Senate Bill 1628
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 1999 (NP) SR 1628
By Senator Kirkpatrick
1 Senate Resolution No.
2 A resolution recognizing June 1999 as Prostate
3 Cancer Awareness Month.
5 WHEREAS, prostate cancer is the most common type of
6 cancer among men in the United States and in Florida, and the
7 second leading cause of cancer death among men, and
8 WHEREAS, an estimated 179,300 men in the United States
9 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during 1999, and 13,600
10 of them will be residents of Florida, and
11 WHEREAS, an estimated 37,000 men in the United States
12 will die from prostate cancer in 1999, and 2,800 of them will
13 be residents of Florida, and
14 WHEREAS, men who are members of a racial minority have
15 a 50 percent higher risk of being diagnosed with prostate
16 cancer, and
17 WHEREAS, men who are members of a racial minority and
18 who have prostate cancer are more than twice as likely to die
19 of the disease, and
20 WHEREAS, June is a month in which we commemorate men by
21 the observance of Father's Day and of National Men's Health
24 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
26 That the Florida Senate recognizes June 1999 as
27 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in Florida and urges all men,
28 and particularly members of high-risk populations, to become
29 aware of the risks and symptoms associated with prostate
30 cancer and to be informed about screening tests, methods for
31 early detection, and treatment.