House Bill 1695

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1695

        By Representatives Starks, Posey, Trovillion, Feeney,
    Constantine, Brummer, Johnson, Reddick and Sublette

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to Orange County; providing for

  3         codification of special laws regarding special

  4         districts pursuant to chapter 97-255, Laws of

  5         Florida, relating to the Orange County Library

  6         District, an independent special tax district

  7         in Orange County; codifying and reenacting

  8         chapter 80-555, Laws of Florida, as amended by

  9         chapters 81-450 and 91-372, Laws of Florida;

10         providing legislative findings and intent;

11         ratifying and confirming the creation and

12         establishment of the Orange County Library

13         District; clarifying powers regarding debt

14         secured by non-ad valorem revenues; ratifying

15         the appointments and terms of existing members

16         of the Orange County Library Board of Trustees;

17         deleting obsolete provisions; repealing ss. 10

18         and 11 of chapter 80-555, Laws of Florida, and

19         chapters 81-450 and 91-372, Laws of Florida;

20         providing an effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Section 1 is created to read:

25         Section 1.  Pursuant to chapter 97-255, Laws of

26  Florida, this act constitutes the codification of all special

27  acts relating to the Orange County Library District. It is the

28  intent of the Legislature in enacting this law to provide a

29  single, comprehensive special act charter for the district,

30  including all current legislative authority granted to the



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  1  district by its several legislative enactments and any

  2  additional authority granted by this act.

  3         Section 2.  Section 2 is created to read:

  4         Section 2.  Chapter 80-555, Laws of Florida, chapter

  5  81-450, Laws of Florida, and chapter 91-372, Laws of Florida,

  6  relating to the Orange County Library District, are codified,

  7  reenacted, amended, and repealed as herein provided.

  8         Section 3.  Section 1 of chapter 80-555, Laws of

  9  Florida, is amended to read:

10         Section 3.1.  Short Title.--This act shall be known and

11  may be cited as the "Orange County Library District Act."

12         Section 4.  Section 4 is created to read:

13         Section 4.  Legislative findings and intent.--

14         (1)  FINDINGS.--The Legislature finds that the Orange

15  County Library District, an independent special district

16  created in 1980 to provide library services and facilities in

17  all of Orange County except the cities of Winter Park and

18  Maitland, has provided high quality library service to

19  district residents and taxpayers throughout its existence.

20  Authorized to levy ad valorem taxes for operating expenses and

21  debt service, the library district has consistently levied

22  taxes substantially below its statutory maximum, and has used

23  the tax revenue efficiently and effectively. Both the Orange

24  County Library District Act and the ad valorem tax authority

25  were expressly approved by the voters of the district by

26  referendum on September 9, 1980, as required by s. 9(b),

27  Article VII of the State Constitution, and the trust and

28  confidence given by the electors to the district has been

29  rewarded with quality library facilities and services.

30         (2)  INTENT.--This act constitutes the reenactment and

31  codification of all special acts relating to the district


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  1  pursuant to s. 189.429, Florida Statutes. This law is intended

  2  to provide a single, comprehensive special act charter for the

  3  district that ratifies and continues all powers and authority,

  4  including its taxing authority, granted to the district by its

  5  several previous legislative enactments and that grants such

  6  additional authority and imposes such additional requirements

  7  and limitations as may be provided by this act.

  8         Section 5.  Section 2 of chapter 80-555, Laws of

  9  Florida, as amended by chapter 91-372, Laws of Florida, is

10  amended to read:

11         Section 5.2.  Orange County Library District:

12  establishment; boundaries; governing board.--

13         (1)(a)  ESTABLISHMENT.--The creation of There is hereby

14  created the Orange County Library District pursuant to chapter

15  80-555, Laws of Florida, for the purpose of providing library

16  services and facilities within the district is hereby ratified

17  pursuant to this act.

18         (2)(b)  BOUNDARIES.--The Orange County Library District

19  is composed of all areas of Orange County, Florida, except the

20  incorporated areas of the Cities of Winter Park and Maitland,

21  as the boundaries of those municipalities may from time to

22  time exist.

23         (3)(c)  GOVERNING BOARD.--The Governing Board of the

24  Orange County Library District is composed of the Board of

25  County Commissioners of Orange County, Florida, and one member

26  appointed by the City Council of the City of Orlando, Florida.

27  Such city council appointees shall be appointed for a term of

28  2 years, shall not serve more than three consecutive terms,

29  and may be removed from the governing board for cause by the

30  city council.



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  1         Section 6.  Section 3 of chapter 80-555, Laws of

  2  Florida, as amended by chapter 81-450, Laws of Florida, is

  3  amended to read:

  4         Section 6.3.  Governing board powers.--The governing

  5  board shall have the power to:

  6         (1)(a)  Levy annually an ad valorem tax upon taxable

  7  property within the district in the same manner as other

  8  county and municipal ad valorem taxes are levied, provided

  9  that:

10         (a)1.  The millage allocated to annual operating and

11  maintenance expenses of the district shall not exceed one (1)

12  mill; and

13         (b)2.  The millage allocated to debt service shall not

14  exceed an amount necessary to pay principal of and interest on

15  bonds issued under subsection (4). (d) hereof; and

16         3.  The tax first levied after the effective date of

17  this act shall not exceed 0.512 mill.

18         (2)(b)  Purchase, lease, construct, or otherwise

19  acquire capital projects related to the library services and

20  facilities of the district and to convey such capital projects

21  to the Orange County Library Board of Trustees in trust for

22  the benefit of the residents in the district.

23         (3)(c)  Appropriate and expend revenue of the district,

24  subject to the limitations of this act.

25         (4)(d)  Issue bonds, notes, any other certificates of

26  indebtedness, or any form of tax or bond anticipation notes or

27  certificates payable from all or any portion of the ad valorem

28  tax revenues of the district, but only when the proceeds of

29  such bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, or tax

30  anticipation notes or certificates are used to finance or

31  refinance capital projects related to library services or


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  1  facilities of the district, and only when such indebtedness is

  2  approved at referendum pursuant to law. Bonds issued hereunder

  3  shall be payable from taxes to be levied on all taxable

  4  property in the district without limitation as to rate or

  5  amount. However, the aggregate amount of bonds issued and

  6  outstanding hereunder at any time shall not require in any

  7  year for the payment of principal and interest falling due an

  8  amount greater than one (1) mill on the assessed valuation of

  9  all taxable property in the district at the time of the

10  issuance of such bonds. In issuing such bonds or other forms

11  of indebtedness, the governing board may pledge the full faith

12  and credit of the district for service of the debt to be

13  incurred.

14         (5)(e)  Issue revenue bonds or notes payable from the

15  proceeds of any fees, charges, fines, rentals, grants, or

16  other sources of revenue (except ad valorem taxes) which may

17  be or become available to the district; to pledge such

18  revenues to the payment of such revenue bonds or notes; to

19  make all customary or necessary covenants for the security of

20  such revenue bonds or notes (including covenants to assure the

21  adequacy of such revenues and the proper collection, holding,

22  and disposition thereof); to agree to pay some or all expenses

23  of maintenance and operation from sources other than pledged

24  revenues (and not to diminish the rate of taxation available

25  therefor); to capitalize interest and reserves in such amounts

26  as the governing board may deem necessary; to pay all costs of

27  issuance of such bonds or notes, including fiscal, legal, bond

28  insurance, and printing expenses from bond or note proceeds or

29  other sources; and to apply the proceeds of said revenue bonds

30  or notes to the payment of the cost of any or all facilities

31  or property (real or personal, including books) which said


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  1  district is empowered to acquire, including all architectural,

  2  legal, engineering, and other professional costs in connection

  3  therewith, or to the refunding of previously issued revenue

  4  bonds or notes.

  5         (6)(f)  Issue such bonds, revenue bonds or notes, tax

  6  or bond anticipation notes, or other forms of indebtedness at

  7  such interest rate or rates as the governing board may

  8  determine.

  9         (7)(g)  Appoint members to the Orange County Library

10  Board of Trustees as provided in section 8 below.

11         (8)(h)  Budget, appropriate, and pay revenues of the

12  district to the board of trustees for operation and

13  maintenance of library services and facilities, and, when

14  conveyed to the board of trustees, such revenues shall be

15  deemed revenues of the board of trustees to be expended by the

16  trustees at their discretion pursuant to the powers granted

17  under Section 6 of this act and subject to limitations

18  contained in Section 4 of this act.

19         (9)(i)  Exercise powers of eminent domain over private

20  property pursuant to law, but only where such property will be

21  used for a public purpose related to library services and

22  facilities. This power of eminent domain shall not extend to

23  property owned by any municipality.

24         Section 7.  Section 4 of chapter 80-555, Laws of

25  Florida, is amended to read:

26         Section 7.4.  Use of tax revenues; supplemental

27  appropriations and services in kind.--Ad valorem tax revenue

28  of the district may be used only for the operation and

29  maintenance expenses of district library services and

30  facilities, for capital expenditures related to district

31  library services and facilities, or for servicing debt


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  1  incurred in financing or refinancing capital projects as

  2  authorized by this act. Notwithstanding any other provision of

  3  this act, any county or city may appropriate, and the board of

  4  trustees may accept and expend, funds for library facilities,

  5  services, programs, and operations which are supplemental to

  6  ad valorem tax revenues otherwise collected pursuant to this

  7  act. Further, any county or city may provide to the board of

  8  trustees services and in-kind contributions of any nature

  9  whatsoever in support of library facilities, services,

10  programs, and operations.

11         Section 8.  Section 5 of chapter 80-555, Laws of

12  Florida, is amended to read:

13         Section 8.5.  Orange County Library Board of Trustees:

14  establishment and purpose; appointment of members, terms,

15  removal, and vacancies; compensation; quorum, rules of

16  procedure, and seal.--

17         (1)(a)  ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSE.--There is hereby

18  established the Orange County Library Board of Trustees, a

19  public body corporate and politic. The board of trustees shall

20  be deemed a public instrumentality, and the exercise by the

21  trustees of the powers conferred by this act shall be deemed

22  the performance of an essential public function.


24  VACANCIES.--The Orange County Board of Trustees shall consist

25  of five members appointed by the governing board, two of whom

26  shall be nominated by the City of Orlando. A nominee of the

27  City of Orlando shall be appointed by the governing board to

28  the board of trustees unless rejected for good cause shown.

29         (a)1.  The members first appointed shall serve terms as

30  follows:  Two appointees, including one nominated by the City

31  of Orlando, shall each serve an initial term of four years;


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  1  one appointee shall serve an initial term of three years; the

  2  other appointee nominated by the City shall serve an initial

  3  term of two years; the remaining appointee shall serve an

  4  initial term of one year. The first year of each initial term

  5  shall be deemed to have expired on the last day of the year

  6  during which the Governing Board appoints the initial members.

  7  Thereafter, All members shall serve terms of four years,

  8  except that each member shall continue to serve beyond his or

  9  her term until a successor is appointed, and the term of the

10  successor shall be reduced by the amount of the holdover. No

11  member shall serve more than two full terms consecutively or

12  more than ten consecutive years. No person employed either by

13  Orange County or by the City of Orlando shall serve on the

14  board of trustees during the time of such employment. Further,

15  no elected official of any county or municipality may serve on

16  the board of trustees during the term of elected office. The

17  appointment of all members serving as of the effective date of

18  this act, and the terms for which they were appointed, are

19  hereby ratified and validated.

20         (b)2.  Any trustee may be removed by majority vote of

21  the governing board for good cause affecting his or her

22  ability to perform the his duties as a member, or for

23  misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, but only

24  after a hearing at which such trustee is given the right to

25  present evidence in his or her own behalf and only upon a

26  finding by majority vote of the governing board that good

27  cause for removal affecting the member's ability to perform

28  the his duties as a member exists, or a finding that the

29  trustee he was guilty of misfeasance, malfeasance, or

30  nonfeasance in office.



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  1         (c)3.  Upon the occurrence of a vacancy on the board of

  2  trustees, the governing board shall appoint a new member to

  3  serve during the unexpired portion of the term no later than

  4  ninety days after occurrence or discovery of the vacancy.

  5         (3)(c)  COMPENSATION.--Trustees shall serve without

  6  compensation, except that they may be reimbursed for

  7  reasonable travel and per diem expenses incurred in the course

  8  of their duties and responsibilities as trustees or on behalf

  9  of the governing board or otherwise in engaging in the

10  business of the district. Any such reimbursement for travel or

11  per diem expenses shall be in amounts pursuant to general law.

12         (4)(d)  QUORUM, RULES OF PROCEDURE, AND SEAL.--A quorum

13  shall consist of three members of the board of trustees, and

14  official action shall be taken only upon majority of the

15  trustees present and voting. The board of trustees shall adopt

16  bylaws for election of officers and orderly proceedings and

17  shall adopt a common seal for the certification of its

18  actions.

19         Section 9.  Section 6 of chapter 80-555, Laws of

20  Florida, is amended to read:

21         Section 9.6.  Powers of the Orange County Library Board

22  of Trustees.--The Orange County Library Board of Trustees

23  shall have the following powers:

24         (1)(a)  To manage, administer, operate, supervise,

25  oversee, and maintain all library facilities and services,

26  programs, and functions for the benefit of the residents of

27  the Orange County Library District.

28         (2)(b)  To purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire real

29  and personal property, and generally to take all other actions

30  regarding such property as may be necessary in the prudent

31  management, operation, and maintenance of district library


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  1  services and facilities. However, all property, real or

  2  personal, acquired by the board of trustees from whatever

  3  source or by whatever means shall be deemed to be held in

  4  trust for the benefit of the residents of this district for

  5  library purposes. If the powers of the board of trustees under

  6  this act are ever rescinded or dissolved for whatever reason,

  7  all rights, title, and interest of the trustees in all

  8  property then owned by the trustees shall revert automatically

  9  to the governing board or its successor to be held in trust

10  for the benefit of the residents of the district for library

11  purposes.

12         (3)(c)  To lease, grant, sell, or otherwise convey real

13  property upon approval of the governing board.

14         (4)(d)  To dispose of personal property as necessary in

15  the prudent management, operation, and maintenance of library

16  services and facilities.

17         (5)(e)  To employ personnel and to take all other

18  actions consistent with generally accepted employment

19  practices.

20         (6)(f)  To retain attorneys, accountants, architects,

21  engineers, and other consultants and professionals.

22         (7)(g)  To accept gifts of money or property for the

23  beneficial use of the residents of the district and to act as

24  trustee with full legal capacity to administer any money or

25  property conveyed to the district in trust by any party,

26  private or public, whether by will, deed, or other instrument,

27  or by any court of competent jurisdiction.

28         (8)(h)  To contract with any county, city, or other

29  public body for the provision providing of library services

30  within or outside of the district, provided that library



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  1  services outside the district shall not be subsidized by the

  2  ad valorem revenues of the district.

  3         (9)(i)  To apply for and accept any grant of money or

  4  property from any governmental body or private organization

  5  and to enter into contracts incidental thereto.

  6         (10)(j)  To serve as agent for and to enter into

  7  contracts on in behalf of the governing board, but only to the

  8  extent expressly approved by the governing board.

  9         (11)(k)  To adopt and implement rules, regulations,

10  policies, and procedures for the management, operation, and

11  maintenance of library services and facilities in the

12  district, and to set fees, fines, and other charges in

13  connection with such operation operations and services.

14         (12)(l)  To contract, to receive and expend money, to

15  sue and be sued, and generally to perform all other acts

16  necessary or incidental to the express powers and duties

17  granted or imposed by this act or by any instrument of trust.

18         Section 10.  Section 7 of chapter 80-555, Laws of

19  Florida, as amended by chapter 91-372, Laws of Florida, is

20  amended to read:

21         Section 10.7  Duties of the Orange County Library Board

22  of Trustees.--

23         (1)(a)  Each member of the board of trustees, before

24  entering upon his or her duties, shall take and subscribe the

25  oath or affirmation required by the Constitution of the State

26  of Florida. A record of each oath shall be filed with the

27  Department of State and with the Orange County Comptroller.

28         (2)(b)  The board of trustees shall comply with the

29  budget and audit requirements of ss. 189.418(4) and 218.34,

30  Florida Statutes, and any successor or other applicable

31  general laws.


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  1         (3)(c)  The board of trustees shall perform fully all

  2  duties prescribed by any trust instruments which may from time

  3  to time convey property to the trustees from the governing

  4  board or from other public or private persons or entities, but

  5  only to the extent that such trust instruments are not

  6  inconsistent with this act.

  7         (4)(d)  The board of trustees shall be bound by all

  8  covenants securing any revenue bonds or notes issued from time

  9  to time by the governing board.

10         Section 11.  Section 8 of chapter 80-555, Laws of

11  Florida, is amended to read:

12         Section 11.8.  Entitlement of district residents to

13  library services; enforcement; limitation of trustee

14  liability.--


16  SERVICES.--For so long as the governing board levies an ad

17  valorem tax pursuant to Section 5 of this act for the

18  operation and maintenance of library services and facilities,

19  all residents of the district shall be entitled to use of the

20  general library services and facilities without charge.

21  However, nothing in this subsection prohibits the board of

22  trustees from imposing fines for delinquent library materials

23  or charges for library services and facilities which are

24  specialized and of a type not typically used by the general

25  public. Further, such entitlement shall cease and shall not

26  apply if and when ad valorem tax revenues are used solely for

27  servicing debt incurred in the acquisition or refinancing of

28  capital projects.

29         (2)(b)  ENFORCEMENT.--Except as otherwise provided by

30  the trust instrument, the provisions and requirements of any



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  1  trust for which the board of trustees acts as trustee may be

  2  enforced only by the governing board.

  3         (3)(c)  LIMITATION ON TRUSTEE LIABILITY.--Absent

  4  personal negligence, no member of the Orange County Library

  5  Board of Trustees shall incur any personal liability for the

  6  tortious acts or violations of fiduciary duty of any employee

  7  of the board of trustees.

  8         Section 12.  Section 9 of chapter 80-555, Laws of

  9  Florida, is amended to read:

10         Section 12.9.  Severability.--If any portion of this

11  act is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of law,

12  all remaining portions of the act shall remain in full force

13  and effect if, and only if, the intent of the Legislature can

14  continue to be effected.

15         Section 13.  Section 13 is created to read:

16         Section 13.  Sections 10 and 11 of chapter 80-555, Laws

17  of Florida, chapter 81-450, Laws of Florida, and chapter

18  91-372, Laws of Florida, are repealed.

19         Section 14.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

20  law.











