House Bill 1767

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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1767

        By the Committee on Insurance and Representatives Bainter,
    Lawson, Patterson, Waters, Goode, Cosgrove and Wiles

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to workers' compensation;

  3         amending s. 440.02, F.S.; revising definitions;

  4         amending s. 440.09, F.S.; excluding employees

  5         covered under the Defense Base Act; amending s.

  6         440.102, F.S.; providing requirements and

  7         procedures for conducting certain drug tests

  8         and for reporting and preserving results of

  9         drug tests; requiring certain contractors under

10         state contract to implement a drug-free

11         workplace; amending s. 440.12, F.S.; providing

12         for electronic payment of compensation

13         payments; amending s. 440.13, F.S.; revising

14         requirements for submission of certain medical

15         reports and bills; granting rehabilitation

16         providers access to medical records; amending

17         s. 440.134, F.S.; authorizing individually

18         self-insured employers to provide medical

19         benefits with or without managed care

20         arrangements; amending s. 440.14, F.S.;

21         requiring employees to provide certain loss of

22         earnings information for purposes of certain

23         average weekly wage calculations; amending s.

24         440.15, F.S.; clarifying provisions relating to

25         permanent total disability supplemental

26         benefits; amending s. 440.185, F.S.;

27         authorizing the division to contract with a

28         private entity for collection of certain policy

29         information; amending s. 440.192, F.S.;

30         revising requirements and procedures for filing

31         petitions for benefits; amending s. 440.20,


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  1         F.S.; providing for payment of compensation by

  2         direct deposit under certain circumstances;

  3         revising the period for payment; revising lump

  4         sum settlement requirements; amending s.

  5         440.25, F.S.; imposing a timeframe for certain

  6         pretrial hearings; amending s. 440.271, F.S.;

  7         directing the First District Court of Appeals

  8         to establish a specialized division for certain

  9         purposes; amending s. 440.34, F.S.; revising

10         terms to conform; amending ss. 440.49 and

11         440.51, F.S.; providing definitions relating to

12         net premiums; amending s. 627.311, F.S.;

13         providing for use of surplus for purposes of

14         funding certain deficits; repealing s.

15         440.45(3), F.S., relating to judges of

16         compensation claims serving as docketing

17         judges; providing effective dates.


19  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


21         Section 1.  Subsection (27) and paragraph (f) of

22  subsection (37) of section 440.02, Florida Statutes, 1998

23  Supplement, are amended to read:

24         440.02  Definitions.--When used in this chapter, unless

25  the context clearly requires otherwise, the following terms

26  shall have the following meanings:

27         (27)  "Wages" means the money rate at which the service

28  rendered is recompensed under the contract of hiring in force

29  at the time of the injury and includes only the wages earned

30  and reported for federal income tax purposes on the job where

31  the employee is injured and the wages lost as a result of the


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  1  injury at any other concurrent employment where he or she is

  2  also subject to workers' compensation coverage and benefits,

  3  together with the reasonable value of housing furnished to the

  4  employee by the employer which is the permanent year-round

  5  residence of the employee, and gratuities to the extent

  6  reported to the employer in writing as taxable income received

  7  in the course of employment from others than the employer and

  8  employer contributions for health insurance for the employee

  9  or the employee's dependents. However, housing furnished to

10  migrant workers shall be included in wages unless provided

11  after the time of injury. In employment in which an employee

12  receives consideration for housing, the reasonable value of

13  such housing compensation shall be the actual cost to the

14  employer or based upon the Fair Market Rent Survey promulgated

15  pursuant to s. 8 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of

16  1974, whichever is less. However, if employer contributions

17  for housing or health insurance are continued after the time

18  of the injury, the contributions are not "wages" for the

19  purpose of calculating an employee's average weekly wage.

20         (37)  "Catastrophic injury" means a permanent

21  impairment constituted by:

22         (f)  Any other injury that results in the Social

23  Security Administration determining an employee eligible would

24  otherwise qualify under this chapter of a nature and severity

25  that would qualify an employee to receive disability income

26  benefits under Title II or supplemental security income

27  benefits under Title XVI of the federal Social Security Act as

28  the Social Security Act existed on July 1, 1992, without

29  regard to any time limitations provided under that act. In

30  order for an injury to qualify as a "catastrophic injury"

31  under this paragraph, there must be a causal connection


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  1  between the injury which serves as the basis for a Social

  2  Security Administration determination of eligibility and the

  3  compensable injury.

  4         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 440.09, Florida

  5  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

  6         440.09  Coverage.--

  7         (2)  Benefits are not payable in respect of the

  8  disability or death of any employee covered by the Federal

  9  Employer's Liability Act, the Longshoremen's and Harbor

10  Worker's Compensation Act, the Defense Base Act, or the Jones

11  Act.

12         Section 3.  The introductory paragraph of section

13  440.102, Florida Statutes, and paragraphs (d), (e), and (o) of

14  subsection (5) are amended, and subsection (15) is added to

15  said section, to read:

16         440.102  Drug-free workplace program requirements.--The

17  following provisions apply to a drug-free workplace program

18  implemented under the pursuant to law or under to rules

19  adopted by the Agency for Health Care Administration:

20         (5)  PROCEDURES AND EMPLOYEE PROTECTION.--All specimen

21  collection and testing for drugs under this section shall be

22  performed in accordance with the following procedures:

23         (d)1.  Each initial drug test and confirmation test

24  conducted under this section, not including the taking or

25  collecting of a specimen to be tested, shall be conducted by a

26  licensed or certified laboratory as described in subsection

27  (9), except an initial drug test may be conducted on the

28  employer's premises in accordance with procedures in this

29  subsection and rules and guidelines adopted by the Agency for

30  Health Care Administration for the protection of employees.

31  If the initial drug test is conducted on the employer's


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  1  premises and produces a positive test result, a confirmation

  2  test must be conducted by a licensed or certified laboratory

  3  as described in subsection (9).  An employer shall not take

  4  any adverse action against an employee based on an initial

  5  drug test producing positive results until a confirmation test

  6  producing positive results has been conducted.

  7         2.  An employer having initial drug tests conducted on

  8  the employer's premises shall:

  9         a.  Conduct the test in view of the person being tested

10  if possible. If it is not possible to conduct the test in view

11  of the person being tested, the person conducting the test

12  must secure the specimen, in view of the person being tested,

13  with a forensic tamperproof seal until the test is conducted.

14         b.  Provide the results to the person tested.

15         c.  Maintain records as specified by the Agency for

16  Health Care Administration sufficient to demonstrate that the

17  employer is conducting the types of tests required by this

18  section.

19         (e)  A specimen for a drug test may be taken or

20  collected by any of the following persons:

21         1.  A physician, a physician assistant, a registered

22  professional nurse, a licensed practical nurse, or a nurse

23  practitioner or a certified paramedic who is present at the

24  scene of an accident for the purpose of rendering emergency

25  medical service or treatment;.

26         2.  A qualified person employed by a licensed or

27  certified laboratory as described in subsection (9); or.

28         3.  In addition to those persons authorized under

29  subparagraphs 1. and 2., employees specially trained to

30  collect specimens and conduct drug tests or other persons

31  similarly trained, in the case of an initial drug test


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  1  conducted on the employer's premises.  Employees or other

  2  persons utilized to conduct an initial drug test must have

  3  received a minimum of 2 hours of training in the

  4  administration of a drug test, preparation of the collection

  5  site, collection of specimens, detection of any tampering or

  6  adulteration of the specimen, labeling of specimens, and

  7  preservation of the chain of custody for specimens, or other

  8  specific training as required by the Agency for Health Care

  9  Administration.

10         (o)  If an employer conducts drug testing that is

11  conducted based on reasonable suspicion, the employer shall

12  promptly detail in writing the circumstances which formed the

13  basis of the determination that reasonable suspicion existed

14  to warrant the testing. A copy of this documentation shall be

15  given to the employee upon request and the original

16  documentation shall be kept confidential by the employer

17  pursuant to subsection (8) and shall be retained by the

18  employer for at least 1 year.

19         (15)  STATE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS.--Contractors, as

20  defined and regulated in parts I and II of chapter 489, with

21  more than three employees performing construction work

22  pursuant to a state contract in excess of $10,000, which

23  contract was let pursuant to chapter 235, chapter 255, or

24  chapter 944, shall be required to implement a drug-free

25  workplace program in accordance with the requirements of this

26  section.

27         Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 440.12, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         440.12  Time for commencement and limits on weekly rate

30  of compensation.--



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  1         (1)  No compensation shall be allowed for the first 7

  2  days of the disability, except benefits provided for in s.

  3  440.13. However, if the injury results in disability of more

  4  than 21 days, compensation shall be allowed from the

  5  commencement of the disability.  All weekly compensation

  6  payments, except for the first payment, shall be paid by check

  7  or, if authorized by the employee, deposited directly into the

  8  employee's bank account or a bank account set up by the

  9  carrier for the employee.

10         Section 5.  Paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (4) of

11  section 440.13, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are amended

12  to read:

13         440.13  Medical services and supplies; penalty for

14  violations; limitations.--



17         (b)  Upon the request of the Division of Workers'

18  Compensation, each medical report or bill obtained or received

19  by the employer, the carrier, or the injured employee, or the

20  attorney for the employer, carrier, or injured employee, with

21  respect to the remedial treatment or care of the injured

22  employee, including any report of an examination, diagnosis,

23  or disability evaluation, must be filed with the Division of

24  Workers' Compensation pursuant to rules adopted by the

25  division. The health care provider shall also furnish to the

26  injured employee or to his or her attorney, on demand, a copy

27  of his or her office chart, records, and reports, and may

28  charge the injured employee an amount authorized by the

29  division for the copies. Each such health care provider shall

30  provide to the division any additional information about the



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  1  remedial treatment, care, and attendance that the division

  2  reasonably requests.

  3         (c)  It is the policy for the administration of the

  4  workers' compensation system that there be reasonable access

  5  to medical information by all parties to facilitate the

  6  self-executing features of the law. Notwithstanding the

  7  limitations in s. 455.667 and subject to the limitations in s.

  8  381.004, upon the request of the employer, the carrier, a

  9  rehabilitation provider, or the attorney for the employer or

10  carrier either of them, the medical records of an injured

11  employee must be furnished to those persons and the medical

12  condition of the injured employee must be discussed with those

13  persons, if the records and the discussions are restricted to

14  conditions relating to the workplace injury. Any such

15  discussions may be held before or after the filing of a claim

16  without the knowledge, consent, or presence of any other party

17  or his or her agent or representative. A health care provider

18  who willfully refuses to provide medical records or to discuss

19  the medical condition of the injured employee, after a

20  reasonable request is made for such information pursuant to

21  this subsection, shall be subject by the division to one or

22  more of the penalties set forth in paragraph (8)(b).

23         Section 6.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section

24  440.134, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to

25  read:

26         440.134  Workers' compensation managed care

27  arrangement.--

28         (2)

29         (b)  Effective January 1, 1997, the employer shall,

30  subject to the limitations specified elsewhere in this

31  chapter, furnish to the employee solely through managed care


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  1  arrangements such medically necessary remedial treatment,

  2  care, and attendance for such period as the nature of the

  3  injury or the process of recovery requires pursuant to s.

  4  440.13(2)(a) and (b). An employer that has secured coverage

  5  under s. 440.38(1)(b) as an individual self-insurer or under

  6  s. 440.38(6) shall furnish such medically necessary remedial

  7  treatment, care, and attendance to the employee for such a

  8  period as the nature or process of recovery may require

  9  pursuant to s. 440.13(2)(a) and (b) through managed care

10  arrangements or without managed care arrangements.  Nothing in

11  this subsection shall be construed to prevent an individual

12  self-insurer from implementing or continuing to use managed

13  care arrangements in accordance with this section.

14         Section 7.  Subsection (5) is added to section 440.14,

15  Florida Statutes, to read:

16         440.14  Determination of pay.--

17         (5)  If lost wages from concurrent employment are used

18  in calculating the average weekly wage, the employee shall be

19  responsible for providing evidence of the loss of earnings

20  from the concurrent employment to the employer or carrier

21  within 45 days after the date of injury.  Failure to provide

22  such information will result in exclusion of the earnings from

23  concurrent employment from the average weekly wage

24  calculation.

25         Section 8.  Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section

26  440.15, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

27         440.15  Compensation for disability.--Compensation for

28  disability shall be paid to the employee, subject to the

29  limits provided in s. 440.12(2), as follows:




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  1         (f)1.  If permanent total disability results from

  2  injuries that occurred subsequent to June 30, 1955, and for

  3  which the liability of the employer for compensation has not

  4  been discharged under s. 440.20(12), the injured employee

  5  shall receive additional weekly compensation benefits equal to

  6  5 percent of her or his weekly compensation rate, as

  7  established pursuant to the law in effect on the date of her

  8  or his injury, multiplied by the number of calendar years

  9  since the date of injury. The weekly compensation payable and

10  the additional benefits payable under this paragraph, when

11  combined, may not exceed the maximum weekly compensation rate

12  in effect at the time of payment as determined pursuant to s.

13  440.12(2). Entitlement to these supplemental payments shall

14  cease at age 62 if the employee is eligible for social

15  security benefits under 42 U.S.C. s. ss. 402 or s. and 423,

16  whether or not the employee has applied for such benefits.

17  These supplemental benefits shall be paid by the division out

18  of the Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund when

19  the injury occurred subsequent to June 30, 1955, and before

20  July 1, 1984. These supplemental benefits shall be paid by the

21  employer when the injury occurred on or after July 1, 1984.

22  Supplemental benefits are not payable for any period prior to

23  October 1, 1974.

24         2.a.  The division shall provide by rule for the

25  periodic reporting to the division of all earnings of any

26  nature and social security income by the injured employee

27  entitled to or claiming additional compensation under

28  subparagraph 1. Neither the division nor the employer or

29  carrier shall make any payment of those additional benefits

30  provided by subparagraph 1. for any period during which the



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  1  employee willfully fails or refuses to report upon request by

  2  the division in the manner prescribed by such rules.

  3         b.  The division shall provide by rule for the periodic

  4  reporting to the employer or carrier of all earnings of any

  5  nature and social security income by the injured employee

  6  entitled to or claiming benefits for permanent total

  7  disability. The employer or carrier is not required to make

  8  any payment of benefits for permanent total disability for any

  9  period during which the employee willfully fails or refuses to

10  report upon request by the employer or carrier in the manner

11  prescribed by such rules or if any employee who is receiving

12  permanent total disability benefits refuses to apply for or

13  cooperate with the employer or carrier in applying for social

14  security benefits.

15         3.  When an injured employee receives a full or partial

16  lump-sum advance of the employee's permanent total disability

17  compensation benefits, the employee's benefits under this

18  paragraph shall be computed on the employee's weekly

19  compensation rate as reduced by the lump-sum advance.

20         Section 9.  Subsection (7) of section 440.185, Florida

21  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

22         440.185  Notice of injury or death; reports; penalties

23  for violations.--

24         (7)  Every carrier shall file with the division within

25  21 days after the issuance of a policy or contract of

26  insurance such policy information as the division may require,

27  including notice of whether the policy is a minimum premium

28  policy. Notice of cancellation or expiration of a policy as

29  set out in s. 440.42(2) shall be mailed to the division in

30  accordance with rules promulgated by the division under

31  chapter 120. The division may contract with a private entity


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  1  for the collection of policy information required to be filed

  2  by carriers pursuant to this subsection and the receipt of

  3  notices of cancellation or expiration of a policy required to

  4  be filed by carriers pursuant to s. 440.42(2).  The provision

  5  of policy information or notices of cancellation or expiration

  6  to the contracted private entity shall satisfy the filing

  7  requirements of this subsection and s. 440.42(2).

  8         Section 10.  Subsections (1), (3), (4), and (8) of

  9  section 440.192, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

10         440.192  Procedure for resolving benefit disputes.--

11         (1)  Subject to s. 440.191, any employee who has not

12  received a benefit to which the employee believes she or he is

13  entitled under this chapter shall file by certified mail with

14  the appropriate local Office of the Judges of Compensation

15  Claims a petition for benefits that meets the requirements of

16  this section.  The division shall provide information to

17  employees regarding the location of the appropriate Office of

18  the Judges of Compensation Claims for purposes of filing a

19  petition for benefits.  The employee shall also serve copies

20  of the petition for benefits by certified mail upon the

21  employer, the employer's carrier, and the division in

22  Tallahassee a petition for benefits that meets the

23  requirements of this section. The division shall refer the

24  petition to the Office of the Judges of Compensation Claims.

25         (3)  A petition for benefits may contain a claim for

26  past benefits and continuing benefits in any benefit category,

27  but is limited to those in default and ripe, due, and owing on

28  the date the petition is filed. If the employer has elected to

29  satisfy its obligation to provide medical treatment, care, and

30  attendance through a managed care arrangement designated under

31  this chapter, the employee must exhaust all managed care


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  1  grievance procedures before filing a petition for benefits

  2  under this section. Failure to exhaust managed care grievance

  3  procedures shall result in dismissal of the petition without

  4  prejudice.

  5         (4)  The petition must include a certification by the

  6  claimant or, if the claimant is represented by counsel, the

  7  claimant's attorney, stating that the claimant, or attorney if

  8  the claimant is represented by counsel, has made a good faith

  9  effort to resolve the dispute and that the claimant or

10  attorney was unable to resolve the dispute with the carrier.

11  The petition shall also include a certification by the

12  claimant or, if the claimant is represented by counsel, the

13  claimant's attorney, stating that the managed care grievance

14  procedures have been exhausted.  If such certifications are

15  not included, the petition shall be dismissed without

16  prejudice.

17         (8)  Within 14 days after receipt of a petition for

18  benefits by certified mail, the carrier must either pay the

19  requested benefits without prejudice to its right to deny

20  within 120 days from receipt of the petition or file a

21  response to petition notice of denial with the division. The

22  carrier must list all benefits requested but not paid and

23  explain its justification for nonpayment in the response to

24  petition notice of denial. A carrier that does not deny

25  compensability in accordance with s. 440.20(4) is deemed to

26  have accepted the employee's injuries as compensable, unless

27  it can establish material facts relevant to the issue of

28  compensability that could not have been discovered through

29  reasonable investigation within the 120-day period. The

30  carrier shall provide copies of the response notice to the

31  filing party, employer, and claimant by certified mail.


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  1         Section 11.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1),

  2  subsections (6) and (7), and paragraph (a) of subsection (11)

  3  of section 440.20, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, are

  4  amended to read:

  5         440.20  Time for payment of compensation; penalties for

  6  late payment.--

  7         (1)(a)  Unless it denies compensability or entitlement

  8  to benefits, the carrier shall pay compensation directly to

  9  the employee as required by ss. 440.14, 440.15, and 440.16, in

10  accordance with the obligations set forth in such sections. If

11  authorized by the employee, the carrier's obligation to pay

12  compensation directly to the employee is satisfied when the

13  carrier directly deposits, by electronic transfer or other

14  means, compensation into the employee's bank account or into a

15  bank account which has been set up by the carrier for the

16  employee.  Compensation by direct deposit shall be deemed paid

17  on the date the funds become available for withdrawal by the

18  employee.

19         (6)  If any installment of compensation for death or

20  dependency benefits, disability, permanent impairment, or wage

21  loss payable without an award is not paid within 7 days after

22  it becomes due, as provided in subsection (2), subsection (3),

23  or subsection (4), there shall be added to such unpaid

24  installment a punitive penalty of an amount equal to 20

25  percent of the unpaid installment or $5, which shall be paid

26  at the same time as, but in addition to, such installment of

27  compensation, unless notice is filed under subsection (4) or

28  unless such nonpayment results from conditions over which the

29  employer or carrier had no control. When any installment of

30  compensation payable without an award has not been paid within

31  7 days after it became due and the claimant concludes the


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  1  prosecution of the claim before a judge of compensation claims

  2  without having specifically claimed additional compensation in

  3  the nature of a penalty under this section, the claimant will

  4  be deemed to have acknowledged that, owing to conditions over

  5  which the employer or carrier had no control, such installment

  6  could not be paid within the period prescribed for payment and

  7  to have waived the right to claim such penalty. However,

  8  during the course of a hearing, the judge of compensation

  9  claims shall on her or his own motion raise the question of

10  whether such penalty should be awarded or excused. The

11  division may assess without a hearing the punitive penalty

12  against either the employer or the insurance carrier,

13  depending upon who was at fault in causing the delay. The

14  insurance policy cannot provide that this sum will be paid by

15  the carrier if the division or the judge of compensation

16  claims determines that the punitive penalty should be made by

17  the employer rather than the carrier. Any additional

18  installment of compensation paid by the carrier pursuant to

19  this section shall be paid directly to the employee by check,

20  or, if authorized by the employee, by direct deposit into the

21  employee's bank account or into a bank account which has been

22  set up by the carrier for the employee.

23         (7)  If any compensation, payable under the terms of an

24  award, is not paid within 15 7 days after it becomes due,

25  there shall be added to such unpaid compensation an amount

26  equal to 20 percent thereof, which shall be paid at the same

27  time as, but in addition to, such compensation, unless review

28  of the compensation order making such award is had as provided

29  in s. 440.25.

30         (11)(a)  Upon joint petition of all interested parties,

31  a lump-sum payment in exchange for the employer's or carrier's


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  1  release from liability for future medical expenses, as well as

  2  future payments of compensation expenses and any other

  3  benefits provided under this chapter, shall be allowed at any

  4  time in any case in which the employer or carrier has filed a

  5  written response to petition notice of denial within 120 days

  6  after the employer receives notice date of the injury, and the

  7  judge of compensation claims at a hearing to consider the

  8  settlement proposal finds a justiciable controversy as to

  9  legal or medical compensability of the claimed injury or the

10  alleged accident. A hearing shall not be required whenever the

11  claimant is represented by an attorney and whenever all

12  parties stipulate that a hearing is not necessary. The

13  employer or carrier may not pay any attorney's fees on behalf

14  of the claimant for any settlement under this section unless

15  expressly authorized elsewhere in this chapter. Upon the joint

16  petition of all interested parties and after giving due

17  consideration to the interests of all interested parties, the

18  judge of compensation claims may enter a compensation order

19  approving and authorizing the discharge of the liability of

20  the employer for compensation and remedial treatment, care,

21  and attendance, as well as rehabilitation expenses, by the

22  payment of a lump sum. Such a compensation order so entered

23  upon joint petition of all interested parties is not subject

24  to modification or review under s. 440.28. If the settlement

25  proposal together with supporting evidence is not approved by

26  the judge of compensation claims, it shall be considered void.

27  Upon approval of a lump-sum settlement under this subsection,

28  the judge of compensation claims shall send a report to the

29  Chief Judge of the amount of the settlement and a statement of

30  the nature of the controversy. The Chief Judge shall keep a

31  record of all such reports filed by each judge of compensation


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  1  claims and shall submit to the Legislature a summary of all

  2  such reports filed under this subsection annually by September

  3  15.

  4         Section 12.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

  5  440.25, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  6         440.25  Procedures for mediation and hearings.--

  7         (4)(a)  If, on the 10th day following commencement of

  8  mediation, the questions in dispute have not been resolved,

  9  the judge of compensation claims shall hold a pretrial

10  hearing. The judge of compensation claims shall give the

11  interested parties at least 7 days' advance notice of the

12  pretrial hearing which shall be held no later than 45 days

13  after the filing of the petition for benefits by mail. At the

14  pretrial hearing, the judge of compensation claims shall,

15  subject to paragraph (b), set a date for the final hearing

16  that allows the parties at least 30 days to conduct discovery

17  unless the parties consent to an earlier hearing date.

18         Section 13.  Section 440.271, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         440.271  Appeal of order of judge of compensation

21  claims.--Review of any order of a judge of compensation claims

22  entered pursuant to this chapter shall be by appeal to the

23  District Court of Appeal, First District. To promote

24  consistency and uniformity in the application of this chapter,

25  the District Court of Appeal, First District, shall establish

26  a specialized division to hear all appeals of orders of judges

27  of compensation claims.  The court may structure the division

28  to hear workers' compensation appeals exclusively, or in

29  addition to other appeals. Appeals shall be filed in

30  accordance with rules of procedure prescribed by the Supreme

31  Court for review of such orders.  The division shall be given


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  1  notice of any proceedings pertaining to s. 440.25, regarding

  2  indigency, or s. 440.49, regarding the Special Disability

  3  Trust Fund, and shall have the right to intervene in any

  4  proceedings.

  5         Section 14.  Subsection (3) of section 440.34, Florida

  6  Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         440.34  Attorney's fees; costs.--

  8         (3)  If the claimant should prevail in any proceedings

  9  before a judge of compensation claims or court, there shall be

10  taxed against the employer the reasonable costs of such

11  proceedings, not to include the attorney's fees of the

12  claimant. A claimant shall be responsible for the payment of

13  her or his own attorney's fees, except that a claimant shall

14  be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney's fee from a

15  carrier or employer:

16         (a)  Against whom she or he successfully asserts a

17  claim for medical benefits only, if the claimant has not filed

18  or is not entitled to file at such time a claim for

19  disability, permanent impairment, wage-loss, or death

20  benefits, arising out of the same accident; or

21         (b)  In any case in which the employer or carrier files

22  a response to petition notice of denial with the division and

23  the injured person has employed an attorney in the successful

24  prosecution of the claim; or

25         (c)  In a proceeding in which a carrier or employer

26  denies that an injury occurred for which compensation benefits

27  are payable, and the claimant prevails on the issue of

28  compensability; or

29         (d)  In cases where the claimant successfully prevails

30  in proceedings filed under s. 440.24 or s. 440.28.



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  1  In applying the factors set forth in subsection (1) to cases

  2  arising under paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d), the judge of

  3  compensation claims must only consider only such benefits and

  4  the time reasonably spent in obtaining them as were secured

  5  for the claimant within the scope of paragraphs (a), (b), (c),

  6  and (d).

  7         Section 15.  Effective upon this act becoming a law,

  8  paragraph (b) of subsection (9) of section 440.49, Florida

  9  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is amended to read:

10         440.49  Limitation of liability for subsequent injury

11  through Special Disability Trust Fund.--


13         (b)1.  The Special Disability Trust Fund shall be

14  maintained by annual assessments upon the insurance companies

15  writing compensation insurance in the state, the commercial

16  self-insurers under ss. 624.462 and 624.4621, the assessable

17  mutuals under s. 628.601, and the self-insurers under this

18  chapter, which assessments shall become due and be paid

19  quarterly at the same time and in addition to the assessments

20  provided in s. 440.51. The division shall estimate annually in

21  advance the amount necessary for the administration of this

22  subsection and the maintenance of this fund and shall make

23  such assessment in the manner hereinafter provided.

24         2.  The annual assessment shall be calculated to

25  produce during the ensuing fiscal year an amount which, when

26  combined with that part of the balance in the fund on June 30

27  of the current fiscal year which is in excess of $100,000, is

28  equal to the average of:

29         a.  The sum of disbursements from the fund during the

30  immediate past 3 calendar years, and



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    Florida House of Representatives - 1999                HB 1767


  1         b.  Two times the disbursements of the most recent

  2  calendar year.


  4  Such amount shall be prorated among the insurance companies

  5  writing compensation insurance in the state and the

  6  self-insurers.

  7         3.  The net premiums written by the companies for

  8  workers' compensation in this state and the net premium

  9  written applicable to the self-insurers in this state are the

10  basis for computing the amount to be assessed as a percentage

11  of net premiums. Such payments shall be made by each insurance

12  company and self-insurer to the division for the Special

13  Disability Trust Fund in accordance with such regulations as

14  the division prescribes. For purposes of this subsection, "net

15  premiums written" means direct gross premiums written in this

16  state on insurance policies to which this chapter applies,

17  less return premiums thereon and dividends paid or credited to

18  policyholders on such direct business.  "Net premiums written"

19  does not include premiums on contracts between insurers and

20  reinsurers.  When reporting "net premiums written" for

21  purposes of computing the assessment, full policy premium

22  value must be reported prior to application of deductible

23  discounts.

24         4.  The Treasurer is authorized to receive and credit

25  to such Special Disability Trust Fund any sum or sums that may

26  at any time be contributed to the state by the United States

27  under any Act of Congress, or otherwise, to which the state

28  may be or become entitled by reason of any payments made out

29  of such fund.




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  1         Section 16.  Effective upon this act becoming a law,

  2  paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section 440.51, Florida

  3  Statutes, is amended to read:

  4         440.51  Expenses of administration.--

  5         (1)  The division shall estimate annually in advance

  6  the amounts necessary for the administration of this chapter,

  7  in the following manner.

  8         (b)  The total expenses of administration shall be

  9  prorated among the insurance companies writing compensation

10  insurance in the state and self-insurers.  The net premiums

11  collected by the companies and the amount of premiums a

12  self-insurer would have to pay if insured are the basis for

13  computing the amount to be assessed. This amount may be

14  assessed as a specific amount or as a percentage of net

15  premiums payable as the division may direct, provided such

16  amount so assessed shall not exceed 4 percent of such net

17  premiums.  The insurance companies may elect to make the

18  payments required under s. 440.15(1)(e) rather than having

19  these payments made by the division.  In that event, such

20  payments will be credited to the insurance companies, and the

21  amount due by the insurance company under this section will be

22  reduced accordingly. For purposes of this subsection, "net

23  premiums collected" means direct gross premiums written in

24  this state on insurance policies to which this chapter

25  applies, less return premiums thereon and dividends paid or

26  credited to policyholders on such direct business.  "Net

27  premiums collected" does not include premiums on contracts

28  between insurers and reinsurers.  When reporting "net premiums

29  collected" for purposes of computing the assessment, full

30  policy premium value must be reported prior to application of

31  deductible discounts.


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  1         Section 17.  Paragraphs (g) and (p) of subsection (4)

  2  of section 627.311, Florida Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is

  3  amended to read:

  4         627.311  Joint underwriters and joint reinsurers.--

  5         (4)

  6         (g)  Whenever a deficit exists, the plan shall, within

  7  90 days, provide the department with a program to eliminate

  8  the deficit within a reasonable time. The deficit may be

  9  funded both through increased premiums charged to insureds of

10  the plan for subsequent years, through the use of policyholder

11  surplus attributable to any year, and through assessments on

12  insureds in the plan if the plan uses assessable policies.

13         (p)  Neither the plan nor any member of the board of

14  governors is liable for monetary damages to any person for any

15  statement, vote, decision, or failure to act, regarding the

16  management or policies of the plan, unless:

17         1.  The member breached or failed to perform her or his

18  duties as a member; and

19         2.  The member's breach of, or failure to perform,

20  duties constitutes:

21         a.  A violation of the criminal law, unless the member

22  had reasonable cause to believe her or his conduct was not

23  unlawful. A judgment or other final adjudication against a

24  member in any criminal proceeding for violation of the

25  criminal law estops that member from contesting the fact that

26  her or his breach, or failure to perform, constitutes a

27  violation of the criminal law; but does not estop the member

28  from establishing that she or he had reasonable cause to

29  believe that her or his conduct was lawful or had no

30  reasonable cause to believe that her or his conduct was

31  unlawful;


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  1         b.  A transaction from which the member derived an

  2  improper personal benefit, either directly or indirectly; or

  3         c.  Recklessness or any act or omission that was

  4  committed in bad faith or with malicious purpose or in a

  5  manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard of human

  6  rights, safety, or property. For purposes of this

  7  sub-subparagraph, the term "recklessness" means the acting, or

  8  omission to act, in conscious disregard of a risk:

  9         (I)  Known, or so obvious that it should have been

10  known, to the member; and

11         (II)  Known to the member, or so obvious that it should

12  have been known, to be so great as to make it highly probable

13  that harm would follow from such act or omission.

14         Section 18.  Subsection (3) of section 440.45, Florida

15  Statutes, 1998 Supplement, is repealed.

16         Section 19.  Except as otherwise provided herein, this

17  act shall take effect October 1, 1999.


19            *****************************************

20                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises provision of workers' compensation law relating
22    to requirements and procedures for conducting drug tests
      and reporting and preserving results of drug tests;
23    requiring contractors under state contract to implement
      drug-free workplaces; electronic payment of compensation
24    payments; requirements for submission of medical reports
      and bills and authorized access by rehabilitation
25    providers to medical records; provision by individually
      self-insured employers to provide medical benefits with
26    or without managed care arrangements; permanent total
      disability supplemental benefits; private entity
27    contracts to collect policy information; requirements and
      procedures for filing petitions for benefits; payment of
28    compensation by direct deposit; and establishment by the
      First District Court of Appeals of a specialized division
29    to hear appeals of orders of judges of compensation
      claims.  See bill for details.

