CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Bill No. CS/HB 1707
Amendment No.
Senate House
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11 Senator Diaz-Balart moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 51, between lines 26 and 27,
16 insert:
17 Section 57. Effective July 1, 1999, section 110.1315,
18 Florida Statutes, is created to read:
19 110.1315 Alternative benefits; other-personal-services
20 employees.--Upon review and recommendation of the department
21 and approval of the Governor, the department may contract for
22 the implementation of an alternative retirement income
23 security program for eligible temporary and season employees
24 of the state which is funded from appropriations for other
25 personal services. The contract may provide for a private
26 vendor or vendors to administer the program under a
27 defined-contribution plan under s. 401(a), 403(b), or 457 of
28 the Internal Revenue Code, and the program must provide
29 retirement benefits as required under s. 3121(b)(7)(f) of the
30 Internal Revenue Code. The department may develop a request
31 for proposals or invitation to negotiate and solicit qualified
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Bill No. CS/HB 1707
Amendment No.
1 vendors to compete for the award of the contract. The vendor
2 shall be selected on the basis of the plan that best serves
3 the interests of the participating employees and the state.
4 The proposal must comply with all necessary federal and state
5 laws and rules. The proposal must be reviewed by the State
6 Board of Administration, which shall advise the department
7 with respect to the findings of that review.
8 Section 58. Effective July 1, 1999, section 110.1316,
9 Florida Statutes, is created to read:
10 110.1316 Alternative benefits; tax-sheltered
11 annual-leave and sick-leave payments.--Upon review and
12 recommendation of the department and approval by the Governor,
13 the department may contract for the implementation of a
14 tax-sheltered plan for state employees who are eligible for
15 payment for accumulated sick leave or annual leave at
16 termination of employment. The contract may provide for a
17 private vendor or vendors to administer the plan and the plan
18 must provide retirement benefits in a manner that minimizes
19 the tax liability of the participants. The plan must be funded
20 by employer contributions of payments for accumulated sick
21 leave or annual leave. The plan must have received all
22 necessary federal and state approval as required by law and
23 must comply with the provisions of s. 112.65. The request for
24 proposals may require that the vendor or vendors provide
25 market risk or volatility ratings from recognized rating
26 agencies for each of its investment products. The proposal
27 must be reviewed by the State Board of Administration, which
28 shall advise the department with respect to the findings of
29 that review. The department shall provide for a system of
30 continuous quality-assurance oversight to ensure that the
31 program objectives are achieved and that the program is
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Bill No. CS/HB 1707
Amendment No.
1 prudently managed. Within 30 days after termination from
2 employment, an employee may elect to withdraw the moneys,
3 without penalty by the plan administrator, and shall be held
4 harmless by the state with regard to any early withdrawal
5 penalties imposed by the Internal Revenue Service. The method
6 of calculation of such withdrawal payment shall be prescribed
7 by rule.
9 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
12 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
13 And the title is amended as follows:
14 On page 5, line 17, after the semicolon,
16 insert:
17 creating s. 110.1315, F.S.; providing for the
18 Department of Management Services to contract
19 for implementation of an alternative retirement
20 income security program for temporary state
21 employees; creating s. 110.1316, F.S.;
22 providing for the Department of Management
23 Services to contract for the implementation of
24 a tax-sheltered plan for state employees for
25 payment of accumulated sick leave or annual
26 leave; providing for review by the State Board
27 of Administration;
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