House Bill 1659

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1659

        By Representatives Bilirakis and Crow

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to trusts; amending s. 689.225,

  3         F.S.; excluding interests or powers from the

  4         statutory rule against perpetuities; providing

  5         legislative intent; creating s. 737.2035, F.S.;

  6         providing for costs and attorney's fees in

  7         trust proceedings; amending s. 737.306, F.S.;

  8         revising language with respect to the personal

  9         liability of the trustee; providing

10         requirements with respect to successor

11         trustees; providing effective dates.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Effective July 1, 2000, subsection (5) of

16  section 689.225, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

17         689.225  Statutory rule against perpetuities.--

18         (2)  STATEMENT OF THE RULE.--

19         (a)  A nonvested property interest in real or personal

20  property is invalid unless:

21         1.  When the interest is created, it is certain to vest

22  or terminate no later than 21 years after the death of an

23  individual then alive; or

24         2.  The interest either vests or terminates within 90

25  years after its creation.

26         (b)  A general power of appointment not presently

27  exercisable because of a condition precedent is invalid

28  unless:

29         1.  When the power is created, the condition precedent

30  is certain to be satisfied or become impossible to satisfy no



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1659


  1  later than 21 years after the death of an individual then

  2  alive; or

  3         2.  The condition precedent either is satisfied or

  4  becomes impossible to satisfy within 90 years after its

  5  creation.

  6         (c)  A nongeneral power of appointment or a general

  7  testamentary power of appointment is invalid unless:

  8         1.  When the power is created, it is certain to be

  9  irrevocably exercised or otherwise to terminate no later than

10  21 years after the death of an individual then alive; or

11         2.  The power is irrevocably exercised or otherwise

12  terminates within 90 years after its creation.

13         (d)  In determining whether a nonvested property

14  interest or a power of appointment is valid under subparagraph

15  (a)1., subparagraph (b)1., or subparagraph (c)1., the

16  possibility that a child will be born to an individual after

17  the individual's death is disregarded.

18         (e)  If, in measuring a period from the creation of a

19  trust or other property arrangement, language in a governing

20  instrument (i) seeks to disallow the vesting or termination of

21  any interest or trust beyond, (ii) seeks to postpone the

22  vesting or termination of any interest or trust until, or

23  (iii) seeks to operate in effect in any similar fashion upon,

24  the later of:

25         1.  The expiration of a period of time not exceeding 21

26  years after the death of a specified life or the survivor of

27  specified lives, or upon the death of a specified life or the

28  death of the survivor of specified lives in being at the

29  creation of the trust or other property arrangement, or

30         2.  The expiration of a period of time that exceeds or

31  might exceed 21 years after the death of the survivor of lives


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  1  in being at the creation of the trust or other property

  2  arrangement,


  4  that language is inoperative to the extent it produces a

  5  period of time that exceeds 21 years after the death of the

  6  survivor of the specified lives.


  8  PERPETUITIES.--Subsection (2) does not apply to:

  9         (a)  A nonvested property interest or a power of

10  appointment arising out of a nondonative transfer, except a

11  nonvested property interest or a power of appointment arising

12  out of:

13         1.  A premarital or postmarital agreement;

14         2.  A separation or divorce settlement;

15         3.  A spouse's election;

16         4.  A similar arrangement arising out of a prospective,

17  existing, or previous marital relationship between the

18  parties;

19         5.  A contract to make or not to revoke a will or

20  trust;

21         6.  A contract to exercise or not to exercise a power

22  of appointment;

23         7.  A transfer in satisfaction of a duty of support; or

24         8.  A reciprocal transfer;

25         (b)  A fiduciary's power relating to the administration

26  or management of assets, including the power of a fiduciary to

27  sell, lease, or mortgage property, and the power of a

28  fiduciary to determine principal and income;

29         (c)  A power to appoint a fiduciary;

30         (d)  A discretionary power of a trustee to distribute

31  principal before termination of a trust to a beneficiary


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  1  having an indefeasibly vested interest in the income and

  2  principal;

  3         (e)  A nonvested property interest held by a charity,

  4  government, or governmental agency or subdivision, if the

  5  nonvested property interest is preceded by an interest held by

  6  another charity, government, or governmental agency or

  7  subdivision;

  8         (f)  A nonvested property interest in, or a power of

  9  appointment with respect to, a trust or other property

10  arrangement forming part of a pension, profit-sharing, stock

11  bonus, health, disability, death benefit, income deferral, or

12  other current or deferred benefit plan for one or more

13  employees, independent contractors, or their beneficiaries or

14  spouses, to which contributions are made for the purpose of

15  distributing to or for the benefit of the participants, or

16  their beneficiaries or spouses, the property, income, or

17  principal in the trust or other property arrangement, except a

18  nonvested property interest or a power of appointment that is

19  created by an election of a participant or a beneficiary or

20  spouse; or

21         (g)  A property interest, power of appointment, or

22  arrangement that was not subject to the common-law rule

23  against perpetuities or is excluded by another statute of this

24  state;

25         (h)  A nonvested property interest or a power of

26  appointment when the grantor or creator of such interest or

27  power expresses his or her intention in the written instrument

28  creating such interest or power that the provisions of this

29  section shall not apply.  An election under this paragraph

30  shall be made by a statement in the written instrument

31  identifying the interest or interests to which the election


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  1  applies coupled with an expression of the grantor or creator's

  2  intention the rule against perpetuities shall not apply to the

  3  interest or interests identified.  An election shall not be

  4  deemed to have been made by implication merely because

  5  provisions of the written instrument violate this section; or

  6         (i)  This section is the sole expression of any rule

  7  against perpetuities, remoteness in vesting, or restraint upon

  8  the power of alienation or accumulations in Florida.  No

  9  common law rule against perpetuities, remoteness in vesting,

10  or restraint upon the power of alienation or accumulations

11  shall exist with respect to interests or powers which are

12  governed by or excluded from this section.

13         Section 2.  Section 737.2035, Florida Statutes, is

14  created to read:

15         737.2035  Costs and attorney's fees in trust

16  proceedings.--

17         (1)  In all trust proceedings, costs may be awarded as

18  in chancery actions.

19         (2)  Any attorney who has rendered services to a trust

20  may apply to the court for an order awarding attorney's fees,

21  and after notice and service upon the trustee and all

22  beneficiaries entitled to an accounting under s. 737.303 the

23  court shall enter its order on the fee application.

24         (3)  When costs and attorney's fees are to be paid out

25  of the trust, the court may in its discretion direct from what

26  part of the trust they shall be paid.

27         (4)  The provisions of this section shall apply only to

28  services of an attorney rendered on or after July 1, 1999.

29         Section 3.  Subsection (3) of section 737.306, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended and subsection (5) is added to said

31  section to read:


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  1         737.306  Personal liability of trustee.--

  2         (3)  A successor trustee succeeding a trustee who was

  3  also the grantor of the trust is not personally liable for any

  4  action taken or omitted to be taken by any such prior trustee;

  5  nor does any such successor trustee have a duty to institute

  6  any action against any such prior trustee, or file any claim

  7  against any such prior trustee's estate, for any of the prior

  8  trustee's acts or omissions as trustee under any of the

  9  following circumstances:

10         (a)  The successor trustee succeeds a trustee who was

11  also the grantor of a trust that was revocable during the time

12  that the grantor served as trustee;

13         (b)  As to any beneficiary who has received or waived

14  any accounting required by the provisions of s. 737.303, but

15  only as to the periods included in such waiver;

16         (c)  As to any beneficiary who has released the

17  successor trustee from such duty to institute any action or

18  file any claim;

19         (d)  As to any person who is not a beneficiary within

20  the meaning of s. 737.303(4)(b); or

21         (e)  As to any beneficiary described in s.

22  737.303(4)(b):

23         1.  If a super majority of the reasonably ascertainable

24  current income or principal beneficiaries described in s.

25  737.303(4)(b)1. and a super majority of the reasonably

26  ascertainable remainder beneficiaries described in s.

27  737.303(4)(b)2. have released the successor trustee;

28         2.  If the beneficiary has not delivered a written

29  request to the successor trustee to institute an action or

30  file a claim against the prior trustee within 6 months of the

31  date the successor trustee's acceptance of the trust, provided


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  1  the successor trustee has notified the beneficiary in writing

  2  of its acceptance in accordance with s. 737.303(1), and such

  3  writing advises the beneficiary that unless the beneficiary

  4  delivers the foregoing written request within 6 months of the

  5  date of acceptance his or her right to proceed against the

  6  successor trustee will be barred pursuant to this section; or

  7         3.  For any action or claim which the beneficiary is

  8  barred from bringing against the prior trustee. This

  9  subsection applies only with respect to a trust that is

10  revocable during the time that the grantor serves as trustee.

11         (5)  For purposes of this section a "super majority of

12  beneficiaries" means at least two-thirds in interest of the

13  beneficiaries if the interests of the beneficiaries are

14  reasonably ascertainable, otherwise it means at least

15  two-thirds in number of the beneficiaries. A release or waiver

16  under this section may be exercised by a legal representative

17  or natural guardian of the beneficiary without the filing of

18  any proceeding or approval of any court. Nothing in subsection

19  (3) shall affect any liability of the prior trustee, or the

20  right of the successor trustee or any beneficiary to pursue an

21  action or claim against the prior trustee.

22         Section 4.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

23  act shall take effect July 1, 1999.


25            *****************************************

26                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides an additional interest or power which is not
28    subject to the statutory rule against perpetuities.
      Provides for costs and attorney's fees in trust
29    proceedings. Revises language with respect to the
      personal liability of a successor trustee. See bill for
30    details.

