Senate Bill 1674

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1674

    By Senator Kirkpatrick


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to economic development;

  3         providing legislative findings and declarations

  4         with respect to the global competition that is

  5         encountered by the state in attracting certain

  6         high-impact business facilities; creating the

  7         Florida Economic Opportunities Incentive Fund

  8         within the Office of Tourism, Trade, and

  9         Economic Development; providing for the

10         transfer of moneys to the fund; limiting the

11         amount of moneys that may be transferred to the

12         fund in any one fiscal year; requiring

13         Enterprise Florida, Inc., to evaluate and

14         recommend high-impact facilities eligible for a

15         payment of moneys from the fund; requiring that

16         such payments be approved by the Governor,

17         following consultation with the President of

18         the Senate and the Speaker of the House of

19         Representatives; providing certain requirements

20         for the contract awarding moneys from the fund;

21         providing a contingent effective date.


23  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


25         Section 1.  Florida Economic Opportunities Incentive

26  Fund.--

27         (1)(a)  The Legislature finds that attracting,

28  retaining, and providing favorable conditions for the growth

29  of certain high-impact business facilities provides widespread

30  economic benefits to the public through high-quality

31  employment opportunities in such facilities and in related


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1674

  1  facilities attracted to the state, through the increased tax

  2  base provided by the high-impact facility and businesses in

  3  related sectors, through an enhanced entrepreneurial climate

  4  in the state and the resulting business and employment

  5  opportunities, and through the stimulation and enhancement of

  6  the state's universities and community colleges. In the global

  7  economy, there exists serious and fierce international

  8  competition for these facilities, and in most instances, when

  9  all available resources for economic development have been

10  used, the state continues to encounter severe competitive

11  disadvantages in vying for these high-impact business

12  facilities.

13         (b)  The Legislature therefore declares that sufficient

14  resources shall be available to respond to extraordinary

15  economic opportunities and to compete effectively for these

16  high-impact business facilities.

17         (2)(a)  There is created within the Office of Tourism,

18  Trade, and Economic Development the Florida Economic

19  Opportunities Incentive Fund.

20         (b)  Upon the approval of the Governor, moneys may be

21  transferred to the Florida Economic Opportunities Incentive

22  Fund from the Working Capital Fund or other unappropriated

23  surplus funds, not to exceed $50 million in any one fiscal

24  year.

25         (3)(a)  Enterprise Florida, Inc., shall evaluate

26  individual proposals for high-impact business facilities and

27  forward recommendations regarding the use of moneys in the

28  fund for such facilities to the director of the Office of

29  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development. Such evaluation and

30  recommendation must include, but need not be limited to:



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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1674

  1         1.  A description of the type of facility, its business

  2  operation, and the product or service associated with the

  3  facility.

  4         2.  The number of full-time-equivalent jobs that will

  5  be created by the facility and the total estimated average

  6  annual wages of those jobs.

  7         3.  The cumulative amount of investment to be dedicated

  8  to the facility within a specified period.

  9         4.  A statement of any special impacts the facility is

10  expected to stimulate in a particular business sector in the

11  state or regional economy or in the state's universities and

12  community colleges.

13         5.  A statement of the role the incentive is expected

14  to play in the decision of the applicant business to locate or

15  expand in this state.

16         (b)  Upon receipt of the evaluation and recommendation

17  from Enterprise Florida, Inc., the director shall recommend

18  approval or disapproval of a project for receipt of funds from

19  the Florida Economic Opportunities Incentive Fund to the

20  Governor. In recommending a high-impact business facility, the

21  director shall include proposed performance conditions that

22  the facility must meet to obtain incentive funds. The Governor

23  shall consult with the President of the Senate and the Speaker

24  of the House of Representatives before giving final approval

25  for a project.

26         (c)  Upon the approval of the Governor, the director of

27  the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development and the

28  high-impact business shall enter into a contract that sets

29  forth the conditions for payment of moneys from the fund. The

30  contract must include the total amount of funds awarded; the

31  performance conditions that must be met to obtain the award,


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    Florida Senate - 1999                                  SB 1674

  1  including, but not limited to, net new employment in the

  2  state, average salary, and total capital investment; the

  3  methodology for validating performance; and the schedule of

  4  payments from the fund.

  5         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  6  law, but it shall not take effect unless it is enacted by at

  7  least a three-fifths vote of the membership of each house of

  8  the Legislature.


10            *****************************************

11                          SENATE SUMMARY

12    Creates the Florida Economic Opportunities Incentive Fund
      within the Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic
13    Development. Limits the amount of moneys that may be
      transferred to the fund to $50 million in any one fiscal
14    year. Requires that Enterprise Florida, Inc., evaluate
      and recommend high-impact facilities that are eligible
15    for a payment of moneys from the fund. Requires that any
      payments from the fund be approved by the Governor,
16    following consultation with the President of the Senate
      and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.














