and

28  participation in the DROP.

29         (c)  The service retirement pension and earnings

30  thereon shall be credited to the DROP participant's DROP



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  1  account periodically, as pension benefit payments would have

  2  otherwise been made.

  3         (5)  DROP TYPES.--A member eligible for a service

  4  retirement pension may elect a Forward DROP, a Back DROP, or a

  5  Combined DROP.

  6         (a)  Forward DROP.--Under a Forward DROP a member may

  7  retire, deferring receipt of the service retirement pension

  8  while continuing employment with the city.  In that case, the

  9  deferred monthly service retirement pension shall be credited

10  to the DROP participant's DROP account on behalf of the DROP

11  participant, as provided in subsection (4), for the specified

12  period of the DROP participation, as provided in subsection

13  (3).  Upon termination of employment, the DROP participant

14  shall receive the balance of his DROP account and begin to

15  receive the monthly service retirement pension.

16         1.  A DROP participant remains an employee and receives

17  all the benefits of being an employee during the DROP

18  participation period. A DROP participant shall be subject to

19  termination of employment during the DROP participation period

20  to the same extent as he was prior to participating in the

21  DROP.

22         2.  Effective with the start date of a DROP

23  participant's Forward DROP participation, a member's

24  contribution and the normal cost contribution to the pension

25  fund by the city, on behalf of the member, shall cease.

26         (b)  Back DROP.--Under a Back DROP a member may retire

27  with a retroactive date of retirement.  A member may not

28  select a retroactive retirement date earlier than the date

29  upon which the member first became eligible for a service

30  retirement pension, and in no event shall the retroactive date

31  of retirement be more than 36 months prior to the date of Back


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  1  DROP election.  The monthly service retirement pension shall

  2  be determined as of the retroactive retirement date.  The

  3  member shall then be credited with an account balance in his

  4  DROP account that is equal to the account balance he would

  5  have had if he had timely elected a Forward DROP under

  6  paragraph (a) on the retroactive retirement date.  Upon

  7  termination of employment the DROP participant shall receive

  8  the balance of his DROP account and shall begin to receive the

  9  monthly service retirement pension adjusted to reflect the

10  retroactive retirement date.

11         (c)  Combined DROP.--Under a Combined DROP a member may

12  elect a Back DROP for a period of less than 36 months and a

13  consecutive Forward DROP period, provided the sum of the Back

14  DROP and Forward DROP periods does not exceed 36 months.  The

15  Back DROP portion of the Combined DROP shall be calculated as

16  set forth in paragraph (b), and the Forward DROP portion shall

17  be calculated as set forth in paragraph (a).  Upon termination

18  of employment, the DROP participant shall receive the balance

19  of his DROP account and shall begin to receive the monthly

20  service retirement pension adjusted to reflect the retroactive

21  retirement date.

22         (6)  DROP ACCOUNTS.--

23         (a)  Individual DROP accounts shall be established to

24  account for each DROP participant's accrued DROP benefits, but

25  there shall be no segregation of funds for any DROP

26  participant.  The accounting shall record the credited monthly

27  service retirement pension, as determined in subsection (5),

28  including cost-of-living increases, as provided for in section

29  19(2).  In the case of a Back DROP, the amount of a member's

30  contributions made during the Back DROP period shall be



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  1  credited to the DROP participant's DROP account. The DROP

  2  account shall be adjusted as provided in subsection (7).

  3         (b)  Upon request, the board of trustees shall provide

  4  to any member information showing the full value of any

  5  anticipated DROP benefits, as well as how same would be

  6  calculated, in the event such DROP is elected.


  8         (a)  A DROP participant's DROP account shall accrue

  9  earnings at the actual rate of investment return realized by

10  the pension fund and with the same frequency.

11         (b)  A DROP account shall be adjusted to reflect

12  earnings until such time as the DROP account is distributed in

13  full to the DROP participant or his beneficiaries.

14         (c)  The board of trustees shall report to each DROP

15  participant at least annually, or upon request of the DROP

16  participant, accrued DROP benefits in his DROP account; the

17  report shall also reflect investment performance,

18  contributions, and any other items that materially affected

19  the DROP benefit.

20         (8)  COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT.--A DROP participant's

21  monthly service retirement pension shall be increased as

22  provided for in section 19(2).


24  the DROP participant's termination of employment, for any

25  reason, whether by resignation, discharge, disability, or

26  death, the monthly service retirement pension and the balance

27  of the DROP account shall be paid to the DROP participant, or

28  if deceased, the DROP participant's beneficiaries, as provided

29  herein.


31  participant's termination of employment, for any reason,


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  1  whether by resignation, discharge, disability, or death, the

  2  board of trustees shall distribute the balance of DROP

  3  participant's DROP account, subject to the following

  4  provisions:

  5         (a)  The board of trustees shall receive verification

  6  from the city that such DROP participant has terminated

  7  employment.

  8         (b)  Following the termination of employment, the DROP

  9  participant, or if deceased, such DROP participant's

10  beneficiaries, shall elect on forms provided by the board of

11  trustees to receive payment of the balance of the DROP account

12  in accordance with one of the options listed below.  For a

13  DROP participant or beneficiaries who fail to elect a method

14  of payment within 60 days of termination of the DROP, the

15  board of trustees shall pay the balance of the DROP account in

16  one lump sum as provided in subparagraph 1.

17         1.  Lump sum.--The balance of the DROP account, less

18  taxes remitted to the Internal Revenue Service, if any, shall

19  be paid to the DROP participant or beneficiaries.

20         2.  Direct rollover.--The balance of the DROP account

21  shall be paid directly to the custodian of an eligible

22  retirement plan as defined in s. 402(c)(8)(B) of the Internal

23  Revenue Code.  However, in the case of an eligible rollover

24  distribution to the widow or widower as a beneficiary, an

25  eligible retirement plan is an individual retirement account

26  or an individual retirement annuity as described in s.

27  402(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code.

28         3.  Partial lump sum.--A portion of the balance of the

29  DROP account shall be paid to the DROP participant or

30  beneficiaries, less taxes remitted to the Internal Revenue

31  Service, if any, and the remaining balance of the DROP account


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  1  shall be transferred directly to the custodian of an eligible

  2  retirement plan as defined in s. 402(c)(8)(B) of the Internal

  3  Revenue Code.  However, in the case of an eligible rollover

  4  distribution to the widow or widower as a beneficiary, an

  5  eligible retirement plan is an individual retirement account

  6  or an individual retirement annuity as described in s.

  7  402(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code. The proportions shall

  8  be specified by the DROP participant or beneficiaries.

  9         4.  Other methods.--The balance of the DROP account

10  shall be paid by a method that is in compliance with the

11  Internal Revenue Code and as adopted by the board of trustees.

12         (c)  The form of payment selected by the DROP

13  participant or beneficiaries complies with the minimum

14  distribution requirements of the Internal Revenue Code.

15         (d)  A DROP participant who fails to terminate

16  employment shall be deemed not to be retired and the DROP

17  election shall be null and void. Pension plan membership shall

18  be reestablished retroactively to the date of the commencement

19  of the DROP.  As provided for in subparagraph (5)(a)2., city

20  and member contributions shall cease during a Forward DROP

21  participation period, the city and the member shall pay into

22  the pension fund those contributions that would have been

23  required during the period the member participated in a

24  Forward DROP or the Forward DROP portion of a Combined DROP,

25  plus the actual rate of investment return realized by the

26  pension fund during said period; such payment by the member

27  shall be a condition for the subsequent receipt of any benefit

28  under the pension plan. Such DROP participant shall be

29  prohibited from again electing participation in the DROP, as

30  provided for in subsection (2).



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  2  participant is not eligible to apply for the retiree health

  3  insurance subsidy payment until such participant has

  4  terminated employment and participation in the DROP.

  5         (12)  DISABILITY.--In the event a DROP participant

  6  shall become permanently and totally disabled during the DROP

  7  participation period, said DROP participant may apply for a

  8  disability pension as provided for in section 7 or section 9,

  9  as applicable.  In the event a disability pension is granted,

10  the DROP participant's election shall be null and void.

11  Pension plan membership shall be reestablished retroactively

12  to the date of the commencement of the DROP.  As provided for

13  in subparagraph (5)(a)2., city and member contributions shall

14  cease during a Forward DROP participation period, the city and

15  the member shall pay into the pension fund those contributions

16  that would have been required during the period the member

17  participated in a Forward DROP or the Forward DROP portion of

18  a Combined DROP, plus the actual rate of investment return

19  realized by the pension fund during said period; such payment

20  by the member shall be a condition for receiving the

21  disability pension. Such DROP participant shall be prohibited

22  from again electing participation in the DROP, as provided for

23  in subsection (2).

24         (13)  ELIGIBILITY EXCEPTIONS.--

25         (a)  A one-time window period shall occur for 60 days

26  from the effective date of the DROP as provided in subsection

27  (17).

28         (b)  During the window period and subject to the other

29  eligibility conditions expressed herein, a member with more

30  than 324 months of credited service may elect to enter the

31  DROP and not be subject to the combined years of credited


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  1  service and DROP participation limitation of 360 months.  Said

  2  member is subject to the maximum DROP participation period of

  3  36 months.

  4         (c)  A member with more than 324 months of credited

  5  service as of the effective date of DROP who does not elect to

  6  participate in the DROP, as set forth above, during this

  7  one-time window period shall forfeit the right to deviate from

  8  the conditions for participation in the DROP set forth in

  9  subsection (3).

10         (14)  DEATH OF A DROP PARTICIPANT.--

11         (a)  Upon the death of a DROP participant, the named

12  DROP beneficiaries shall be entitled to apply for and receive

13  the balance of the DROP participant's DROP account as provided

14  in subsections (9) and (10).  DROP payments to a beneficiary

15  shall be in addition to any other retirement benefits payable

16  to the beneficiary.

17         (b)  The monthly service retirement pension accrued to

18  the DROP account during the month of the DROP participant's

19  death shall be the final monthly service retirement pension

20  benefit credited for such DROP participant.

21         (c)  Eligibility to participate in the DROP terminates

22  upon death of the DROP participant.  If the DROP participant

23  dies on or after the effective date of enrollment in the DROP,

24  but prior to the first monthly service retirement pension

25  benefit being credited to the DROP, pension plan benefits

26  shall be paid in accordance with applicable provisions of this

27  pension plan.

28         (d)  A DROP participant's beneficiaries shall not be

29  eligible to receive survivor benefits as provided in sections

30  8 and 10.



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  1         (15)  A DROP participant shall not be deemed to have

  2  been reemployed after retirement as that term is used

  3  elsewhere in the plan.

  4         (16)  Any actuarially determined additional cost

  5  resulting from the benefits in this section shall be borne by

  6  the members of the pension plan. Further, the members of the

  7  pension plan will pay annually any actuarially determined

  8  ancillary costs resulting from the benefits in this section.

  9         (17)  This section shall take effect contingent upon

10  the city or the board of trustees receiving a favorable

11  determination letter and a favorable private letter ruling,

12  hereinafter referred to as favorable letters, from the

13  Internal Revenue Service.  The city or the board of trustees

14  shall request from the Internal Revenue Service, within 90

15  days of the passage of this act:

16         (a)  A written determination letter stating that the

17  pension plan, as amended to include the DROP, continues to be

18  a qualified pension plan; and

19         (b)  A private letter ruling stating:

20         1.  That the pension plan, as amended to include the

21  DROP, is not a "defined contribution plan" as defined in ss.

22  414(i) and 415(k)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, is not

23  subject to the separate limitations contained within s. 415(c)

24  and (e) of the Internal Revenue Code, and is not a "hybrid

25  plan" as defined in s. 414(k) of the Internal Revenue Code;

26         2.  That the pension plan, as amended to include the

27  DROP, is not a "cash or deferred arrangement" within the

28  meaning of s. 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code; and

29         3.  That the monthly retirement benefits paid into the

30  DROP are not deemed to be constructive receipt of income under



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  1  s. 402(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and shall not be

  2  taxable until actual distribution to the retiree.

  3         (c)  In the event favorable letters are not received,

  4  this section shall not take effect.

  5         Section 6.  Section 22 of chapter 23444, Laws of

  6  Florida, 1945, as amended, is amended to read:

  7         Section 22.  Any benefits paid under the provisions of

  8  this act for any child shall, except as provided in section

  9  2(1), cease when and if such child dies or is, or becomes self

10  supporting, marries or reaches the age of 18 eighteen (18)

11  years.

12         Section 7.  A new section 24 is added to chapter 23444,

13  Laws of Florida, 1945, as amended, to read:

14         Section 24.  (1)  Upon implementation, the city shall,

15  solely for the purpose of compliance with s. 414(h) of the

16  Internal Revenue Code, pick up, for the purposes specified in

17  that section, member contributions required by the act for all

18  salary earned by the member after implementation. Member

19  contributions picked up under the provisions of this section

20  shall be treated as city contributions for purposes of

21  determining income tax obligations under the Internal Revenue

22  Code; however, such picked up member contributions shall be

23  included in the determination of the member's gross annual

24  salary for all other purposes under federal and state laws.

25         (2)  Members' contributions picked up under this

26  section shall continue to be designated member contributions

27  for all purposes of the act and shall be considered as part of

28  the member's salary for purposes of determining the amount of

29  the member's contributions.  The provisions of this section

30  are mandatory, and the member shall have no option concerning



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  1  the pick up or to receive the contributed amounts directly

  2  instead of having them paid by the city to the pension fund.

  3         (3)  Implementation occurs upon authorization by the

  4  board of trustees following receipt of a favorable letter of

  5  determination as to the qualified plan status of the fund. In

  6  no event may implementation occur other than at the beginning

  7  of a pay period.

  8         Section 8.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  9  law.






















