Senate Bill 1656

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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1656

    By Senator Casas


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to driver improvement schools;

  3         amending s. 318.14, F.S.; increasing the number

  4         of times a person cited for certain traffic

  5         infractions may elect to attend a driver

  6         improvement course in lieu of making a court

  7         appearance; amending s. 318.1452, F.S.;

  8         requiring that the Department of Highway Safety

  9         and Motor Vehicles monitor course presentations

10         by driver improvement schools; requiring the

11         use of department-approved teaching

12         methodologies; requiring that instructors be

13         certified by the provider; providing

14         requirements for certification; providing

15         exceptions for instructors certified before a

16         specified date; providing requirements for

17         conducting driver improvement courses;

18         requiring that course providers pay application

19         fees and fees for certain studies conducted by

20         the department; providing a fee for persons who

21         enroll in a driver improvement course by court

22         order; requiring that the department conduct

23         certain studies to test the effectiveness of

24         courses; requiring the department to adopt

25         rules; amending s. 322.0261, F.S.; revising

26         requirements for attending driver improvement

27         courses for persons convicted of, or who plead

28         nolo contendere to, certain traffic offenses;

29         creating s. 322.02615, F.S.; requiring that

30         certain persons who are convicted of, or who

31         plead nolo contendere to, certain noncriminal


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  1         traffic offenses attend a mandatory driver

  2         improvement course; requiring the department to

  3         cancel the driver's license of any person who

  4         fails to complete the course as required;

  5         amending s. 322.095, F.S.; providing additional

  6         requirements for traffic law education courses;

  7         requiring the use of department-approved

  8         teaching methodologies; requiring that course

  9         providers pay application fees and fees for

10         certain studies conducted by the department;

11         requiring that the department conduct studies

12         of traffic law education courses; deleting a

13         requirement that the department conduct

14         financial audits of course providers; providing

15         requirements for the use of proceeds from the

16         fees collected from course participants;

17         amending s. 322.271, F.S.; providing that

18         enrollment in a department-approved advanced

19         driver improvement course may qualify a person

20         for license reinstatement under certain

21         circumstances; amending s. 322.291, F.S.;

22         requiring that proof of completion of a driver

23         improvement course be presented to the

24         department prior to license reinstatement;

25         deleting a requirement that a person's license

26         be cancelled for failing to complete such a

27         course within a specified period; amending s.

28         627.06501, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference

29         to changes made by the act; providing an

30         effective date.



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  1  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  3         Section 1.  Subsection (9) of section 318.14, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         318.14  Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception;

  6  procedures.--

  7         (9)  Any person who is cited for an infraction under

  8  this section other than a violation of s. 320.0605(1), s.

  9  320.07(3)(a), s. 322.065, s. 322.15(1), s. 322.61, or s.

10  322.62 may, in lieu of a court appearance, elect to attend in

11  the location of his or her choice within this state a basic

12  driver improvement course approved by the Department of

13  Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. In such a case,

14  adjudication must be withheld; points, as provided by s.

15  322.27, may not be assessed; and the civil penalty that is

16  imposed by s. 318.18(3) must be reduced by 18 percent;

17  however, a person may not make an election under this

18  subsection if the person has made an election under this

19  subsection in the preceding 12 months. A person may make no

20  more than eight five elections under this subsection. The

21  requirement for community service under s. 318.18(8) s.

22  318.18(7) is not waived by a plea of nolo contendere or by the

23  withholding of adjudication of guilt by a court.

24         Section 2.  Section 318.1451, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         318.1451  Driver improvement schools.--

27         (1)  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

28  Vehicles shall approve the courses of all driver improvement

29  schools and monitor the presentation by the driver improvement

30  schools, as the courses relate to ss. 318.14(9), 322.0261,

31  322.095, and 322.291. The chief judge of the applicable


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  1  judicial circuit may establish requirements regarding the

  2  location of schools within the judicial circuit. A person may

  3  engage in the business of operating a driver improvement

  4  school that offers department-approved courses related to ss.

  5  318.14(9), 322.0261, 322.095, and 322.291. Any curriculum that

  6  is provisionally or fully approved for use in this state may

  7  only use the teaching methodologies or techniques that are

  8  approved by the department. Any variation of teaching

  9  methodology or technique must be approved by the department

10  and must be based, in part, upon statistical evidence that

11  demonstrates effectiveness in reducing crash recidivism or

12  violation recidivism at statistically significant levels.

13         (2)  The department shall ensure that each provider

14  follows the criteria required for instructors. The provider

15  must certify that an instructor has at least 2 years of

16  documented teaching experience in an academic field, including

17  safety, criminal justice, behavioral science, or a related

18  subject matter; 2 years of documented formal education beyond

19  high school; or 2 years of documented full-time employment

20  experience in safety, criminal justice, behavioral science, or

21  a related field. The instructor must have a valid driver's

22  license at the time of certification and throughout the

23  certification period, with not more than two moving violations

24  during the prior 3 years or any violation that results in

25  suspension or revocation of the instructor's driver's license.

26  A person who has been found guilty of any felony or any

27  offense involving driving under the influence during the prior

28  10 years may not be certified as an instructor. The provider

29  shall recertify an instructor every 2 years if the instructor

30  remains qualified for certification. In order to maintain

31  qualification for certification, an instructor must attend at


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  1  least 8 hours of course-specific, inservice education every 2

  2  years and must teach at least two complete courses each year

  3  for every course for which the instructor holds certification.

  4  This subsection does not apply to an instructor who is

  5  certified before January 1, 1999, so long as the instructor's

  6  certification is not cancelled, does not expire, or is not

  7  otherwise interrupted.

  8         (3)  A provider of driver improvement courses and any

  9  organization that conducts such courses is subject to all

10  applicable local, state, and federal laws, including 42 U.S.C.

11  ss. 12101 et seq.

12         (4)(2)  In determining whether to approve the courses

13  referenced in this section, the department shall consider

14  course content designed to promote safety, driver awareness,

15  collision accident avoidance techniques, and other factors or

16  criteria to improve driver performance from a safety

17  viewpoint. Courses must be held in a classroom setting where

18  all students are present and under the direct instruction of a

19  certified instructor who uses techniques that provide for

20  interactive participation by the students. A course provider

21  may not use a teaching format that includes home study or

22  distance learning and a course may not consist exclusively of

23  electronic or video presentations. Each course provider

24  seeking course approval from the department on or after July

25  1, 1999, shall pay an application fee of $10,000 to cover the

26  department's administrative cost of processing the

27  application. The application fee is nonrefundable. Each course

28  provider shall pay the department a nonrefundable fee of

29  $5,000 for each course that is subject to the effectiveness

30  study under subsection (7). If the course curricula fails the

31  effectiveness study, the fee must be paid for any subsequent


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  1  study. However, a study may be performed only once every 6

  2  months and the department may not conduct more than two

  3  studies for any one course. An effectiveness study may not be

  4  conducted for a course later than 3 years after the initial

  5  study.

  6         (5)(3)  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

  7  Vehicles shall suspend accepting proof of attendance of

  8  courses from persons who attend those schools that do not

  9  teach an approved course.  In those circumstances, a person

10  who has elected to take courses from such a school shall

11  receive a refund from the school, and the person shall have

12  the opportunity to take the course at another school.

13         (6)(4)  In addition to a regular course fee, an

14  assessment fee in the amount of $2.50 shall be collected by

15  the school from each person who enrolls in a

16  department-approved driver improvement course by court order

17  or who elects to attend a course, as it relates to ss.

18  318.14(9), 322.0261, 322.02615, 322.291, and 627.06501. For

19  each person who completes the course, the $2.50 assessment

20  fee, which shall be remitted to the Department of Highway

21  Safety and Motor Vehicles and deposited in the Highway Safety

22  Operating Trust Fund to administer this program and to fund

23  the general operations of the department.

24         (7)(5)  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

25  Vehicles shall is directed to perform studies of the driver

26  improvement courses offered in Florida to determine the

27  effectiveness of such courses on crash and violation rates.

28  The department must report its findings to the Legislature by

29  October 1, 2002, and at least once every 5 years thereafter

30  1997.  The department shall conduct the effectiveness studies

31  using generally accepted statistical evaluation procedures and


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  1  may is authorized to establish control groups of licensed

  2  drivers to test the effectiveness of the courses., and The

  3  department may shall have the authority to suspend the normal

  4  penalties provided by chapters 316, 318, and 322 with respect

  5  to those persons participating in the studies.

  6         (8)  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

  7  Vehicles shall adopt rules to administer this section,

  8  including procedures for resolving consumer complaints. In

  9  addition, the department may bring appropriate action to

10  enjoin unlawful activities.

11         Section 3.  Section 322.0261, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         322.0261  Mandatory basic driver improvement course;

14  certain collisions accidents.--

15         (1)  The department shall screen crash accident reports

16  received under s. 316.066 or s. 324.051 to identify collisions

17  accidents involving the following:

18         (a)  A collision that involves An accident involving

19  death or a bodily injury requiring transport to a medical

20  facility; or

21         (b)  A second collision accident by the same operator

22  within the previous 2-year period involving property damage in

23  an apparent amount of at least $500.

24         (2)  With respect to an operator convicted of, or who

25  pleaded nolo contendere to, a traffic offense giving rise to a

26  collision an accident identified pursuant to subsection (1),

27  the department shall require that the operator, in addition to

28  other applicable penalties, attend a departmentally approved

29  basic driver improvement course in order to maintain driving

30  privileges. If the operator fails to complete the course

31  within 90 days after of receiving notice from the department,


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  1  the operator's driver's license shall be canceled by the

  2  department until the course is successfully completed.

  3         (3)  In determining whether to approve a basic driver

  4  improvement course for the purposes of this section, the

  5  department shall consider course content designed to promote

  6  safety, driver awareness, collision-avoidance accident

  7  avoidance techniques, and other factors or criteria to improve

  8  driver performance from a safety viewpoint.

  9         Section 4.  Section 322.02615, Florida Statutes, is

10  created to read:

11         322.02615  Mandatory driver improvement course; certain

12  violations.--

13         (1)  The department shall screen reports of convictions

14  for violations of chapter 316 to identify operators who:

15         (a)  Are less than 22 years of age and have been

16  convicted of two or more noncriminal moving infractions.

17         (b)  Have received more than one noncriminal moving

18  infraction in a 12-month period.

19         (2)  With respect to an operator convicted of, or who

20  pleaded nolo contendere to, a noncriminal traffic offense

21  identified under subsection (1), the department shall require

22  that the operator, in addition to other applicable penalties,

23  attend a departmentally approved driver improvement course in

24  order to maintain driving privileges. If the operator fails to

25  complete the course within 90 days after receiving notice from

26  the department, the operator's driver's license shall be

27  canceled by the department until the course is successfully

28  completed.

29         (3)  Attendance of a course approved by the department

30  as a driver improvement course for purposes of s. 318.14 shall

31  satisfy the requirements of this section. However, attendance


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  1  of a course as required by this section is not included in the

  2  limitation on the total number of course elections under s.

  3  318.14(9).

  4         Section 5.  Section 322.095, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         322.095  Traffic law and substance abuse education

  7  program for driver's license applicants.--

  8         (1)  The Department of Highway Safety and Motor

  9  Vehicles must approve traffic law and substance abuse

10  education courses that must be completed by applicants for a

11  Florida driver's license.  The curricula for the courses must

12  provide instruction on the physiological and psychological

13  consequences of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, the

14  societal and economic costs of alcohol and drug abuse, the

15  effects of alcohol and drug abuse on the driver of a motor

16  vehicle, and the laws of this state relating to the operation

17  of a motor vehicle.  Courses must be held in a classroom

18  setting where all students are present and under the direct

19  instruction of a certified instructor who uses techniques that

20  provide for interactive participation by the students. A

21  course provider may not use a teaching format that includes

22  home study or distance learning and a course may not consist

23  exclusively of electronic or video presentations. All

24  instructors teaching the courses shall be certified by the

25  course provider department. Any curriculum that is

26  provisionally or fully approved for use in this state may only

27  use the teaching methodologies or techniques that are approved

28  by the department. Any variation of teaching methodology or

29  technique must be approved by the department and must be

30  based, in part, upon statistical evidence that demonstrates

31  effectiveness in reducing crash recidivism or violation


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  1  recidivism at statistically significant levels. Each course

  2  provider seeking course approval from the department on or

  3  after July 1, 1999, shall pay an application fee of $10,000 to

  4  cover the department's administrative cost of processing the

  5  application. The application fee is nonrefundable. Each course

  6  provider shall pay the department a nonrefundable fee of

  7  $5,000 for each course that is subject to the effectiveness

  8  study under s. 318.1451(7). If the course curricula fails the

  9  effectiveness study, the fee must be paid for any subsequent

10  study. However, a study may be performed only once every 6

11  months and the department may not conduct more than two

12  studies for any one course. An effectiveness study may not be

13  conducted for a course later than 3 years after the initial

14  study.

15         (2)  The department shall conduct studies contract for

16  an independent evaluation of the traffic law education

17  courses, and shall provide documentation to the Legislature by

18  October 1, 2000, and at least once every 5 years thereafter,

19  measuring course effectiveness. Local DUI programs authorized

20  under s. 316.193(5) and certified by the department or a

21  driver improvement school may offer a traffic law and

22  substance abuse education course. However, prior to offering

23  the course, the course provider must obtain certification from

24  the department that the course complies with the requirements

25  of this section. The course provider must offer the approved

26  course at locations reasonably accessible to most applicants

27  and must issue a certificate to those persons successfully

28  completing the course.

29         (3)  The completion of a course does not qualify a

30  person for the reinstatement of a driver's license which has

31  been suspended or revoked.


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  1         (4)  The fee charged by the course provider must bear a

  2  reasonable relationship to the cost of the course.  The

  3  department must conduct financial audits of course providers

  4  conducting the education courses required under this section

  5  or require that financial audits of providers be performed, at

  6  the expense of the provider, by a certified public accountant.

  7         (5)  The provisions of this section do not apply to any

  8  person who has been licensed in any other jurisdiction or who

  9  has satisfactorily completed a Department of Education

10  driver's education course offered pursuant to s. 233.063.

11         (6)  Each course provider must collect a $3 assessment

12  fee in addition to the enrollment fee charged to participants

13  of the traffic law and substance abuse course required under

14  this section. The $3 assessment fee collected by the course

15  provider must be forwarded to the department within 30 days

16  after receipt of the assessment. These funds shall be

17  deposited into the operating trust fund of the department and

18  used to administer laws regulating the traffic law and

19  substance abuse education courses and for the general

20  operations of the department.

21         Section 6.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

22  322.271, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

23  read:

24         322.271  Authority to modify revocation, cancellation,

25  or suspension order.--

26         (2)(a)  Upon such hearing, the person whose license has

27  been suspended, canceled, or revoked may show that such

28  suspension, cancellation, or revocation of his or her license

29  causes a serious hardship and precludes the person's carrying

30  out his or her normal business occupation, trade, or

31  employment and that the use of the person's license in the


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  1  normal course of his or her business is necessary to the

  2  proper support of the person or his or her family.  Except as

  3  otherwise provided in this subsection, the department shall

  4  require proof of the successful completion of an approved

  5  driver training or substance abuse education course and may

  6  require letters of recommendation from respected

  7  businesspersons in the community, law enforcement officers, or

  8  judicial officers in determining whether such person should be

  9  permitted to operate a motor vehicle on a restricted basis for

10  business or employment use only and in determining whether

11  such person can be trusted to so operate a motor vehicle. If a

12  driver's license has been suspended under the point system or

13  pursuant to s. 322.2615, the department shall require proof of

14  enrollment in an department-approved advanced approved driver

15  improvement training course or substance abuse education

16  course, and may require the letters of recommendation

17  described in this subsection to determine if the driver should

18  be reinstated on a restricted basis; if such person fails to

19  complete the approved course within 90 days after

20  reinstatement, the department shall cancel his or her driver's

21  license until the course is successfully completed. The

22  privilege of driving on a limited or restricted basis for

23  business or employment use shall not be granted to a person

24  who has been convicted of a violation of s. 316.193 until

25  completion of such education or training course. Except as

26  provided in paragraph (b), the privilege of driving on a

27  limited or restricted basis for business or employment use

28  shall not be granted to a person whose license is revoked

29  pursuant to s. 322.28 or suspended pursuant to s. 322.2615 and

30  who has been convicted of a violation of s. 316.193 two or

31  more times or whose license has been suspended two or more


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  1  times for refusal to submit to a test pursuant to s. 322.2615

  2  or former s. 322.261.

  3         Section 7.  Section 322.291, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         322.291  Driver improvement schools; required in

  6  certain suspension and revocation cases.--Except as provided

  7  in s. 322.03(2), any person:

  8         (1)  Whose driving privilege has been revoked:

  9         (a)  Upon conviction for:

10         1.  Driving, or being in actual physical control of,

11  any vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages,

12  any chemical substance set forth in s. 877.111, or any

13  substance controlled under chapter 893, in violation of s.

14  316.193;

15         2.  Driving with an unlawful blood- or breath-alcohol

16  level;

17         3.  Manslaughter resulting from the operation of a

18  motor vehicle;

19         4.  Failure to stop and render aid as required under

20  the laws of this state in the event of a motor vehicle

21  collision accident resulting in the death or personal injury

22  of another;

23         5.  Reckless driving; or

24         (b)  As an habitual offender;

25         (c)  Upon direction of the court, if the court feels

26  that the seriousness of the offense and the circumstances

27  surrounding the conviction warrant the revocation of the

28  licensee's driving privilege; or

29         (2)  Whose license was suspended under the point

30  system, was suspended for driving with an unlawful

31  blood-alcohol level of 0.10 percent or higher before January


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  1  1, 1994, was suspended for driving with an unlawful

  2  blood-alcohol level of 0.08 percent or higher after December

  3  31, 1993, or was suspended for refusing to submit to a lawful

  4  breath, blood, or urine test as provided in s. 322.2615


  6  shall, before the driving privilege may be reinstated, present

  7  to the department proof of completion of enrollment in a

  8  department-approved advanced driver improvement course or

  9  substance abuse education course.  If the person fails to

10  complete such course within 90 days after reinstatement, the

11  driver's license shall be canceled by the department until

12  such course is successfully completed.

13         Section 8.  Subsection (1) of section 627.06501,

14  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

15         627.06501  Insurance discounts for certain persons

16  completing driver improvement course.--

17         (1)  Any rate, rating schedule, or rating manual for

18  the liability, personal injury protection, and collision

19  coverages of a motor vehicle insurance policy filed with the

20  department may provide for an appropriate reduction in premium

21  charges as to such coverages when the principal operator on

22  the covered vehicle has successfully completed a driver

23  improvement course approved and certified by the Department of

24  Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles which is effective in

25  reducing crash or violation rates, or both, as determined

26  pursuant to s. 318.1451(7) s. 318.1451(5). Any discount, not

27  to exceed 10 percent, used by an insurer is presumed to be

28  appropriate unless credible data demonstrates otherwise.

29         Section 9.  This act shall take effect July 1, 1999.




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  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Revises various laws governing driver improvement
      schools. Increases from five to eight the number of times
  4    a person cited for certain traffic infractions may elect
      to attend a driver improvement course in lieu of making a
  5    court appearance. Requires that courses be approved by
      the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.
  6    Requires the provider of a driver improvement school to
      certify the course instructors. Imposes an application
  7    fee of $10,000 for a provider seeking course approval
      from the department for a driver improvement course or
  8    traffic law and substance abuse education program.
      Provides a fee of $5,000 for certain studies of courses
  9    conducted by the department. Provides a fee of $2.50 for
      persons who enroll in a driver improvement course by
10    court order. Requires that certain persons who are
      convicted of, or who plead nolo contendere to, certain
11    noncriminal traffic offenses attend a mandatory driver
      improvement course. Provides for cancellation of the
12    driver's license of any person who fails to complete the
      course. Deletes a requirement that the department conduct
13    financial audits of course providers. Provides that a
      person who enrolls in a department-approved advanced
14    driver improvement course may qualify for license
      reinstatement. (See bill for details.)
















