House Bill 1671

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1671

        By Representative Valdes

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to corporate income tax;

  3         creating s. 220.187, F.S.; providing a credit

  4         against such tax for a percentage of

  5         preventative cancer-screening procedures

  6         contributions made by a business firm;

  7         providing eligibility and application

  8         requirements; providing limitations; providing

  9         for carryover of the credit; providing for

10         administration by the Department of Health;

11         amending s. 220.02, F.S.; providing order of

12         credits against the tax; providing effective

13         dates.


15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  Section 220.187, Florida Statutes, is

18  created to read:

19         220.187  Preventative cancer-screening procedures tax

20  credit.--

21         (1)  LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.--The Legislature finds that:

22         (a)  While studies have shown that early detection and

23  screening for cancer can reduce cancer morbidity by as much as

24  50 percent for certain types of cancer, physicians report that

25  concern about the costs of early detection procedures is one

26  of the main reasons for hesitating to order those procedures.

27         (b)  Many low-income Americans lack comprehensive

28  health insurance coverage and many existing health insurance

29  policies do not adequately cover the costs of early detection

30  and cancer-screening procedures.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1671


  1         (c)  Socioeconomically disadvantaged Americans are

  2  disproportionately affected by cancer in terms of incidence

  3  and mortality.

  4         (d)  In order to significantly improve the availability

  5  of early detection and cancer-screening procedures for

  6  low-income state residents who are not covered by insurance,

  7  it is necessary to provide additional resources, and the

  8  participation of private enterprise in funding such tests is

  9  an effective means for accomplishing that goal.

10         (2)  POLICY AND PURPOSE.--It is the policy of this

11  state to encourage the participation of private corporations

12  in improving the health and well-being of state residents.

13  The purpose of this section is to provide an incentive for

14  such participation by granting partial state income tax

15  credits to corporations that contribute resources to fund

16  early detection and cancer-screening procedures for low-income

17  state residents who are not covered by insurance.




21         (a)  There shall be allowed a credit of 25 percent of a

22  preventative cancer-screening procedures contribution against

23  any tax due for a taxable year under this chapter.

24         (b)  A business firm may not receive more than $200,000

25  in annual tax credits for all approved preventative

26  cancer-screening procedures contributions made in any one

27  year.

28         (c)  The total amount of tax credit that may be granted

29  for all contributions approved under this section is $3

30  million annually.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1671


  1         (d)  Each proposal for the granting of the tax credit

  2  must have the prior approval of the Secretary of Health or his

  3  or her designee.

  4         (e)  If the credit granted under this section is not

  5  fully used in any one year because of insufficient tax

  6  liability on the part of the business firm, the unused amount

  7  may be carried forward for a period not to exceed 5 years.

  8  The carryover credit may be used in a subsequent year when the

  9  tax imposed by this chapter for that year exceeds the credit

10  for that year under this section after applying the other

11  credits and unused credit carryovers in the order provided in

12  s. 220.02(10).


14         (a)  All preventative cancer-screening procedures

15  contributions by a business firm must be in the form of cash

16  or other liquid assets or in-kind contributions if such

17  business firm is licensed under chapter 395 or chapter 483.

18         (b)  All preventative cancer-screening procedures

19  contributions must benefit low-income state residents whose

20  income level does not exceed 150 percent of the official

21  poverty level, as defined by the Office of Management and

22  Budget of the United States Government, and to the extent such

23  person's medical insurance does not pay for such preventative

24  cancer-screening procedures costs.

25         (c)  The preventative cancer-screening procedures

26  contribution must be expended on the components of the adult

27  health screen as outlined in the Medicaid program including

28  these cancer-screening procedures:

29         1.  Physical breast examination and mammogram for

30  detecting female breast cancer;



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1671


  1         2.  Digital rectal examination for detecting prostate

  2  cancer, proctoscopy, and blood stool test for occult blood for

  3  detecting colon and rectum cancer;

  4         3.  Pap test for detecting uterine cancer; and

  5         4.  Pelvic examination for detecting ovarian cancer.


  7         (a)  Any business firm that wishes to make preventative

  8  cancer-screening procedures contributions, whether in the form

  9  of cash or other liquid assets or by in-kind contributions if

10  such business firm is licensed under chapter 395 or chapter

11  483, must submit a proposal to the Department of Health.  The

12  proposal must identify the business firm; specify the form of

13  the contribution, the facility that will administer the

14  eligible cancer-screening procedures, and the fee schedule

15  established for Medicaid compensable service; and include all

16  supporting information that is required by rule.

17         (b)  Any business firm that wishes to participate in

18  this program must submit an application for tax credit to the

19  Department of Health.  The application must identify the

20  business firm that donates the funds or in-kind contribution

21  and the recipient facility and must specify the value and

22  purpose of the contribution.  The recipient facility must

23  verify the terms of the application, indicate its willingness

24  to receive the contribution, and certify that the screening

25  procedures will be provided according to the fee schedules

26  established for Medicaid compensable services. This

27  verification must be in writing and must accompany the

28  application for tax credit.

29         (c)  The business firm must submit a separate

30  application for tax credit for each individual contribution

31  that it proposes to contribute to each recipient facility.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1671


  1         (6)  ADMINISTRATION.--

  2         (a)  The Department of Health may adopt rules necessary

  3  to administer this section, including rules for approving or

  4  disapproving proposals by business firms.

  5         (b)  The decision of the secretary or his or her

  6  designee must be in writing, and, if approved, the approval

  7  must state the maximum credit allowable to the business firm.

  8  A copy of the decision must be transmitted to the executive

  9  director of the Department of Revenue, who shall apply such

10  credit to the tax liability of the business firm.

11         (c)  The Department of Health shall periodically

12  monitor all approved projects in a manner consistent with

13  available resources to ensure that resources are used in

14  accordance with this section; however, each approved project

15  must be reviewed at least every 2 years.

16         (d)  The Department of Revenue shall adopt rules

17  necessary to ensure the orderly implementation and

18  administration of this section.

19         Section 2.  Subsection (10) of section 220.02, Florida

20  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

21         220.02  Legislative intent.--

22         (10)  It is the intent of the Legislature that credits

23  against either the corporate income tax or the franchise tax

24  be applied in the following order: those enumerated in s.

25  220.68, those enumerated in s. 220.18, those enumerated in s.

26  631.828, those enumerated in s. 220.191, those enumerated in

27  s. 220.181, those enumerated in s. 220.183, those enumerated

28  in s. 220.182, those enumerated in s. 220.1895, those

29  enumerated in s. 221.02, those enumerated in s. 220.184, those

30  enumerated in s. 220.186, those enumerated in s. 220.188,



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1671


  1  those enumerated in s. 220.1845, those enumerated in s.

  2  220.187, and those enumerated in s. 220.19.

  3         Section 3.  Effective July 1, 2000, subsection (10) of

  4  section 220.02, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, as amended

  5  by chapter 98-132, Laws of Florida, is amended to read:

  6         220.02  Legislative intent.--

  7         (10)  It is the intent of the Legislature that credits

  8  against either the corporate income tax or the franchise tax

  9  be applied in the following order: those enumerated in s.

10  220.18, those enumerated in s. 631.828, those enumerated in s.

11  220.191, those enumerated in s. 220.181, those enumerated in

12  s. 220.183, those enumerated in s. 220.182, those enumerated

13  in s. 220.1895, those enumerated in s. 221.02, those

14  enumerated in s. 220.184, those enumerated in s. 220.186,

15  those enumerated in s. 220.188, those enumerated in s.

16  220.1845, those enumerated in s. 220.187, and those enumerated

17  in s. 220.19.

18         Section 4.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

19  act shall take effect January 1, 2000.


21            *****************************************

22                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides a credit against the corporate income tax for 25
24    percent of a preventative cancer-screening procedures
      contribution made by a business firm in the form of cash
25    or other liquid assets, or in-kind contributions by
      taxpayers licensed as hospitals or health testing
26    services. Provides eligibility requirements and
      application requirements.  Provides limitations.
27    Provides for administration by the Department of Health.
      Authorizes carryover of the credit and provides the order
28    in which the credit will be applied.



